
August 13, 2014

The interloper has reached new heights of gallousness.
Cats are weird and awesome.

dom said...

what a cheeky bugger. i wonder if any of my cats have ever taken advantage of strangers hospitality like this. do you still have any cats? i know you lost one a year or two back, i was just wondering how they are reacting to this challenger and encroacher

Louise Boyd said...

I did indeed lose my last of four cats a while ago. My Misty. I miss her painfully but i would not have liked seeing her reaction to the interloper. There may have been blood =/ Or a lot of cowering. She was unpredictable.

Alas, no kittens for me just now. There was hope for a little while but it's not a great time for tiny balls of fluff right now *sob*
I actually don't know when i'll have a feline buddy again. At some point i will move out but that'll be to a flat and i dunno how i feel about keeping a cat inside all the time. My cats got so much joy from racing around the countryside, hunting shadows on the lawn and eating our frogs - yuck. Their reaction to seeing and feeling their first snowfall was enough alone to stop me from confining a cat to the indoors.
Maybe i'll get a rabbit. Or a chinchilla! I don't have the best background with rodents though. My hamster loathed me =/ I only got to hold him once and he bit me viciously...then my cat whacked him round the head and the hamster was no more.
Maybe i shouldn't be allowed to look after living things...

Ps. The interloper has forsaken me! Haven't seen her for days. And it was Black Cat Day yesterday and everything. *more sobbing*

PPs. Do you still adorn your felines with scarves?

dom said...

maybe i will when the cold weather gets here. we haven't had significant snow for a few years and with that no cat reactions to it. maybe this year?

yar i feel the same way about indoor cats. they seem to love it too much to deprive them of it, plus it probably keeps them from getting all corpulent, i feel all the youtube videos i've seen of fat cats who look like they need cat mobility scooters might have been indoor ones but i can't confirm this. just a hunch.

we had rabbits when i were just a small child, i don't have many memories of it apart from it being pretty violent and hating any attention. we also had a hamster but we are pretty sure my little brother killed it by feeding it chocolate chip cookies. death by cookie. i remember our mum showing us the departed after discovering it and we all erupted into tears.

Louise Boyd said...

Death by cookie? To be fair, that's not a bad way to go...

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