floor cry - swimming team

July 21, 2019

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Louise Boyd said...

Oh, Jesus.
My brain just dry-heaved.
Isn't it bad enough already for the socially awkward IRL; do they have to come for our precious internet time as well?!
There isn't even holiday themed food!
I can't eat an emoji! 0_0

On a doofier note, we think Charlie slipped and his butt, just hit butt, fell in the pond last night.
He was like a dipped cookie. One half dry, the other half muddy and soggy.
It was so cute >_<
He's officially the Swamp Goblin now :)

Dex said...

Poor Charlie - I bet if he could speak and you saw him slip in the pond, he'd say he meant to do that :)

Also, you have a pond in your garden?

'My brain just dry-heaved.' - that sums up my feelings so perfectly :) Yeah, can't say I regret missing the online party. Spent the time alone in my bedroom eating salted caramel Lindor. Definitely no regrets :)

Louise Boyd said...

And that is exactly why you're my best friend. Solitude and sugar? Fuck yeah!
Although, I am morally opposed to salted caramel.
I know I'm in the minority but salt's gross =/
Now, the coconut Lindor, that's a different story.

We have two ponds.
Technically four but two of them are currently without water.
I look forward to frogs fucking in them every year. They make such pretty, filthy music 0_0

Dex said...

I didn't think I could be even more jealous of your garden, with its ponds and frog sex :)

Also, you have the strongest opinions on the smallest things - I love that about you :)

Louise Boyd said...

It's called being a bolshy little shit, m'dear :)

You could be even more jealous of my ponds. You could. Because when they were being built, I swam in the biggest one. Like a kelpie. Weeds and all :D
I was only 7 or 8, or maybe older or younger - my memory doesn't really do timelines - so I was pretty little and more prone to dive into cultured water and splash bout.
It was cold and awesome.
Then we put the fish in.
And then frogs came. For the sex.
Yeah, you could be more jealous :)

Okay, I've just been informed that the second gift I got you might not be there for Christmas. I know this won't bug you, because you're awesome, but I thought I'd let you know just in case the first gift comes and it's the worst!
(It won't be, but I'm a bet hedger =/)

Dex said...

As if I wouldn't love the thing you sent me... still, second present :D I think the first one arrived the other day - can't wait to open it!

Sounds like those ponds have seen a lot of action :) And I have no trouble believing that you are some kind of magical water spirit :)

I bet I would be jealous of a lot of things from your childhood.

Dex said...

Someone from my mum's work made us a chocolate swiss roll. It was really good :)

Dex said...

Just to more days and I'm off work until the 5th January - I'm going to spend it all being completely unproductive :)

Louise Boyd said...

But I thought you had a bazillion days of leave to take?

Very important question:

What was the Swiss Roll filling? Whipped cream? Buttercream? Jam? All of the above?

Dex said...

It sounds weird. It was a chocolate swiss roll, with buttercream, strawberries and chocolate chips :S It tasted quite light though, so I felt I could eat more of it :)

Do you have any standard Christmas desserts?

Someone told me I had over 5 weeks leave still to take. Hopefully it'll get approved to carry forward to next year and I won't lose it :S

Louise Boyd said...

I don't know how to feel about that Swiss Roll. Weird combination but oddly appealing?

My gran always makes a trifle (I don't like it =/), there's usually a Christmas pudding (I don't like it =/), and a third dessert to appease the fussy (me, me, me... and Sarah) which is usually Tiramisu but we've been changing it up the last few years with brownies, Silk Pie (which I didn't get to try because I had fucking Norovirus!). This year we're doing Summer Pudding (I know, random, but we had a huge bag of frozen fruit and I fucking love Summer Pudding, so...) and another Silk Pie.
I'm so going to vomit from overconsumption 0_0

Do you do desserts?
Did I just make you Hulk-coloured with envy?

I'm so not mentally prepared for Christmas.

Dex said...

It was oddly appealing, and I'll take any homemade desserts I can get - I can't afford to be as fussy as you :)

I'd forgotten you were ill last year - I'm glad (and envious, of course) that your family are making the dessert you'd missed out on, although I'd never heard of Silk Pie. It definitely looks like something I could get into :) Do you not mind the whipped cream, or maybe you guys make it with something else (assuming I'm looking at the right dessert!)?

I wish we could spend a quiet Christmas somewhere, and magically be given presents and food, then allowed to retreat to our bedrooms :)

Louise Boyd said...

I can't afford to be as fussy as you :)

:O Rude!

My lovely sibling makes the whipped cream with vanilla because that's the only way I'll eat it and she kinda loves me ^_^
And I whine a lot. I'm insufferable.

I wish we could spend a quiet Christmas somewhere, and magically be given presents and food, then allowed to retreat to our bedrooms :)

Christmas would totally be like that, but for everyone and somehow it feels (pleasantly) as if you've all be together. Without the grumpiness, moodiness, general fuck-headery that usually occurs on the day of presents and overly full bellies.
Yeah, that'd be fucking swell 0_0

Dex said...

