off to war

January 17, 2013

On the 17th of January 2013, i woke up to discover two unexpected gifts.
I didn't see this coming.
I didn't even think Armin Mersmann would have any knowledge of my blog - it's so little - let alone take the time to write me such a thoughtful, honest and above all, supportive message.
I think i forget sometimes that i'm not the only artist in the world.
That sounds incredibly narcissistic but it's the simple fact that i live with myself every day, i'm only capable of knowing how i feel at all times and i'm not one to share.
I'll put it all over the internet, however. 
More making of the sense that is not, my speciality.

I regret not talking to my university friends about the feelings of inadequacy that were debilitating me while i was still in education.
They were probably feeling just the same and would not have been able to fix my problems but perhaps then i wouldn't have felt so small and so alone in my situation.
To be a Fine artist in a contemporary art school is not easy, thus why i fled so spectacularly.
This year i'll be receiving my Ordinary Degree, after 4 years of the university kindly holding my space open so i could complete with my Honours.
Which i can do whenever i wish. 
Hopefully they'd reaccept me but i'm not entirely sure DOJ is the place for me.
I'm not even sure if art is the right choice for me and until i know that i won't be returning to any institution of art.
It's really rather hard for someone like myself, who's ultimate goal within university was to receive a 1st and couldn't even bring themselves to start their final year.
It's all i wanted but i was a mess and it shouldn't have been what being an artist at art school was about.
I should have just wanted to create, instead i wanted to win.
Unhealthy but understandable.
I still want that 1st, i think i always will but if i go back to complete my degree, i just want to produce something that touches people.
Something i'm proud of.
But not too proud! 

So, thank you Mr Mersmann
I can't tell you how much receiving your message meant to me and how much it's given me to think about.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow and please keep producing your sublime works of art.
They may leave me timid but they are truly wonderful things to behold.

Also, to anyone who is currently at art school or even doing it solo and finds themselves in the same situation as i, message me if you'd like.
I can't fix it but i can empathise.
With bells on.

My other gift of the day was from my Mum.
It's always nice to wake up to a present, especially when you are utterly undeserving because of the ungodly hour you've finally dragged yourself out of bed to attempt functioning like a normal human being.
I won't tell you the hour but it was pretty bad.
The sun was going back down.
Shame, shame on me.
Thanks Mum.
You may be the only one i have but i still kinda think you're the best one.

Feel free to make barfing noises behind your computer screens at my unabashed soppiness!
I care not!

Listening to: Seamonster 'Bed of Roses'

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Dex said...

I've tried too. I like the first few chapters with the lawyer visiting Translyvania. They're kinda creepy.

Louise Boyd said...

Fonda looks horribly happy when he stakes a vampire. Like when a kid's given a Refresher's bar.

dex said...

I'm definitely gonna watch something with a bit of colour afterwards.

Dex said...

Sorry, I think I posted twice :(

Okay the exchange rate was extortionate. You gave me Dark City & I gave you that.

Louise Boyd said...

Aw, nice! Some by-proxy incest. That's what we like to see. Yuck.

Hah, don't worry about it, Dex. We all make movie mistakes and you know what, at least we got to be appalled together!
I think i need to watch that again though, strangely. Maybe underneath the silliness there's something more or i'm just deluding myself!

End of Shaun of the Dead and then it's music time. What colourful treasure are you gonna partake in?

Dex said...

Lilly, that was awful. Started off okay, but when it all kicked off in that confusing scene in the house and just fell apart. They even lost the good soundtrack less than halfway through :(

I'm gonna watch Bowfinger. I need a film with absolutely no arthouse leanings at all.

Louise Boyd said...

How many times can one man possibly watch Bowfinger?!

Dex said...

I can't explain it. It just cheers me up so much :)

Do you have films that do that to you?

Louise Boyd said...

Highlander. First one that comes to mind. Even the second one...and the third...and fourth...hanging my head in shame right now...possibly.

Dex said...

Do you remember the Highlander cartoon?

Louise Boyd said...

I didn't see it when i was little but i have watched it on youtube. Stu-pen-dous. But it doesn't have Connery though. Major sore point.

Dex said...

Thanks for watching Nadja with me :)

Any ideas for next weekend?

Louise Boyd said...

Not as of yet but i think it should be something colourful and happy perhaps. Maybe some black comedy. I shall ponder upon it!

I'm watching Happy Endings again. I'm worried it might be growing on me.

Dex said...

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?"

I sometimes worry about you, Lilly. When you seem down. I wish there was something I could do.

Do I usually come across as a happy person?

Louise Boyd said...

I guess i see you as someone fairly well-balanced but like everyone else has their shit to deal with. You definitely seem a happier sort than i.

Don't have to worry about me. I know you probably still will but it isn't necessary. I'm okay. I have a very full head and 80% of it is about punishing myself for being inadequate but you'd be surprised at the number of days i'm perfectly happy from the moment i wake up to the second i go back to sleep. Just a rough patch. It'll pass.

Dex said...

I don't know if I'm a happier sort really. I just mask unhappiness quite well.

You're right, I probably still will worry about you :)

Louise Boyd said...

I ate some cake. I now feel stupidly sick. Like, clutch your stomach and wail like a beast, sick. Why did i just do that?!

If you ever need to take the mask off, you've got a girl right here who's all for listening.

Dex said...

It's me. I could sense you were eating cake without me and in a jealous rage...well, you know my powers.

What kinda cake? You know I don't like cake vagueness :)

Louise Boyd said...

I don't know the specifics but i'm pretty sure it was chocolate. But fancy. My parents came back with desserts from a Patisserie. So pretty and yet so lethal. I should not be allowed cake. I only had like 2cms worth as well! Blargh. Mrs Caruso's cake doesn't do this to me!

Dex said...

Poor Lilly.

I'd say 'don't eat cake late at night', but I wouldn't be able to stop myself either.

I hope you manage to sleep okay :)

Louise Boyd said...

Me too. Blarghhh, i say. Blarghhh.

I don't know if i'm tired or not. That's wrong, isn't it?

Dex said...

I don't know. Does it feel wrong?

Louise Boyd said...

I think it's because i don't know what tired is anymore. I know what exhaustion is but tiredness, not so much. I guess those signals in my brain have become dormant. Cripes. Tell me to go to bed, Dex.

Dex said...

Go to bed, Lilly.

If we were in the same room, I can imagine falling asleep to the sound of your voice :)

Louise Boyd said...

You never know, i might sound like Lorraine Kelly. I don't. But that's besides the point.

Okay, i'm going. Not willingly though!

I bid you farewell, delightful Dexterous.

Dex said...

Night, night lovely Lilly.

Thank you for talking with me through to the silly hours :)

Sleep well

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you today?

I've been feeling incredibly guilty for putting you through that incredibly pretentious arthouse nonsense last night. So I've been trying to make up for it by looking for some music for you for the last few hours. I'm so unbelievably craptastical at finding new music, especially the kind that a girl with your musical sensibilities would like and might possibly not have heard before. But here are 2 songs I hope you like. I know, 3 hours and 2 songs. I'm rubbish. And you might not like them.

Louise Boyd said...

Bud, don't worry so much about things like movie choices - i'd do exactly the same but i can choose to be voice of reason and not follow my own advice if i so wish!. Anyhow, Peter Fonda kept me amused, as did Jared Harris' accent.

Guards! I didn't know about them. Thanks, Dexterous :) Listening to their eponymous album just now. S'goood. See, you can totally contribute to my musical knowledge. Silly rabbit.

How's today been for you, laddie? I am one of the least Scottish people you will encounter. My accent is in no way strong and i never say, 'laddie'. Apparently i get more Scottish on the interweb. Hrrmm.

I feel like a half shut knife again. Weird term. The internet isn't telling me the origins of it. Only that it's really Scottish. Oh, thanks internet for telling me something i already know!
I like the origins of words and phrases. Like Halcyon and Mnemonics. They're lovely.
Words in general, actually. I love the way they fit together to make these beautiful, in all senses of the word, new meanings. Sometimes the meaning doesn't even matter, the words just connect perfectly. Ugh. Nerdy about words.

Really love Guards :) Really, really.

Dex said...

I'm okay, Lilly. Not the best of days, really. I don't think I'm gonna have a good week.

I don't have much of an accent either. I don't even speak Shetland dialect. Have you ever heard Shetland dialect?

I had to look up 'half shut knife'. Poor Lilly. It'll pass. Something good will happen. Like 'Game of Thrones' :)

Any plans for tonight? Maybe some film watching? Is the atmosphere still a bit tense? My family are in negative mode today. Not fun.

'Nerdy about words'. Just one more thing I like about you :)

Any thoughts on films for the weekend?

I'm glad you like Guards. I'd never heard of them before today. I'd never have even bothered looking if it wasn't for you. You're totally worth the effort.

Louise Boyd said...

Aw dearest, it sucks when your family's mood can bring the entire atmosphere of the house down. Is there anything particular wrong, or is it just Sundayitis. Very common ailment. Affects at least 4 out of 5 houses.
Hopefully this will cheer you up:

Sorry you're feeling rubbish :( Much hugs sent the Dexterous way. And lots of happy vibes.

I was thinking, maybe Run Lola Run for the weekend? Just a thought, i'm not totally sure. I think we may need something happier.
I shall peruse my amazon wish list and see what looks good.
But yay! GoT tomorrow. Sooo happy it's finally here. My sister pre-ordered it as well. So we'll definitely have it :) Are you gonna partake in the wonder than is Game of Thrones? I don't even know if you watched the first season!

Tonight, i dunno. Probably surf, watch tv, drink more tea. Y'know, the normal stuff. Then i shall come back to my lair and listen to more Guards. I really love this band. Thank you so so much, Dex :) You're a stellar creature.
Did Bowfinger cheer you up last night? I'm going to watch it again. It's been so long, maybe i was too much of a curmudgeonly snob when i was younger. I shall report back, when i have.

Dex said...

Hah, that did cheer me up. Along with the hugs & happy vibes (sending some right back at ya). Why have I never heard of 'Rex the Runt' before? Thank, Lilly :)

My mum is helping to organise a social event for next weekend, so she's pretty stressed at the moment. I won't be going. But the atmosphere is a little bit better now. We just had our usual 9pm-ish cup of tea and a chocolate :)

I just got a phone call asking me to work at Psychological tomorrow morning. Ugh! Just when things were looking up. But we can still talk tonight, if you don't mind?

You've definitely got your bases covered for Game of Thrones :) But it's always nice to have your own copy. Do you have a ritual for these things? Like watch one episode at a particular time every night. I've never got into GoT. Still excited for you, though :)

Louise Boyd said...

How come you won't be attending this 'social event'? Other than you're being an anti-social wretch like myself? What kinda event is it?

Boo to Psychological for making you work. Are you too nice to say no? Of course you are. Lovely, lovely Dexterous. I'll see if i can find some music tonight to help you through the day.

For some reason we're watching The Tourist. Goodness, it's bad. I knew that already but i didn't know it was this bad. Luckily, i have Being Human to return to later. Are you working all day tomorrow?

When watching a tv series with the whole family, we tend to watch an episode a night if we don't have a prior televisual appointment. Sometimes we go a little crazy and watch two episodes. But not GoT. There's too few episodes to breeze through the series in a few nights.
We'll be starting on Battlestar Galactica afterwards though. Gonna be awesome!
Do you ever watch series with your family?

Dex said...

It's a charity event. Y'know the sort of thing - dancing, disco, raffles, singing, food etc. Not my scene. So I've bought a ticket, I'm just not going. I'm not even sure what they're raising money for.

The only thing I watch with my family is the occasional David Attenborough series. An episode a night of The Living Planet until we've got through to the end, or something like that. 'Game of Thrones' and 'Battlestar Galactica' with your family sounds awesome :) I'm guessing this will be the first time you've seen these GoT episodes. I mean, you haven't watched them on TV before?

When people call me up to work, they do always ask if I have something else on. Yes, I'll be watching DVDs and listening to whatever's on my friend's blog. You can't really say that, can you?

I'm not sure if I'm working all day tomorrow. Could just be until lunchtime. And don't worry about me Lilly, I'm still kinda obsessed with a bunch of songs on your blog. They're more than enough to get me through the day. But I'll never say no to more Lilly music :) And you won't mind if I escape to the safety of your blog throughout the day, will you?

I'm just gonna have a bit of a wash before settling down for the night, so apologies in advance if my next reply is a little late.

Dex said...

Well, that's me back from my nightly ablution.

I forgot, are you still feeling like a 'half shut knife', Lilly? Sorry, too wrapped up in my own minor problems.

Louise Boyd said...

Hello petal, sorry i wasn't available for banter this eve. Manage without me?
Do you ever think we'll burn ourselves out by talking this much? I hope not.

I definitely think my family and i should adopt you. We watch all kinds of stuff together. A little uncomfortable when you're watching a show rife with sexual scenes, like The Borgias. Jeremy Irons doing dirty things while your parents are in the room...totally not okay.
But watching the humans battle the cylons for dominance with your favourite people in the world is pretty good fun.

So, wait, you don't like Game of Thrones?! My little heart is breaking.

No longer a half shut knife, now fully awake, just in time for the sleeping hours. Ugh.
I bet you're asleep by now. You lucky duck.

Dex said...

You don't think I'd go to sleep without leaving you a goodnight message, do you? But I might go to sleep soon, if you don't mind?

I managed just fine Lilly. There will be plenty more nights of banter :)

Put your little heart back together, Lilly. GoT is in my Amazon wish list, just never got around to seeing it.

Louise Boyd said...

Huzzah! It's totally worth it. All the blood and the sex and the medieval madness! So good. Plus, Peter Dinklage. He's a prince among men. With an exceptionally foul mouth.

It's incredibly nice but you don't have to say goodnight, every night. Not like i will disown you or anything :)

Dex said...

Well, I do like all of those things.

It's good to know you won't disown me for something like that :) But I like to say it. I might say it now, if that's okay.

Louise Boyd said...

Of course it's okay m'dear. Sleep away and be merry :)

Good night buddy

Dex said...

Goodnight Lilly :)

Drop in later and save the day, okay.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you? Did you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed?

Looks like I'm working all day. You're right, I'm too nice to say no.

Dex said...

I hope we never burn ourselves out. I only talk to you so much because I like you - I like that you show me new things, I like that you watch films with me, I like that you say you feel you can be yourself with me, I like that we can talk randomly about what we want to do with our lives to how we're feeling to cartoons and craptacular movies, I like that you send me things to cheer me up when I'm feeling down, I like that you keep me up until I'm so sleepy I can barely string together a coherent sentence, that you dislike things I love and like things that I think are awful, but that we'd sit through them together anyway.

I like listening to you tell me all about the things you've done in your life and all the things you want to do, about all the things you love & hate, what cheers you up, what pisses you off, about how you're feeling and what kind of day your having and all the things that have happened in that day no matter how small or trivial they seem.

Actually, I like everything about you. Don't say I shouldn't because it won't make a difference.

I even like that I don't give a fuck about being as sickeningly nice as this :)

Hah, You won't believe me but I've been a busy bee today. I supersoniced my way through the workload this morning just so I could write this.

Louise Boyd said...

In person, i wouldn't know how to respond to this. I'd probably give you a goofy smile and nudge you in the shoulder. It's the only way i know how to say thank you. But it's very sincere. I promise you.

Today is terrible. I want to curl up into a ball and cry. I really don't understand the point of me anymore. But don't indulge my pitiful sulkiness. I want to go outside but i have nowhere to go and i don't want to be left alone with my brain. It's a vicious organism.

Such a downer. I'm sorry.
Is your day going well?

Dex said...

Don't say sorry for feeling low, Lilly. You can't help the way you feel. I'll be here through to the early hours if you need to talk.

My day was okay, but now I'm just thinking about you. If you weren't around, I'd just be a lonely little person on an island.

Louise Boyd said...

Ever feel like you're dragging yourself through molasses?

Dex said...

I didn't even know what molasses was :)

Is that a bad feeling?

Louise Boyd said...

Yes. A very bad feeling. Inertia.

Dex said...

Is there anything I can do? I feel kinda useless.

Louise Boyd said...

You're okay, Dex. You listen to my garbage and don't run away from how sad i am. You're one of the few. That's enough.

Shouldn't inflict this on you anyway. For a while there, i was damn good at keeping my stuff inside. Can't seem to hold onto it lately. I'll try to be better.

Dex said...

