off to war

January 17, 2013

On the 17th of January 2013, i woke up to discover two unexpected gifts.
I didn't see this coming.
I didn't even think Armin Mersmann would have any knowledge of my blog - it's so little - let alone take the time to write me such a thoughtful, honest and above all, supportive message.
I think i forget sometimes that i'm not the only artist in the world.
That sounds incredibly narcissistic but it's the simple fact that i live with myself every day, i'm only capable of knowing how i feel at all times and i'm not one to share.
I'll put it all over the internet, however. 
More making of the sense that is not, my speciality.

I regret not talking to my university friends about the feelings of inadequacy that were debilitating me while i was still in education.
They were probably feeling just the same and would not have been able to fix my problems but perhaps then i wouldn't have felt so small and so alone in my situation.
To be a Fine artist in a contemporary art school is not easy, thus why i fled so spectacularly.
This year i'll be receiving my Ordinary Degree, after 4 years of the university kindly holding my space open so i could complete with my Honours.
Which i can do whenever i wish. 
Hopefully they'd reaccept me but i'm not entirely sure DOJ is the place for me.
I'm not even sure if art is the right choice for me and until i know that i won't be returning to any institution of art.
It's really rather hard for someone like myself, who's ultimate goal within university was to receive a 1st and couldn't even bring themselves to start their final year.
It's all i wanted but i was a mess and it shouldn't have been what being an artist at art school was about.
I should have just wanted to create, instead i wanted to win.
Unhealthy but understandable.
I still want that 1st, i think i always will but if i go back to complete my degree, i just want to produce something that touches people.
Something i'm proud of.
But not too proud! 

So, thank you Mr Mersmann
I can't tell you how much receiving your message meant to me and how much it's given me to think about.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow and please keep producing your sublime works of art.
They may leave me timid but they are truly wonderful things to behold.

Also, to anyone who is currently at art school or even doing it solo and finds themselves in the same situation as i, message me if you'd like.
I can't fix it but i can empathise.
With bells on.

My other gift of the day was from my Mum.
It's always nice to wake up to a present, especially when you are utterly undeserving because of the ungodly hour you've finally dragged yourself out of bed to attempt functioning like a normal human being.
I won't tell you the hour but it was pretty bad.
The sun was going back down.
Shame, shame on me.
Thanks Mum.
You may be the only one i have but i still kinda think you're the best one.

Feel free to make barfing noises behind your computer screens at my unabashed soppiness!
I care not!

Listening to: Seamonster 'Bed of Roses'

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Dex said...

Okay Lilly, don't cast disapproving glances in my direction, but I'm currently eating piece of chocolate cake. It's not even particularly good chocolate cake.

I've met Mark Kermode (when I say met, I was standing next to him while reaching over for a piece of cake at the Garrison Theatre). He's the curator of Screenplay, our film festival, which is organised by Shetland Arts, who run Mareel. Mmm, cake.

My mum is a lefty, but she was taught to be a righty by some over-religious lot when she was young (don't worry, she doesn't flip out like Francine Smith). Fortunately, I had a slightly more easy going upbringing, and had no inclination to stop being a devilish lefty.

And I said "Aw, Lilly" when I saw you had posted songs for me. Then I listened to them. Now I say "you are the most frickin' awesome girl who ever existed".

Tashaki Miyaki - Somethin Is Better Than Nothin. I love it more than Roger loves chocodiles.

2 American Dad references in there. Yay me. And some stuff about cake. Have you had any cake today?

Demolition Man is on. I keep thinking I should like it more than I do. And it does feature Sir Humphrey Appleby.

Louise Boyd said...

400! Epic, amount of talk Dexterous!

I'm jealous you have cake. Damn you. I want cake. Or jam. Unhealthy love for jam. I can eat spoonfuls of it. Teaspoons, that is. Definitely teaspoons.

Okay, Blair sucks in comparison. You get viking festivals, to burn stuff, film festivals and Kermode. Not. Fair. I don't think i'd want to meet Kermode or any celebrity i like. It'd ruin it.
You know how some people cry and scream when they see their idols? I don't get those people. They scare me. Sure, be happy to see them, maybe get a hug if the atmosphere permits it but don't have a mental breakdown about it...that's just weird. I hate that i know this but Robert Pattinson was knocked down - bumped, he was bumped - by a taxi because fans were chasing him down the streets of some american city. After i laughed a great deal, i was just completely shocked by how crazy fangirls/boys can get. Madness.

You are welcome for Tashaki Miyaki :) Thought you might like that one and i only found it minutes before i posted it. Fortuitous!

I feel you should be given a job on American Dad. It's your tv spirit animal.
I perhaps overuse that phrase. Hmm.

Demolition Man is not great, you're right not to love it that much. I'm not really a Stallone fan but i will watch Lock Up whenever it's on. For the same reason i watch all craptacular movies. Yuss!

I don't know why but when you talked about your mum not being like Francine, my brain instantly went to Piper Laurie in Carrie...god knows why! I'm sure your mum isn't a terrifying religious nightmare. Right?

Dex said...

400, 3rd page...There is a 3rd page. I'd only heard about it in legends.

Did you manage to drag yourself away to make a cup of tea?

I actually have to be at work for 9am tomorrow :( I should probably sleep soon, or at least get ready to.

You know this already, but I'll say it again, I'd stay awake talking to you until the early hours if you needed a friend, work or no work :)

My mum a terrifying religious nightmare? I'll just leave that to your imagination. Okay, she's not. She just goes a little nuts sometimes. We all do :)

Louise Boyd said...

"We're all mad here."

Cup of tea in hand and now watching Film Review or something with Mrs Claudia Winkleman. Soft spot for her. It does however annoy me that she attended Cambridge...and got herself an MA Hons in Art History. Damn her. Pretty, funny, someone you'd totally have a pint with and smart. How unfair. People like that aren't really meant to exist!

Get thee to bed m'dear. Be fully awake tomorrow and smell of fresh, clean boy. It'll be good.

Dex said...

Lilly, you're a smart cookie and I'd watch any number of craptacular movies with you.

I really do think an awful lot of you.

Can I say the phrase?

Louise Boyd said...

The phrase? I'm being thick.

Dex said...

Time to sleep-fight some crime!

Sorry, I didn't signpost that very well. Here's something very silly to make up for it.

Night, night, Lilly :) You're very good to put up with me.

Louise Boyd said...

Hah, i'm a twit. But thanks for the Leslie goodness! :)

Sleep terribly well Dexterous. Don't let anyone step on your cape.


Dex said...

I'm sure you'll join me later, just in time to save the day, again.

I'm turning off my computer now!

Goodnight Lilly :)

Louise Boyd said...

It's like you don't trust me to shut up...and you'd be right!

Dex said...

I just don't like leaving you alone every night. It's difficult to drag myself away.

Y'know, I worry about you, that you're feeling lonely or unhappy. I don't know why, but I do. Is that okay?

I have to work all day tomorrow but send me something, anything, please.

I like you very much, Lilly. And I care about you too. Please don't ever forget that.

It makes me sad to think that I've ever made you feel low. You don't deserve that.

Louise Boyd said...

Silly rabbit. You don't need to worry about me, i'm in my element at night. I've got my music and my books and of course, my beloved internet connection. I need those hours and for some reason, i feel less lonely then, than i do during the day.

What were you doing up at 4:23am? You weren't worrying about me, were you? I hope you're not too sleepy at work. If you are, have a nap, in one of the theatres. I reckon that'd be comfy.

Dex said...

Monster Mash & Lego. You know how to make me smile.

Worrying about you? A little bit. I hope you don't mind. My anxious brain sometimes keeps me awake.

I kinda want one of these, really badly:

Louise Boyd said...

Ocarina's are pretty sweet. I've always had this problem instruments and the spit valve though...yuck. I know that it's worth it to make sounds like the sax/trumpet/flute/ocarina! can but bleurgh. I'd rather the piano, the saliva-free instrument option. Yuss.

It's nice that you worry for my wellbeing, especially as you really have no obligation to. But don't lose sleep over me, i need you well-rested, so i can follow your example! 6am last night Dex and that's just because i couldn't bare to put my book down when i was so close to finishing. My priorities are somewhat skewed methinks.
How was your day? - makes me sound like a wife...
Did the general public harass you or did you escape unharmed? What are your jobs at Mareel?
By the way, if and when i get to Shetland, that's the first place i'll be searching out :)

Must be off, window stuff to do. Bleurgh.
Hopefully talk a bit more later, Dexterous my dear fellow.

Dex said...

I'll wait up for you :)

Dex said...

I was actually at my other job today, doing admin at the Children's Psychological Service, so no comfy seats to fall asleep in, unfortunately.

But I had an okay kind of day, thanks. The afternoon was pretty quiet, and I was the only one in the office, so I could listen to the kind of music I wanted, instead of the radio. Lilly music :) It helps my productivity

At Mareel, I just do whatever is asked of me. Nothing very exciting, I'm afraid. But they're very nice to me, and sometimes give me free cinema tickets and hot chocolate, so I'm not complaining.

It's very late to be working. I have this image in my head of you sneaking into shops late at night and secretly rearranging their window displays. Is that what you do?

Please come to Mareel, Lilly. Have a cup of tea with me in the upstairs bit of the cafe (it's quieter there) and then we'll head to screen 1. I do the box office returns at Mareel (basically cinema attendance figures) so I have a very good idea of when there's hardly anybody in.

Okay, it might never happen, but it is a nice idea, isn't it?

I sometimes don't want to ask how you are, just because it makes us sound so 'normal'. But I still want to know, I really do.

I like you and you're so far away, but I'll try not to lose sleep. I'd like if you could just drop along my house whenever you were feeling down and we could watch a random movie together.

P.S. - Did you enjoy your book?

Louise Boyd said...

...and nearly 3 hours later, i return. I have inky newspaper fingers and they refuse to become clean. I do not like this game.

What have you been doing this eve Dexterous? Did you miss my 'delightful and witty' conversation? Got any goodies for me?

Tea, movie and an afternoon with the awesomeness that is Dex? Yeah, i could probably stand that :) It would be nice to be able to skip along to your house and hang out whenever i pleased. You'd be hard pressed to get rid of me with all the wondrous movies and such i believe you have stashed away in your room. I'd invade your space, i cannot lie.
I like other people's rooms once you get to know them and are comfortable enough to relax. Not for snooping, no, no but for just being in someone's personal environment, with everything they've collected over the years. It's comforting. I can't really explain it. Mostly because my brain feels kind of fuzzy. Not sure what's going on there but i'm sure it'll pass.

Louise Boyd said...

Ps. My book was okay. I need better material though. My brain needs exercised and my imagination stroked.

Dex said...

Lilly, I might have to go to sleep soon, unless you'd like me to stick around. 9am start tomorrow, again!

I did indeed miss your 'delightful and witty' conversation, although I like the other sorts you give me too :)

I really looking forward to the weekend - Dark City, yay. And no getting up early.

And you wouldn't be invading my space. Everyone else would be, but not you :)

Inky newspaper fingers. Don't go anywhere you don't want to leave fingerprints.

Here are some 'goodies' to get you through the night.

Louise Boyd said...

Bucky O'Hare and Conan! You just made my night. I have a very fond memory of watching Bucky O'Hare in someone else's living room after a party, with an intense hangover. I do believe i was using someone as a pillow. Classy broad.

You should get some sleep though! I insist. I've got Being Human and a day's worth of internet to get through. So although i shall miss your Dexful banter, i shall be quite fine :) You'll just have to start the crime-fighting without me early. Can you handle those baddies?

Yay for the weekend and potentially awesome dystopian movie watching!

Ps. It would be like having a cat invade your room. I sleep a lot and whine for food cause i'm too lazy to get it myself. Cats have excuse of lacking thumbs but still, must they scream for sustenance? I actually miss the screaming. Rumph.

Dex said...

Night, night lovely Lilly

Time to sleep-fight some crime!

"we like our sheep blind and collectively named Colin."

:) Your my delightfully insane partner in crime(fighting)

Dex, signing off.

Louise Boyd said...

I enjoy that description. I really do!

G'night buddy.

Hope tomorrow's a good one.

Dex said...

It's funny the things you miss. Here, have a hug :)

Louise Boyd said...

Why thank you!
Now go to bed you fiend :)

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. Did you get up to much after I left you last night? Have you still got a craving for Run Lola Run & Unbreakable?

I've been wondering, if I visited, where would you take me? Anywhere we could go in Blair, or maybe a train journey away? Or would we end up watching films and drinking tea at your house? That's a perfectly acceptable alternative to any situation.

Will you be busy 'windowing' this weekend?

I keep forgetting to do things and answer questions:
No, I haven't seen Skyfall (or any Daniel Craig Bond films).

That list of musicians has been preying on my mind since you sent it to me. I'm ashamed by my lack of familiarity with half of them. I really should work my way through it.

And what kind of house would I like to live in? I don't know. I once had a clear idea of what I wanted my future to look like, but not anymore.

Top priorities this weekend: Dark City & Vampire anime.

And I don't want to ask but I have to know, how are you today, Lilly?

Louise Boyd said...

I was actually planning on berating you for not answering my list of bands a little while ago. Great minds :)
Do you ever experience the overwhelming feeling of smallness when you realise you'll never be able to hear all the music there is? The stuff you'll fall for, at least?
There must be thousands of albums out there that i will potentially love but will never hear because life being all fleeting and such. That bugs me.

If you visited i would show you around my 'fair' wee town, which would take up about half an hour and then route march - hah, i wouldn't, meandering, that's how we do it - you back to my house for hours of movie watching fun. I'd even make you a cup of tea, chai or otherwise. Although, may not want me to, i can't seem to handle the sugar container just now and have almost put both my sisters into diabetic comas. It's a box with a spout thing and it defeats me :(
If it was Summer though, there'd be outside time. I could show you my wooden bridge, not been there in ages actually. There's also a small wood near my gran's house that i love. It's wider than it is long, so you can deviate from the path that runs through the middle and walk for a decent while. Kinda creepy on your own though.
I based this project on it:

Got my highest grade ever for that. Still can't figure out why.

Enough burbling about trees. What's been keeping you busy all day old chum? - I never say 'old chum' irl and i also don't like the overuse of abbreviations like the one i just used. Internet speak is ugly and i do not like it. Even my text messages are written in proper English. No wonder my credit goes so fast. You said you don't have a phone? How do people find you when you wander off? My parents would freak out if they couldn't get in touch.

