sleep starved

September 17, 2013

Why is it that when I'm trying to sleep, my brain decides to have a theological argument with itself?
How is that fair?

dom said...

who won the argument and what was the theological argument, I must know!

Louise Boyd said...

I feel special, three messages in one day! Whatever did i do to deserve such an influx of Domatronness?

The sleepy side of my brain won. Of course it did. I can only talk to myself for so long before even i get bored of my usual debate about being an agnostic with pretty strong atheistic leanings.
Mostly it goes along the lines of one side of my brain defending itself against the other which is taunting it about being such a weak-willed individual that i sit on the fence about my very existence.
But i can't decideeeeee! How could i possibly when there are no facts to prove which is false?! And what if facts aren't really facts at all. Perhaps everything we see as fact is really fiction and our whole lives are backwards!

This is what i get for taking and enjoying my Religious Studies classes in high school and then basing my artwork on the flaming Inferno!
I'm not even religious! But i am seriously considering reading The Bible and The Vedas and any other major religious texts. If you take it as merely stories and not your entire reason for being, it's actually pretty interesting and the words can be insanely beautiful.

I'm going to be quiet now because this is what got me in last night's situation!

Why can't i argue with myself about who's the best Bob's Burgers character?
Because it's easy.
Quiet now.

dom said...

That's the only format Domatronness comes in, a monthly flurry of poorly thought out comments. And as your inbox fills with comment approval requests you will ponder turning off comments altogether.

I'm similarly agnostic for reasons I struggle to eloquently put into words, unlike yourself.


Louise Boyd said...

The monthly flurries of our friendship have lasted us over 5 years, my dear and i wouldn't change them for a ride on Falkor*
Well, perhaps a few more flurries. Lost sight of you a while back and my digital escapades are not complete with a little Domness in them.

*This is a blatant lie but it's Falkor for crying out loud!

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