You won't scare me away with your problems, Lilly.

Is there something in particular you wanna talk about?

Louise Boyd said...

I think i'm actually going to get off the internet and do something pre-technology-ish. I feel over-computered.

Hopefully i can improve my mood by later this evening. I've got the doctor tomorrow though, so the chances are slim. I hate going there.

Anyway. Maybe talk later.
Sorry if i've bummed you out at all.

Dex said...

Okay Lilly, maybe talk to you later :)

Don't worry about me, I just hope you feel better.

Dex said...

Lilly, I've been looking for some new anime for you tonight and I came across this:

Louise Boyd said...

Thanks, Dexterous. I've had that in my wishlist for a while now. Along with The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and 5cm Per Second. Should really buy these things and watch them but i guess that'd be too easy.
I think i'm really in the mood for some anime. Might watch Paprika or a Studio Ghibli. I'm sorry i haven't thought of anything for us to watch yet. Brain's a bit smooshy.

How's your night been?

Dex said...

I'm okay, Lilly. Still here :) How about you?

You'll think of something for us to watch. Remember you told me not to overthink it, it'll just pop into your head.

I'm just lying in my bed watching WLIIA? No work tomorrow. Hurrah!

Louise Boyd said...

Still a mess but still going. Two episodes of Game of Thrones and Terminator 2 are keeping me distracted.

What will you do with your day off?

Dex said...

I don't know. It's not like have anyone to spend it with. I prefer the night.

I hope the day goes well, Lilly. I'll be thinking about you, sending happy vibes.

Louise Boyd said...

Muchly appreciated. I'm gonna try and not just make vowel sounds at my doctor but i can't promise anything. She may just have to decode me.

Really turned you into a night creature, haven't i?

Dex said...

You have indeed, Lilly. Vampire! I guess I should be grateful you turned me into one of your own instead of killing me outright.

I am sorry you still feel a mess. But I'd take messed up Lilly over anyone any day of the week. And night.

Dex said...

Oh well, this is what I've got to look forward to:

Louise Boyd said...

"I am sorry you still feel a mess. But I'd take messed up Lilly over anyone any day of the week. And night."

Consider yourself nudged in the shoulder.

Have to say, that's a pretty good thing to look forward to.

Ps. I have an anime folder on Amazon now. Dex inspired.

Dex said...

I know a shoulder nudge from you means something.

Did you choose something to watch tonight?

Louise Boyd said...

I did not. I suck.
You got any ideas?

Dex said...

Um, Bowfinger?

For some reason I really want to watch Naked Gun 22 1/2 (which I don't have). I have no shame.

This isn't really a suggestion, but have you seen the film 'Westworld'?

Louise Boyd said...

I'll watch Bowfinger. Was gonna anyway. Plus it'll save us some pennies, seeing as we both have it.

You and Leslie Neilson. What's that all about, Dex?
Confession. Never seen Naked Gun.

Westworld? Nope. But i'd sure like to. Rogue robots? Yes please.

Dex said...

I meant if you'd chosen anything to watch for yourself here & now. I wasn't suggesting something for next weekend. It's not my turn :)

Although I really do appreciate the thought that you'd watch Bowfinger with me.

Louise Boyd said...

Whenever there are two possible ways that a question has been asked, i inevitably choose the wrong one.

I haven't. As i said, smooshy brain.

Dex said...

It's my phrasing. Y'know, it crossed my mind that it could be taken that way. Don't worry about next weekend.

I think it's really sweet of you to still talk to me. I know you're not having the best of days.

Do you still wanna talk? Maybe you're kinda looking forward to 'quiet time'. Just tell me if you are, I'll understand.

Louise Boyd said...

Talking to you is helping. I think i need to at least try to sleep though.

Would you mind?

Dex said...

Of course I wouldn't mind.

And I always like talking to you, but you've probably guessed that by now.

Night, night Lilly :)

Louise Boyd said...

Thanks, Dex.

And thanks for putting up with me today. I'll try to be less of a deadbeat tomorrow.


Dex said...

"When I see five weirdos dressed in togas, stabbing a guy in the middle of a park, in full view of a 100 people, I shoot the bastards, that's my policy".

"That was a Shakespeare in the park production of Julius Caesar you moron. You killed 5 actors...good ones."

Seems like a while since I quoted from anything :) Anyway, Naked Gun is not for everyone. The second film is probably the best.

"Can you describe exactly what this guy looked like."
"Tall, 6 foot 3, moustache"
"That's an awfully big moustache".

I know, I should be ashamed of myself. But would you still watch them with me, Lilly?

And I wasn't putting up with anyone last night. You're still the same wonderful girl I love talking to, no matter what. The way I think you were feeling yesterday, you might have chosen not to speak to me at all and I would have understood. It wouldn't have stopped me posting my ridiculously random thoughts in the vain hope that they would cheer you up.

You're the one putting up with me and my abject silliness. I sometimes wonder why anyone puts up with me. I mean FFS, I just spent half this post quoting from the Naked Gun films.

And Lilly, seriously, how are you feeling today? That's the important one. Don't sugar coat it for my benefit. I always wanna hear about your day.

I thought I might mozy on over to Mareel this afternoon, being a Tuesday, pick up a film leaflet, have some hot chocolate etc. I don't think Stoker will be on sale just yet.

Speak to you soon :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'm okay, Dex. The idea of going to the doctor is always worse than being there and more often than not, i feel better afterwards. I've got a nice doctor. She makes jokes. First doctor i've ever encountered that does that and effectively. She's still young though, still time to get grumpy and jaded.

Never be ashamed of the shockingly bad things you love. I'm not embarrassed about my undying affection for Charming Potato - Channing Tatum to normal people. Not so much about his movies though. I think it's more about how spectacularly useless he is and that when he has babies, he has new potatoes and tater tots. I'm sorry but that's magical. PLUS! When he wears a tuxedo, he's a jacket potato :)
See, Charming Potato is tons of fun.
Have you seen 21 Jump Street? The updated version, obviously. It seems to have reached cult level status on the internet and i'm intrigued.

Your quotes make me happy. They really do. I wish i had your ability. I'm too forgetful.
We're silly people. Even when we click with someone, we still think they don't really want to know us. Madness. I'm keeping you though, Dex. Yessum.
And yes, i would most surely watch the Naked Gun movies with you. You wouldn't even have to bribe me. I would put in a request for Dracula: Dead and Loving It afterwards though.

How was Mareel? What're they showing just now? Anything worth going to? Remember, you're my critic, i need you to report back. Although, i've decided i'm going to try and go to the cinema more. It's one of my favourite things to do and it's just lame that i don't. Gonna try and be an outdoor Lilly...and yes, sitting inside a dimly lit cinema totally counts as 'outside'.

Dex said...

Well, they are showing 'A Good Day To Die Hard' next week.

I bought some jelly rings today. I like putting them on my fingers. I'm gonna drop by the corner sweet shop tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I saw pez in there last time.

I should go to the cinema more often too. To see films. I go there often enough for other things. I hope you get used to the outdoors, Lilly. Then you can come up here. And dimly lit cinemas totally count. Which cinema will you go to?

I do the cinema attendance figures every week at Mareel. It warms my little heart when I see that there were only 4 people in a cinema for 160. That's when I like to go.

You wouldn't have to twist my arm to get me to watch Dracula: Dead and Loving It. I'm sure this does not surprise you.

Charming Potato - that whole paragraph cheered me up :) And no, I haven't seen 21 Jump Street.

I'm glad you're okay, Lilly. And that you're appointment went fine. Did you do anything else while you were out?

Any plans for tonight? Have you got your copy of GoT yet?

Louise Boyd said...

Go see AGDTDH. For me :)
And buy a Pez, in my honour.
I'm not demanding. Not demanding at all.
You should go see Snowpiercer when it comes out as well. Not sure when that will be but it sounds super exciting and it's based on a French graphic novel AND it's being directed by Joon-Ho Bong. Did you know they're doing a sequel to The Host? One very excited girl sitting right here. Love the first movie so, so much.
You've totally gotten me into all this stuff again, Dex. Having so much fun searching amazon for foreign goodies :)
Maybe i should try and go see Snowpiercer myself. My sister wants to see it as well, so that means i'll have company. She doesn't care about seeing Stoker though. The nincompoop.
When i frequent the cinema, i like to go to Cineworld in Dundee, at a place called Camperdown. It's your generic cinema but i like it there. If not there, then i go to the Odeon, also in Dundee or The Playhouse in Perth. I wish there was a cinema closer to me. I'd go every week. I'm very fussy about the time i go though. Like you, i prefer barely anyone there. I also don't like anyone to talk. To me, near me, anywhere really. All my focus goes on the movie. Like that at home as well. Movie watching etiquette is very pretty important to me. Do you have special needs for movie watching?
RUSTLERS! Sorry but people that make a racket with their food need strung up. Especially when i'm trying to listen to Batman do his important voice, even to people that know it's Bruce Wayne underneath the getup.

Talking a lot tonight and not about anything very interesting at all. Sorry about that. I must be feeling better. Did you have a good day? Get all sugared up at Mareel? I feel like i ask you the same question all the time but i am genuinely keen to hear about your day. It's not just good manners. I do have those in abundance though! Well, to the general public. Not family or friends. They're for calling douche-balloons and throwing things at.

I sound like a tyrant. Hmm.

Hopefully going to watch some more GoT tonight! Or Argo. Not sure yet. Did you see Argo? I wonder if it's worth all the awards it received. Who would of thought that Bennifer would turn out to be this good. Guess i shouldn't really be surprised. He was half responsible for Good Will Hunting and that's in my top ten. For sure.

Why do you let me waffle on like this?

Oh! I saw a corgi puppy on youtube today called Waffle. Excellent name.

Being quiet now.

Dex said...

I did get all sugared up today at Mareel. Hot chocolate, jelly rings and strawberry pencils. How can I resist when they sell small bags of sweets for 39p?

What's the difference between a waffle and a pancake? For me, it's another muffin vs cupcake scenario. I could look it up, but I prefer Lilly knowledge.

Report back on Argo if you watch it. They're still showing it at Mareel. Tell me if it's worth the price of admission. And I will go and see bald Bruce do his thing, just for you. That'll be the only reason :) Snowpiercer on the other hand, you couldn't stop me from going. Actually, you could just by asking, but I know you wouldn't. I didn't even know about Snowpiercer until you told me, and now I'm super-excited. See, you're my go-to-girl for all things awesome.

Movie watching etiquette? Well, at home I only ever watch films on my own when there's no risk of anyone disturbing me, so usually late at night. So, no people, that's probably my main rule. Difficult to enforce that at a cinema. I'd make an exception for you, though. Cinema going with Lilly is top of my to-do list.

I can never work out if I'm the one getting you into all this stuff, or if you're the one getting me into it all. It's nice either way. Tell me about the amazing stuff you find. I'm sure I won't have heard of half of them.

Confession: I've never seen Good Will Hunting. And you've never seen Naked Gun. I can't help feeling that I'm the one missing out just that little bit more.

I demand that you call me a douche-balloon at some point during this conversation. And that you continue to waffle on as much as you like about anything you want. Everything you tell me is totally worth knowing. Waffle is indeed an excellent name for a corgi puppy.

Louise Boyd said...

So, Snowpiercer's a go then? Nice to know i have my uses. It does look pretty great though, doesn't it? I hope it won't turn out to be one of those movies i really look forward to and then just sucks beyond belief. Hate when that happens.

Nooo, don't do as i say. I don't want to discredit Brucey any more in your opinion. You Die Hard 4 hating deviant. Save your money though. See Stoker instead! When will Mareel hurry up and get it's act together with showing that movie?
Seriously, why have i not known you since i was a tiny thing? It makes no sense that you're hundreds of miles away! I blame the internet.

Waffle - batter-based or dough-based cake cooked in a waffle iron. That's what gives it the special grid pattern. Waffles use a raising agent.

Pancake - thin, round cake prepared from a batter and cooked on a hot griddle or frying pan. Pancakes do not use a raising agent.

I've got mad baking knowledge. That's an exaggeration. A fabrication. A damn dirty lie!

I'd let you in my cinema. I trust you'd be quiet and eat your strawberry pencils without making me want to bash you. Don't listen to me, I couldn't hurt a fly.
If you're loud, i'd just send you to the other side of the theatre and throw paper airplanes with messages if i wanted your attention. Cause that's the kinda girl i am.

Some Japanesey things i've found so far:

Loups Garous
Eden of The East
Journey To Agartha
Aeon Flux (i'm hoping it won't resemble the terrible film in the slightest)
Devil May Cry
Hellsing Ultimate Volume 1
The Darkness Series
Paranoia Agent
Tokyo Godfathers
Night Warriors

and some others we've mentioned already.
Tell me what you think, i trust you implicitly.

Dex said...

You're definitely the friend I've been missing since childhood. Still, you're my friend now, and that's what matters most.

Don't worry Lilly, I wouldn't take my strawberry pencils into the cinema, unless to provoke you. The idea of throwing paper planes at each other across a cinema is my idea of a good time.

Hmm, Eden Of The East is supposed to be very, very good. And I really want a vampire expert's opinion on Hellsing Ultimate. More opinions to follow soon.

I need you're opinion on a ton of stuff in my wish list, not just anime.

I think this will be my next anime purchase unless I feel the need for more Ghibli - The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Waffles vs pancakes - I love Lilly knowledge. Thanks.

Whatya doin' ?

Dex said...

I might go to sleep in a little while, Lilly. I hope you don't mind.

You're my buddy :)

Dex said...

Goodnight, Lilly. You're awesome. I know you said I didn't have to say it, but I like to. You deserve to have someone say these things to you last thing at night, and see them when you wake up.

You also deserve randomness and silliness in abundance:

What do you put on your pancakes, Lilly? I like:

Sugar & Lemon Juice
Bacon & Syrup

Mmm, it's 4am and I'm hungry. I blame you. I don't know why, but I do.

I'll tell you what I don't like, chocolate eclairs with sweetened cream. The cream should not be sweetened, ever. See, there is a sugary line I will not cross.

Lilly, I doubt I have shared anything with you as bad as this (okay, Excel Saga & Basilisk, maybe). But the fact that there are people in this world who take the time to do this kind of thing makes me very happy:

Oh, and check out an anime called 'Shiki'. I thought it looked quite good. Would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Okay, so I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on any subject.

Night, night lovely Lilly. I hope you have a good day. Always thinking of you and sending happy vibes :)

Louise Boyd said...

Dex! I'm so sorry i disappeared last night. Sort of passed out a bit and hibernated for a good 10+ hours.
Didn't mean to leave you in the lurch. Bad form on my part.

I've got to go and try to become a human being now but i'll come back later to reply properly. Just didn't want you to think i'd fled the country or something.

Hope your day is awesomely good, darling Dex.

Ps. Pancakes and jam of course.

Dex said...

Don't worry Lilly, you didn't leave me in the lurch. Not at all. I was awake anyway, doing other stuff. You're still my fantastical friend :) And we have a million more nights ahead of us. I just hope you're okay.

I'm actually at Psychological at the moment being a busy little bee. Honestly! Not too busy to link you this, the best James Bond trailer there ever was:

Louise Boyd said...

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya - that is totally on my list of things to get :) Great minds eh?
And Shiki looks friggin' incredible. That's getting bought. Definitely. For sure. Totally. You're the best, Dex.

"Starscreams a pussy and a motherfucker!"

Ahaha, that just made my day. So good. This is sappy but the random stuff you send me just makes the day better. Soooo much better. Who else would send me such animated filth?! No-one, that's who :)

You alright m'dear? What wondrous things have you been up to today? And how much sugar have you consumed, you junkie you?
And wait a minute. You genuinely eat pancakes with bacon and syrup? Bleurghhh Dex. Bleurghhhh. Next you'll be telling me you like chocolate with peanut butter! Yeah, yeah, i know. I'm the girl that likes pb kitkats but that's way different. Way.

I know you're a Dalton fan but i'm sorry, Connery's the best. Just the way he says, "Bond. James Bond" is perfect. The timing! Oh my goodness the timing.
And don't give me that look but Daniel Craig is my modern favourite. I like Bond less silly. That bit in Skyfall with him jumping on the back of a train and fixing his collar? Damn, that's cool.
Y'know who i think they should get next? Idris Elba. He'd totally rock it. He's maybe not refined enough but he's so cool i bet he could get away with being a little less clean cut. What do you think?