I will be working on window stuff this weekend but i'll make sure there's time for watching Dark City. Even if it's late night movie watching. And i'm just dandy today m'dear, thanks for asking :) I may have had my lunch at 4:30pm today but i actually feel on quite good form! Lactose free milk is odd. All the milk flavour disappears! Not that i like milk.
Sake! Why am i talking about milk to you?

I shall run away now and await future stories from you.

Ps. I do still want to watch Run Lola Run and Unbreakable. I never have before and i feel i'm missing out. Plus, it's really hard to avoid spoilers for Unbreakable but so far, so good!

Dex said...

Because milk is always interesting :) And you know how I love randomosity. I don't think I've ever had lactose free milk. I don't think I could live in a country where they don't have fresh milk to put in their tea, or hot chocolate. I've been to those places too. People having to use sterilised milk. Poor devils. Still, it's usually too hot in those places to drink tea.

Do you really think I'd mind too much sugar in my tea? I had a twix and a packet of sour skittles for lunch today. And I made a cup of tea at work, but couldn't be bothered to clean my teaspoon more than once, so I just poured the sugar in straight from the bag. My judgement was poor. I do eat properly from time to time :) But to get a toastie or sandwich from Siloties (I've been calling it Zlotys in my head my whole life, and only just realised the other day that I was wrong) means a walk along Commericial St. that I sometimes can't be bothered to take. Conochies, the newsagents, is just on the other side of the road. I often get berated for my poor lunches.

I think I'll still spell it Zlotys. I think it looks better.

Please tell me, Lilly, if you're ever bored hearing about my pointless journeys around my little world.

I saw Unbreakable in the cinema. Well, the Garrison Theatre, which used to moonlight as a cinema when we didn't have one, so basically for my whole life until about 6 months ago when Mareel finally opened. It only showed films one weekend a month and always films that had been out for quite a while. It was always too crowded, which usually put me off going.

Pretty sure I've seen Run Lola Run (on tv). Maybe not the whole way through.

Someone brought these delicious homebakes into work yesterday. I can't remember what they were called but they had chocolate, biscuit and raisins. Now, I usually hate raisins (in fact, any dried fruit), but these were so good that I didn't mind them at all. People have their uses. I so jealous of you right now. I wish I had a sister to bake for me.

I never feel qualified to judge people's artwork. All I can say is that if I ever wrote fanatastical stories full of all the dreamlike and nightmarish things I wish I had in my imagination, I'd want you to illustrate it. I hope that means something to you.

Gosh, this is so long. Please don't think I'm expecting a reply in kind. I just felt like typing a lot :)

I haven't even mentioned music (and I do feel the same way, and it is one of the many reasons that I am so glad I follow your blog, it's a musical education) or how much I'd like to 'meander' around Blair with you. I'll save that for another post :)

Louise Boyd said...

All your talk of baking has made me hungry for sugar but we have none! Scurrilous behaviour. My sister always asks me if i want her to bake me something in's a bastard of a question cause i can't eat a lot of sweet things, they make me feel quite sick. I can't eat a lot of anything to be honest, i have a stomach of sensitive doom but there are some things i'm helpless against. For example, tiramisu or these maple biscuits she makes. So she makes them and they sit in the kitchen and i have to constantly tell myself to leave them alone! Two birthdays ago, she made me German Chocolate Cake and i threw up - i know, you really needed to know that - cause it was so frickin' good, that i ate way too much. Apparently it's not a successful birthday however, if you don't lay praise to the porcelain god.
I'm gross sometimes. The tomboy in me.
What were you like as a kid? Have any trademark idiosyncrasies?
I wore a cap. Constantly. Every day. I'd have slept in one if my mum had let me. My favourite was a red one with Tweety Bird on the front.

The lactose free milk isn't bad actually! And i don't feel sick after having it with my cereal - cereal for lunch, i'm only slightly better than you for unconventional lunches - so that's a win! It is odd though, it has the right texture and consistency of milk and it doesn't taste bad at all but then again, it doesn't really taste of anything at all or smell of anything either. Odd. And i have to drink it within 3 days. Wtf, i can't do that.
Got any allergies to food or things you can't digest Dexterous? Weird question but you never know when you might puff up and need taken to hospital after eating a...peanut or something!

Your own meanderings throughout Lerwick are things i look forward to hearing about. The mundanity of life is actually quite interesting to me. Much more than hearing how someone got sooooo drunk and how something was really funny but you had to be there in person. What the hell? Then why are you telling?! Douche. <- Not you. Obviously :)
And at least you have wanderings! I joke about rickets but my mum and i were talking a couple of days about getting me out more cause she's genuinely worried i'll get sick. Shit...

" I just poured the sugar in straight from the bag."

Baha, i instantly got Def Leppard in my head. Awesome. That's the kind of song you want to start randomly singing in the hallway or something. I don't do that. I wish i did. I can't sing in front of people. My paralysing shyness does not allow it.

For some reason, i thought Mareel sounded like some sort of filmic historical feature within Shetland but it's just a baby! Do you sell sweet & salty popcorn? Because it's the best kind of popcorn, oh yes.

Dexxxx, you haven't really told me about your day! And seeing as we're practically an old married couple, i find it necessary that you do. Yessum. Or i'll just reply with 'yessum' to everything from now on :)

So, Dark City, when do you wanna do this thing? Saturday? Sunday? 12pm?

Ps. In relation to your comment about my artwork, i'd be honoured :)

Dex said...

Dark City, I thought Saturday night turning to Sunday morning kind of time, but I'm not fussed.

I did tell you about my cup of tea, which was the most exciting part of my day.

I'm a bit overworked at the moment, with a fellow clerical gofer riding off into the setting sun, lucky girl. It was her leaving lunch I was at on Wednesday. I know it gets confusing, but this is my Children Psychological Service job I'm talking about. I think I'm expected to take on more hours. The money would be good, but I've gotten used to a 3 day working week.

Old married couple, indeed. I sound like an stressed out husband coming home to complain to his wife :) But just in case you worry, I'm not really stressed. Just don't want to spend more of my time doing something I don't particulary enjoy. At least it's only until May.

Gripe over. I have it pretty easy, really.

So there's a small insight into my day, but please don't stop saying 'yessum'. I like it :)

I really want to take some photographs for you, but I don't have camera and I'd probably be crap at it. Still, I won't let that stop me and I can always borrow or buy a camera. I'd have to buy a guide book to find the really nice places in Shetland to go, even though I've lived here all my life. Would you settle for photos of the things and places I see almost every day?

Yeah, Mareel has really just opened. When I got back from Edinburgh, people were talking about it and I had no idea what they were going on about, what it was, where it was, how long they have been building it etc.

I don't have any allergies to food or anything else. I really am very boring. So, does normal milk not agree with you? Do you have food allergies? You've probably told me this before. I remember the wool and face paint.

Do you ever miss seeing the mid-morning part of the day?

It'll be late-spring, early summer before you know it. I'm sure you'll get out and about when it's warmer.

Dex said...

In addition to my last reply, please find another cartoon intro and a lot of swearing (including the word 'douchebag').

Louise Boyd said...

Douchebag is one of, yes one of, the best ways to describe Larry David. Whenever i look at him, i wish to punch him the face. Just one of those people! So that video, was bliss :) Thank you.

When i said 12pm...i was being an idiot. I meant 12am! So yeah, we're thinking the same kinda time. How we working this exactly? How do we synchronise? What one's bladder needs voided or a sustenance is required? Oh dear, am i overcomplicating things? I get the feeling i am. I need order to live!

I reckon, if the extra hours are only 'til May, then i'd work them - i may be lying, i'm very lazy. Can't spend all your time talking nonsense with me! Plus i don't pay you. You're not a verbal prostitute. Or are you...hmmm?
When i first read that, i saw 'clerical golfer'. I was confused for half a second. Trying to imagine how the two would come together to make a plausible job...then sense kicked in and i saw the gofer of it all. Silly me.
Okay, so you have two jobs. I think i've got that part down. Now are there anymore i need to know about?

So, how you doing tonight hubs? :) Just imagined rocking chairs and knitted cardigans...and cats! Do you like cats? Your answer has the potential to make or break my heart by the way.
My sister showed me this clip today and i made the necessary girl noises for the duration.

I'm not a girly girl, nuh uh but when it comes to fluffy animals i kinda turn into a puddle of awwwws. It's quite disgusting. Hope to god you never behold it.

Hold on a sec, you've only been back in Mareel for a matter of months? I somehow convinced myself you'd been back for a while. I really should pay more attention! Set me right, Dexterous.

Allergies include:

face paint
sporadic reactions to apples and kiwi fruit
i don't think i'm lactose intolerant or anything, it just doesn't sit right with me. Feels like it's curdling in my stomach, coats my throat and then i don't feel good for the rest of the day. S'no good. S'no good at all. But i have bastard of a stomach anyway, it doesn't know what to do with food. It just says hello, attempts to break it down, then gives up and lets it cause me an abundance of pain. Weird though, give me steak...i'm perfectly fine. Give me a basic tomato sauce for pasta and i'll be dying. My body makes no sense!

You totally needed to know all that. Vital information. Don't you feel better for knowing my stomach woes? :)

Ps. I demand photos!

Dex said...

Had a productive night so far, Lilly? I haven't. Watched some stuff, listened to some stuff, ate some stuff.

I like cats, and I'm not just saying that so I don't break your heart.

2 jobs, that is all :) And the one at Mareel really isn't much of a job at all. I did work in a school for a little while, before I started at Psychological.

The way I've spoken about Mareel does make it sound like a historical monument, but it has only been open since August 2012, or maybe September. I do remember that the Screenplay festival was the first thing to be held there.

Okay, this might get complicated. Mareel has only been open 6 months. It is run by an organisation called Shetland Arts (I'm not sure if I've mentioned them before). They've been around for quite a while, and the organisation is now pretty much based in Mareel. I've been helping out at Shetland Arts for about 3 years. Maybe that's why I talk like Mareel has been around longer than it has. I hope that makes some kind of sense. I'm terrible at explaining things.

I totally needed to know all that stuff you just told me. I like knowing things about you.

Dark City, I'm sure we'll sort something out before tomorrow night. That makes me sound easy going, even though I'm not.

Louise Boyd said...

I actually spent the night watching Margin Call again with the folks and eldest sibling. The other sister didn't seem up for crafty stuff so we forewent more sheep-making. Good call cause i was feeling way too lazy for anything productive anyway.

Yeah but you said you didn't know about Mareel until you came back from Edinburgh...but if it only opened 6 months ago...Am i being thick?

I've decided. Tomorrow night. All trailers watched. Ready to press 'okay' on the dvd menu page. 12am. We both press play. We may talk to each other through the movie if we wish...but if you're anything like me and can't concentrate on two things at once, it's okay to stay quiet...not that i want you to just because i'm ridiculous. Sound like a plan?
Then we can talk about it :)
And you get to choose next.

Dex said...

No, you're not being thick, I'm just being very confusing. They had already started building Mareel when I came back from Edinburgh. It took them years to complete.

Anyway, it's not important :)

And that sounds like a good plan for Dark City. I think you're more organised than me. I could look after you, and you could tell me what to do. That might work. Then we really would be just like an old married couple.

Louise Boyd said...

RIghtttt! I get it. You're so social. With your working in multiple places and being involved with stuff for years. Puts me to shame.

Well, i'd like to think i was the kinda girl who could take care of herself but in all honesty i'm a disaster zone. Can't cook, can't drive, can't mend things...i'm pretty much good for nothing but i am mighty bossy! Cause i don't have a proper job just now, i take the brunt of the housework and oh, the dirty looks i give people and tellings off when they mess up something i just cleaned. It's not pretty.
So that little arrangement of yours could work after all. Unless i magically get all wonder womanish overnight...unlikely.

Dex said...

Well, I suppose I do meet a lot of people. I sometimes wonder why I have no close friends. Or even quite close friends. And I do get on with people, so I don't know.

Anyway, you're my buddy and that makes up for a lot.

Are you really like that about housework and people making mess. Because I'm exactly the same.

Louise Boyd said...

I really am. One thing that really gets me is when i've just vacuumed and 5 minutes later the floor's a mess again. They'll be crumbs or something and i'll just explode a little inside. Or outside. It depends how generous i'm feeling.
I don't actually like tidying but if you've done it, i expect people not to fuck it up the second i'm done or not even.
Are you as mad as me then?

Buddies indeed :) Potential-loathe-each-other-in-real-life buddies but buddies all the same!

Dex said...

Do you think you'd loathe me in real life? I wouldn't make crumbs on your floor.

At home, if I see someone eating a biscuit, I fetch them a plate.

Louise Boyd said...

I doubt it. We seem to get on really rather well, i just might be that shy little person i hate when around you at first. People fear. Real thing. Think you'd hate me?

Okay, i'm not as bad as you. I fetch no-one plates! I think i mostly scowl, rather than prevent.

Dex said...

I like you. Difficult to think of you as 2 different people.

Are you really very shy? I know you don't go out much. Does being shy play a big part in that?

Louise Boyd said...

It's not like i cower at the sight of people, i just seem to lose all air in my lungs and forget how to form sentences. It's retarded.
I'm perfectly nice, friendly but you won't get the real me. There's a front i have, not a bad one, just not a...lets call it a Lilly one. Barely anyone meets Lilly. Some have, of course, but that's been after taking the time to get to know me. I can't just explode my personality over people instantly. They'd run away...

I dunno. I'm just a shy and introverted. Unless drunk and i can't arsed with that anymore.

I feel like my crazy talk is making you fear me...

Dex said...

Ugh, my brain. Type and delete, type and delete.

You don't really think your crazy talk is making me fear you.

I'm very fond of you, Lilly. You know that.

Louise Boyd said...

Welcome to my brain. I assume everyone will dislike and disregard me eventually. It's happened so many times before. Sorry for my brain and my madness.

Dex said...

Don't be sorry.

I don't know what will happen to us?

What would you like to happen?

Louise Boyd said...

I'd quite like to keep you, Dex. Over the last month, talking to you has been a great part of my day and i'd be sad to lose it.

Dex said...

I'd be sad too. Y'know, I used to go to bed at 11pm every night :)

Louise Boyd said...

Hah, my bad sleeping patterns are infectious. Caught my sleep-cooties, you did!

Ugh, i think i need to sleep anyways. Maybe read away my blues. What do you think? To slumberland?

Dex said...

To slumberland, shall I lead the way?

Louise Boyd said...

Lead away, Dexterous Epistolean.

Dex said...

Goodnight Lovely Lilly

Louise Boyd said...

Goodnight Darling Dex

Dex said...

I'm sorry, Lilly. I feel like I abandoned you last night? I should have stayed. You weren't feeling lonely, were you? I'm not a very good friend sometimes.

