in situ

February 12, 2009

Scampering around DA, as you do and i started noticing a rash of artists photographing themselves in their studios. This is something i love to see. People at work in their anally-retentive-neat-freak spaces or drowning in a mass of paint and randomly found, useless junk and so on. Seeing the scale of their works is also satisfying, it's great when something you expect to be of generic size turns out to be a monster or in fact a teeny tiny monster.
I'm pretty much a loner when it comes to working, i don't spend much time in my uni space due to the lack of privacy, so most of my work is done in my bedroom. It's pretty nice to see that i'm not the only one that needs their impenetrable bubble and doesn't need to be surrounded by others to 'create'. I think, perhaps, when the time comes for a proper studio, it'll have to be just another room painted some ridiculous colour, covered in all my day to day findings, quotes scrawled everywhere and constantly filled with music. None of this silent white wall crap. I hate white walls! It's like staring at a blank canvas all day and that is quite possibly the most daunting thing to be confronted with every day.

My reputation as a hermit is pretty much safe.

Anyway, fellow recluses:

1. Michael Shapcott
2. Jan Focke
3. Ezra Gray

They happen to produce some of my favourite works on DA also, have a gander.

thomas feiner - siren songs

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