Louise Boyd said...

Cuff. Not collar. Uch.

Dex said...

Pancakes, bacon & syrup - what could be better? I should probably be dead by now. Or at least be putting on weight.

KitKats aside, I've never put peanut butter on chocolate. The thought has never even crossed my mind. It has now. You did that on purpose, Lilly.

My mum brought me home something called an apricot and almond scroll. It was okay, not something I would have chosen for myself, but I appreciated the thought. That was my sugar fix for today, so not too bad. Some chocolate buttons too. Oh yeah, and some chocolate biscuits at work.

Hmmm, Idris Elba. I actually wouldn't be that surprised.

How are you, Lilly? What did you do today? Why did you have to become a human being?

Random Rimmer quote:

"It's my duty. My duty as a complete and utter bastard".

Louise Boyd said...

The act of becoming a functional human being is an every day kinda thing. I've told you about the vowel sounds that occur when i first wake up. It takes a toothbrushing, showering, dressing and quick blow dry to make me even something akin to humanlike. And that's over an hours work! And i'm still scruffy. It's amazing. I can take the nicest piece of clothing and make it look dishevelled just by putting it on. It's my special skill. Yessum.
Seems like a weird question but what kinda stuff do you wear, Dex? Are you a type? Emo, grunge, trendoid? Or are you the generic boy? Not that there could ever be anything generic about you :)
Do you like sneakers? I have an unhealthy addiction to sneakers. I stalk ebay for onitsuka tigers. Unused though. Bluch, used shoes. Bluchhhh.

Today, i mostly cleaned and had about six happy to sleepy mood swings and watched lots of Community and drank my first cup of builder's tea in years. Yuck. I miss chai :(
Didn't even get any GoT tonight cause my mum fell asleep and we can't watch it without her. Nuh uh. She's the one who read all the books before any of us were even bothered about the show!
What you watching at the moment, Dex?
They just advertised brand new New Girl. Happy happy happy fun fun fun. Do you like that show?


Dex said...

I totally let you down on the pez front today, Lilly. Sorry. Tomorrow, I promise.

Dex said...

I wear scruffy, old trainers that I just slip on without bothering to untie the laces. There's nothing very fashionable about me. I like my shadow puppet t-shirt, and my scarf that seems to smell of perfume. I wore a black jeans and a purple top today. I have a black suit that I wear with a with my 'the emperor's soul will live forever, the end is nigh, twisted times' t-shirt when I'm in the mood. And a pair of red jogging breeks for lazing around the house in :)

I always think your clothes look so frickin' cool in your photos.

Never really seen New Girl. I'll give it a shot if I come across it. Do you remember that crying/laughing face gif linked me to a while ago. Was that from New Girl? I seem to think it was.

Lilly, would you mind if I went to bed soon. Work tomorrow morning at Psychological. Ugh!

Louise Boyd said...

Nope, you have to stay. I need attention. Lots of it.
Of course you can sleep you goon. Sucks you have to work. Getting any holidays again soon? Ohh, it's easter soon! Legitimate time to stuff oneself with an obscene amount of sugar. Yessum :)
Anyhow. Off to bed you go m'boy. Get all rested up for Psych. Can i call it that?

And you sound perfectly visually pleasing in my opinion! Fashionable boys make me concerned about how much they're into their looks. Us scruffs must stick together :) A suit though? Hidden depths mister. Hidden depths indeed.

Talk more tomorrow dearest :)

Ps. Cry/Laugh gif was indeed New Girl and you must must watch it. It takes a few episodes to warm up but it's so damn loveable.

Dex said...

I sometimes worry that I'm gonna pick up the phone at work and say "good morning, psycho service". It's in my head all the time.

That suit just looks & feels so damn good on me, you wouldn't believe :) The wacky t-shirt makes up for it.

My parents are going away for Easter - to the Philippines! No holiday for me just yet, but probably take some time off around that time.

I'm sorry you had a bit of an up-and-down day. I'll concentrate harder when sending those happy vibes.

And nothing you say will make me think you are anything less than the coolest girl who ever lived.

Night, night lovely Lilly. Speak to you tomorrow, or even later today!

Time to sleep-fight some crime (I think it needed saying again).

Dex said...

It's off to work I go. I hope you didn't feel abandoned last night.

'Nope, you have to stay. I need attention. Lots of it.'

You deserve it. And you'll get it too. In spades. Just so you know, that's all you need to say to get me to stay. But thanks for giving me permission to sleep, very accommodating of you :)

You're awesome, Lilly. Don't forget that. That's why I send you messages at 8:30am in the morning when I'm half asleep. You're totally worth it.

Have a good day, Lilly. Sending happy vibes. Hope they help, but also that you don't need them.

Dex said...

You may indeed call my place of work 'Psych'.

Superhero films, Lilly. I get the impression you quite like 'em. Which are your favourites? I wanna add 'em to my wish list.

I kinda wanna take some time off just so I can spend sunset to sunrise with you.

Do you remember we spoke about tv series marathons? Well, I finally got my American Dad DVDs. Now I have seasons/series 1-7. And 64 episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. So I've got all that to look forward to, a house to myself, and you. Especially you. The only thing better would be if you were up here to spend the holidays with me.

Some Lilly music this afternoon at work, methinks. It makes a world of difference. Thanks :)

What about you, Lilly? What would you like to do over Easter other than stuff yourself with sugar?

And last, but certainly not least, how are you today, Lilly?

P.S. No pez at the sweetshop :( I even asked. Instead, bought gummy bears & dolly beads. I need no excuse to stuff myself with sugar.

Louise Boyd said...

Good morning? buddy. How did the 7th treat you? Did you manage to answer the phone without saying 'psycho ward'?
Really would be quite bad if you did that at some point!

Yay for Fullmetal finally arriving. You're gonna be set for weeks with that little lot. T'would be nice if i could join you but my sea legs are still a little shaky. Plus i've never seen FA:B before! Should probably sort that. Feel like i'm constantly saying that! All the time in the world and i still don't have enough of it to watch all the telly i'd like to. Uchhht! Stupid old man time messing with my fun. And my freaky sleep patterns. I'm a 2:30pm girl right now. My body is quite confused.

Shame on the sweetshop for having no Pez! They're actually bloody hard to find to be fair. I had to go through ebay to find any decent ones. Got my eye on a shiny batman pez. Or kermit. Or Mario. Any would be cool with me! I did spy during my search, a very expensive collection of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Pez set. Crazy cool but super expensive. Damn collectibles.
I was just thinking about gummy bears! They had some on that website i was trawling last night. Care Bear gummy bears. I was all set to buy them but then i scanned the word 'Valentine' on the packaging. Instant fail.

I do indeed like superhero movies. However did you guess? But do you mean the classic superhero? Like Spiderman, Spawn etc? or the more modern type? Like Constantine, Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim?
Y'know what should watch, either way? Chronicle. Damn good handheld movie and usually i don't usually like that genre very much.

Easter is somewhat of a nothing holiday for my family and i. Not religious people in the slightest so we pretty much see it as an excuse to watch whatever easter related movie they've put on the tv and consume as many egg-shaped chocolates as we wish. Heathens, that's what we are! But happy heathens :)
What shall you being doing with yourself over Easter? I'm guessing it'll involve sugar of some sort? Do you have a favourite food related easter tradition?

Ugh, i'm sleepy and i've not even been awake 12 hours. Shocking.

Dex said...

I'm sleepy too. Perhaps not quite so shocking.

Has it been a good 12 hours? I never did ask how your sheepy window display went.

We're heathens too. Well, I am. Easter is pretty much a non-event around here. The Chocolate Tasting Club send us an Easter Egg. That's about it. And I like Cadbury's Cream Eggs.

Superhero films in any way, shape or form. I just want some of your favourite things in my wish list :)

Louise Boyd said...

At least you have a reason to be sleepy. Being part of the big bad working world and all. I quiet honestly got up, did the usual morning routine, had a bowl of cereal, tidied a bit and then sat back down again! Laziest creature ever.
Oh well, it's gonna rain tomorrow and i'm looking forward to that.
What's on the agenda for tomorrow, Dexterous? Any sign of Stoker at Mareel yet?

Favourite superhero movies (ones i can recall, at least):

The Avengers
Mystery Men
The Incredibles
Batman (Burton and Nolan, of course)
Captain America
Hellboy (the first, not the sequel)
The Bourne Trilogy (that counts, right?)
Blade Trilogy
Mad Max
Terminator (even the 4th)
The Crow
Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Okay, i'm out. I'm sure there's more i'm just not remembering. You know what it's like, get asked a question, your mind decides to empty itself of all useful knowledge, leaving you sat there like a slack-jawed yokel. I'm a country bumpkin thank you very much!


Cadbury's Cream Eggs are not something i enjoy. I have tried. Believe me, i've tried but they remain something i wish not to put inside my belly. Cadbury's mini eggs are my favourite. There's so many fancy ones out there but nothing beats those pastel coloured, perfectly flecked eggs of chocolatey goodness. Now i'm hungry. More than i was. Damn it all.

Sheepy window is not actually in yet. To be honest, my sister's doing it all really. My brain's been too messed up lately to handle real work. I suck, yet again. But it'll be good one it's in. She's a clever little creature. I keep coming through in the afternoon to discover new elements to the design. Damn her design-based brain. I'm definitely more the see it and draw it kinda brain. Lame. Lamebrain!

Tell us something i don't know, Dex.

Dex said...

I'm sorry Lilly, do I ever tell anything about my days other than the amount of sweets I've consumed?

One day is very much like another around here. I'm unhappy most of the time. I guess that's why whenever anyone asks me anything about how I'm feeling, I always just say 'okay'.

Thanks for the list, Lilly. I'm sorry, you really didn't need to make it up just now. I'm just the same whenever someone wants something answered immediately.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Lilly. It won't last forever. You'll get started on something sooner or later.

I think Stoker will be here on the 22nd March. Maybe.

I'm working at Psychological all day tomorrow, again :(

Louise Boyd said...

That blows. Whoever invented work was a sadist. But if we didn't work i guess we'd turn into those people in Wall-E and as cool as it would be to have a hoverseat, it's probably not the best way to live. Comfy though.

That question wasn't meant to cause you any hurt. It's just something i ask everybody i'm interested in. I like knowing stuff, especially about those i find intriguing.
I'm happy to hear about your sugar habit. Mine got a little out of control recently, so i like to live vicariously through your candy-based choices.

I wish you weren't unhappy most of the time. I'd give my right elbow - and that's pretty important to me - to make you a happy Dex. Honest truly.

Dex said...

You didn't cause me any hurt :)

And talking to you is one of few really good things in my life at the moment.

I sometimes worry that I ask questions that make you upset.

I don't wear glasses or contacts.
I don't have any fillings.
I had braces in high school.
I don't usually wear a watch although I do have one (it was a leaving gift from the school I worked at).

There are some not very interesting facts about me :)

Dex said...

Lilly, you seem pretty tired at the moment. I'm sorry to keep you up. I should probably sleep too.

Louise Boyd said...

If we both sleep then i won't feel so bad for needing to. I'm sorry Dex. This hardly ever happens but i can barely stay awake.

Dex said...

Night, night lovely Lilly.

You're my buddy. Don't forget that :)

Louise Boyd said...

Goodnight Dexterous.

Lets fight some crime together tonight, yeah?

Dex said...

They won't know what hit them.

Dex said...

I shouldn't have said I was unhappy most of the time. You didn't need to hear that. And I have no very good reason for being the way I am, so please don't sacrifice your right elbow :)

And please don't stop asking me questions. It's nice to think that someone wants to know these things. I really don't deserve to have an awesome friend like you.

I want to know so many things about you too, even the little things. I like the little things :)

What does your family do at Christmas & New Year?
Where do you keep all your CDs & DVDs?
What does your bedroom look like, apart from the stained glass window? What bizarre objects do you have in there?
Where else would you like us to go on our adventures?
What would you like to happen in the future?

I saw a couple of cats today on my walk to work. I always think of you now whenever I see cats :)

Here's something about me you didn't know - I have a piano in my bedroom. Like you said, hidden depths :)

Dex said...

I forgot to ask, how are you today? I should be bitten for being so self-absorbed to not even ask how you are. Found plenty of things to occupy yourself with. Please share :)

It's really quiet here at Psych today. Apart from the sound of Somethin' Is Better Than Nothin'. I know you only found it a few minutes before posting it for me, but it's now one of my favourite songs. I like how things work out sometimes. And that you seem to know me quite well :)

I don't think I can be bothered to walk along the street to Zlotys for lunch. I'll just pop across the road to Conochies and buy some junk food. Ugh, my diet. The Camera Centre is right next door too. I really should check out what they have in stock.

Also, it feels like I haven't been to the supermarket in ages, not that that's a bad thing. But it is one of my odd habits, going to Tesco late at night and wandering up and down the aisles. It's only 10 minutes walk from my house and very quiet from about 9pm onwards. I usually go with my brother. I think that's the main reason I like going, I enjoy the random conversation and the pointless wandering, staring at the DVD section for ages, passing an opinion on everything we see. It's funny, we can go for days, sometimes weeks, hardly exchanging a word with one another and then suddenly find ourselves trapped in a conversation that lasts for hours.

That supermarket is always changing. First it was Presto, then Safeway, then Morrisons, then Somerfield and now Tesco.

The Toll Clock Centre is another place I used to go to often, but haven't been in ages. It's the world's smallest shopping mall :) Actually it's probably got more in it than I give it credit for. Shetland Arts used to have their offices in there, so I was in and out quite a bit. There's also a cafe called The Olive Tree where I used to get mochas and coronation chicken rolls. And a gardening place, a health food store, a clothes shop, a hairdressers (although I think they've moved to the street), a mini-mart, a post office, the driving theory test centre and a dentist!

When I say 'the street' I mean Commercial Street. Everyone in Shetland calls it 'the street' :) I guess because it's the one with most of the shops. I work just off it, in Bank Lane, right next to the Bank of Scotland. I haven't been to most of those shops in ages either. Places like Harry's Department Store, or Harry's Toy Shop if you're a kid, where I used to buy Warhammer (hehe, I've been a geek since I was small). The guy who owns it (called Harry, believe it or not) lives down the road from me. Puts on a lot of firework displays.

I'm sorry to bore you with my not very interesting life in Shetland (told you I was self-absorbed) but I like sharing things with you :) Like...

Speak to you later, Lilly. Tell me all about your day, or any day in your life. Weekend, yay. Forgive this post for being so long and meandering. Back to work.

P.S. - Random conversations and pointless wanderings. That's my life, and they are 2 of the best things to do in life when you're with someone you like. Kinda why I wish you didn't live so far away.

Louise Boyd said...

My stupid computer did it again. I've been sitting here thinking it's strange that you hadn't replied and that's because you had nothing to reply to! God damn my internet and its persnickety way of deleting my well thought out replies. Sorry Dexterous :(

Dex said...

Aw Lilly, you didn't think I'd forgotten about you. That's not gonna happen :)

Pesky internet gremlins aside, how's your day been?

Dex said...

Y'know, I'm just happy to talk to you. Even just to know that you're okay. That's all that matters. The other stuff can wait.

I have a feeling you'll have typed your reply before reading this :)

Sneaky word post!

Louise Boyd said...

'internet gremlins'

I like that.

My day's been as uneventful as always and right now i'm finishing it up by watching a vampire movie with Matt Dillon's baby brother, Kevin. Why do i buy these things? It's so bad and not in the enjoyable way. Uchttt.
Doesn't matter though. I've decided i'm going to have my yearly Buffy marathon and that'll keep me happy.

What'cha you doingggg?

Buaha i checked my emails before posting this. You're still a little sneak though :)

Dex said...

I'm sitting in bed with the slightest of slight headaches.

I actually got mad at my brother tonight for throwing darts in his bedroom for what seemed like ages. The constant 'thud, thud, thud' really got to me (the headache didn't help either) and I threw a temper tantrum, which usually involves slamming things! But I apologised 20 minutes later, and we ended up watching and laughing at old episodes of Transformers. We're an odd family :)

Uneventful day - snap (temper tantrum aside)

How long does a Buffy marathon normally last?

Louise Boyd said...

You little foot stomper, you. I've been doing much the same with the middle sister this evening. Aren't we curmudgeonly little monsters.
Although there always seems to be at least one war between sisters going on this household.
Glad you made up and there's nothing weird about bonding over cartoons. That's the best way!