I hope you managed to read away your blues.

I've never once regretted staying up late into the early hours with you. I just feel guilty when my brain is not functioning properly and it takes me 20 minutes to form a couple of sentences, or feel that I'm being a bother.

Also, if I haven't worked myself part of the way through that list of musicians by sunset, please feel free to berate me as much as you like.

And I haven't forgotten about the vampires. I'm not only gonna write you a list, I'm gonna buy everything on said list, watch it, and tell you what I think. Just because I want to :)

Is the sun out in Blair?

I saw a ginger and white cat in the garden this morning, sunbathing, while I was hanging the washing. I actually left a gap in the washing line so I didn't cast a shadow on him. It only occured to me because I was thinking about you and then I thought 'hmm, what would Lilly do?'

I meant to mention 'Stoker' to you the other day. I saw a poster for it in Mareel and that it was the same director as Oldboy. I immediately thought Bram Stoker (looking at the wikipedia page, it seems I wasn't the only one).

And Lilly, please share as much seemingly pointless information about your day as you like, because it won't seem pointless to me.

Important question:

Does the sun shine into your room?

Louise Boyd said...

Aw Dex, sweet of you to worry. You didn't abandon me, i needed to sleep anyway and i can kinda tell that you're sleepy when your sentences reduce in number. I was okay. Being shy seems to be a touchy subject with me. I always feel guilty about it when people ask because it's like i'm doing something wrong by not being socially able. Does that make sense? It's nothing you said or did, i just wish i wasn't so shy. It's somewhat of a hindrance! Anyhow, i did indeed read the blues away. I'm reading Burroughs just now and that requires my full attention. Bloody Beat Writers and their mundane train of thought style.

Dex, don't you dare buy vampire anime just for me! That's silliness and way too nice. A list will be awesome enough to receive. So, again, don't you dare!

I awoke at 3pm today...urk. So i missed most of the sunshine but it was there. All bright and blowy. It does shine into my room at the end of the day. So i get that real low sun during the winter and it's real nice. I really must get out into at some point. I need Summer to come early. Nothing better than sitting outside in the warmth, reading a book as the sun goes down. Yuss. Do you get the sunshine in your room?
Makes me happy that you didn't shadow block that cat. Real happy. Exactly what i would have done...but i probably would have tried to steal it too. Did you know that's a real thing? People will just snatch your pets out of your garden and sell them on. People really suck sometimes. I'd at least keep the animal! Hah. Nuts :)
Did you give it a pet?
I have this feeling i'm going to go on a youtube animal frenzy soon. I miss animals. My neighbour has two little dogs and they are seriously cute but she's a curmudgeon and we're not that fond of her. So i don't really see them and all the cats around my neighbourhood are...well...scaredy cats. Don't come near me. Maybe they can sense i want to steal them. Hmm.

Go see Stoker for me. I probably won't get a chance to see it, so you have to hold up your end of the filmic bargain. Please?

Still on for tonight?

My head is slightly sore. I think i need tea and drugs. A wondrous combination!

How's your day been, dear? :)

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. I'm glad got over the blues. I like to think that I'd take all the time in the world to get through your shyness and get to know you. It would be worth the effort :)

And if you ever think I sound sleepy, please don't assume that means I want to stop talking to you. My sentences might become fewer and take longer, but that's just my stupid brain. It'll get there in the end. But please tell me if you ever need some quiet time.

Dark City, midnight, affirmative.

I don't get the sun shining into my room, ever :( I can always sit in the sun lounge, though. And the garden.
'Sitting outside in the warmth, reading a book as the sun goes down' - can I add that to our list of things to do?

Today, I listened to some Interpol, David Sylvian, TV On The Radio, Iron & Wine, Seth Lakeman, Animal Collective & Broken Social Scene.

I'll buy a ticket for Stoker as soon as they go on sale, just because you say so :)

What do you think of the Canadian band 'Stars'? I'll put my cards on the table and say that they get a definite 'yay' from me.

And how are you today, Lilly? :) Have tea & drugs improved things in any way?

Louise Boyd said...

I was completely addicted to 'In Our Bedroom After The War' for quite some time.

"Oh, the blood and the treasure and the losing it all. The time that we've wasted and the place that we fall. Will we wake in the morning and know what it was for? Up in our bedroom, after the war."

What a entrance to an album. I am a sucker for the spoken word in music though. It gets me all the time and can even be the saviour of a song sometimes. I'm glad you like them. I can't say i've listened to any of their stuff since IOBATW but i'll remedy that, just for you :)
Here's a spoken word song that i hope i'll still be listening to when i'm old and senile:

It doesn't get better than that, it really doesn't.

You have a sun lounge? I'm starting to think you're some sort of lord of Shetland :) Do you have a boat as well?
We can only add reading with the sunset to the list if i can get a shot of this weekend cottage of yours? Deal?
We should really compile this list.
And what did you think of the bands that you listened to? Be honest, i'll just call you stupid if you slag off any i like :) Cause i'm awesome like that.
So, any winners?
I still can't find anything i really want to listen to and it's driving me a bit barmy. I seem to need new music every day and i'm just not getting it! Haim are the closest i'm come so far and i'm not sure about them yet. What do you think?

Right, i need to take more drugs and a few more cups of tea so i can finally kick this headache in time for Dark City. Yessum. Cause i'm not missing that. Nope. I think it's tension in my neck that's causing it. Ugh, i'm falling to bits and i'm only 25 :) - 15 in my head. What age are you inside?

Ps. I don't think i'll ever understand why you spend so much time on me, sit up late and wish to get to know me better. I just won't but i like that you feel that way. It's nice to be interesting to someone. Hopefully not like a lab experiment though. I'm not a test monkey!

Pps. One of the best ways to get me over my shyness? Insult me. And let me insult you back. Having jokey slagging matches with people seems to put me at ease. I have no idea why but some of my best friendships have sprung from trading insults.

Dex said...

I actually really liked 'Don't Save Me' :)

From the list today, I think I can safely say that Interpol came out on top, followed by Broken Social Scene. TV On The Radio were okay too, I think. The rest - meh! What do you say to that? Be honest, have I broken your heart in any way.

Playful slanging matches are indeed fantastic. I'm lucky enough to know a few people at work I can happily trade insults with throughout the day. It makes a big difference.

And in reply to your ps, I don't even have to make an effort to feel that way about you. I just do, and I want to.

Oh, and I don't know how old I feel inside (definitely younger than I am though). I just feel slightly removed from reality in that I don't seem to be that aware of the world around me, and I don't particularly want to be. Does that make sense?

Dex said...

Aw Lilly, you'll listen to Stars just for me. Well, I'll just have to buy that vampire anime. I'm sorry but I have to.

Lilly, I would let you spend a summer in Sandness. We'd have to fill the cottage full of books, music & films, though. Can't rely completely on lovely sunsets, secluded spots and peace & quiet.

No boat, I'm afraid. I get seasick :)

Louise Boyd said...

If you liked Interpol then definitely make time for Paul Banks' latest solo album. It's fantastic. You may have already though. Sure i've blogged about him. Not that i control all your musical decisions! Or maybe i do :)

Uhm. That you don't like David Sylvian and Iron & Wine hurts a bit. I hold them very high in my musical estimation. What Sylvian did you listen to though? Cause his new stuff is terrible. Everything and Nothing is the album to go for.

You say it like it would be a hard thing for me to do, filling a building full of the arts. Pah, that's practically my playtime! Would we live off tea and pancakes?

Almost film-watching time! Yessum :)

There's this scene in Whip It that involves a casual, verbally abusive mini conversation between two friends through a window. It's quite possibly my favourite part. I love that movie though. Ellen Page, Alia Shawkat, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Wiig, Juliette Lewis and my favourite of the Wilson brothers? AND a violent sport? Yeah, that'll do it.

Ps. Your whole description of removal from reality is shockingly familiar. Scrap that. Accurate.

Dex said...

Iron & Wine, I'll definitely have another crack at. Everything & Nothing will be listened to in its entirety. I don't like hurting people without good reason :)

Lilly, I have absolutely no doubt you could fill our summer house full of the products of imaginative minds. I hadn't even thought about what we would live off. What kind of stuff do you like apart from tea, steak and your sister's baking?

Have you ever seen the film Rollerball or the remake? I haven't but they suddenly sprung to mind. Always like to get your opinion on things.

Dark City, very soon!

Louise Boyd said...

Ach, ignore me. Like what you like. I do. And screw everybody else's opinion. That's great thing about music, it's entirely subjective. I am still glad i brought you round to Rumours though :) Not a feat i have managed yet with my eldest sister - the baking one.

If you're going to listen to Iron & Wine, listen to The Shepherd's Dog and more specifically, 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth'. It may have been used in Twilight but that can't sully it's impeccable sound. Twilight actually has a really good soundtrack and that distresses me! Awfully fond of a OST though. People can be so snobbish about them, because it's not finding the music from the true source but really, who gives a crap? Any introduction to something life-affecting is a valid introduction. I hate musos! An insult i actually get thrown at me quite often. I should really hate myself if my principles are strong but nah.

Lilly's Likes:

Bread Bread Bread
Iceberg Lettuce - don't ask.
Curly Wurlys
Roast Chicken
Roast Potatoes
Pop Tarts - i want a Pop Tart so badly right now.
PIE! All things PIE!
Minstrels - but don't let me have any, i have no restraint when it comes to those little chocolate discs of wonder.
Carrot Cake
Gummy Worms

Why can i only think of sweet things right now? I'm so more of a savoury person. Idiot brain! Maybe because it's very almost DC time! Yusss. You ready? I've been ready for 15 minutes. I don't like to be late...

Ps. Rollerball the remake has been seen in its entirety. It's not very good but violent enough for me to watch it more than once.
Rollerball the original has been seen in parts and i wish to remedy that.

Dex said...

Ready :)

Louise Boyd said...

Head sliced open by a girl's giant hand. Amazing.

Dex said...

And only 20 minutes in :)

Louise Boyd said...

Did you catch Ian Richardson?

Jennifer Connelly's so young!

Dex said...

Was he one of the bald guys?

Louise Boyd said...

Yessum. The old one. He was in Brazil which means he wins for life.

Dex said...

And the original Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

Brazil, what a film :)

Louise Boyd said...

This is like Brazil and Blade Runner and some other stuff all rolled into one and my brain is kind of exploding. Fantastical goodness!
It looks epic!

I've only ever seen the first episode of TTSS. Silly me.

Dex said...

I'm kind of impressed with Mr Sutherland. Totally wasn't expecting this from him.

Louise Boyd said...

Aw come on, what about Flatliners?

Dex said...

Is that a recommendation?

You're obviously more familiar with his work than I. Poor film knowledge.

Louise Boyd said...

I do have a soft spot for old Kiefer. The Lost Boys, A Time To Kill, Stand By Me and i was very happy to see him in Melancholia.
And the first season of 24 was epic. Shame about the rest.

And yes. Watch Flatliners. It's 90s goodness.

Dex said...

I'd never even heard of this film before you said we should watch it.

I'm very glad I listen to you.

Louise Boyd said...

Hah, this may just be a fluke. You saw that other Rufus Sewell movie i blogged about...

My mum just came in, she's seen it before and totally brought to my attention how Escher-like this is. And i love Escher!

That small child is freaking me out...

Dex said...

Tristan & Isolde?

Louise Boyd said...


I wanna watch it again. Again again again!

ps. Tristan & Isolde? What do you take me for?! This majestic piece of filmmaking is what i'm talking about:

Wolf's on!

Dex said...

Thank you Lilly for making my night :) Fantastic choice.

Okay, Lilly. You're really trying, but I would still watch The Mermaid Chronicles with you.

Louise Boyd said...

It's actually really funny in a not supposed to be kind of way!

Your choice next mister Dex.

Dex said...

Our ever growing list of films to watch and things to do.

You'd trust me to pick a film for us to watch?

Louise Boyd said...

I would indeed :)

So choose away my dear. Don't overthink it. I was literally just thinking about Dark City when i suggested it.

Dex said...

I can't help but overthink sometimes :)

I enjoyed watching Dark City together, hundreds of miles away.

Louise Boyd said...

I did too. I've never done that before. At least not in a planned sense. We should definitely do this again. Yessum :)

I will wait with baited breath for your over-thought decision. I bet it'll be awesome!

Dex said...

Whatya gonnna do now?

Louise Boyd said...

I'm debating whether to watch the rest of Wolf or put on another episode of Jericho - that would involve getting up though.
Then again, i might just listen to some music. Choices choices.

What's on your agenda, Dex?

Dex said...

I thought I'd sit in bed and watch a film.

Watched Dark City in the living room. Family away for the weekend, again.

Louise Boyd said...

Don't you ever go with them? What you gonna watch?

Dex said...

Maybe Addams Family Values :)

I guess I like having the house to myself. Are you usually at home by yourself during the day?

Louise Boyd said...

An empty house is sometimes the best medicine.
I usually have at least one sister in the house with me but sometimes they'll both be out and i can, well, do exactly what i do usually but with some quiet.

Excellent movie choice! I've got the theme tune in my head now :) Did you ever play the addams family game on the old school gameboy?

Dex said...

Glad you approve :)

No, I never played that. Is that something you owned?

I'd almost forgotten that they made a 90s cartoon:

Hope you don't mind, since you've got the theme tune in your head anyway.

Louise Boyd said...

I'd forgotten as well! Aw man, totally love you for that. Favourite character?

It always made a little sad that i couldn't join in with the clicking during the theme tune. Can't click mine :(

Ugh, being stupid again. I meant the SNES.

Now this was a game i played religiously.
I want to know where our nintendo games are. Right. Now!

Dex said...

Well, they're both Nintendo :) Do you still have your SNES.

I like games like that. I wish I never got rid of my Megadrive.

Now you've made me want to play them too!

Oh, and Gomez. I like his energy :) You?

Louise Boyd said...

It's a toss up between Wednesday and Thing. The previous because she speaks to my inner bitey curmudgeon and the latter because how can a hand convey that much dry wit? A hand?! Fantastic.

I think we've still got our Megadrive but that's probably just wishful thinking. They were awesome games. So simple but so addictive. I think it's why Angry Birds has done so well.
And i actually enjoyed playing Mario when it was still a old school platform game. Now i fall down too much to be bothered.

Dex said...

Your list of food, I'd almost forgotten. I like all those things :) Did you have a pop tart?

One of my oddest food cravings is oatmeal. Not just any oatmeal, but the oatmeal they use to stuff the Beef Olives we get from the Globe Butchers in Lerwick. I don't know what they do to it, but it's just so yummy that I can eat mountains of the stuff. I like to eat everything else on my plate first, so I'm just left with this big mound of oatmeal.