A Buffy marathon normally lasts a good month or so.
7 seasons, at least 22 episodes per season, 45 minutes a piece. Takes some time but it's not a hard thing for me to accomplish :) Done it at least 10 times by now.

I call those headaches, phantom headaches. They're a bitch. Feed it some drugs and a warm drink. You'll be good as new.

Kevin Dillon's finished doing his thing. I am seriously underwhelmed. Guh.

Dex said...

"Megatron, you fiend!" Optimus Prime actually said this in one of the episodes we watched. My heart gave a little skip of joy :)

Tea & drugs. Good advice. Done & done. See, another thing you're my go-to-girl for :)

Am I allowed to know the name of this vampiric masterpiece? Gonna recover with something good?

Had any cake today? Sorry, but I have to know these things.

Buffy marathon - 10 times! Things like this impress me greatly.

Louise Boyd said...

You know i was scared to watch it when it first appeared. I got all excited about it, had a bad dream involving The Master and then had to be convinced to watch it by my sister. Such a wuss. Fell head over heels for it about 30 seconds in though and my love has never faltered. i have a disturbing amount of BTVS knowledge.
I'm also the grand master of headaches. My knowledge of curing them is infinite. The best thing is actually sleep.

I was watching this:

I'm ashamed of myself. Not going to remedy it with anything else though. It's music time and then sleeps.
Watching anything right now m'dear?

No cake today unfortunately. I do want something sugary though. What to get? Hmm.

Dex said...

You have to tell me what you get. I actually didn't go overboard on the sugar today. I still had some dolly beads left over from yesterday & I had these really nice chocolate & brazil nut biscuits from the Co-op. That is all. Not much really...for me.

I remember The Master. Did he ever come back after the first season?

How's Spotify treating you at the moment?

Are we gonna watch something together this weekend?

Oh, and I'm kinda half watching Red Dwarf Series III.

Louise Boyd said...

I want your biscuits. Muh!

I don't think Spotify's the problem. I think it's me. I routinely kinda burn myself out with music. It just means it's time for more literature time or tv watching until i'm back into music again. Didn't listen to it for a whole year when i was really depressed. That sucked!
Bandcamp's still doing me proud though.
I feel like i'm half shut again. Weird feeling. It's like you're never really awake and can't lock onto anything like music or conversations. Phantom Lilly. That's what i am just now.

How's the head?

The Master returns in flashbacks and Buffy's nightmares for a decent amount of time. His vampiric self, however, never returns. They spend the first episode of the second season trying to bring him back. Buffy kinda bashes his bones to bits. Very therapeutic for our young slayer.
I always wanted to be part of the Scooby Gang, be a slayerette. Lame but this show is forever embedded in my heart. Like a stake! God, i'm such a loser.
I have Buffy comics and graphic novels and regular novels. Two Watcher's Guides and some other stuff as well. Kind of a nerd for the Buffster.

I'm tired, Dex.

Dex said...

That's okay Lilly. I'm pretty tired too.

Y'know, you can always tell me if you're tired, or not in the mood, or needing some quiet time, and I'll understand :)

Sorry to bore you with so many pointless details today. You wouldn't know I was the quiet sort in real life!

The headache is fading, thanks :) I still think my head needs a rest, though.

Louise Boyd said...

And to think, not too long ago it was you needing sleep. When did the world get topsy turvy?

And you're so not boring me. If you were, my replies would be much smaller. Much much smaller.
Wish you'd got my earlier unposted message. It was a good'n. Hrumph.

Rest your head Dexterous m'boy. I shall rest mine also. Not even been awake for 12 hours yet. This is ridiculous.

G'night buddy.

Dex said...

Maybe I'm slowly stealing your energy.

I wish I'd got your reply too. I always like getting them :)

Night, night Lilly. Sleep well.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you? Feeling half-shut again? I hope not, but here are some hugs and happy vibes just in case you are.

And don't think I'm letting you get away with calling yourself 'a loser', because you're not. You're awesome, and being a Buffy 'buff' only makes you more so.

Y'know, you probably do more worthwhile things in 12 hours than I do in a whole week. Seriously. I just do the same boring things every day. You seem to be finding new things all the time. And sharing them too, you generous little soul :)

I'll try and get through some more of that music list, and find some shiny, new things for you to play with :) You actually make we want to look for new things. I'd lost that feeling for so long, but now it's back, thanks to you.

See, you make a helluva difference to someone's life. You're the one person who saves me from the monotony of my daily routine. So whenever you're feeling 'pointless', please remember that. I don't know what I'd do without you. Go to bed at about 11pm probably :)

Anyway, I'll cut this reply short (well, kinda short). And not ask any questions, other than the important one at the top of this post, just in case you feel I'm overloading you with questions, given all the random ones I asked yesterday, if you ever want to answer them. Honestly, you don't have to :)

P.S. My mum brought me home some blueberry muffins. Yay!

Louise Boyd said...

I'm jealous of your blueberry muffins. Very much so and i used to hate them. Damn my tastebuds for liking something new.

I think i need to rob you of all your hugs and happy vibes. I feel rubbish today. Banging headache, the serious blues and i missed all the daylight again. I think i need some Vitamin D capsules. The sunshine deprivation is bad enough in Scotland without me missing the little we actually receive. Ugh.

Do you ever wonder if people think about you, Dex?
I think about it all the time. I miss just about everybody i've ever known that's meant something to me. In small and significant ways. Some i miss desperately but i don't think they miss me in return. They have better things to think about really. It hurts to be so forgettable. Every boy i've been with has moved on quicker than you can say 'Louise, who?' and never looked back. How come i hold onto a part of these people? People that have in some incidences hurt me really badly but i still miss them. Why do i do that? And why don't they return the feeling? Am i that much of a non-entity?

This is what my head is full of today. That and i still can't find any new music to satisfy my hunger.
I am such a whiner. Kill me now.

I've retreated back to listening to Tearjerker. Not sure that's a great idea with my current mood but their album, Rare never seems to let me down. Bandcamp is definitely my new favourite music finder. I'm in the midst of wading through a fellow Bandcamper's music collection and it's full of goodies. Still not satisfied though. I'm a hard to please little goblin.
It's great that i can find things for you though. That makes me genuinely happy. I used to be very clingy with the music i found. I never told anybody because i wanted to keep it for myself. It was my little discovery and i didn't want others to spoil it. I got over that. Clearly. So nice to see that i've posted a song you genuinely love and can't stop listening to. You're one of the few people that's actually felt that way about my musical suggestions.
I used to write to a friend in Glasgow and along with the letter, i'd send him a mixed cd. I'd even print out the tracklist and make artwork (photos i'd found and played with on photoshop...'made' is a loose term for what i did) for the cd sleeve.
He used to give them to his best mate.
We weren't really very musically compatible but that's okay 'cause his best friend is this guy:

So at least my musical taste was appreciated somewhere!
I miss doing that actually. Too much of my music is on Spotify though. It'd cost me a fortune to make a cd of all the things i wanted just through buying them all.

Ramble ramble.

Right this second i am sitting with a mug of lemon infused green tea. S'good and calming. I like tea a lot but it's really hard to find flavours that don't taste purely of plant and dirt or dry your throat out. I hate that. There's a nice little tea/coffee shop in Perth that i want to visit and pay for some of their wares. I've walked/driven past it a billion times but i fear it. Somebody i used to care for very much, sometimes works in there and i'm not up for the heart-punching i'll get if i see them.
You know that thing i said about wanting to be invisible? That'd be really useful right now.

"People...kind of a planetary epidemic."

Just quoted Buffy at you. From one of the suckiest scenes Joss ever deigned to create. Damn him.

Louise Boyd said...

I am annoying myself today. I hope i'm not annoying you too. I'll answer some of your questions instead of feeling sorry for myself:

Christmas and New Year and sort of non-events in my household. We're not religious in the slightest so we kinda just do the food and presents part. The family comes round. I get fatigued with all the talking and retreat somewhere every 20 minutes or so. I like the days after Christmas. It's quieter and i don't feel like i have to entertain people. Why can't people just sit and be normal? Like me. Got that backwards i think.

My bedroom is an explosion of neatly piled junk which includes the following:

Figurines (Corpse Bride and some of her gang, American McGee's White Rabbit, Tim Burton's Voodoo Girl, an evil lego man and a Gizmo toy)
Large rolls of paper, a1 sized being the smallest
Three windup clocks
A magic8ball
A skeleton foot for drawing purposes
An Ikea rocking chair that is currently being taken over by a mountain of clothes. I christened it Clothes Mountain. I'm not very inventive.
A multitude of hats, including two trapper hats, three top hats, many many beanies and yes that includes the penguin one.
A large sheet of perspex that i used to do some monotyping on and now use to hang cardigans. I'm nothing short of resourceful.
My bed is raised. It's basically a child's bed. I've had it since i was a pre-teen. It saves me space and well, i like being up high. I'm cat-like in many senses and my bed preference is one of them. It's getting cut down soon. To a more grownup height. But still raised, so i retain the storage space.
I own two electric guitars. A black Fender Stratocaster and a red wood Yamaha Pacifica. I can't play a lick. The most i ever managed was the chorus of The Beatles', Blackbird and Green Day's, Time of Your Life. I feel incredibly guilty for having these beautiful instruments and leaving them to gather dust. Sigh.

I've been writing this message for nigh on 2 hours. Bloody people needing to feed me and stuff. Impolite is what it is.

Future-wise i don't know what to tell you. I don't know the specifics like a career, living situation, partner. All i know and all i've ever really known is that i want to be okay. Not necessarily happy but content. And if that comes with a job, flat, partner then great but if it doesn't and i get to be okay anyway, then that's what i want my future to be like.
I think it's down to me to make it happen though. Even the thought of it is exhausting.
I'd like to have my own Etsy store. To sell my drawings and such. The whole not being able to draw right now is kinda putting a dampener on that though.

Adventures. There is a place in Cornwall called The Minack Theatre. It's an open-air theatre by the sea and they are famous for their performance of The Tempest. If you're lucky, the weather is on the play's side and gets all stormy and super theatrical. Sounds like my kinda place. Storms and Shakespeare? Yes please.

Would you watch a Buffy marathon with me? Is that a stupid question?

As always, i wish to know how you are and how your day has gone. I'm sorry it seems to take me an age to reply just now. I feel very drained. Forgive me?

Dex said...

For what it's worth, you're not a non-entity to me. You don't deserve to be carrying around all that hurt. You can have all the hugs and happy vibes you want. I don't give them to anyone else :)

I don't have any friends, Lilly. I used to, but that was a long time ago. I think they've all forgotten me, but I feel emotionless when I think about them. It's not right, I know.

But I know I'll miss you so much, and that scares me :(

I've been thinking about the future a lot these past few weeks. The way I feel right now, I can't just sit back and do nothing. I sometimes feel like I have to do something for you. I don't think I could be happy knowing that you were not.

I really just want to have a cup of tea with you. That'd be good.

How can you feel the way you do, and still send me an epic reply? I'm really not worth the effort, as much as I love getting them. I just knew you'd have a room like the one you described :) You're my favourite person.

I'm sorry this reply is so feeble. It's really short and has taken me quite a while. Really struggling today and there has been so much activity in the house.

I even failed to find you music. Fail! But here's something from a local band:

P.S. - Of course I'd do the Buffy marathon with you. Did you even have to ask :)

Are you up for speaking a bit later? I'll understand if you're not feeling up to it. I'll just post some random stuff to try and cheer you up :)

Dex said...

Second wind!

There's nothing to forgive. I'll wait an eternity for you to reply, just so long as I know you're okay :) I can't promise to cut down on my posts though. I hope you don't mind.

Would you like to know what my bedroom looks like? Tough, I'm gonna tell you anyway :)

Actually my room is half taken over with other people's stuff (one of the problems with going away to university). For a start, there's something that looks like a wall unit but is actually two ancient loudspeakers. They are massive! An empty wine rack, the piano, a VCR, a bunch of old videotapes which are not mine, a bunch of old National Geographics that my uncle gave me a subscription to once upon a time, a bunch of film guides, a globe, a samurai sword, a fishing rod, reindeer antlers, a Sony FM-Stereo/FM-AM Tuner (ST-3950 made about 1976), a birdhouse, a bunch of boardgames (Scrabble, Monopoly, Connect4, Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaurs, Tricky Fingers), some jigsaws, Marvel Essentials and some other stuff :)

I'd swap it for your's in a heartbeat :)

Have you ordered the pink bunny hat?

I'd so go and watch The Tempest in a storm with you.

I don't think emotionless was the right word to describe my attitude to the people who used to be my friends. I do miss having friends, but they didn't see me through the bad times and I rather unfairly hold that against them. So I don't remember them with too much affection, even though I still think of most of them as being very nice human beings. I'm the one who's not very nice. It still hurts being lonely, but I don't want these feelings tearing me up inside. Does that make sense? It isn't healthy, is it?

And I spent Christmas & New Year on my own last time. Parents were away at my cousin's (the one who live in Aberdeen and who I will not be marrying in the grand old Shetland way) and my brother was working (he works in a hospital kitchen, damn sick people demanding food on Christmas day).

A mixed CD with a track listing & artwork. You must have been some kind of friend.

What have you been watching tonight? GoT? And just to prove I have something wrong in my head, I said that I had American Dad Seasons 1-7. I do not. I have American Dad volumes 1-7, which make up Seasons 1-6. I have no idea why I need to post that correction, I just did.

And delayed response time of ridiculous length. Do they still only make 3 flavours of Cornettos?

Louise Boyd said...

I've been trying to write a reply and failing miserably.
My brain's really shut down and i think i'm going to put it to bed. Apparently i have to see morning anyway, seeing as it's mother's day. I want a Louise Day. Think i might book myself in for one of those soon.

I'll try and reply properly tomorrow. I'm sorry for basically verbally abusing you with my nonsense. The next couple of weeks are gonna be kinda hard for me so this may only be the beginning. The doc has given me a new kinda drug and it's gonna mess with me epically to begin with. So, bear with me? Please?

Thank you for being an awesome human being. I'm lucky to have such a good buddy. Even if you are far too far away.

Goodnight Dexterous.
I hope your day wasn't too stressful and that tomorrow's a good one.

Ps. The Pink Bunny Hat has been ordered. I hope to be wearing it very soon.

Dex said...

Sorry, it's not like I sit here waiting for you like a preying mantis :)

Of course I won't abandon you. You know that.

Night, night lovely Lilly.

Dex said...

Lilly, concentrate on yourself, and don't worry about me. Don't stress yourself out composing epic replies, just send little replies whenever you can, let me know you're okay, because I do care about you.

And I won't stop bothering you with my random thoughts, because I like to and maybe they make a small difference to your day, I don't know. Do they help at all?

The reason it was so hectic at home yesterday was that it was the day of the social event my mum was helping to organise. But it's all over now and went quite well by all accounts :) Phew! I find it difficult to relax when everyone around me is so stressed, which they have been for quite a while. Hopefully things should start to get better now.

But I did find time to go through some of the music list. I managed to get through a few songs of Aphex Twin, The Blue Nile & Dinosaur Jr. Talk about variety. This is certainly a musical education for me.

Do you know what I used to love, and now can't stand? Bruce Lee films. I used to think they were the best, but now I see them as being pretty appalling in almost every aspect (okay, Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris is still pretty fantastic, even just to think about). But I much prefer this guy:

And here's something that makes me smile:

Again, night night Lilly. You're my buddy. Damn this island prison! I'll get out one day soon and come and visit you. That's a promise :)

Dex said...

Sorry if this posts twice.

Hi Lilly. As always, I want to know how you are. Making a big deal out of Mother's Day? You're right, you need a day too. August 27th is too far away. You deserve something before then.

"I'm sorry for basically verbally abusing you with my nonsense."

If that is what you're doing to me, then I like it. I like it a lot :) But shouldn't I be the one apologising to you for this?

I've been looking for music for you (and me) again. I'm so useless at it, but here's what I came up with. I hope I'm not wasting your time.

Highasakite - Indian Summer

Silje Nes - The Glass Harp

And an oldie from The Pastels

And as always, sending you hugs and happy vibes in the hope that you don't need them, but will take them anyway :)

Speak to you later (depending on how you're feeling of course). But I'll try and find something for you.

Louise Boyd said...

Dex, i'm starting to get this suspicion that you really like female singers.
Which is awesome, cause i'm not usually into them very much. You're showing me the error of my ways :)

Thank you for taking the time to find me stuff to keep my mind amused. You really are the best of the bunch. Wish you'd spoken to me earlier, you silly Shetlander. Could have spent Christmas talking to you. I would have liked that muchly. Lets remedy it with Easter. I'm quite looking forward to Easter actually. Mostly for the movies. I hope they put something nostalgic and fantastical on. Like The Goonies. What do Goonies say, Dex?

The Pastels! I'd been completely oblivious to them until now. And Highasakite are pretty damn lovely. So happy. Send me more happy music, please. I only seem to find miserablist music. But you seem to like it so i shan't change my ways, just perhaps broaden my musical horizons.

They've got this program on BBC1 just now called Shetland...and it's in Lerwick. I internally pointed at the screen and thought, 'There's a Dex there somewhere!' I like that. The chances of you ever having the chance to do that with Blairgowrie and myself is nigh on impossible. Sorry :)
It does look awfully pretty though. So much sky but not enough trees. I'm a bark fan, what can i say?

What did you think about Aphex Twin, The Blue Nile and most importantly, Dinosaur Jr?
Just to point out, these are three of my all-time favourite bands. So even if you didn't like any of them, i may have to force you to. For funs.

Is everything less stressful today? I hope so. Have you been nice to your Mum?
It's snowing here, so that was an unexpected surprise for this matriarchal day. Think we're gonna finish off the celebration of my mum with Game of Thrones and cake! My sister made a lime cake. It's like a really soft madeira type sponge coated on lime sugar/syrup. Yuh-um. Sugary enough to swim but preferably eat.

As you might be able to tell, i feel much better today. I think i might be like that for a while. Up one day, down the next, which isn't that unusual for me but it will probably be heightened. But you help :) Like a mood swing bandaid. I wanted to say plaster, like us Scots are meant to but it sounded kinda skanky. mood swing plaster. Hmm. I'll stick with bandaid.

I need to get my hands on your bedroom. It needs nerding up and i'm just the girl to help.
One thing though. Antlers? Why, oh why, Dexterous?

Off to watch some more of your hometown being invaded by Dougie Henshall :) See if i can spy me a Dexterous.

Dex said...

I'm so glad you're having a better day. You deserved it. But I'll stick with you through the bad days too, you know that :)

I'm always nice to my mum...well, most of the time. Today was no exception, although I did do a lot more washing up.

Have you started your Buffy marathon yet?

The antlers (actually it's only the one antler) were brought back from Norway by my parents. They found it lying on the ground, somewhere in the wilderness. It's just propped up against the piano. I sometimes hang stuff on it. Did you have images of me dressed up like a big game hunter with a pair reindeer antlers mounted on the wall?

I didn't even realise 'Shetland' was on tonight. Not that I would have watched it anyway. Is it any good? To be honest, I doubt it very much. I'd rather my hometown was being invaded by something more interesting, like aliens or vampires. I'd watch that.

I'm a bit jealous of you and your trees. Please say there's gonna be trees near your dream house.

Aphex Twin, The Blue Nile & Dinosaur Jr - yes, yes & yes. No female singers, though :) Selected Ambient Works 85-92, Hats, & You're Living All Over Me were the 3 albums I listened from. Any other albums or songs that you like in particular? I like when you give me stuff to listen to. Homework for my musical education. Homework that I like :)

I'd never head of The Pastels either. See, you make me find new things. I'd never have bothered on my own.

"My sister made a lime cake. It's like a really soft madeira type sponge coated on lime sugar/syrup."

I hate you just a little bit right now :)

And Goonies never say die. Have I got that right?

Dex said...

I wish I'd said something earlier. A Christmas spent with you, I would have liked that very much too.

You really want to spend the Easter holidays talking to me?

Do you remember the first comment I posted? I asked if the 'Fright Night' DVD in your Amazon wish list was the original or the remake? Maybe you didn't realise that was me :)

P.S. I wouldn't change your taste in music for anything.

Louise Boyd said...

I did imagine you were some well-dressed deer hunter! I bet you'd wear your suit and some deer related t shirt to track down poor bambi. Yup. Venison's pretty good though. Aw, worst carnivore ever.
Pretty cool that your parents just brought them home. It's less weird than the holiday i returned home in possession of a deer skull. Yeah, i was that kid.

You chose to listen to my favourite and first listened to Dinosaur Jr album :) High five. But listen to Farm and I Bet On Sky. They're the most recent and super good.
And with The Blue Nile, listen to the first two tracks of A Walk Across The Rooftops. Especially track 2. Quite possibly the finest song in creation.
When it comes to Aphex Twin my favourite album is Drukqs. Controversial choice because it's a less aggressive side to his music but it just kills me, so i don't care. Avril 14th, look out for that song.

Obvious choice but you've listened to Pink Floyd right? At least Dark Side of the Moon? Right???

And i totally remember your first comment. I was very excited that someone actually questioned me on which one i meant and that it mattered to them! Not everyone appreciated the wonder of the original Fright Night. No one i know at least.
So, yeah. Easter we shall have speaks and consume large amounts of chocolate. Deal? You don't get a choice. Deal.

I have cake, la la la. And it's gooood cake. Hate me even more now, don't you? :)
If it helps, i ate slightly too much of it and feel ever so slightly sick. Isn't stopping me want more though. My brain is stupid and not connected to my stomach.
What sweet things have you consumed today Dexterous? Anything that'd make me hate you?

I have to watch the last ever series finale of Being Human now. I may sob.

Tell me about your day, dear.

Dex said...

I didn't leave the house today. Not at all. Unusual for me. I spent quite a lot of the morning listening to music and looking for stuff on the internet. I wasn't sure how you'd be feeling today, so I was preparing to bombard you with things that I hoped would make you smile. I'll save them up :)

I'm not sure if it'll make you jealous, but we had roast pork for dinner, hence all the washing up I had to do. To be honest, it wouldn't make me jealous. Roast pork is my least favourite of the traditional sunday roasts.

And I finished off the blueberry muffins :)

Being an odd sort of family, we have yorkshire pudding with all our roast dinners. My dad isn't much of a cook, but he makes the best yorkshire pudding in the world. Admittedly, I'm a bit biased :)

We didn't make much of a fuss about Mother's Day. I brought my parents some tea in bed early in the morning, helped to prepare the dinner, did the washing up, and that's about it. My mum was out most of the day, tidying up after her event & setting up the nursery for Monday. And we don't really go in for present giving in my family. We're all very difficult to buy for. I did buy my parents a Christmas present last year, 2 tickets to a screening at Mareel of The Nutcracker performed by the Bolshoi Ballet. But then they couldn't go because they decided to stay in Aberdeen for a bit longer, so I ended up going by myself.

What about you, Lilly? Do anything nice for Mother's Day?

I'm actually quite excited to listen to all the stuff you've given me. And yes, I know Dark Side of the Moon very well :) What do you think of their other albums?

P.S. It doesn't give me any pleasure to know you're feeling slightly sick from eating cake. See, I'm not all bad :)

Dex said...

Oh, and a deer skull! Where did you pick up that little souvenir? I remember having homemade venison burgers in Norway. They were good. 2nd worst carnivore ever.

Sorry, I have a tendency to sneak in second posts. I sometimes read over your replies, and see something I forgot to answer or question. And I can't wait my turn. Even for completely trivial things. I hope you don't mind me being this way.

Louise Boyd said...

In all honesty, i have yet to find anything about you that annoys me. Perhaps that you get more cake than i do. But that's it.

We are polar opposites. You leave the house and i never do. Perfect living arrangement really. You could get the food and i could attempt to cook it! I'm really good at toast...Get that from my mum. She's the master of toast. Whenever you're feeling like shit, she'll bring you a cup of tea, piles of toast and multiple hugs. She's most excellent. I have so many good memories of being ill and having to stay home with my mum, before she worked with my dad, and watching Disney movies with tea and toast, all bundled up on the couch together. Fuck i miss being a kid.
We didn't do much for Mother's Day either. Flowers, presents, dinner and lots of niceness. Love my mum. Dunno what i'd do without her. She does get mad about the presents though. S'funny.

Roast pork would indeed not make me jealous. I'm not a huge fan. Bacon is the food of the gods but i generally don't care much for the rest. Yorkshire puddings though? I'd bite your hand off for one. If you gave me a plate of yorkshires, roast potatoes and gravy, i'd be a happy little lady.
I'm going to dream of sunday roasts now. I just know it.
Jealous of you seeing The Nutcracker as well. Ballet is one of the girlier things i enjoy but i really do. Wanted to be one when i was, well, always. I was gonna say 'little' but i'd still be a ballet dancer if i had any grace and didn't possess any curves, now. Oh and the lack of cake must suck! The lack of food actually. I read once that ballet dancers swallow cotton balls soaked in orange juice to trick their stomachs into thinking they're full. Batshit mental.

Wish You Were Here. Enough said. One of the best things in existence. No question.
What about John Martyn and James Taylor?
Oh and Otis Redding and Eels?

This is taking me ages it write. I think it's cause i'm at a funny angle. Can't lie down with my laptop on my stomach. The fan gets pissy, so it's leaning against the edge of my bed. Hard to type like this. My wrist hurts.

Louise Boyd said...

Deer skull - Carradale. Found it in the woods next to the house we rented. I liked it. I took it. I asked my Dad if i could keep it and you cam guess the rest. It sat outside our house for years. Must have made us look real creepy. I loved it. :)

Dex said...

You should miss being a kid if that's what you did. Your mum does indeed sound most excellent. Does saying 'most excellent' remind you of Bill & Ted?

My mum was always at home when I was growing up. She used to look after children at home.

Batshit mental - fantastic phrase.

John Martyn, James Taylor & Otis Redding are all on that list you gave me. I'll just add Eels. I actually copy and pasted it into a Word document so I can find it easily. Nothing if not organised.

Wish You Were Here - not disagreeing with you on that one.

I was gonna ask if you'd sit through a ballet with me. Now, I know :)

How was Being Human? Did it end the way you wanted it to?

Louise Boyd said...

Bill & Ted, for sure. Most of my vocabulary is made up of lines said in movies and tv. Sometimes i wonder what i would sound like if my brain wasn't infested with all this nonsense other people have said.

Devotchka. Try then. How It Ends is my favourite song.

Being Human ended happily and i'm glad of that. I'll miss it. I've been a dedicated fan since the very beginning and even though it's 4 season was a little rocky i thought it really hit its stride again in the 5th. Sucks. Maybe if i petition hard enough they'll give me back my band of loveable misfits. I miss Hal already :(

Why are you still awake mister?! Shouldn't you be resting up for uh, Shetland life?

Dex said...

Yeah, I guess I should sleep. Some things to do later today. You don't mind, do you?

Louise Boyd said...

Course i don't. One of us needs to be functional and i vote it be you.

Goodnight you incredible specimen of humanity you :)

Dex said...

"incredible specimen of humanity"

Well, I didn't want to be the one to say it :)

You're merely very sweet, knowledgable, funny & talented. I reckon other people must think so too. That must have been some feeling to come across your drawing like that.

Night, night Lilly.

Time to sleep-fight some crime.

Louise Boyd said...

shoulder bump.


Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you today? I'm sorry, that's not supposed to sound as generic as it does. I really want to know.

I don't know why the first thing I want to do once I've woken up is to write you a message full of pointless, little things, I just do. I suppose it's because I like you just a little bit :)

Do you know what my favourite toy was when I was a kid? Of course you don't, because I haven't told you, but I'm just about to :)

A white plastic stick! Actually, I think it was originally a toy golf club, but the end had come off. I used to pretend it was a million things. Also throwing it up in the air and catching it was one of my favourite things to do.

And this will come as no surprise to you, but I had a ton of Transformers. I even remember to first one I got - Drag Strip, a Stunticon. I ended up having 4 out of the 5 Stunticons, so my Menasor was missing a leg. That still pisses me off. Hehe, I've gone into geek overdrive. Do you even know what I'm talking about :) I'll stop now.

Also Zoids & Manta Force! They were awesome. Robot dinosaurs being driven by cyborgs & Spaceships with miniature armies. Fan-bloody-tastic. Okay, I'll really will stop now.

Okay Lilly, share and share alike. Favourite toys?

And whatever happened to the deer skull? I'll tell you what happened to my white plastic stick. I cut it in half so I could have 2 guns. Worst decision I ever made!

I have to work at 'Psych' this afternoon, but speak to you later if you're up to it. If not, prepare to be bombarded with random things.

Hugs & happy vibes, as always.

P.S. I loved waking up to find that you'd shoulder bumped me :)

Dex said...

I know you say you don't mind my randomness, but I still feel I have to apologise. I suppose I just can't see how someone wouldn't mind. Here are clips from 2 old films in my collection.

Englishmen abroad in a Hitchcock classic:

And British horror in the 1940s.

I hope you know that you can "verbally abuse me with your nonsense" as much as you like and I won't mind one bit. In fact, I actively encourage it :) What you call your nonsense is actually one of my favourite things.

Dex said...

Hi again, Lilly. Sorry to overload you with comments, but I've been looking for anime for you again and came across a few I thought you might like:

Elfen Lied
Black Butler

And this I wasn't sure about, but the trailer won me over completely :)

Dex said...

I knew I'd forget something.

Tonight while I was searching for these things I was also listening to 'Tinseltown In The Rain' and 'How It Ends'. I'm pretty lucky to have a girl like you share these things with me. Just think, I could have gone through life without hearing these songs!

Okay, why do I never remember to say these things until after I've posted? Silly brain of mine.

Louise Boyd said...

Hello dearest.
Kind of sucking with this whole communication thing right now, aren't i?
I'm sorry but i do have a valid excuse today. I was in bed until 6:30pm with a killer migraine and haven't really been able to focus my brain until now.
Stupid brain getting all antsy and sore.
I promise to be more attentive in the future. Especially when you tell me wondrous childhood stories about white sticks and it's magical chameleon-like properties.
I was a soft-toy kinda kid. I remember very happily diving into a cardboard which contained a giant teddy bear one Christmas. Think i hurt myself but it was worth it. I wish i'd had Transformers. Except i got them for my best friend for his 18th and i couldn't put it together. Such a loser.

I hope you don't feel like i'm ignoring you when i post things on the blog when there's messages from you to be answered. I'm really not. I just don't have the brain power to reply properly and i don't want to leave you half-assed messages! No way.
Anyhow. Tell me about your day. I'm guessing you actually saw yours.

Dex said...

That's okay, Lilly. Don't worry about me when you're feeling ill. I'm lucky you talk to me when you're well :) I just don't want to be a chore, that you don't want to answer but feel you have to.

And I'm always glad when you post new stuff on your blog, whether you talk to me or not :)

I should be kinder about my brain. It doesn't give me migraines. I'm sorry Lilly for giving you the electronic equivalent of someone jabbering in your ear while you've got a migraine. I hope you feel better soon :)

I haven't had a very eventful day. I only woke up at about 11:30am, washed, had some lunch, and then it was time to go to work.

We had fish and chips for tea, from a place called The Fort. It's called that because it's next to Fort Charlotte, which has a cannon pointing out to sea! We've been going there for years.

Jabber, jabber, jabber :( There must be something wrong with me.

I'd ask you a million questions, but I don't think you'd be up for answering them tonight :)

Louise Boyd said...

Dexterous, you silly creature. Tell me/ask me as much as you wish. If there's one thing you can count on, it's that i'll always want to talk to you. Truly one of the most epic people i've encountered in years.
I know i don't seem to ask many questions. It's not me being uninterested in you, i'm just terrible at thinking of things to ask!
But you are right, my brain is gonna need some rest. So i'm going to disappear back under my duvet now and hopefully be able to bombard you with talk tomorrow!

So goodnight Dex.
I miss talking to you all day.
Damn my stupid afflictions.

Dex said...

I missed you too. And don't think you're neglecting me, because you're not. You're my buddy :)

Night night lovely Lilly.

Let's not bother with the sleep-crime fighting tonight.

Dex said...

Lilly, I forgot to say that I thought it was unbelievably sweet of you to send me a message last night to tell me why you couldn't send me a message last night :) You didn't need to do that. I don't deserve a friend as kind as you. And just so you know, you've never said or done anything to make me think bad thoughts about you. Not in the slightest. That would be ridiculous. You're one of the best things to have happened in my life :)

So tonight Lilly, if you have a migraine or any other affliction that prevents you from fully appreciating the complexities and subtle brilliance of the fascinating information I share with you (!), don't worry about replying and do whatever it is you do to make yourself feel better, like blog posting :). That would make me feel better too.