I'm a strange little person :)

Louise Boyd said...

Nahhh, you're saving the best 'til last! I do that too. And oats are amazing, i have a Pinterest board solely dedicated to them. I don't like porridge though. Yuck. And i've never had a beef olive before but i think i want one. I really do. I'm so hungry right now. I was before we started talking food but now i'm really hungry! And there's not a Pop Tart to be seen in the Boyd Residence. There is Caramac though...

Favourite flavour of Pop Tart? Go.

Dex said...

You have a Pinterest board dedicated to oats? You just too fantastic for words, Lilly.

Really, they're still making Caramacs. I want one now! And a pop tart. A chocolate one. What about you?

My family are away and this is the only food left in the house:

Pancake ingredients
Chocolate Buttons
Rich Tea Biscuits

Louise Boyd said...

Hah, fantastic or just equally strange? I'm gonna suggest both :)

That's it. Prepare to feel

That is quite possibly the best food list ever. I'd eat the hell out of that. You've got everything you need! fruit...actually! the tomato on the pizza countess. Awesome. I'm so hungry. I love Rich Tea Biscuits. I don't know why but if they're ever in the house i will demolish them. Sometimes with Nutella...but that's a sometimes affair...of almighty goodness :)

If i could, i'd send you a Caramac. They still make you feel wonderfully sick. It's great.

Dex said...

I'm glad to know that you would be able to survive, at least for a night, in my house. I actually thought I was doing poorly for food until I wrote down that list.

What do you think of fruit smoothies?

I remember walking home from primary school, my mum would always be waiting for us with some toast and Nutella. Mums are great sometimes.

Hah, wonderfully sick. I haven't had a Caramac in years and I know exactly what you mean.

Louise Boyd said...

Your mum really did that? She goes in the mum hall of fame. Yessum.
Mine used to take us to get sweeties after the dentist because it was not a happy experience for anyone. One of my best memories is getting a giant chocolate chip cookie one time. So good, i still remember it.
Do you enjoy miniature and oversized food stuffs? I do. There's a giant soft pretzel in our cupboard right this second and it's calling to me.

Fruit smoothies - yum. But too acidic for my stomach to handle. Sadness. I had some apple and elderflower juice yesterday. Try that, if you ever see it. So good. Do you make homemade smoothies?

Dex, m'boy, i think i'm gonna retire. Awful sleepy for once. You mind?

Louise Boyd said...

I forgot to say! Chocolate Pop Tart, every time :)

Dex said...

I don't mind at all, Lilly :)

I shall answer your food-related questions tomorrow.

Louise Boyd said...

Thanks Dex :)

Speak real soon. Yeah?

Time to sleep-fight some crime!

Night dearest.

Dex said...

Night, night lovely Lilly.

I'm glad we're ending this conversation agreeing about chocolate pop tarts :)

Speak to you soon.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you, today?

Did you give into your hunger last night and eat the giant pretzel?

I haven't had a homemade smoothie in ages. When I say homemade, I mean made by someone else at home. I like them, just not enough to make them for myself. Fruit salad too. If someone were to make those things for me every day, I'd be a very happy bunny.

I have so got my shopping list prepared for my next trip to the supermarket :)

I enjoy foodstuffs of any size! I used to love Mini Jaffa Cakes. I wonder if you still get them in those little tubs, the ones you could take with you in a packed lunch to school.

I had a little walk today, to my mum's nursery to feed the goldfish. I could have taken the car, but I made a promise to myself when I passed my test that I wouldn't become one of those people who jump into their cars to run the smallest of errands. I always complain that there's too many cars in Shetland, even on a Sunday. Then again, I wouldn't want these people to be walking around either, getting in my way. I'm such a grouch :) Anyway, it's quite a nice walk, along Sletts & The Knab (the same way I used to walk to high school). They're just a couple of little pathways that take you around the south edge of town, down by the sea. You often see seals sunbathing on the rocks. I'll take you there some time :)

Shetlanders are notorious for always parking as close as they can to wherever they are going. I'm notorious for parking so far away from my destination that I might as well have walked.

Did you usually walk to high school? Was it along 'Coffin Way'?

Dex said...

I'm unhappy, Lilly. I've been trying to find vampire anime for you, and not one thing I found today was good enough. I'm sorry.

So I moved onto vampire films to try and make it up to you. How would you feel about watching 'Nadja' next weekend? Or 'The Addiction', which you blogged a little while ago?

Louise Boyd said...

Nuh uh. I'm not allowed to decide. It's yourrr choice!
So get deciding, mister :)
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of Nadja though, i didn't know about that one! I give good talk but my knowledge of films is actually rather shocking. Even vampire movies.

Totally still available. How do you eat your jaffa cake though? Everybody has their special way. Do you full moon, half moon, total eclipse it? Or attack the chocolate, devour the sponge after having peeled off the orange jelly to eat last? OR do you simply munch them in one?

Your mum has a nursery? That's pretty cool. Feeding the goldfish is, also. I always head straight for the fish in garden centres. We had fish in our ponds for a while...didn't work out too well in the winter time. I shouldn't have named them all.
Have you been able to drive since you were 17? Pass first time? I'm not looking forward to when i finally get around to learning. I've heard the test is real hard, with even more questions. I hate tests! I think i would have done it by now if it was like in America. Part of school. Just can't imagine myself driving though. I'll need a bumper seat just to see over the steering wheel!
I'm envious of your ability to just walk anywhere and whenever. I'm not under house arrest or anything, i just find walking around my town a little...monotonous and lonely. And there's the disgustingly sloth-like behaviour i've mastered :)

One of the sheep i just made resembles a seal. It amuses me and now makes me think of you!

I didn't walk to primary because i have protective parents and getting me out of my bed has always been a herculean task. I did start to walk back from primary in primary 5? Maybe, i can't quite remember. Walked to and from high school though. It's 5/10 minutes from my house so i could get up at like, 8:30am and still be good for getting there in time for registration. By sixth year i was missing registration...didn't get into trouble though. No one really gave a crap about the 6th years. It's a year you choose to do so, well, the teachers had more important stuff to attend to. Like the heathens that roamed our school's hallways.
Free periods. Weren't they just the best part of school?

Battlefield High. That's what they christened my school after their was a massive, school sized fight between the 'neds' and the 'emos'. There were police and everything. I watched on from the top of the newest building of the school, where my art class - sanctuary - was. It got pretty nasty.
You can see why i don't venture into Blair very much.

Done anything else than walked around and fed the fishes, Dexterous?

Do you ever get those days where you wake up winded. Like you've gone ten rounds with a disgruntled bear and have definitely lost the fight. I woke up that way today and i have not felt right since! There's lots of drugs inside me again. I practically rattle

Working tomorrow?

Dex said...

Oh Lilly, you really do have it bad sometimes. Happy vibes are the best I can do. I wish I could give you a hug. Hope you feel better as the night wears on.

I'd quite like to watch Nadja, if you could handle the black & white.

Is Blair really full of 'neds' and 'emos'? I'm starting to think you need rescuing!

I only passed my driving test late last year, at the 4th attempt. I hated learning to drive, absolutely hated it. Still, you might take to it like a fish to water :)

Battlefield High! I'm starting to look back on the Anderson with a little more fondness.

Apart from walks and fishes, just the usual :) Very disappointed in my anime vampire hunting. I thought I'd find a ton of amazing stuff.

"Peeping isn't about looks son. It's about the thrill and exhiliration of observing someone without their knowledge." Classic Hal :)

And I am working tomorrow, unfortunately. We can still talk for a little while, though, if you don;t mind :)

P.S. - Jaffa Cakes, I used to eat round the edges first.

Dex said...

Lilly, I might have to go to bed soon :(

Dex said...

Goodnight Lilly :)

I missed our conversation tonight, but you probably had other things on your mind. I understand, I just hope you're okay. You're still my friend.

I haven't said or done anything to upset you, have I?

Louise Boyd said...

Dearest Dex, you really do worry too much. I was just off doing window display stuff with my sister, then i vegged out in front of the telly with the family for the rest of the night. No Dexterous avoidance whatsoever. So sorry i didn't appear.
I've ordered 'Nadja'...totally makes up for the lack of conversation, right?

I would have thought that anime was well stocked with vampire goodness. It seems kinda perfect for the genre. Oh well, just recommend some good stuff and i'll be more than happy. BUt nothing like that crazy thing you made me watch. That was terrifying.

Blair is indeed full of neds and emos but mostly old people and dysfunctional mid-twenty year olds like myself. I make it sound awful but it's a nice wee town. Could do with fewer heathens, a bit of a clean up and a more successful high street to keep the town alive but apart from that it's alright. For some reason, americans like to visit here and the Polish. They come for the berry picking every year.
Maybe i'm just over-Blaired. Been here too long, i can't see the good side anymore. There was a time when i was sure i didn't want to ever leave. But i think that was more out of fear of growing up, which i still have because i've never left! What's it like living without the family? Is it blissful?

I hope you read this before you go to work. So you know i still think you're the greatest.
But for now, i going to depart and do my usual nightly internet wanderings. See if i can find any good stuff to post about :)

Hope you're fighting the good sleep-fight!

Dex said...

Hi Lilly

I'm sorry I worry too much. I suppose I'm just a little bit scared of losing my evil twin. But there's nothing to make up for, I'm just a boy on an island a million miles away who, for some reason, you still waste your precious time on :) - still glad you ordered Nadja, though.

I have to dash off to work now, but speak to you soon.

Oh, and how are you today, Lilly? That's always the most important thing to me.

Dex said...

I thought of you when I saw this.

Louise Boyd said...

Ello dearest. I think i've watched that gif about 7 times by now. I don't know why but i just get great joy out of the fact that her nails/claws turns red when she's all vamped out. Love the little details.
The plot to VPM sounds a lot like the plot to Blood: The Last Vampire. Which came first? Do you know? I realise could google it but i'm being lazy :)

You still searching in vain for vampy anime? You really don't have to, Dexterous. Awesome that you are though. Yessum.

How was work? Which job were you called to today? It's so hard to keep up. Maybe i need a timetable. A schedule of Dex.
Did you get the sun today, like yesterday? Hope so. It's gloriously sunny here and i actually managed to see some of it! Huzzah! Might have only been for 2 minutes due to freezing my ass off and retreating inside but that still counts. Doesn't it?
In an awfully funny mood today. Keep switching between happy and hyper to exhausted and gloomy. Schizophrenic mood changes. Un-fun. But i'm okay, i'll just ride it out until i settle down.

We on for 'Nadja' at the weekend then?

Ps. I don't waste my time on you. That's an absurd notion. Dex-time is treasured time. Your evil twin is going nowhere. Nup.

Dex said...

At least you're okay, that's what matters :) I'm okay too. And I think it was a sunny day, not that I got to see much of it. Psychological today (I don't usually work at all on Mondays), but today was a special occasion! At least I was on my own for most of the day, so I could listen to the music I like. I hope you don't mind me scoping your Last FM page to see what you're liking.

2 minutes out in the sun definitely counts :)

And I'll try to keep you up-to-date with my schedule.

VPM came out way back in 1988, 12 years before Blood. I think I'll have to watch Blood again. It's around the house somwhere, and it only lasts 50 minutes. They made a TV series, Blood+.

Hellsing Ultimate is supposed to be quite good, but I'm not convinced. Also Vampire Hunter D & Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.

I'll find better non-vampire anime stuff for you.

Do you own any anime, Lilly?

Also, do you like fruit? Have you had fruit today? Too random?

We are definitely on for 'Nadja' at the weekend.

P.S. - I'm glad you still feel that way about talking to me :)

Louise Boyd said...

Of course i don't mind you looking at my page. Unfortunately i'm a little stuck on Kitten's latest EP, so there won't be much to see i'm afraid.
I'm hoping some of the music i've found through blogs tonight will get me back on track. Frustrates me so, when i get it in a crappy music loop with Spotify. Why can't it just feed me great music all the time? Is that too much to ask?! - drama queen :)

Did you find anything worth listening to though? I do hope so. I'd hate to think i was letting you down musically.
And sorry i wasn't around again tonight. I've been kinda falling asleep at my laptop in the living room all night. Not my best form for conversation.

Love it when you give me info.
So basically, Blood's just a big rip off? Is VPM worth watching? Is the Blood+ worth watching?
I never know where to start with this stuff. I do own some. Y'know, the necessary Studio Ghibli stuff. Just before Christmas i bought Dante's Inferno: An Animated could i not? Still haven't watched it though. Origin: Spirits of the Past...haven't watched that either. Paprika...unwatched also. Sensing a theme? Evangelion, as you know and Cashern, which technically isn't an anime but there is anime within in it so i'm gonna count it in. I've watched that. Really fucking long and bat shit crazy but i kinda loved it.
I really do need educated, Dex. I've got some stuff in my amazon wish list but i never know what to buy. I think i've always been a bit intimidated by anime. There's so much of it and i'm pretty much an outsider to it, not even a novice. It is something i'm very drawn to. I keep seeing this one called, Fairy Tail. Is that any good?

I did own the first in the series of the manga series, Hellsing. I loved that. Made the mistake of lending it to a former boyfriend though and never saw it again.
Damn him.
Used to draw manga characters as well:!220&authkey=!zhAXk1JePTw%24

Not my finest hour but i was still pretty young.

You still haven't told me what it is you do. What your talent is. I'm sure you have one. Go on, fess up.

This is becoming a large message. You won't mind. I'm sure.

Fruit of the day!: A banana. And yes, i really like fruit. You mentioned fruit salad before and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I might make one!

What have you done with evening, Dex? Sorry again for being absent. I owe you a couple nights conversation. For sure.

Dex said...

You don't have to say sorry, Lilly. I always like talking to you, but I understand that you have other stuff on, or if you're not feeling in the mood. That's okay, you're still my friend.

And you never let me down, musically or in any other way. I have a really poor memory sometimes, so a trip through your blog always throws up something good I've forgotten. Like today, rediscovered Three Blind Wolves. I just wish I could recommend something for you.

I've heard good things about Fairy Tail, but never seen it. I haven't seen many anime tv series, mostly just films & OVAs. I don't want to set myself up as an anime expert, because I'd be setting myself up for a fall. My brother's the real expert :) Manga too. He's the one who told me about VPM. To be honest, I don't always trust his recommendations. If you could see some of the stuff he owns...

I have other sources though, and I'll get you some good stuff. Pay you back for all the cool music :)

Blood looks good and I kinda like the heroine, but I remember the film was disappointing because it was too short and kind of a nothing storyline.