Random information time!

I had a couple of small Gameboy-like devices when I was growing up. Except they weren't Gameboys because you could put different games in them, all they had was in-built tetris. Hours of fun :) I used to take them on holiday, or anywhere else I thought I might be bored. I remember they looked identical, except one had a bit of blue on it, and the other had a bit of green. Also, I'm sure one was a bit faster than the other, but I can't remember which one.

Don't worry about not asking questions. You may have noticed that I need no encouragement whatsoever to share with you the most boring details of my life.

Oh, and not being able to put together Transformers doesn't make you a loser. Not at all! Being able to put together Transformers like it was the most natural thing in the world, and without even thinking - now that's what makes you a loser :) Not sure if I know anyone like that (looks ashamedly down at the ground)

I'm working at Psych & Mareel today! Busy little bee! I like to keep you up-to-date on my activities :)

I'm sorry I'm giving you such a backlog of rubbish to work through :( - and for using way too many :) in my posts :)

Louise Boyd said...

Evening petal. I've come to throw some words at you, in the hope that you'll return the favour. I know you will. You can't help but talk to me. T'is my evil sorcery that compels you.
Did you have a good day? Is Mareel providing you with enough sugar? Showing Stoker yet? I'm pretty sure you told me a date for when it opens but alas, i'm a forgetful thing.

What are these Gameboy-like devices you speak of? I've never heard of such a thing but anything with built-in Tetris is just fine by me.
I had something like that. It was Japanese and i can't for the life of me remember what it was called but the games were rubbish. I loved it anyway. Did you have a GameGear?
I'm going to have to steal my sisters Nintendo Ds, now. That's not gonna be good for my RSI!

Dexterous, you really do think the silliest of things. Now matter how many times i tell you i enjoy 'the backlog' of stuff you send me, you still think you're bothering me somehow! Silly, silly Dex. If anything, send me more stuff. I'm greedy. Yessum :)

It makes me exceptionally happy to know you love Tinseltown in the Rain and How It Ends as much as i do :) They're superb, aren't they? My dad introduced me to The Blue Nile when i was younger and i couldn't be more thankful. One of the greatest scottish bands ever. Sod the scottish. One of the greatest bands ever!
How do you feel about Death Cab For Cutie? And The Postal Service?

I checked out the anime you suggested and Dexterous? You're awesome :)
Claymore sounds solo good and i can get he whole set for not that much. Why are you tempting me with these things?! I'm trying to be good!
And in the description for Elfin Lied are the words 'ultra-violent'...SOLD!
Last but not least, Black Butler. You know me so well :)

I'm scared of my amazon anime folder. It's getting bigger by the second. Totally your fault! A fault which i am really excited about.

I almost forgot! Welcome To The Space Show looks so damn sweet. That's a must see. You really are very good at finding this stuff. I bow down to your anime powers.

Dex said...

I actually had this all ready to go, then I saw that you’d replied. So I thought I’d wait a little while before posting, just because I didn’t want to freak you out with an instant response :)

Lilly, I'm really sorry to geek you out, but watching/listening to that Prison Ink / The Bell combo made me really want to share some artwork with you (seriously, how good was it at the end when the camera pulled away and you saw the whole thing), not to mention all the other amazing stuff you’ve posted. When I say artwork, I really mean comic book covers. Do they count? These are some of my favourite things - Jim Steranko's Marvel comic book covers from the 1960s.

Have I just wasted your time? I know I think silly things, but I just assume that everyone tires of me really quickly, despite what they say. I always imagine that it’s really hard work for someone to like me. And I forgot to ask how you are today, but you know that is always on my mind, don't you?

Tetris Gameboy-like thing, found it! And you could NOT put different games in them. Kind of an important missing word in my last post.

2 more bands to add to my list! I had a friend at university in 1st year and for some reason one of my clearest memories from that time is of him asking me if I had heard of Death Cab For Cutie, which was followed by my usual blank expression.

Cloud Atlas is showing next week. I’m pretty sure Stoker is on the week after. And sugar wise, I’ve been at my worst. Twix, M&Ms, Sour Skittles, Caramel Wafers (they had them at work) & shortbread. Ugh, I think I might have a problem. Anything cake-related going on with you? :)

Have you finished GoT? Was it Battlestar Galactica you and your family were gonna watch next?

I know there must be many, but what are some of your favourite books/authors, Lilly?

Speak to you later :)

P.S. You're right, I can't help but talk to you. You would tell me if I was talking too much, wouldn't you?

Louise Boyd said...

I've spent since my 5th year of high school being told by various art teachers that comic book art is not valid art. They're idiots.
The Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD 2 cover? Perfection.
It's a little, well, a lot different to marvel but James Jean did the covers for a series of comics called Fables.

They're beautiful and beat the artistic crap out of a lot of so-called 'art' showing in galleries these days. I try to be open to everything but some contemporary is truly abysmal or just taking the piss. There was actually a guy who received a 1st in his art degree for pissing on canvasses. I kid you not.

It's really easy for me to like you. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Today, i partook in a banana bread muffin that my sister made with left-over bananas. Apparently the easiest thing in the world to make but damn they taste good. Especially with Nutella. Although right now all i'm craving is Special K. From the box. No milk. Cereal like that is the best.
Craving anything?

Favourite books. That's a toughie. But i'd have to say:

Angela Carter 'Heroes and Villains'
Tom Holt 'Expecting Someone Taller'
Terry Pratchett 'Wyrd Sisters'
Mervyn Peake 'The Gormenghast Trilogy'
J. D. Salinger 'Franny and Zooey'
Iain Banks 'The Bridge'
Italo Calvino 'Invisible Cities'
Alan Bennett 'The History Boys'
John Adjvide Lindqvist 'Let The Right One In'
Toni Morrison 'Beloved'
Normal Maclean 'A River Runs Through It' name but a few.
Do you have any? I know you're not an obsessive read but there must have been a book that got to you?

Dex said...

We do have a lot of books in our house. Not much contemporary fiction, though. We do have quite a nice collection of lovely leather bound editions of classic literature. There's also a lot of history books, detective stories & PG Wodehouse! But my dad's the big reader, the kind who's read 'Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire' several times.

So I have no excuse. I'm trying to get through Asimov's 'Foundation' at the moment. I bought the original trilogy a couple of Christmases ago and have only just started!

Favourite things to read are probably LOTR, The 2 Alice books, Jules Verne, Sherlock Holmes (especially the early short stories). I know questions like 'what are your favourite books' are difficult to answer. I just like to know what you like :)

Fables looks fantastic. I'll be working my way through that :)

I can honestly say I'm not craving anything at the moment, probably since I've just gone through the epic task of brushing my teeth. Are you really be eating Special K from the box! I like to think you are :)

Whatya doin' at the moment?

Dex said...

Fables lovely hand-painted covers reminded me that Bill Sienkiewicz did a similar thing for New Mutants (issues 18-31).

I love that you remind me of things I haven't looked at in years :)

Dex said...

Night night lovely Lilly :)

I missed you again tonight, but you did warn me it would be like this. I never did find out what kind of day you had. Apart from the banana bread muffin. That sounds good :)

I know it's crazy of me to stay up, knowing that you're probably not coming back, but I want to. Y'know, I've been looking at your blog and your drawings on Deviant Art a lot this evening, and everything I've seen has made me realise that...well, you're just so wonderful in pretty much every way. I mean, your drawings, the things you share, the way you write about things - it all just makes me realise that I don't want to lose you, that you know that you matter to me.

So I guess I stay up because I think it's the least you deserve, to have someone go to ridiculous lengths to make your life a little bit happier. I don't know if I do, but I'm trying my best, I really am.

And there's always plenty to do at night :)

Dex said...

Good morning Lilly :)

I know you're going to accuse me of making a deal with the dark forces, but I woke up at 8am this morning feeling totally refreshed :) I don't know what that's all about.

Anyway, I just wanted to send you some hugs and happy vibes. I'm off to Mareel & Psych until about 5:30pm. Speak to you later, you fanged Lilliputian.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. How are you? I say that a lot, don't I?

I'm still buzzing away at Psych, but just so you don't think I've forgotten about you (as if), or that the lack of conversation has discouraged me from talking to you (yeah, like that's gonna happen), here's something I thought you might like. I don't know if you need cheering up today, but just in case:

I know I'm sending you a lot at the moment. Please tell me if I'm being a nuisance.

Louise Boyd said...

Hello buddy. Just to warn you straight off. This message may make no sense in places. I'm heavily drugged. The doc gave me this new thing to try and before i could even look at your message last night, i was out cold. Slept a full 12 hours and i feel drunk. I don't think i like these pills. So there technically wasn't any abandonment last night, just a lack of consciousness. Sorry, dear. Thanks for all the fun stuff though and the overly kind words. You really do think far too much of me. I'm just a normal girl, really. Nothing special but if i'm special to you then that's pretty lovely. Just don't romanticise me, okay? Tough to live up to the girl you think i am. I barely know what i'm saying right now. I keep closing my eyes for a whole minute more often than not. Almost fell asleep on my knee.

They've changed Spotify and i don't like it :( It's white now. And i don't know how to 'star' whole albums. Bleurgh.

I feel guilty that you stayed up so late. Shame on me. Should have left you a message. We should make a rule that if there's no response within an hour then we don't wait up. That way we can both get the sleep we need. Not that i don't like waking up to countless messages from you :) In one of your first messages to me you said that i made your day come alive. Well, you do that for me. It's a nice feeling. One i'd miss.

Chopsticks :) You see how you're not supposed to use them? That's me. 100% I'm terrible. We go to this place called Yo Sushi and they have the attached chopsticks. I've broken countless and had to resort to the child's chopsticks at some points. I lack skill. I did manage to master the art of feeding my cat with chopsticks though. Cutest thing ever when you feed a cat prawn crackers and all you can hear is this unexpectedly loud crunching noise coming from something so small. I miss that. Maybe i'll try it on the local cats in the neighbourhood. Would that be weird? It would. Even sleepy, i know that's weird.

I'm pretty sure my mum's a fan of Asimov. I shall have to put it on my reading list. Are you enjoying it? It's said to be his finest work.
And yay! You've read Alice :) Makes me happy that does. Such special books.

What've you done today Dex? I must know. Been soaking up the daylight for me?
The sun's just going down now, here :) Nice to see some sunshine.

Dex said...

Please don't feel guilty, Lilly. You told me there'd be days like this. You get your sleep and don't worry about me.

You didn't need to leave me a message last night. I kind of knew you weren't coming back, but I just wanted to stick around, explore your blog and some of your other pages a bit more, and watch American Dad :) It was nice.

I have to go and do the washing up and some other little chores just now, but I'll send you a message a little bit later on, okay.

And yeah, you are special to me. Very much so :)

Louise Boyd said...

Lovely, lovely Dex.
I feel somewhat closer to alive now. It's nice not seeing everything as a blur.

I just ate a blue raspberry Jolly Rancher. It's turned my tongue blue. I thought you'd like to know :)

Dex said...

Aw Lilly, you really did love your cats. I like listening to you talk about them. You don't mind talking about them, do you? I know you must miss them so much.

Do you really have a room in your house lined wall-to-wall with CDs and vinyl? It's strange, I don't have much in common with my family when it comes to music. My parents are classical music buffs (my dad has something like 5000 records/cds), they really don't listen to anything else. We even have a 'music room' in our house. You know that scene in 'Family Guy' with Carter (Lois' dad) listening to Ride of the Valkyries in his armchair, well that's my dad :) I only really got into music when I went away to university.

I didn't have a very uneventful day. I was at Mareel from about 10:30am-1pm doing the box office reports, then Psych from 2-5pm listening to Lilly music and sending you a clip about chopsticks :) I can't use them either, probably not even to feed cats. I can barely use I knife & fork.

Thank you for the image in my head of you chasing cats around your neighbourhood armed with a pair of chopsticks and some prawn crackers :)

The strawberry pencils at Mareel are the best. They're not ordinary strawberry pencils. It's like some confectionery wizard has sprinkled magic dust on them. And they really do taste like strawberries. I get way too excited about sweets :)

What are your favourite fruits, Lilly? You eat a lot of fruit, don't you? Or have I just imagined that? I remember getting cravings when we were talking about smoothies and fruit salad a little while back. Hehe, the things we talk about :)

Do you remember that cloudberry alcohol you blogged about? Well, I had cloudberries in Sweden. I just love the name. I seem to remember that they looked a bit like orange raspberries, except they weren't as sweet. We had them for breakfast. I liked breakfast in Sweden. Things like natural yoghurt & grains & fruit. I never have that at home. See, I'm really crave healthy things :)

Isn't Blairgowrie famous for berry picking, or is that another thing I've made up in my head?

And Lilly, the girl I like most is the one I talk to on this blog. Do you remember you said that you felt like you could be yourself when talking to me? Well, that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me and I hope it's still true because the girl I talk to on here is the one who's really kinda special to me.

PS - I know you're getting scare of the size of your anime folder, but 'Darker Than Black'. Please let me know what you think.

PPS - I know I've asked you quite a few questions, but you don't have to answer them. You know I just ask them because I'm interested in what you think about everything :)

And yes, I'm glad you told me about the blue raspberry Jolly Rancher turning your tongue blue :)

Dex said...

And Lilly, don't you dare send me an epic response just because I sent you one :) Okay, maybe not epic, but it was quite long and meandering.

Louise Boyd said...

I deleted your last two comments by accident :(

These drugs are making me stupid. I'm sorry Dex.

Dex said...

Oh, that's okay :) Did you read them first?

Dex said...

I'll write them down again, as best I can.

The most important bit was that I missed you very much last night, and that I know you'd reply if you could. And not to worry about me disappearing :) I don't know if you worry about that.

Dex said...

The message I sent at 3am was really just to say goodnight, that I missed you, that I know you'd reply more if you could, and not to worry about me disappearing because that's not gonna happen :)

And also that I know I send you far too many ridiculous things, but only because I hope they make you smile. Things like:

Also, that I hoped I hadn't discouraged you from sending epic replies because Lilly epics are one of my favourite things ever :) It's just that I don't want you wasting your time on me when you should be resting or doing the other things you like more.

I also sent you a message from Psych. I just wanted to send you some hugs and happy vibes. I also thought you might be a bit disappointed to wake up and find that I hadn't sent you anything random or ridiculous or geeky or all 3 of those things. With this in mind, I started talking about Thundercats and asking if you remembered that each character had their own theme tunes:

Hah, maybe you're glad you deleted them :)

Anyway Lilly, I still miss you but I understand why you can't talk so much at the moment. I'll still keep bothering you with my thoughts :)

I'm sorry if I send you way too much. I guess I just want to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you and that you're never far from my thoughts. My odd, random, silly thoughts :)

Dex said...

Night night Lilly, my lovely buddy :)

Another night without banter :( I'm missing you so much at the moment, but I know it can't be helped. I just hope you're okay.

I know it's silly of me to stay up waiting for you, especially when I have work in the morning (!), but I do it anyway. It must make me seem like such a loser.

Anyway, why am I talking like this? I should be cheering you up with random facts :)

Did you know that Megatron & Fred from Scooby-Doo are voiced by the same person? Frank Welker. He's been the voice of Fred since 1969! He was also the voice of Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget.

I had a haircut today. As if you needed know that :)

I'm sorry, Lilly. Why do you put up with me? Y'know, I'd go away quietly if you said you didn't want to talk to me anymore.

Ugh, I'm so selfish. I know it's a lot worse for you at the moment. You take all the time you need before replying. I'll wait, however long it takes, and keep sending you silly things until you tell me to stop :)

Dex said...

Sorry if this posts twice!

Hi Lilly. I always say I'm not going to ask how you are, but then you might think I don't want to know. But you know that's a ridiculous thought, don't you? I always want to know how you are.

I know this is probably the furthest thing from your mind, but we will watch something together sometime in the near future, won't we? It's one of the many things I miss.

Are you managing to find the energy to watch things with your family? I don't know why, but I just think it's so fantastic that your whole family watches things like GoT.

Friday, yay! Except I have something on tomorrow morning, boo! Hmm, I doubt that'll stop me staying up 'til the early hours :)

I'm actually taking a child to have some pancakes at Osla's tomorrow morning at 10am. That's right, someone actually trusts me to look after their child! Of course, this is an entirely selfless act and I get nothing out of it except the satifisfaction of helping someone out. And pancakes! Pancakes that are paid for by someone else. Pancakes that I would throw a child through a plate glass window to get at. Okay, it's all about the pancakes :)

And I know you'd be disappointed if I didn't send you something like this :) Something I used to play on my old computer all the time:

Not much is happening today. Got a soaking on the way to work, but I'm a tough little weather resilient cookie :) And the rain seems to have stopped...for now.

Sorry Lilly, I must bore you with my incessant chatter about my mundane life and the stupid things I like.

But having said that, speak to you later :) I know you might not reply tonight, but I'll still send you a message or two. I hope they mean something to you. Probably not, but I'll keep writing them anyway.

You're my buddy :)

P.S. - 2 interesting things I've done in my life - had my hair cut by a transvestite, and engaged in a tug of war with a baby elephant.

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, Dexface. You're so good to me. I don't deserve it.
For the past two days i've basically been unconscious. The drugs the doc gave me to try are unreasonably strong and the two that i'd taken made me very sick. I'm still somewhat out of it. I feel drunk and it's an unpleasant reminder of why i don't drink alcohol.
This is probably the most i'll be able to manage until tomorrow or until the drugs are out of my system but i wanted to send you a message to let you know even though i haven't really been able to process the lovely words you've left me, i have appreciated them greatly. I shall be back to fighting form, err, soon? I hope.

Just to give you a little insight into my fuzzled brain-state, i'll let you know that the simple fact that you had a haircut has left me completely fascinated. I can't tell you why, cause i don't know. Ugh. I hope it was a good haircut and no baby elephants were tug of warred with.

Enjoy the pancakes, dearest Dex.

Dex said...

I was so happy to hear from you tonight, but you just concentrate on getting better, and don't worry about me. I'm just missing my buddy, that's all.

Send you something later, Lilly :)

Dex said...

Night night lovely Lilly. You deserve to have someone say that to you every night :)

I'm sorry if I've been sending you too many messages these past couple of days. Especially as you haven't really been able to process them. But you really haven't been out of my thoughts, and I guess inane chatter is my way of showing I care and that I haven't forgotten about you. I'm sorry if it wasn't much help.

"I'm just missing my buddy, that's all". Massive understatement! I don't even want to think about how I would feel if you weren't here anymore :(

I knew things must have been bad. I was a little bit worried. I know you tell me not to worry about you, but I can't help it sometimes.

This doesn't quite make up for another night without my favourite fanged Lilliputian (it doesn't even come close), but my parents came home from a party tonight with a bunch of goodies for me - spring rolls, butterfly cupcakes, lemon drizzle cake, white chocolate cheesecake, and these little chocolatey/biscuity squares. Yay!

Do you remember saying that you'd bake me a lemon drizzle cake? That thought still makes me happy :)

I'm sure I will enjoy the pancakes tomorrow:

To be honest, I'm find it way too embarrassing to order any of the ones with the silly names.

In the office this afternoon, I was listening to Tammar, amongst other things. Do you remember blogging about them a little while back? That's how I came across them, but I hadn't thought about them for a while. Your blog really does get me through the working day.

I love your blog Lilly, I really do :) Khan!! I just knew that's what it would link to.

Anyway, speak to you tomorrow Lilly :) Don't worry if you're still not feeling up to talking tomorrow. I miss your talking so much, but I understand and I just want you to get better. Don't waste your energy on a silly soul like me.

Again, night night Lilly. You're my buddy. I know I say that a lot, but I like to because you are :)

PS - I saw you added the Foundation trilogy to your list of things to read. I know it's a long list, but it still gave me a warm glow inside to see it there :)

Dex said...

Is it odd that the first thing I want to do when I get up is send you some hugs and happy vibes, as if they'll make everything better? Still, I'll keep sending them, just so you know I'm thinking about you. You'd miss them if I didn't, admit it :) I'm sorry this message is so short. I'd rather stay in and write random messages to a girl who is probably asleep, than go out for pancakes. Lilly > pancakes. Surely that makes you feel better :)

Speak to you later lovely Lilly :)

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. I'm back from the planet of the pancakes. They weren't really worth leaving the comforts of home for. Especially when the comforts of home includes cheescake, cupcakes & lemon cake. I'd swap them all in exchange for getting you back, though. Maybe not the white chocolate cheesecake :) Okay, even that! So you're rated above pancakes & white chocolate cheesecake - you're getting really high up on my list of things that are important to me :)

Since getting back, I've been trying to find music for you. Needless to say, I have failed miserably. Sadly, there's nothing I've found that I think you'll particularly like or haven't heard before.

Do you like Mazzy Star?

A couple more things:

I know you're not sitting there quietly cursing me for being a useless music finder (you're not, are you?). It's just that I wanted to find something I thought you'd really like, but I couldn't. I'm a bit disappointed with myself :( The least I should be able to do for you when you're ill is find you good music.

But I did find this! I have a very happy memory of watching this in a B&B somewhere I don't remember. And I unexpectedly came across it again. It's really long, so please don't watch it just for my sake. I just wanted you to be aware of its existence :)

I'm sorry to get so far down before asking how you are today? Maybe I should just assume you're still not well until you tell me otherwise. Poor Lilly :( You really do have it bad. I won't ask you any silly questions, just in case you feel compelled to answer them in your weakened state.

I'm not sure what I'll do for the rest of the day - probably some cleaning! But I'll check back a bit later. Speak to you soon, Lilly :)

Louise Boyd said...

Ello buddy, i'm still working on this whole getting my brain to concentrate thing and i'm almost winning, so we'll be back to nonsensical nostalgic banter in no time. And of course movie night will be resumed. Is it still my turn or do i forfeit?

Ugggh i wish i could get my brain to think of more but i've been sat here the last 5 minutes completely blank. Odd, huh? Usually you can't get me to shut up. Oh well. Please continue to tell me stories. I like them muchly and they're keeping me from gloominess.

I'll try and send some more words your way later. Not enough Dex in my days just now!

Dex said...

Don't try too hard, Lilly. Although I am looking forward very much to getting my lovely buddy back from illness :)

Ugh, I just sad 'yes' to helping out at some event for 2 nights next week, Thursday & Friday. Something called the 'Ignition' project, whatever that is. It's Shetland Arts related, I know that much. Someone sent me an email with info about it which I'm supposed to read beforehand so I don't come across as a complete idiot. It's in Brae, which is north of Lerwick. I think I've only ever been there once, to 'Frankie's Fish and Chips'. I'm pretty sure 'Ignition' has something to do with cars. How & why, I don't know, but there has been a car with a knitted cover sitting outside Mareel for the last few weeks. I'll tell you all about it when it's over :)

I hope I don't have to drive to Brae. I've only taken the car out of Lerwick once on my own. To the Bonhoga Gallery at the Weisdale mill. They sell lots of books on afternoon tea :) Of course I didn't just go there to buy books on afternoon tea. Okay, so I did.

Actually, the north of Shetland is somewhere I hardly ever go. There's 3 inhabited islands north of the Shetland mainland (Fetlar, Yell & Unst). I haven't been to any of them. I think the furthest north I've travelled is to Ronas Hill, which is the highest point of the Shetland mainland. It's only 1476 ft according to Wikipedia. So no forests, no mountains, I'm beginning to wonder what we do have up here. Cliffs! Foula's cliffs are 1200 ft high! Michael Powell (of Powell & Pressburger fame) made his first feature length film on Foula in 1937 called 'The Edge of the World'.

I'm not sure if Shetland 'stories' were what you were wanting, but there you go. I hope they weren't too boring.

You don't really need me to tell you that I'm missing your banter, do you Lilly? I think it's pretty obvious. I'm not even done bothering you for the night :)

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. I'm so sorry to have sent you so many links these last couple of days. I hope I haven't annoyed you. I just thought you might need cheering up. That was all. I hope you don't think I expected you to watch any of them. They're just a bunch of silly, random things not worth anyone's time. I don't know why I'm worrying about this now :(

I was actually gonna post some more music & other random stuff I found for you tonight, but I might save it up until you're better.

I'll just bore you with my life instead :)

I think I've actually climbed Ronas Hill. I'm not 100% sure. The last time I went there was with my family. We were going to climb it, but it started to rain so we just sat in the car and ate all the junk food we'd bought for the excursion.

Well, since I covered the north and west of Shetland in my last post, I might as well tell you about the south :)

At the southern tip of the Shetland mainland, there's Sumburgh airport, which is the main airport in Shetland. There are smaller airports dotted around the island, but they're really only for flights within Shetland. Also Sandwick leisure centre is in the south. It used to be a really nice, quiet place to go swimming. Maybe it still is, but I haven't been in years. I actually love the little country swimming pools :)

I used to go birdwatching around the southern part of Shetland with my dad when I was a child. My parents are pretty keen birdwatchers. My dad keeps a record of all the different kinds of birds he sees in Sandness every weekend. I'm not really that interested, but I liked looking for nests with eggs in them. Sometimes a bird would be sitting on them and you could get really close. Other times birds would attack you to keep you away. Arctic Terns were the worst, they were after blood :)

Other exciting bird-related things that have happened to me! I once drew a picture of Redwing that was sitting in the garden and my dad was able to recognise what I'd drawn instantly. That made me very happy :) I also once saw a Greylag Goose, a Bean Goose, & a Pink-footed Goose together in a field, which apparently is very, very unusual. I've led an exciting life!

My parents actually go on birdwatching holidays! And trekking! They've been to the Himalayas! And Tibet, to see monks on motorbikes! They are far more active than me :)

I talk about myself way too much. About not very interesting things too. Sorry. I'd much rather learn more things about you. I'm gonna interrogate you once you've fully recovered :)

Dex said...

Night night lovely Lilly.

I'm sorry about all those long paragraphs about nothing in particular, and links to silly things I've been sending you these last few days. Would you believe it's because I care about you? It is, honestly :)

You're my buddy. Speak to you soon.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly

I know you won't feel the same if you wake up and see that I haven't sent you another pointless message :)

I've probably put you off coming to Shetland for life, with all this talk of my boring adventures. We can still drink tea and go to the cinema and stay at home, talking about nothing, listening to music & watching films. So, pretty much what we do now, except that we'd be doing it together. I'd like that very much, but is it worth a 12 hour boat journey? In flat calm weather? Maybe?

Pointless facts about me!

Here are all the things that have caused me to fail my driving test - stalling when pulling into traffic, speeding outside a school, parking in a bus stop, not overtaking a bus, and the car not starting (technically not a fail, but I still had to pay for the privelege). I did eventually manage to pass. I remember having to overtake a cyclist out in the country, which is one of the most nerve-wracking things I've had to do in my life!

That pretty much sums up my life - a series of spectacular failures, occasionally interrupted by an unimpressive success. One unimpressive success.

Film adventures!

I once went to The Edinburgh Filmhouse on my own to watch 3 Jacques Tati films. Have you heard of him? Monsieur Hulot? Les Vacances de Monsier Hulot one of my favourite films. It's one of the few my whole family can happily watch together. The other two i saw at the cinema were Jour de Fete & Mon Oncle. I was disappointed they didn't show Playtime, which is an amazing, really unusual film. But I have them on DVD so I can watch them anytime :)

Anyway, enough about driving tests and French cinema!

This is the long approach to asking how you are today? I don't seem to realise how much I talk sometimes. I hope it's not too much to put up with. I'm so self-centred!

Speak to you later, Lilly. If you're feeling up to it. Otherwise prepare for another long message :) Hugs & happy vibes as always.

P.S. - It's still your turn to choose something for movie night :) But don't worry about it just now.

Dex said...

Hi Lilly. Sorry if this posts twice, my computer's being a bit awkward.

I know you won't feel the same if you wake up and see that I haven't sent you another pointless message :)

I've probably put you off coming to Shetland for life, with all this talk of my boring adventures. We can still drink tea and go to the cinema and stay at home, talking about nothing, listening to music & watching films. So, pretty much what we do now, except that we'd be doing it together. I'd like that very much, but is it worth a 12 hour boat journey? In flat calm weather? Maybe?

Pointless facts about me!

Here are all the things that have caused me to fail my driving test - stalling when pulling into traffic, speeding outside a school, parking in a bus stop, not overtaking a bus, and the car not starting (technically not a fail, but I still had to pay for the privelege). I did eventually manage to pass. I remember having to overtake a cyclist out in the country, which is one of the most nerve-wracking things I've had to do in my life!

That pretty much sums up my life - a series of spectacular failures, occasionally interrupted by an unimpressive success. One unimpressive success.

Film adventures!

I once went to The Edinburgh Filmhouse on my own to watch 3 Jacques Tati films. Have you heard of him? Monsieur Hulot? Les Vacances de Monsier Hulot one of my favourite films. It's one of the few my whole family can happily watch together. The other two i saw at the cinema were Jour de Fete & Mon Oncle. I was disappointed they didn't show Playtime, which is an amazing, really unusual film. But I have them on DVD so I can watch them anytime :)

Anyway, enough about driving tests and French cinema!

This is the long approach to asking how you are today? I don't seem to realise how much I talk sometimes. I hope it's not too much to put up with. I'm so self-centred!

Speak to you later, Lilly. If you're feeling up to it. Otherwise prepare for another long message :) Hugs & happy vibes as always.

P.S. - It's still your turn to choose something for movie night :) But don't worry about it just now.

Louise Boyd said...

Dex Dex Dex. I'm almost fully human again! So i'm gonna address some things i've been meaning to answer since the grand drugging. This'll seem a bit listy but hey, so your fault! :)

Darker Than Black sounds pretty cool to me. But i don't know if my judgements to be trusted. I'll be happy watching anything mildly supernatural, as you know :) <- This is where we got the idea to feed Misty using chopsticks. She just happened to really love crisps as well, so that's how the prawn crackers happened. She was also more rabid than this lovely little bundle of fluff. I got whacked on the hands a fair few times by my very own little addict. Stupendously cute though. I think we filmed it but as much as i love watching other people's cats on youtube, i never really wanted to pimp my cats on the internet. All their weirdness was mine. Mine all mine. I'll tell you one thing though. She also liked to eat asparagus. Odd animal.
Have you ever had cats? Would you? And if so, long-haired or short-haired? What breed? I suggest boys. Female felines are lovely but much like the human species - real bitches when we wanna be. Boys are far more laid back once you get them neutered. I kinda wish we'd got kittens out of our lot though. They would have been magnificent! I need to stop talking about cats now. Crazy cat lady territory is fast approaching.

Empire gave A Good Day To Die Hard, 2 stars...please tell me you haven't gone to see it cause don't! I'll feel so bad putting you through a 2 star movie and having made you pay for it! That's not friendly, not friendly at all.

Y'know, i was thinking about it. And i think the Lilly that you get on here is very much me. It's just that most of what i think stays in my head and nobody hears the weirdness but you get to because i get to write it down. So i reckon, in person, you'd get this Lilly but perhaps a little toned down but i'm sure you could bring the weirdo back out of my quiet little shell. You have the technology!
Maybe i should let my freak flag fly a bit more in the outside world. You seem to be cool with it :)

Still haven't had pancakes, y'know? Mostly cause i'm lazy. Shocking, huh? Maybe i'll have Easter Pancakes!
Do you think you can drop cadbury's mini eggs into a pancake and then flip it without it being a disaster? Probably not. But imagine!

Can we part of The League of Super Evil?

!!! I had no idea the Thundercats had their theme tunes. That is spectacularly cool and i have to say, Panthro's is definitely the best. But he was Panthro after all :) The way he used to get pissed off with Snarf was magical. I loved Snarf so much. Crapsticks, i'm right this second going to Amazon to search out the dvds. You little troublemaker!

Have i asked you how Pancakes with the child went? I haven't have i? Ugh, silly me. Did you manage not to throw it through a glass window? I hope so. I don't think they'd let you talk to me from prison! Do you have a prison in Shetland? I don't know why i need to know that...but i do.
The pankcakes on that menu are insane! I very much want serving of Nutty Nora though. Without the whipped cream. Yuck. You make me hungrier than any other person on the planet!
Oh, and it makes me very happy to be more important than desserts to you :) I'm guessing not all though! I'm no way better than say, uh, well, what's your favourite dessert Dex?

Louise Boyd said...