I used to like writing short stories, but it's just too difficult now and it makes me upset.

P.S. I liked your Manga drawing. Do you think you'd try again just for fun?

Louise Boyd said...

Internet five for poor memories? Mine's shocking, so we've got that in common along with all the other stuff :)

This reply was meant to be written ages ago but my sister came in my room and we've been talking for the last hour and a half. I enjoy my late night talks with her. We can go from stuff like our life issues, to the intricacies of Shakespeare's plays, to the latest Bond movie. I'm sure there's actually a perfectly logical thought process in there but i enjoy the way it feels so random anyhow. It's kind of how i imagine our conversations would go in person. Endless and varied.

Give me an example of something your brother owns that too shocking for words?
Are you the younger brother or the elder?
And to me, you're an anime god. So pass down your wisdom grand master. I demand Japanese goodness.

Have you seen the girls that have actually turned themselves into anime girls? They're insane. I'm all for doing whatever you want to your body but that's a little extreme, isn't it? Or am i just being painfully reserved?

What are these mysterious sources you speak of? Or would that spoil the magic? Soooo freakin' cryptic!

One of the best things to get back into drawing is to copy. And i think manga would be something cool to include. My art teacher always told me i'd make a good forger, so if i ever feel like chancing prison...
I'm sorry if i upset you at all by asking about your skills. I wouldn't want to make you feel bad, i hope you know that. And i totally understand. Whenever the subject of drawing comes into conversation, i tend to clam up. It's not a nice feeling so...a glomp is being sent your way :)

I'm hungry again, Dex. Why am i always ravenous in the small hours? Why?!

Watching Revenge just now, so much glaring!

Hope you're still good dearest.

Dex said...

Hey, Lilly :)

You didn't upset me, not in the slightest.

It's nice that you get on with your sisters. Conversations of the type you described are just the best :)

Legend of the Overfiend and its sequels are some things in my elder sibling's collection that he should not be proud of :)

I've never even heard of these anime girls, but I'm not surprised.

Are you gonna have some supper?

Louise Boyd said...

You're still awake! No work tomorrow?

You're right, your brother shouldn't be proud of that, it looks dire. And hey, you're the baby of the family too! What more can we possibly have in common?

I'll tell you a secret...i have my dessert when i'm reading my book at night, before i sleep. So right now, i'm having it at either 4am or later. I don't know why...but it just seems like the best time. Nothing like going to sleep, hyped on the sugar from a Malteser Bunny. No wonder i have weird dreams. Last night's encounter involved the endless removal and putting on of a jumper, in a hotel room, with my oldest friend who happened to look like she was auditioning for a part in My So-Called Life and become a drag queen all at the same time. I don't know what's wrong with my brain. It's always done weird shit like that. When i was younger i had a recurring dream about green faced witches living in the trees of a forest. Not so weird you may say but terrifying when you still need a night light.
Have any dreams that plague you, Dex?

Dex said...

I like dessert anytime :) Do your family have dessert a lot? We don't. I have to buy my own!

Dreams that plague me. No. I should dream. I have a guilty conscience. But I sleep well.

I don't know what I'm doing up. Looking for stuff :) No work tomorrow.

What about you, Lilly? Any plans for tomorrow?

Louise Boyd said...

Hope i haven't completely screwed with your sleeping patterns. That's be awful of me. Yay for no work though! What you gonna do?

Tomorrow i shall mostly be gluing wool to sheeps. My job is weird.

We don't really do dessert as such. We don't sit down together to have it. If my sister bakes, then whoever wants will have some of whatever she's made in the living room with the tv. We love the tv. Actually, lately we like what we put in the dvd player but that still counts.
My dessert tends to be whatever's in the cupboard of sweetie doom. Tonight, i think i'll partake in a Crunchie bar. Honeycomb is for forever.

Your replies are so much shorter than mine. Am i overly wordy?

What you lookingggg for? Is it perchance of the Japanese variety of searching? Hmm? :)

Dex said...

Well, first I was looking for music for you, because you said spotify wasn't doing its job of finding you amazing stuff.

After failing spectacularly at that, I may have moved onto moving images of the wide-eyed, Far Eastern-style of animation.

Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - a night of research and that's all I have!

You're replies are more wordy, but you're better with words, so that's to be expected :)

Were you planning on dessert and reading soon?

Louise Boyd said...

Music? For me? Dexterous you wonderful creature, I could hug you.

I trust your judgement, so any anime you like i will try on for size. Yessum.

And i'm not better with words. Not when i say things like, 'Honeycomb is forever'.

Dessert and reading is gonna happen in the next few minutes. I don't want to fall asleep listening to the birds chirping. They're too noisy.
There's one in the summer that sounds like a very perturbed alarm clock and i want to smash it. But i wouldn't. Birds are nifty. I give them bread and such.

Are you off the bedfordshire soon?

Dex said...

Yeah, I do have an appointment tomorrow at 2.45pm.

I keep getting bullied by a blackbird in my garden. He forces me to give him raisins.

Honeycomb is forever. I love Crunchies. And Crunchie Ice-Cream.

I hope you don't mind me surprising you with my wakefulness at 4am in the morning.

Louise Boyd said...

I've always loved conversations with friends in the small hours. I guess because i'm more awake, hah.
I am however gonna disappear now. Nightly routine and my pillow are calling me. Wish me luck with my torch. It's been a pissy bitch as of late.

Night Dexterous my Epistolean friend :)

Ps. You seem to have lots of appointments. Are you really a robot that needs his oil changed at least once a week? Cause that'd be fine by me :)

Pps. You feed that blackbird until he's good and round. Chubby animals are wondrous.

Dex said...

Night, night Lovely Lilly. And good luck :)

P.S. I'll tell you all about my appointment tomorrow.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly, just sending you some happy vibes because I like you :) Do they make a difference?

I'm off to a place called Market House. And Mareel.

One of my favourite things to say when going out is "I'm off to spread a little misery".

Speak to you soon.

What do you usually have to eat when you get up? Do you make yourself a cup of tea? What room do you usually have it in?

I'm so random :)

Louise Boyd said...

Hello petal, your happy vibes make all the difference. Are you happy today? Did your appointment go okay? And i thought you weren't working today, why the Mareel visitation?

Mini interrogation, over.

I don't ever eat when i get up or drink straight away. Breakfast has always seemed wrong to me. I have been told many times to remedy this as it would give me more energy but it makes me feel funny! But if i did have breakfast, i'd probably have cereal, in the kitchen, watching something my brain can handle that early in the morning. Like the Smurfs. Are they still on? But definitely with cereal. I cannot stress how much i love cereal. Of all kinds. I just demolished a box Special K and i want more more more.
We talk about food all the time. Hah. Like hungry hippos.

Have you been well fed today, Dex? Anything monumentally thrilling - that can include things don't seem monumental but to me, are. A Teacake is monumental to me for goodness sake. Now i want one. Damn my brain.

I'm off to make some sheep wooly!

Dex said...

Tuesday is the day the films for the following week go on sale at Mareel so I wanted to see what was on. No Stoker so far :( But they are advertising it, which is a good sign. I had a hot chocolate, so it wasn't a wasted journey.

Market House is where Voluntary Action Shetland is based. I used to volunteer quite a lot when I came back from Edinburgh feeling a little lost and broken, and once they've got their claws in you, they don't want to let go. So I went in for a 'chat' as they tried to convince me that certain social projects desperately needed a worthless soul like myself. I came away with a bunch of leaflets, but they didn't offer me a cup of tea which is usually my main reason for going there. Or anywhere else for that matter.

And then I had my oil changed and got a personality upgrade :)

I once went to a hairdressers in Edinburgh where they offered me a cup of tea while I waited. I don't care if I got a poor haircut, the cup of tea won me over.

I don't have breakfast either. That's because I can't be bothered to make anything for myself early in the morning before I go to work. I usually have a cup of tea when I get to Psychological. We don't really go in for breakfast in our house. Or lunch. Had a steak for dinner, though. Carnivores.

Hah, did you play hungry hippos? My mum used to be a childminder and I remember playing that game with the children all the time. And another game with food cards, where you had to make up a meal on your plate, and there were good and bad foods. I have no idea what it was called.

Teacakes and Special K. Both good things :) Have you had the dark chocolate teacakes? Do you like dark chocolate? My dad's philosophy group comes to the house once a month, and they sometimes bring teacakes. Hungry hippos, we are indeed.

So, up before 1pm. That wasn't so long after me. Did you feel awake? Was the sun out in Blair?

How are you feeling today, Lilly? Just in case you forget to tell me :) Any sheep end up looking like seals and reminding you of me?

Oh, and I haven't seen The Smurfs in ages.

Louise Boyd said...

You had steak? You lucky bastard.
Right now lunch is breakfast i guess. Cereal and a banana. All about the riboflavin and potassium.
Apparently eating too many bananas can kill you...why does google feel the need to tell me these things?

How you doing today, Dexterous? Well? Shame about Stoker but i'm sure it'll come soon and isn't crap, so i won't have pushed you into watching some unworthy of your time! Get to much after outside time was done with?

Dark chocolate is a definite no. Too bitter for me. Anything too chocolatey in fact is not for me. I'd rather a gummy bear or some Millions, mixed bag of orange and strawberry...that sounds so good right now.
My dad brought back lemon once, from this american sweetie shop in Glasgow. Immense. They were slightly sour and i fully appreciate that. As a kid i would always as for sour fizzy lemon fish. You got them in M&S next to the checkout, so i always remembered!
Still craving a giant sherbet straw?

"worthless soul like myself"

"And then I had my oil changed and got a personality upgrade :)"

I find these sentences unacceptable. I wouldn't change you for the world. Not one bit. You are a most excellent human being. End of. And don't tell me otherwise cause i won't believe you and you may get a digital shoe thrown at your head. Yuss.

I'm starting to be concerned about your capacity for sugar. You're definitely Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs:

I love his maniacal laugh. I just love him. Really must buy that show, so much nostalgia invested in it.

Ever seen Fern Gully?

I've never had a dark chocolate Teacake and i'm pretty sure i wouldn't enjoy it. I'll stick with the original kind.
A question every new person needs asked: How do you eat your Teacake?
And how do you feel about Snowballs and Caramel Wafers?
Very important questions. Yessum.

I'm okay today thank you Dex. A little on edge cause i have to get up super early tomorrow and go out in the general public. T'is my gran's birthday and celebrations and stuff have to be done. I'm not the best at birthdays. Too much people time but oh well, i'm sure i'll survive. May even get a chai latte out of it. Wow, makes me sound like a brat! Hah. I'm not really. Just homely and like yourself i'm not too fond of deviations from my daily routine. I'd rather stay in, watch The Smurfs and overdose on tea...which is what i do on my birthday :)
We could simultaneously watch a movie together the night of our birthday! I'd like that.

I think i have to go do more sheep stuff now. Sigh.
Write back you fantastical fiend!

Dex said...

Simultaneous movie watching on our birthday, I'd like that too. Very much so :)

I'm sure you'll be fine tomorrow. I'll be out too. Mareel in the morning, Psychological in the afternoon. So just remember that while you're out and about, a few hundred miles away, I'll be in a similar situation. Is that a comforting thought? I hope so. Have you made a deal with the dark forces to give you energy tomorrow morning.

I'm still really want a chai latte. And a giant sherbet straw. Lemon millions, does such a wondrous thing truly exist? Gimme, right now!

I'm not very good at birthdays either. There seems a birthday card going around Mareel almost every week. I like writing things in them that no-one else finds funny except me.

"Congratulations on your prolonged existence."

I don't like writing 'Happy Birthday' or 'Best Wishes'. Even with people I hardly know. It seems so impersonal and generic. Gotta put some thought into it. Ugh, I worry about the smallest things.

Do you want to know something scary? Sugar seems to have no effect on me whatsover. It doesn't make me hyper like Baby Sinclair (hah, sugar overdose), or give me toothache. I don't even have any fillings. I have definitely made a deal with the same dark forces that give me limitless energy in the mornings.

At Mareel today, apart from a hot chocolate, I also had fizzy water melon sweets and 2 packets of strawberry pencils. You're right to be worried :)

I actually met one of my old school friends on my way home today. He was jogging around Clickimin Loch. I was a little bit disappointed that he didn't stop to talk, since we were quite close friends. He did smile and say hello, though. I think that's the difference between me and my old school friends. They're jogging to keep fit, I'm walking home clutching a packet of strawberry pencils.

Too many bananas can kill you! Thanks for letting me know. Although I don't think I was in any danger of that occuring :)

I eat my teacakes quickly, with no grace and style. I don't like melted chocolate on my fingers. Snowballs and Caramel Wafers, well I'm not really a big fan of cocunut, and I always found Wafers to be a bit dull. I'd still eat them both though, probably kill someone for them too :)

I don't think I've seen Fern Gully. There is a trailer for it on one of my old tapes. Something to do with the rainforest. Childhood favourite, was it?

I'll try not to get too down on myself. You've very sweet Lilly. I hope you know that I feel the same way about you.

Right, I'm off to do some Amazon shopping. I'll let you know what I buy. I'll check in later to say goodnight, just because I want to :) I imagine you'll need an early night tonight.

Louise Boyd said...

It definitely makes me feel better knowing you'll be dealing with some of the same stuff. Very much indeed.
Sometimes i wish i could go out and be invisible though. Just so i could pass through a city/town/shop without feeling like everybody is secretly deconstructing my very existence. I realise they're not but try telling that to the irrational side of my brain.
Oh well.
I have share your need to put something a little more meaningful inside greetings cards. I will write 'Happy Birthday' but i'll always try and include an in-joke of some sort. It just feels better to see someone have a genuine reaction to a card, not just smile and say thank you. I don't really do cards anyway. I only give them to people because my family make me. I think it's a wasteful and absurd tradition. I'd rather someone gave me a paper hat with my name on it or something. Maybe that's just my curmudgeonly way though.

At this very second, i am sitting in my bed with a hat on. It's a penguin hat. I got it in my Christmas Box (like a stocking but better) as a silly, louiseloveshats thing. I enjoy being a penguin.

I'm definitely worried about your sugar content. You may not react like Baby Sinclair but i fear if you go out in the rain, you may just dissolve into a sugary puddle. How can you not have any fillings?!
I have one. I don't know if i need more because i haven't been to the dentist in years. I hate it but i have an extreme fear that my teeth will just fall out of my head one day soon if i don't go. I guess my stubbornness is outweighing the fear for the moment.
Send me some energy. Please? In an envelope. 2nd class will do.

And i demand to see this list of Amazon purchases. Just because i like to know all the things. I was so tempted to buy the Twin Peaks Gold Boxset last night. I'm looking at it right now and having a really hard time not buying it. I buy way too many dvds. There's so many that are unwatched it's obscene. It's like i get Amazon fever or something.
I do own Fern Gully though and yes it was a childhood favourite. Had Robin Williams going one of the voices. A fruit bat as i recall. He may have made some despicable crap but he's one funny man. Ever watched his stand up?

I'm sorry your friend didn't stop to say hello but he was jogging, so maybe he didn't want to stop or was in a crappy mood. You never know.
We're so different in that respect. I would have my head down, silently pleading for them just to run past. Such a scaredy cat.
You know, i bought running shoes late last year. I fully intended to start using them, at least for walking more and possibly getting into jogging...i've had them on once...and that was to go into shop. With my whole heart, i wish i was the energetic type. They seem so awake and healthy, obviously. The most i ever remember enjoying of sport was when i was just a tiny wee thing and had all the energy in the world. Oh, and All The Balls table tennis. That's fun and quite painful at times.
I'd like to run though. For real. My dad was a runner and he talks about this truly freeing feeling you get. I think i probably need something like that. Plus exercise would probably do my brain and body the world of good.
Ever been the sporting type, Dexterous? I guess you are already. They say walking is one the best exercises for overall health and wellbeing. So you're right on track! That totally justifies strawberry pencils!

Ah well, i better try and sleep. Don't wants to :( It's way too early. Hrumph.
Send me some energy vibes for tomorrow, please? I'm gonna need all i can get.

Night Dexterous one.

Ps. I want fizzy watermelon sweets!

Dex said...

I do walk with my head down. I’ve probably blanked a million people I used to know by not looking up. Most of the time, I want people to walk on by.

He actually said ‘hello’ first, and I looked up. I wasn’t disappointed in him. He’s one of the nicest people I know. It’s just that he used to stop, and now he doesn’t.

So I don’t want to talk to people, but I’m still disappointed that people don’t stop to talk :) I’m a mess.

All The Balls table tennis – please explain.

Sitting in your bed wearing a penguin hat – that image makes me very happy :)

Okay, here’s what I bought tonight on Amazon:

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (the complete series)
American Dad 1-5

Oh, and FAB the complete series contains 64 episodes!

Jogging – should I add that to our list? I’m surprisingly healthy considering I live on sweets and don’t go to the gym.

Do you remember Basil The Great Rat Detective? Talking about Fern Gully reminded me of it. An animated film I must have watched a dozen times but had long since forgotten.

Lilly, I wish we could do all those things together that are on our list. I even wish we could be awkward at social events together :) I like you very much. Even the things you say you don’t much like about yourself, they make up part of someone I wouldn’t change and would happily spend my days and nights with, even attending a Bryan Adams concert or watching the Mermaid Chronicles :) Please remember that when you’re worrying about being yourself in social situations.

Sending you some happy vibes and some energy vibes for when you wake up :)

Goodnight Lilly, you’re the most fantastical friend a boy could have.

PS – Here’s a trailer for Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I’d be interested to know what your first impressions are:

PPS – Let’s promise not to send birthday cards to each other.

Hah, I use smileys way too much :) but they seem so useful.

Louise Boyd said...

Ughhhhhh! Awake for 1hr 20mins and counting. It hurts, Dex. It hurts so much.

I will reply to all your words later but right now they are just fuzzy shapes with the potential to be neatly script.


Have a good day, dear.

Dex said...

You too, Lilly.

It'll get better.

PS - Louise The Zero :) That is all.

Speak to you soon.

Louise Boyd said...

"neatly script"????

I really wasn't alive this morning. Ugh, indeed.

Probably won't get to reply until later, so if you feel like sending me stories to read in the evening, then please do!

My eyes feel like they're going to dissolve out of my head. Blargh,

Dex said...

Poor Lilly :(

When it's all over, tell me about your day.

I always feel like sharing things with you :) Although the post I sent at 2am this morning contains quite a lot, so I don't want to overload you. Is that possible?

Here are some random things:

I watched some of Oldboy last night. I actually saw it in the cinema years ago. I'd almost forgotten.

El Hazard: The Magnificent World was one of my favourite animes growing up. If you ever watch it, make sure you watch it with the English dub, it's so good.

What Studio Ghibli films do you own? Here are the ones in my collection:

Laputa: Castle In The Sky
Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbour Totoro
Porco Rosso

And they're all fantastic :) I'm sorry I'm on such an anime kick at the moment. Do you know, I hadn't watched anime in ages before I started talking to you. You've totally rekindled my passion for it, thank you :)

Could we have an anime week in the cinema we're going to run together?
What other themes do you think would be cool? What films would you choose for a vampire season?

A girl at work asked me the other day what kind of music I liked and that she kinda struggles to find new things. And I said that I have this friend who's always telling me about music I haven't heard before.

"Yeah, she's pretty cool".

Louise Boyd said...

Aww, really? Shucks. Not often i get reference for coolness. Thanks Dex :)

I'm going to try and make this a semi-decent reply but i really am quite sleepy so it make just become blithering nonsense after a while.
Here goes:

Thirst's on right now? Have you seen it?
Kang-ho Song can look so different. Compare him to Thirst, Oldboy and The Host and it's like looking at a completely different person. Chameleon-like. Thirst, by the way, would totally be on the list for vamp movies to play in our cinema. Totally.
Ohhh, he's gonna be in Snowpiercer. This film just sounds better and better. Which probably means it's gonna suck cause whenever i look forward to a movie it's an epic fail. I'm an omen. Demon seed. Spawn of Little Horn. Offspring of the Son of Perdition...there's a lot of names for the devil, i could go on.

Nadja came today :)

Vampire Movies for Dex & Lilly's Cinema:

Near Dark
Love At First Bite
30 Days of Night
Let The Right One In
Dusk Until Dawn
The Lost Boys
Dracula (Christopher Lee, of course)
Dracula (Bela Lugosi, the grand master)
Fright Night (original)
Shadow of the Vampire (which i recently bought!)
Night Watch
Day Watch
The Omega Man
Dracula: Dead and Loving It (have to, just have to)
Vampire in Brooklyn (again, because i have to)
The Hunger

Making that list has made me realise how few vampire movies i've actually ever seen. For someone who loves the genre, i really must up my game.

Louise Boyd said...

I youtubed 'El Hazard: The Magnificent World' and all i got was a load of singing...i'm guessing it's not a musical anime...that doesn't seem your thing somehow...Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex though? I would watch the hell out of that. I did feel like it would benefit from some monsters though...but really that's just me being me.

We can totally have an anime week at out cinema. You'd have to be in charge though, i lack your knowledge.
Studio Ghibli films i own:

My Neighbour Totoro
Howl's Moving Castle
Pom Poko
Spirited Away

but i want them all. Especially Arrietty, Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, The Cat Returns, Porco Rosso and Laputa. Yes please.
Do you have a favourite?
And don't apologise for your anime kick. I'm getting to know about some pretty sweet stuff and i like it! Long may it continue :)
I used to be into anime a little, way back in high school but the art department kinda shames you out of it. "Cartoons aren't real art". Art teachers can bite me. Same in uni, so you've got me back into something i really wanted to love. Ditto on the thanks. Muchly.

All The Balls table tennis - wow, that looks kind of dodgy. My apologies. All it is though, is playing table tennis with a box full of ping pong balls...all at once. We did this in my 4th year gym class because the teachers had kinda given in to those of us who weren't the sporty type and weren't gonna take it for a higher. So we did a lot Sitting Down Badminton, aimless walking, trampolining if the mood took us and of course ATBtt. Very fun. I suggest trying it some time. When i get a place of my own, i want a table tennis...err, table and hopefully someone to play against. That'd be nice.

Are you one of those people that has an incredible metabolism? Because i hate you people...(not you, maybe a little, nah). My metabolism is a slovenly wench. I sometimes wonder if i have one. Yet another reason to take up running! But no, we cannot run together. Unless it's fun. If it's fun, i'm all for company but if not, nope, i'm not slowly dying in running shoes in front of someone! No siree.

Ughhhhh, i'm so tired but i don't want to sleep yet. It's backwards. I cannot do a full day of people. It's so exhausting and all i did was go to a nursery in edinburgh, The Gyle to be fed and then home to drink tea and watch Skyfall. But there was all the talking and asking of questions that i had no answers for! Blargh, why must people be interested in me when i'm sleepy.
There was an upside. There was a black & white cat at the garden centre. I'm pretty sure it lives there and it was so lovely i was on the verge of cat-napping him. Wants a cat, Dex. Needs a cat. I did my very best to emotionally blackmail my rentals into have some more but alas, i failed. Rubbishness.

How did your day go, my dear? Was it Mareel or Psychological today? Have any crazy or sombre adventures today? Did you come across any sea nymphs perchance? ...told you i was tired.

Ps. Basil The Mouse Detective?! I was both thrilled and terrified of that cartoon. The bat...scared me. A lot of things scared me when i was little. And now i watch horror movies. Go figure.

Pps. You're way too nice to me.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly

You're the one being way too nice by sending me epic replies when you're so sleepy.

I'm just sitting in my bed, watching some early Frasier. I'm working 9-5 at Psychological tomorrow, so I should sleep soon. You too, okay :) Unless you need your nightly routine.

Goodnight lovely Lilly. I promise to send some nice things your way tomorrow :)

Louise Boyd said...

Yay, i love things! And early Frasier. Yessum.

I should sleep but i can't seem to move. I'm at that point where i kinda wanna watch a movie. Something really trashy and monsterful. Ridiculous.

Sleep awesomely and i'll be sending you happy vibes, even through my comatose state, to get you through the working day.

Gooood night.

Dex said...

Happy vibes are always good. I think I will go to sleep now, unless you need someone to talk to :)

Louise Boyd said...

Nope nope. I'm good. Off you go. Be well rested!

Night Dexterous


Dex said...


At work, feeling a bit down. Hope you don't mind if send you random message thoughts throughout the day.

Have you watched Shadow of the Vampire? I kinda wish we were watching it together this weekend. It was one of the films that crossed my mind. I have a feeling that Nadja is going to be a bit pretentious. Just like me :)

22000 views! I'm just a drop in the ocean. Obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks your amazing.

Dex said...

I forgot to ask how you are today? You went to Edinburgh! Isn't that quite far from where you live? And what's 'The Gyle'? Did you get a chai latte out of it all?

I'm having a really awkward day at work today :(

And if by incredible matabolism you mean I eat what I want, when I want, and seem to suffer no consequences whatsoever in terms of my weight, health or energy levels...then yes! Sorry. I'm sure it can't last.

Dex said...

I don't remember any singing the El Hazard. It was very funny though. And when I way funny, I don't mean the crazy kind that freaks you out (Excel Saga), more fun adventure kind of funny. It also had a kidnapped lesbian princess, a boy pretending to be a kidnapped lesbian princess, superpowered priestesses, an evil secret society, a massive death star-like weapon in the sky, a robot bug army and a bunch of other stuff. It was good. Well, it seemed good 10 years ago.

Aw Lilly, I wish you were allowed a cat. Does everyone in your family like cats? Do cats get along with each other? They always seem to wander alone.

I apologise for flooding you with messages throughout the day, but they're helping to cheer me up.

Louise Boyd said...

Why so down my dear lad? Why's work awkward? Just remember, whatever it is, you're awesome. End of.
I'm sorry i couldn't reply until now. After yesterday's outing i kinda crashed out, been battling a mother of a headache and the daily tidy-up.
All better now though! I hope you are too. Was someone being weird with you? Cause send them to me, i'll tell 'em what's for :)

Just so you know, receiving multiple messages stocked full with random info is something i take great joy in. So do it whenever you wish. I encourage it actually!

Find me a link to El Hazard. One that properly shows what you watched when you were a kid. I must have either watched it wrong through my half-dead state or watched something that has nothing to do with EH whatsoever...which is likely.
Anything with a death star-like storyline is just dandy by me. The more references to Star Wars the better.
How do you feel about Ewoks?
If i had a kitten, there is a very high chance i would name it Ewok, or Calcifer, or Thor. I very much want to name a tiny animal, Thor. Alas, i may have to wait until i get that dream home of mine because my parents aren't up for it. Well, they are, we do all indeed love cats but there's the expense, the destruction, the fact that we'd have to train them to be house cats because of all the traffic that's sprung up around my neighbourhood and i don't really like the idea of an animal being cooped up inside their whole life. My cats loved the outside, i lost two of them for a couple of days once, due to them wandering out in the fields and hunting bunnies. Little tyrants. And they do get along, i had two boys and two girls. The boys were practically an old married couple - like you and i :) - and the girls hated each other but y'know, us womenfolk are pretty pissy creatures. The boys loved the little female, Gillespie and Misty hated everyone. She was much nicer once she was the last of the litter.

Pepper & Misty - Brother & Sister - Both Persian/Tabby
Dizzy & Gillespie - Brother & Sister - Ginger Tom & Tabby.

I don't know why you need to know that but there you go. I'm a crazy cat lady that likes to talk about her much missed monsters.

See any felines on your travels today, Dexterous? Couldn't put one in a box - air holes, of course - and post it to me could you?
DId work improve? I really hope it did. It's so rubbish when you're in a situation that really cannot be escaped from.

Just because i like to know whether i'm doing right by you any of the stuff i posted last night? It's funny, i'm always thinking, 'Would Dex like this?' when i listen to music now :)

Oh, and yes, i was in Edinburgh. The outskirts really. At a place called New Hopetoun Gardens.

It's real nice there, especially in the summer. They have actual gardens set up so it's not just like walking into a plant warehouse. They actually put some effort into it. I've always liked garden centres. Been going since i was born. My mum is a true gardener, so we were always going for new things to plant in the garden. Did you have to too? What with you mum owning? a nursery.
My favourite when i was little:

It had a big hothouse filled with plants and loads of cats. You can probably guess where i spent most of my time.
I think i need to go back there, real soon :)

Ps. The Gyle is just a shopping centre off the motorway. It's as you would expect but there's all the necessaries for being fed and entertained. No cats though...

Louise Boyd said...

Forgot to say! I have watched Shadow of a Vampire before. One of those films i watched when i was much younger and have hazy, intriguing memories of. Yessum.

Dex said...

Someone is being weird with me, and I don't know why :( I don't want to go there tomorrow (Psychological, not Mareel). I don't know what I've done and it's making me really upset. For the last 2 days now.

I'm sure I'll be happier tomorrow evening when I hope to come home to discover American Dad 1-5 and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood the complete series waiting for me. Nadja came today, so all set for the weekend :)

I remember seeing 'Shadow of a Vampire' on a film review show years ago when it first came out and that feeling of really wanting to see it. I still do.