Jesus Christ i want to play Alleycat. It's so old school it's wondrous. Did i tell you we still have our SNES? It's in the loft though, i think and i don't like it up there. Cold and creepy. My stupid imagination fears something will be lurking in the shadows, waiting to make me their human sock puppet. Yuck.

Mazzy Star = win. Fade Into Dust is the obvious favourite but it's just so damn good. It's getting used on a fair few adverts just now i get happy every time i hear Hope Sandoval's dulcet tones. Fade Into You is also a favourite. Ugh, just love them but surprisingly, i don't think i actually own this album.

Beach Fossils - Yes yes yes! I'd been meaning to listen to them properly for a while and you've given me the nudge i needed :)
The Field Mice as well. Meant to listen to them too! See, you are good at this. You just don't give yourself enough credit :)

What's driving like, Dex? Is it fun? Or terrifying? Or both?!
I'd like to go driving around Shetland with your fine self. It'd be fun. Yessum.
And what's it like to fly? I've never done that and i'm scared to. Put me at ease?
I'm hoping to get my passport this year and actually go somewhere!

A fact: I have never seen a Jacques Tati film but my grandpa's a fan. I'll see if i can borrow what he's got and see what you love about it so much.

Another fact: The more you talk about Shetland, the more i want to visit.

I think that just about brings us up to date? I hope so! I'm sleepy now.

So last but certainly not least, how's my Dexterous friend? What did Sunday bring?

Dex said...

Yay, you're almost back. Gettin' kinda excited :)

"Do you think you can drop cadbury's mini eggs into a pancake and then flip it without it being a disaster?" You do realise that I now have to do this to find out. Don't you just love the way cadbury's mini eggs are speckly?

Pancakes at Osla's went okay, thanks :) I was gonna order the Maple Mountain, but they said it might be a bit of a wait, so I ended up having the Traditional. I can't even remember what the child had, but its face was covered in chocolate by the end of it.

You wouldn't think it, but we don't really go in for desserts in our house! I mean, we never have dessert after dinner unless it's a special occasion. Of course, if it was me on my own, I'd probably have dessert every night :)

I don't think I have a favourite dessert. I like all kinds! Fruit salad can be fantastic depending on what kind fruits are used. What would make up your ideal fruit salad? And pavlovas have to be eaten at just the right time, when the cream is just on the point of freezing :)

Do your family go in for desserts a lot? Is is just whipped cream you don't like, or is it all cream? One of my favourite things to do is poor cream on ice-cream so it freezes to form a cream-shell :)

You're way better than any dessert Lilly. You're on the same level as a cup of tea, and that's saying something :) I don't think I could get by without tea.

Okay, I want a cat! Never had one, but that video was so frickin' cute. And cute things usually make me want to throw up, but not this one. No wonder you miss your cats so much. Apologies if you've told me this before (I'm so forgetful) but did your cats look like the one in the video, y'know, all fluffy? Or were they of the sleeker variety, like the ones that hang around our garden?

Driving in Shetland is actually not too bad. Not fun, but not terrifying either. Shetland does have a high cars to people ratio, but it's okay most of the time. You'll notice that people hardly ever walk anywhere in Shetland, they always take the car, which is one of reasons I prefer to walk rather than drive. But driving around Shetland with you does indeed sound like fun. I'd totally be up for that :)

If you got over your fear of flying, you could get to Shetland in an hour :) I get scared too, but I've flown many times and nothing bad has ever happened. If it makes you feel any better, I'd get on a plane with you in a heartbeat :)

And I didn't go to see 'A Good Day To Die Hard'. Remember, you very kindly told me to save my pennies for Stoker. Did you expect me to go? Y'know, I would have gone if you'd wanted me to, and gladly too. At least you don't have to feel guilty :)

I'm so excited you've almost recovered, as I've really been missing my partner in sleep-crime fighting. You may have noticed :) I'll be around if you want to talk, but you must still be feeling a bit worn out.

Speak to you soon.

P.S. - We have the entire series of Thundercats on DVD somewhere in our house. I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you :)

P.P.S. - "Boys are far more laid back once you get them neutered" & "human sock puppet". You really are almost back to normal :)

Dex said...

Oh Lilly, why didn't I talk to you in 2010? You should have been telling me what films to go and see.

Dex said...

Night night lovely Lilly.

I'm doing 9-5 at Psych.

I know you sent me an epic reply not that long ago, but I still miss you a little bit. In the nighttime.

"And i think the Lilly that you get on here is very much me."
I wouldn't change her for anything.

Louise Boyd said...

If it makes any difference, i probably wouldn't have seen it if i Dad hadn't bought it. He comes home with some real gems sometimes. It's incredibly weird and just so loveable. Perfect movie. Plus, Jason Isaacs. I might love him a bit.

Do i talk with more strangely when i'm normal? I thought it'd be the other way around! :)
At this second, this very second, i feel very like me. All focused and not feeling like i'm miles outside my body. That was a strange experience! I'm gonna take advantage of some sleep after i'm done writing you this message though. It was nice going to bed at a reasonable hour when i was sick. Not that 2:30am is a reasonable hour but for me that's a vast improvement.

Have you had a nice day, Dex? Venture into the outside world? We might be getting snow tomorrow! Again! This country has tourettes, i swear it. Weather-affected tourettes.

Tell me how the pancakes go. I'm gonna let you try first :) And i was totally just explaining to my sister that Cadbury's Mini Eggs were the best because they're speckled! Great minds, you and i. Maybe the best of minds.
We've had three bags of mini eggs in the house already and i've been getting a good old sugar rush off then. I've had to start keeping myself away from them, the habit was getting out of control. Do you think there's a rehab centre for Mini Egg addicts? Cause i need one!
I think dessert is great and we don't do dessert as such in my house. We have it but it's never really a sit-down at the dinner table kinda thing. And it can range from a biscuit to homemade apple pie. Depends what's there and what you fancy! I usually have something but nothing extravagant or big. Sweet things make me feel desperately ill. My sister had this warm chocolate fudge pudding thing tonight and she offered me some. I had a look at it, caught the scent of intense chocolate and reeled back. Not my thing at all! I'm with you on fruit salad though. As long as there's no banana and plenty of melon.
One of my favourite things? Summer Pudding. Something about the bread soaked in fruit juice. YUM. Never get round to making one though. MIne would probably fall apart anyways :)

Your cream on ice-cream trick? Ingenious. You are my favourite person. End of. My sisters gonna make coffee ice cream soon. I don't like coffee but i certainly like coffee flavoured things! Am i making you hate me with my baker sister?

Only an hour to get to Dexland? Someone could just drug me and wake me up when i get there? That could work.

Catwise, i had two brother and sister, persian/tabby crosses and two brother and sister, tabbies. The brother was a ginger tom. I'll try and find you some pictures at some point. The persian crosses were very fluffy but unlike the cat in the video they had lovely little faces. Not that chopstick cat isn't cute as a button but he's ugly/cute. I'm a horrible person :)
All my cats were wee beauties, even if i do say so myself!

Okay buddy, i'm gonna take myself to bed now and envy your copy of the Complete Thundercats Collection. £29 on amazon. Uchhhht. I'm too cheap for that :(

Night Dexterous!

Louise Boyd said...

"Do i talk with more strangely when i'm normal?"

What the what? I'm gonna blame that on still being slightly dazed...

Dex said...

I'm so glad I checked back. I can go to sleep happy :)

Night night Lilly

Louise Boyd said...

Nudge :)

Dex said...

Lilly, why do you waste your words on a worthless boy like me? I feel so silly sending you that message last night. If only I'd waited another minute.

I don't deserve to be nudged. It is one of the nicest feelings in the world, though, a nudge from you. You do like me just a little bit, don't you?

Is it snowing in Blair?

Dex said...

I didn't send you any happy vibes this morning! I hope you get these before you wake up, otherwise you might have a bad day and it'll be all my fault.

I'm not the only one in the admin office today, so it's radio music instead of Lilly music :(

Y'know, I want you to tell me what films to go and see at Mareel. I totally trust your judgement. I'm not just saying that. Remember, you're my go-to-girl for films. And music. And everything else. Tuesday tomorrow. New films at Mareel. I'll send you the list. Please choose things for me. I'd sit through anything you asked me to. I just wish you were up here to watch them with me.

Driving around Shetland is something we are so going to do when (not if) you come up here. I'd put you in charge of the music. What's good driving music, Lilly?

Do the rest of your family drive? Both my parents drive, but my brother can't. I think they were keen for one of us to learn, they even booked lessons for me without asking. To be fair, I'd never have got around to doing it myself. I'm not a car person at all. We have a BMW, and it scares the hell out of me. I don't even like to get lifts in it.

My mum can drive a minibus, for nursery purposes. I actually have trouble imagining my mum driving a minibus because she's so small. She came home the other day after driving the bus saying she felt like The Brain. Do you remember the way he would wear these massive human bodies, but with a really small head poking out?

I once saw an old woman crash her car head first into the side of a parked van in hilariously slow motion. I shouldn't laugh, but it was just so funny. It looked like it was an insurance scam, the way it was so deliberate. I remember watching her get in her car and thinking 'she doesn't look fit to drive, this is going to end badly', then seeing her pull out of her driveway and into this van that was parked about 5 metres away. Honestly, I could have sketched a picture of the whole thing in the time it took. But she was okay...I think. I don't remember being too concerned. I'm so horrible. Still makes me laugh, though :)

Any exciting car adventures you'd like to share?

I'm so jealous. I used to love coffee ice-cream. Do you remember Gino Ginelli ice-cream? Actually, you probably don't. You've probably never had to resort to ice-cream from a supermarket in your whole entire life, damn you. Well, Gino Ginelli used to make really nice coffee ice-cream, but then they stopped. It was sad. Their fudge ice-cream lasted a bit longer though. That was almost as nice.

Y'know, everytime I say I have something that you want, like Thundercats DVDs, you can just say 'well, I have a baker sister'.

Even thought I hate you a little bit right now for having a baker sister, I'd still glomp you. And here's some music too:

I don't know how I managed to find a band called 'The Field Mice' and then one called 'Field Mouse' one day after the other in completely unrelated fashion.

Tell me all about your day, Lilly? I want to know all the gory details.

Louise Boyd said...

First and foremost: Thieving Irons are so good that i'm kinda pissed i didn't find them first! :) You've made my day. And yeah, i like you, a little bit :)

It is indeed snowing in Blair and it's not supposed to stop for the foreseeable future. That's gonna make my visit to the doctor's office tomorrow fun. Always good to go in frost-bitten to see the quack. At least it's in the afternoon, I'll have a chance of being vaguely comprehensible by then. Don't want to go though :(

Dex, you really shouldn't put all your faith in my musical/filmic judgement! I get it so unbelievably wrong sometimes! I did watch Argo a couple of nights ago and that was pretty awesome. Did you go see at Mareel last year?
The Hobbit's out in April. Ugh. I know for a fact, already, that my dad is gonna roll home with it on blu-ray and i'm gonna watch it and be miserably critical throughout the entire experience. Such a curmudgeonly little wench but seriously! Who splits that book into three films?! Bloody money-hungry Peter Jackson, that's who. Ugh ugh ugh.

I don't actually know what good driving music would be. It all depends on the mood! I am banned from one song in the car though. I get left in charge of the iPod when i'm out with my sisters, being the passenger and having available thumbs to choose the tunes. I'm a menace and take about 5 minutes each time to find something i want to listen to but i will always without fail stop on Feeder, 'Shatter'. I can't help it. It makes me wanna drive fast. If i could drive that is. But then again, Nick Drake's pretty lovely to listen to when driving around the countryside. I think when i pass my test, i'll enjoy just driving around listening to music. That really appeals to me. Soundtracking adventures. I've always wanted a soundtrack to my life. There's a section of Cameron Crowe's movie, Elizabethtown that has a road trip soundtracked for every hour, every landmark, every mood and it's just perfection. But musically, Crowe's films always are. Almost Famous, enough said.

The rest of my family can indeed drive. They all learned at the appropriate time. I'm the black driving sheep of the family. I've always been pretty scared of it. Equal parts because of death and that it'll force me to become less of the baby of the family and that's a pretty comfortable place to be. I'm not proud. I kinda wish i'd been forced to do it, like you were. At least you have the ability. If you need to do it, you can. I'm somewhat of a sitting duck.

Why in the world does a BMW scare you...?
And in no way does it make you a bad person to have watched that old lady crash in slow-mo. That is comedy gold. If only you'd filmed it.
The only exciting car adventure i can think of is when my sister was learning to drive and my Dad took her out for a lesson. I tagged along, sat in the back, obviously and she very nearly smacked my side of the car into a tree! Too much oversteer going on when she was turning a corner. Scarred me for life but she turned out to be a damn good driver so i'm no longer terrified of being in a car with her. Not much, at least :)

Ucht, i'm ever so sleepy right now. Don't think this drug has entirely left my system yet. Sucks. So, my day has mainly consisted of slumping about the house, tidying some stuff, clutching at my cramping stomach - a side-effect of the drug - and trying to keep my eyes from closing. I want energy, Dex! Lots of it. So much i think i've been drugged. So exhausting being this tired all the time. I may have to start drinking caffeine again. Sigh. If it came in the form of coffee ice cream though, that'd be okay and yeah, course i remember Gino Ginelli :) Childhood in a tub!

Dex said...

Lilly, you don't have to talk to me tonight if you're feeling sleepy. You know how I feel about you :)

And you know I won't be upset if you post things on your blog, or do all the other things you like doing at night, and not talk to me.

We will have a nighttime conversation soon though, won't we? I mean, when you're better.

Louise Boyd said...

I'm going to get you a 'worry jar' my dear. Don't ever think i don't want to talk to you. That'd be silliness and i truly enjoy the messages you leave me. Nonsensical or not!

I did, however, fall asleep in a chair tonight. Sleepy girl but i think my system will be clear by the end of the week. Back to my usual sleepy self! But i do think our late night banter should not be an every night thing. Must regulate myself and be a normal person and i don't want you getting all backwards in the slumber department as well. But all day, every day banter can be just as good. That's how we started after all :)

Dex said...

I though it was going to be another night without my favourite person :) I was just in the midst of composing an epic reply for you to wake up to. Oh well, you can have what I've done so far.

Lilly, when it comes to your musical/film judgement, you do get it so wrong sometimes :) That's kind of the point. It's one of the things I love about you. It would make me ridiculously happy to spend money on & sit through a total crapfest of a film suggested by you. I'd of course cheerfully admonish you for it afterwards.

At the other end of the scale, do you know that some of the songs you've told me about are now amongst my favourite things ever? I can never thank you enough for that. And at work, I often have your blog, your last fm, and your bandcamp page in my internet tabs just so I can make up the soundtrack to my day. Hehe, I think I said that in the first ever post of this conversation :)

Louise Boyd said...

I could squish you :)
Don't worry, it wouldn't hurt, i possess the strength of a newborn pup.
So you haven't minded of late that my taste in music has wandered down the grungier of paths?

"Lilly, when it comes to your musical/film judgement, you do get it so wrong sometimes :)"

Haha, that made me smile so much. I need an example of your dismay of my filmic taste! Hit me with what's made you really ashamed to be associated with me.

You wanna watch Bowfinger on Saturday night? Or is it Friday night we do these things? See what my memory is like? Sieve. A bloody sieve.
I want to watch it. I honestly do. Up for it?

Had a good day? Working tomorrow? I should really get a job like yours. I demand to be told stuff!

Dex said...

Lilly, need I remind you of the first time I left you a message. I mean, just look at those tabs :) Leprechaun!

Bowfinger! Aw, Lilly, you really mean it? I think Saturday would be better. I have this mysterious 'Ignition' project on Friday night.

And I'm totally with you on the late night banter. Not only do I think we need to sleep like normal people, but I know that 'quiet time' at night is important too. But sometime late night banter will always be welcome :)

To be honest, it has not been the best of days, but I'm not working tomorrow. I might pop along to Mareel, though.

Anything happen with you inbetween the sleepiness today?

Louise Boyd said...

Aw bud, why not the best of days?

Dex said...

Things are a bit stressed at home. My mum thinks the nursery will be closed down because of council cuts :(

Louise Boyd said...

That's terrible :( Air hug? The economy is the worst thing we ever invented as humans. I hope it doesn't close. Kids are important, they wouldn't deprive them of a place to mess around all day. That'd just be unkind.
All my best feelings and hopeful thoughts sent you and your families way dearest.

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