I just went to New Hopetoun Gardens webpage and saw that black and white cat you were talking about in the image gallery :)

The odd thing is that I feel like I need to know all about your cats. Not just cats, everything you want to tell me. Do you ever get that feeling, wanting to listen to someone tell you all about the things they love?

It's actually a nursery for children, the place that my mum manages rather than owns :) Although she does like gardening and plant nurseries are one of the things my parents always seem to go to when they're away. I've never had much opportunity to visit garden centres, although I do like to wander around gardens.

Do you really think about me when you're posting music? That's one of the kindest things anyone's ever said to me. But please Lilly, post what you like and some things I'll love, some I'll like and some I'll 'meh', but I'll always be grateful. The music on here really does get me through some days :) The triple whammy of 'Kill For Love', 'Girls Like Me' and 'A Great Design' was just what I needed today. Thank you so much.

I'll try and find you a good clip of El Hazard, but I'm not too hopeful. It's something I would have posted ages ago if I'd found a suitable clip, but I won't give up.

Until then, here's another cartoon from my childhood:

I'm glad you like receiving random, sparodic messages, Lilly. I like sending them. And receiving them too :)

P.S. - I hope that nursery still has loads of cats :)

Louise Boyd said...

Aw Dex, i'm sure it's nothing to do with you at all. Probably just their own stuff making them act strangely. But if not, it's their problem, not yours. You shouldn't have to worry over someone else's troubles, especially when they're quite possibly being taken out on you. You could just ask them? I know that sucks but sometimes it's better than the awkwardness. Air hug?

I reckon, we should keep Shadow of a Vampire on the list of weekend movies. I won't watch my copy until we pick a Saturday to watch it. Deal? Yes? Okay :)

I knew it! When you mentioned the nursery the first time, i couldn't decide which kind it was and when i was leaving you the previous message, i just knew when whichever i decided on would be the wrong one! Typicalll.

We could visit there ^
Add it to the list.

And this one:

St Andrews isn't all that far from me. Surprised i haven't been there already.

I have the Defenders of the Earth theme tune stuck in my head now and not totally unhappy about it. Hah. There should be a channel dedicated to all the magnificent cartoons we watched as kids. That would be too cool.

So, you were musically satisfied? Yusssss. A win for me and you.
It's not like i solely listen to music i think you'll like but whenever i stumble upon something that i know you might be into, my brain takes note of it and then i post it so you can share in the goodness! Little Dex dedications.

I completely understand the feeling of wanting to know the ins and outs of people that affect you positively. I think that's called friendship. I think. Although, you probably know more about me than any of my 'in real life' friends do at this point.
I'm glad you like to listen to me babble on about felines and the rather mundane business that is my life. It's always nice for someone to take an interest in you. Just do me a favour, yeah? Don't turn out to be one of those people that's actually out to fuck me over. Please? I'm sick of being everybody's doormat.
And feel free to ramble at me about silly stuff. I enjoy it immensely. Nothing quite like being told stories everyday and not have to feel like you're an inadequate soul.

Ohhhh! They're showing 'The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover' on film4. Awesomeness. Michael Gambon...what a guy. It looks so effortless when he acts, like breathing.

Ps. My sister did a search for kittens for sale in the surrounding area. Now i know what's out there. I'm dying inside. I need a fluffy belly to play with. I fear myself right now.

Dex said...

Lilly, would you mind if I went to bed soon? Work tomorrow, 9am :(

But then the weekend :)

I'd love to see those places with you, you know I would. And so many more.

Lilly, I doubt any kitten could be more loved than one looked after by you.

I like you, Lilly. You're my friend. I hope I turn out to be someone who deserves to have you as a friend. Tell me if I ever start acting like a twat :)

Louise Boyd said...

Of course i don't mind. Kinda thinking the same thing.
And yeah, we've got the weekend to blither like fools :)

Sleep well, Dexterous

Ps. I'll tell if you behave like a a nice way of course :)

Dex said...

You too, Lilly :)

Time to sleep-fight some crime!

I'll send you happy vibes and random happy thoughts from work.

Dex said...

"I have heartburn that is radiating in my knee caps"

Aw Lilly, I hope you managed to get some sleep and are feeling a bit better today.

Here, have "the strength of 10 tigers". Quote from The Phantom, Defenders of the Earth. Hah, I'm such a geek :)

Don't you just love how long that theme tune went on for?

Laputa: Castle In The Sky is probably my favourite SG film at the moment. So, so good.

Dex said...

For lunch I just had some Doritos, a Twix, and some 'Confused?' Skittles. You just had to know that, didn't you?

I haven't forgotten all my promises. That list of music, Iron & Wine, David Sylvian, photographs. I really need to buy a camera. A simple, easy to use one that takes nice pictures. The weather has been really fine, so I'm mad at myself for not getting around to it sooner. I actually hate that about myself, planning something I really want to do and then spending weeks or months doing absolutely nothing about it or forgetting about it altogether.

Don't let me forget, Lilly. I don't want to just be all words to you :) And anime, gotta find you more anime.

How are you, Lilly? Is Spotify treating you a lot better now? Do you have any plans for the weekend (indoors or outdoors)?

And never say you're sorry for not replying 'til late. I'll wait up for you :) Or fall asleep attempting to wait up for you, usually in my bed with my laptop, watching the things I like. It's my favourite time.

Hah, I used to go to bed at about 11pm when I had work at 9am the next day. I've never once regretted staying up to talk with you.

Oh well, lunch time over :(

Louise Boyd said...

Heartburn all gone but who knows when the fiery beast will return to taunt me again. I don't even know what caused it! Told you my stomach was a place of not well.
It did give me a chance to use one of my favourite lines from Juno though.
I appreciate the strength of ten tigers though. Can i have that every day? It'd be very useful. Who do i sell my soul to for that?

Y'know, sometimes the cheapest camera can produce the most wonderful of photographs. Why do you think everyone's going in for all this instagram stuff, it's all just based around Lomography. I'd like a Diana+ camera. Yes, i would.
So don't worry about quality and just take me some photos of your lovely countryside. I actually got a bit happy when they showed Lerwick on the weather map yesterday :) Inside i was going, 'Dex lives there!'. Hah.

Did you really have that for lunch? Do Twix taste any better these days? The last one i had tasted funny. I wish they'd stop changing the yummy things of my childhood. Like KitKats. They do not taste the same anymore!
I'll be having cereal. When i finally finish getting ready to face the day. Ugh, that'll be never. No idea how i managed to get up at 7:40am on Wednesday. Honestly. And i did it without help. Must have been invasion of the body snatchers or something.

Is work better today? You sound cheerier. Or is that the sugar. Can't be. You're sugar immune!
And yes, i am horribly envious of your ability to consume that much sugar and suffer no consequences. Definitely a wizard.

Can't say Spotify's being any nicer, so i'm relying more on blogs and bandcamp. The only downside to that is it's costing me more money but oh well, supporting the music industry i am.
Have you found any wondrous bands of late?

Okay. I'm clean, dressed and ready for 10 to 4. Sake.

Reply reply reply!

Ps. I haven't seen Laputa but now i really, really want to.
Spirited Away is currently my favourite.
I can't get enough of those soot sprites and Boh! Oh goodness, i love Boh.

Dex said...

I'm glad you're feeling better :)

I guess everyone has to miss some part of the day. And you like the early hours. Maybe that's worth getting up late for.

How long did it take you to become your fully awake self when you had to get up at 7.40am?

Well, I haven't seen Spirited Away! I know, what kind of anime fan hasn't seen Miyazaki's masterpiece. My kind, that's who :)

Less than half an hour and I can go home. Yay. Work's just the same I'm afraid, but it doesn't bother me so much today. Writing to you is like escaping for a little while.

We got a box from the 'Chocolate Tasting Club' delivered to our house yesterday. Made by chocolatiers. I'd love to call myself a chocolatier.

Would it make you happy if I told you the first thing I said every morning I had to get up to go to work was 'give me the strength of 10 tigers'?

Hmm, I have a funny feeling I'm having haddock for tea tonight. Do you like fish? Back on food :)

And do you like cold chocolate?

And have you seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers or the remake?

Sometimes they put Shetland in a box on maps of the UK. Makes me think there's a massive 60ft wall surrounding us out there in the North Sea.

I'd better make a final push to get something done. Speak to you later, Lilly :)

Louise Boyd said...

So sorry work's the same but very much glad i can act as some sort of buffer to it all :)
As i've said countless times, escape here whenever you feel the need. This is a Dex-friendly zone.

It would make me exceedingly happy if you spoke of tigers first thing in the morning! Do you?
I make vowel sounds mostly.
I really want to get back to waking up at a reasonable hour. The last time i did that was for uni and that was quite some time ago now. It doesn't help that i take a type of medication that affects the way you sleep. Such a drag but i'm still gonna try harder. Even though it hurt like a bitch, it was so nice to be up during the right part of the a.m. and see the rest of the day. If only i could stay up late and get up early like i used to just a few years ago.
Am i old, Dex?!

I've seen the remake of Body Snatchers. I don't think i liked it enough to be bothered to watch the original. Shameful, i know but i'm a slothful soul. Have you see the original? Bet you have. Show off.

Being part of this Chocolate Tasting Club sounds like a mighty good thing. Had any beyond amazing ones yet?
Sometimes my dad's patients bake him stuff, cause he's looked after them so well - not saying it just because he's my paw, best optician ever.
And he has this Italian couple that come to see him. Or Sicilian. I'm not sure. I think the husband is Sicilian and the wife's Italian. I can't remember! But the husband is a lollipop man and he used to help me cross the street from primary school. Awfully nice man. Anyway, to the point of this diatribe. His wife made my dad a cake once. An authentic Italian Amaretto Cake...I think i ate the entire thing. It's seriously the best thing i have ever tasted. I could die happy with a slice of Mrs Caruso's Amaretto Cake. And guess what?
She brought my dad some more yesterday :)
I made the giddiest noise you ever did here.
Sugary goodness!
Jealous? :)

Cold chocolate - i don't know. It would probably depend on the chocolate. I can't imagine a Kinder Egg Surprise is all that good cold. But Galaxy? Hmm, might have to try that.

Home safe, Dexterous?
I'm getting soup for tea. Had that yesterday. Bummer. But oh well, i get fed, i'm very much okay with that.

I'm going to continue clearing some junk from my black pit of despair now.
Speaks later, boyface :)

Dex said...

Do you not sleep very well? I didn't know that. I just thought you slept at a different time. That sucks, Lilly. You need a hug. I hope you find the energy to enjoy some mornings and still keep your precious 'quiet time' in the night.

I didn't get my DVDs today. Massive let down on arriving home :( Tomorrow, surely tomorrow. I think I'll do a bit of dusting & hoovering this evening, and forget my disappointment. What an exciting life I lead!

I like soup. Not lentil soup, though. Too many bad memories. School dinners at Sound Primary, yuck. I hated soup & sandwiches day. And mince & tatties day. Did you get orange fish? I think they were coated in ruskoline. The desserts were okay.

Didn't usually have school dinners at the Anderson High. We were allowed to go down to Commercial Street at lunchtime, so I could get a toastie from Zlotys. Not much has changed. Still getting those toasties. Slightly depressing now I come to think about it. Need a change.

I hope you find that imaginary house somewhere in real life. I'd like to visit. Spend a summer there. That'd be nice.

Maybe you'd like to spend a summer in Shetland. For the 2 weeks of fine weather. Can't promise we'd do anything except meander around town, loll about on the grass, go to the cinema, drink tea, and spend the early hours doing pretty much what we do now.

Lesson for today: don't put Mars Bars or Snickers in the fridge. They're impossible to eat cold. Kit Kats are nice cold. I like the snapping sound they make when you break off a finger. You might prefer them cold.

Why don't people bring me cake? :( If I want cake, I have to fetch it for myself. Not even particularly good cake. Just so you know, I'd probably whack you in the face with The Complete Works of William Shakespeare to get your slice of Mrs Caruso's Amaretto Cake. I'd feel bad afterwards...maybe.

Being a film snob, I have seen the original Body Snatchers :) I think I liked it enough to watch it again. I quite like creepy small town America. I think the remake was set in not-so-creepy big city America.

Whatya gonna watch tonight, Lilly? Or are you just gonna take the night as it comes?

Louise Boyd said...

Evening! Or morning. Both really.
Happy a.m.
That'll do!

Transformers 2 was inflicted on me this evening. Such a disappointment after the first one. Although i imagine you'd think the first was an abomination anyway, being a diehard Formers fan :)
I can just imagine you getting all riled up at all the inaccuracies. Sweet!

Uh, Dex? You do know you just described my ideal holiday, right? Shetland. Good company. Lazing around and movies. Want!
All my holidays included being route marched around places. Saw some awesome stuff but i'd prefer a slower pace. The closest i got was at a place called Carradale. Sure i've mentioned it before. We rented this big house for entire family, which is actually only 9 people but sometimes feels like a herd. There was a beach 20 minutes or so away. It was heaven. When my gran still had her dog, Cariad (means 'Sweetheart' in welsh, always thought that was lovely) which was actually our dog before i was born - three kids and a dog, not easy to handle - we used to take her with us and she would lollop around the sand and get real excited. Aww, do miss the old girl. She was a cross between a Border Collie and a Spaniel. She had all the traits of a Collie but with curly, floppy ears. She used to let me lay with my head on her belly.
Is it obvious that i really want a pet?
If you could have any animal, what would it be?

I have never had a school dinner. Fact.
My mum made us lunch and put them in our specially picked out lunch-boxes. I had a blue looney tunes one and i loved it to death. Then in high school i had the standard 'i'm not a kid anymore' tupperware of foodstuffs...then i went through this phase of not eating at school. That was a strange one but i'm not the biggest fan of eating in public anyway. Just another quirk to add to the ever-growing list!
I want Pez. Real bad.
Almost bought one there. A Darth Vader pea dispenser...and then looked at the shipping cost. £13.49 in total for a Pez? Yeah, that's only gonna happen when i'm in one of those moods and i'm safe right now. Huzzah.

Cold KitKat. Definitely getting tried.
I like the snapping noise too :) one of the best parts. Have you ever encountered the waferless KitKat? Just all chocolate? They're kinda special when you get one. A nice chocolatey surprise!
All this talk of food has made me hungry. I think i need a piece of Mrs Caruso's Amaretto Cake.
Not rubbing it in your face at all that i have it and you don't...
You did say you'd hit me in the face with an extremely hefty book to get it though! I'm totally justified. And so you know, i'd bake for you. It might not be good but i would. What's your favourite cake?

I'm super yawny but not tired. What's that about?

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you? Enjoying your Amaretto Cake? Much left?

You'd bake for me! You're one awesome creature. Come up here and make me a lemon drizzle cake please :)

What kind of pet? A cat. I think. The kind that curls up on your lap. You could look after it for me.

I have had a waferless KitKat. Yes, once. A nice surprise :)

I'd even watch the Transformers films with you. You like the first one though, don't you?

Dex said...

I like your quirks :)

I can't use a knife & fork properly. I kinda stick the knife in the food and use the fork to tear pieces off!

With your lunch box, did you have a flask? Did you sometimes forget to close it properly and it ended up flooding your food? Happened to me with alarming frequency.

I suppose we have to be marched around by our parents sometimes or we would hardly see anything :)

Do you think your family will come around to the idea of having another pet? You need a pet, Lilly.

I'd think I'd be happy with a Shetland summer like the one I described. Very happy indeed :)

Louise Boyd said...

Lemon Drizzle Cake is awesome! I'd make you that and have to consider keeping it for myself! Nah, i'd give you it. You deserve cake :)
There's about two slices worth left of Mrs Caruso's cake and i should probably grab myself some before it vanishes from my hungry paws. I'd really like the recipe but i can't ask her that. It's the kind of cake you keep in the family, passing it down from one generation to the next. Not to your optometrist's daughter. No matter how much she begs and would treasure the recipe all her days. Definitely not...

Do you know what you would name a cat? Everyone has a name in the back of their head somewhere, for a rainy cat receiving day.
I wouldn't look after it. I'd steal it!

Transformers 1 = awful good fun.
Transformers 2 = roll your eyes goofiness.
Transformers 3 = kill me now
Transformers 4 = why Marky Mark? Why?!

If you didn't guess from that last outburst, i have a major soft spot for the Wahlberg. He's so useless but i wanna give him a hug. Even in The Departed. Seen it? I hated the first time and now i can watch it repeatedly and never get bored. It's odd.

Louise Boyd said...

You sneaky creature! Posting words without me noticing. You tyrant.

I did have a flask! And yes, it did flood my lunchbox with 'alarming frequency'. Tricky tricksters, not closing properly. Or was it us not paying enough attention and leaving them unsealed?
Did you have a special lunchbox too?

Well, my sisters and I are doing our best with the emotional guilt tripping but i don't know how far we can push it until it becomes annoying and we get barked at. They might come round. Just not right now i think. Although, there has been talk of a dog to encourage better form on the laziness front and to actually get me out of this wretched house.
We'll see and yeah! I do need a pet. They make me a better Lilly.

What you doingggg?

Dex said...

I'm glad you posted another reply to get us back on track. It's like having a conversation one step behind :)

My lunchbox was blue. I used to have bovril sandwiches! I was odd, even back then.

I have seen The Departed. You seen Infernal Affairs?

I'm in bed at the moment, watching old episodes of Columbo :) It's what I do.

What about you? I'm guessing Jericho or Revenge :)

And we can half the Lemon Drizzle Cake.

Louise Boyd said...

I've not seen Internal Affairs actually. But Richard Gere and Andy Garcia? Gotta be good, right?

Ah, Peter Falk. I always wanted him to tell me stories like The Princess Bride. Fred Savage was so lucky!
Pretty soon, i'm gonna buy the whole lot of The Wonder Years and just gorge on nostalgic goodness.

Bovril?! How does that even work???

Sitting in bed, NOT watching those awful shows that i love. Listening to music instead. This is the winding down part before sleep which i'm going to do pretty soon.

Cake cake cake.

Dex said...

Infernal Affairs. That's not a typo :) The Hong Kong film that The Departed is a remake of.

Bovril in sandwiches. The folly of one's youth. I moved onto Nutella in sandwiches if that's any better.

I think I'll go to sleep too.

Are we still on for Nadja?

Louise Boyd said...

Haha, that's what i get for not paying enough attention. And no. Obviously, i have not. Awchh such a loser tonight. Is it good?

We're definitely on for Nadja, as long as i don't somehow mix it up with another movie :)

Nutella on toast is better.
Jam sandwiches are for life.

Sleep timeee! G'night Dex. Dream a dream of dancing sandwiches for me.

Dex said...

A film called Infernal Affairs about internal affairs. I called it 'internal' for about a year after I bought it.

But yeah, it pretty good.

Nutella on toast is indeed much better. No disagreements here.

Night Lilly :)

To a dream of dancing sandwiches I go.

Dex said...

Lilly, they're definitely showing Stoker at Mareel :) From the 22nd March. Tell me you'll be disappointed if I don't go and see it. Then I'll definitely go.

I like that you have so much control over what I watch and listen to. Just been listening to David Sylvian, Everything & Nothing. It was good, just not very 'me'. Totally worth my time, though. Then some more music from your blog, some of which was very 'me'. Everything you suggest is worth my time.

More, more, more.

That vampire film list was fantastic. How can you say you need to up your game? I haven't seen half of them. But I have seen 'Dracula: Dead & Loving It' :) You're my go-to-girl for all things music/film/tv related. Actually, you're my go-to-girl for most things.

I think you're a vampire, Lilly. You're gradually turning me into a creature of the night, controlling what I do, making me dream of dancing sandwiches. I like.

And this isn't an afterthought, it's an always thought. How are you today, Lilly? That's what I really need to know.

Ugh, there's a car revving it's engine continuously outside my house at the moment. Irritating. Do you live in a quiet road?

Do you like Pixar films? Which are your favourites? I only mention it because they're showing Finding Nemo in Mareel. It's 3D though. Would that put you off? Should I go and see it?

Dex said...

Hmm, I can't help feeling that I'm partly to blame for your dream of your computer dying from a sugar overdose.

Louise Boyd said...

Buy a ticket for Stoker. I command you.
Did you know it was written by the lead guy, Wentworth Miller, from Prison Break? That messes with my brain. But i guess just because you're an atrocious actor doesn't mean you don't have other talents. Aaron Sorkin was an actor before he was an award-winning writer. The West Wing, Sports Night, Studio 60, The Social Network, the American President and now The Newsroom which i have to see. Yes, yes i do.
Although, confession time. I've never seen The West Wing. I've basically watched the whole thing via my sister watching it in the kitchen repeatedly - seriously, she has marathons of all 7 seasons. So i'm very familiar with it. I have favourite characters but i've never watched it in sequence. Probably should amend that.

David Sylvian is not for everyone. You can be forgiven your underwhelmed feelings towards him. You're wrong though :)

I'm your go-to-girl for new stuff? Really? Shucks :)x7
You could do better though, i'm sure. So many great blogs out there.
And i wish i was a vampire! Eternal youth, super strength and okay, blood makes me faint but whatever, i could close my eyes! OR! Be like Count Duckula.
I think we should switch roles. You influence me to be a more rounded human being. Get up early, participate in society even if i find it desperately uncomfortable and learn to walk everywhere. Please? I'd be forever grateful. Like, lemon drizzle cake every day grateful!

Don't go and see Finding Nemo in 3D. 3D sucks. I hate it. Gives me a headache. And Finding Nemo should never be sullied with brain pain.
Have to say Toy Story's my favourite. Their first time out and it was just perfection. Up and Finding Nemo come a close second. A hair's breadth.
I really liked Brave but it was missing something. Not sure what but something vital to a true Pixar movie. Still spectacular though.
Got a favourite?

Today is not proving to be a great day. Everyone in my family's really tense and on edge just now. Not very happy. So we kind of want to escape each other and all the crap that comes with living together but we can't because of guilt and loyalty and well, i have nowhere to go! It'll get better. Just need a break from everything. From everyone. It's exhausting having to deal with everyone's crap, plus your own. Do you get that? Or do you have a rather well-balanced family?
How's Dex? Also not an afterthought. Looking forward to vampy goodness this eve? Midnight like last week? What wondrous things have appeared throughout your day?

Ps. I live in suburbia, so cars revving is not unlikely but not common. I'd hate to live next to a busy road. I actually don't know how i'd cope in a city, with all the noise. I need quiet, especially for sleep. Even the birds annoy me :)

Louise Boyd said...

Pps. You're totally to blame for my dream but that's okay. I'm scared of my laptop so it's probably wise i back it up.

Dex said...

Westerloch is okay most of the time. For some reason there's a white sports car with a high rear wing sitting in my elderly neighbours' driveway. It looks like something from the 80s. I think that's where all the noise was coming from.

I'm very much looking forward to Nadja. Midnight suits me fine. I'm glad it was sent separately from my other DVDs. They've still not arrived :(

I often get very frustrated with my family. They're too loud. And they guilt trip me into being active.

Don't feel guilty about leading a quiet life, Lilly. It's a lovely thing, a quiet life. I wish more people would realise that.

I'm not even going to confess to all the supposedly amazing shows I've never seen. The West Wing is the tip of the iceberg.

Films too. Even Pixar. But I've seen a few. Toy Story 2 & Finding Nemo are probably the two I enjoy the most. Never seen a film in 3D.

I'm sorry things are a bit crappy at the moment. But I'll be here if you need to talk :)

Here's something:

Dex said...

When you say marathons of all 7 season of The West Wing, you don't mean all 7 in a row, do you? Wouldn't that be close to impossible? Like 'task of Hercules' impossible.

Are you sure it was me and not the Amaretto cake that did for you and your dream? Maybe secret Sicilian sorcery.

As if I don't think enough about food, today I have been watching:

Would you really like to live alone, Lilly?

P.S. And you're wrong about Belle & Sebastian :)

Louise Boyd said...

You, Taz and Nero Wolfe have cheered me up :)
I think quite possibly i'm a bit fruit loopy just now, mood seems to jump around the place. Very tiring.
One second i'll be fine, the next i'll either want to cry or break things. Dinner was interesting tonight. I got very tense and wanted to Hulk out. My brain sucks. But i got fed steak, which is awesome.

By marathon, i mean she will watch from series 1-7, not in one sitting but over the course of however long it takes whilst doing the normal life stuff. I think you'd get bed sores if you tried it in a oner.
I do that with some series i love beyond measure, like Buffy, Battlestar Galactica and Supernatural - not sure it counts as i purposely don't have all of the available series. S'fun. You never done that before?

Hit me with some of the amazing shows you've never seen. I bet i won't be that shocked. I love tv, like really love it and i've not seen all i've meant to and truly don't understand a lot of the stuff people obsess over. Seinfeld? I hate that show.
I tried The Wire and just couldn't be bothered. Lame. Not because it doesn't seem brilliant...i just didn't want to concentrate that hard. Plus Dominic West's accent, though good, distracts me.

I bet you that car has a flux capacitor in it.

Dex said...

The Wire
Arrested Development
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
The Walking Dead
Boardwalk Empire
Mad Men
Sons of Anarchy
The Shield
Prison Break

To name but a few!

Can we still be friends or am I a hopeless case?

Louise Boyd said...

Out of that list i have seen:

The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
The Walking Dead
Mad Men

...We can definitely still be friends. Just don't watch Entourage. Don't do that to your brain.

Dex said...

Thanks for the advice :)

Steak for dinner, huh. Lucky girl.

Have things got a little bit better since dinner?

I've been looking for sci-fi films today:

Louise Boyd said...

It's not advice, dear. I'm looking after your mental health here! It's truly the worst thing i have ever encountered.

TCoLC is one of my very favourite movies. Buy it. Watch it. Fall wholeheartedly in love with it. Or else.

Delicatessen and Amelie are my favourite Jeunet and Caro films though. Should really get round to watching MicMacs at some point. For someone who loves movies, i suck at it!

I'm so gloomy, Dex. I can't even be bothered to get up for a cup of tea. Paaaaathetic. A vampy evening is definitely going to do me some good.

If you want sci-fi, then you can't go wrong with Twelve Monkeys but i bet you've seen that :)

Dex said...

Not long now.

Why so gloomy, Lilly? Is it just life?

I wish you lived only a few minutes away from me. I'd make you a cup of tea.

Dex said...

Oh, and you're right. I have seen Twelve Monkeys :)

Louise Boyd said...

My inability to both face and alter my life. That's what makes me gloomy.
Pissing myself off right now. But i got up, i made myself some mint tea and i'm watching Shaun of the Dead in bed, in my pyjamas until it's Dex & Lilly time.
This movie never fails to bring me smiles. Soooo looking forward to The World's End. The last in the Cornetto series. So sad.
Although, i suppose there's potential more, as the flavour of Cornettos increases and varies.

We got Twelve Monkeys on blu-ray recently. Gonna look bitchin'.

What you up to, Dex? Parents away again?

Dex said...

Nah, parents here this weekend.

Just been tidying up a few things before I settle down for the night :)

Louise Boyd said...

You always seem to be cleaning...

I found a stash of Chupa Chups i'd forgotten about. Cola flavoured. Nom.

Dex said...

Chupa Chups. Nom Nom. I'm kinda jealous.

Louise Boyd said...

Stashing sweeties that don't expire easily is something i suggest you do. Then you can randomly find Chupa Chups too!

Dex said...

Will your dream house be full of stashed sweets? I'd tear the place apart hunting for them :)

Louise Boyd said...

It will. Like Halloween and Easter all rolled into one, anytime you like.

I know i shouldn't be surprised but this has a great soundtrack.

Dex said...

What do you think of the pixelated camera work?

Louise Boyd said...

Don't shoot me down for being a nerd for saying this but i actually think it works with the tone of the movie.
I don't know if this is any good. Visually it's gripping but the acting? Hmm. I can't tell if it's on purpose or not.

Dex said...

I hope it's on purpose. Surely Peter Fonda's playing his role for laughs.

Louise Boyd said...

Must be. Maybe it's trying to be a modern take on those old b-movies. Did you catch David Lynch?

Dex said...

I didn't even know what he looked like :)

Louise Boyd said...

He was the hospital attendant guarding "Dracula's" body. Peter Fonda has magic glasses. Oh god.

Dex said...

Okay, so the nurse looking after Dracula's son just happens to be related to Van Helsing.

Louise Boyd said...

I seriously don't know what to say. Either i'm missing something or this is arthouse nonsense.

Dex said...

"Face it Jim, she's a zombie".

I have no idea what to make of this film.

Louise Boyd said...

Did you see the size of that urn? Was Dracula a behemoth?

Dex said...

Have you ever read Dracula?

Louise Boyd said...

I've tried a few times. I have a really lovely copy of it for some reason as well but i find it a little...dully written.
Have you?
I prefer newer vampire lore anyhow, there's more scope.

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