Thank you so much for the jumper! As if I wasn't going to love it! It's ridiculously comfortable and I'm definitely going to wear it while watching Dawn of the Dead. I've only watched the theatrical cut so far - I've still got the extended cut and the Argento cut to get through :)

Merry Christmas, Lilliputty. You're the only one who knows what I like :)

Louise Boyd said...

You got me noise cancelling headphones 0_0
It's official, you're the most generous, thoughtful creature alive.
Thank you, Dexterous :) They'll help me so much.
And you better wear the sweatshirt for every zombie movie! I insist upon it. And you know you can't disobey me.

Merry "late" Christmas, Fungus. I hope it was a good one, or at least an okay one.
I ate so much I almost bared, so it business as usual for me 0_0

Louise Boyd said...


Don't worry, I didn't flash the neighbourhood in a fit of exhibitionist gluttony =/

Dex said...

Well, I'm glad you resisted the urge to show people your belly full of desserts :) How was the silk pie?

Another thing I love about the sweatshirt is that most people won't get the reference. I can wear it anywhere and no one will know I'm being secretly awesome! Hmm, I am in the mood to watch a zombie movie tonight...

I still never know how to react when you say nice things about me :)

Ps. I very much approve of Emily's choice of song for her 1st day Christmas post :)

Louise Boyd said...

Which zombie movie did you pick?
I got Anna and the Apocalypse for Christmas; it's a zombie musical :D
If it's good, I'm gonna force you to watch it, because that's just how we roll.
Or, I roll, and you tolerate my dictatorial tendencies =/
This is why I have to send you awesome sweatshirts to make you keep like me 0_0

Em's got killer taste in music. Don't tell her I said that, though. I can't let her know I think she's kinda cool 0_0

It turns out that the Silk Pie actually wasn't a silk pie. It's was a chocolate tart with a pudding type filling.
Apparently I totally tuned out when Sarah was explaining this to me when she was making it.
Attention span of goldfish on speed, that's me.
It was yummy, though!
There's a Tupperware full of just the filling in the fridge that I can't seem to leave alone.
This is why I've been wearing stretchy trousers for 3 days ^_^
And I have no plans to stop.

Dex said...

You could spend the next 10 Christmases just sending me recordings of you eating dessert filling in your stretchy trousers and I'd still like you :) Besides, I like when you take charge - you make my life way more interesting!

I ended up watching the third film in the Romero trilogy, Day of the Dead - lots of glorious overacting and practical effects! A zombie musical sounds fun though :)

Having killer taste in music must run in your family.

Louise Boyd said...

Someone needs to take the chocolate pudding away from me, or I'm going to turn into chocolate pudding and then some Christmas monster is going to eat me and then I'll inevitably be poop.
Poop, dexterous.
Let's blame that train of though on the sugar high I'm currently riding 0_0

It's been so long since I've seen the Romero movies that I can't even remember what happened in the third one.
I think I like my zombies sentient, though.
Like Drew Barrymore in Santa Clarita Diet or Nicholas Hoult in Warm Bodies.

Dex said...

Christmas monster poop! I so want to spend time with you on a sugar high :D

The third Romero one is basically scientists vs soldiers in an underground bunker. Everyone is extremely unpleasant :)

I've actually seen so few zombie movies/tv shows - I think I need educated :S

Dex said...

Freya spent Christmas day dressed in her unicorn costume, playing with a toy unicorn :)

Dex said...

Ugh, I've eaten so many chocolates these last few days - I wish I knew how to make something savoury :S I should learn to make salad or something...

Dex said...

My cousin sent me a late Christmas present. It's more chocolate :S

Happy New Year, Maggot :D

Louise Boyd said...

So, I'm turning into chocolate pudding and you're turning into a box of chocolates.
We'll be delicious and nutritious if anyone decides to serve us up as dessert!
You make me say the weirdest shit.

Happy New Year, Fungus.
Good fucking riddance to the dumpster fire that was 2020.
I'm exhausted.

Do you do anything New Years-y?
We sit around and watch movies, eat too much and drive each other mental.
It's also exhausting but y'know, family.
At least there'll be homemade choux buns, chocolate mousse and crème pâtissière to put in my belly at the end of it 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

Ps. Freya is a queen in the making, I think she needs a crown.

Dex said...

I wonder why we've never compared ourselves to Hansel & Gretel :)

'At least there'll be homemade choux buns, chocolate mousse and crème pâtissière...'

You just dropped that in there oh so casually :)

You'll be shocked to hear that we really don't make a big deal of New Year! My mum made a roast dinner, and I ate more chocolates, but that was really it. I basically eat all the food and then lock myself in my room :S

What films did you watch? Did you get to pick?

Ps. That photo on Emily's blog of Charlie sleeping under the flower pot :)

Dex said...

Your mum's sugar frosted flower photo
You geeking out over 90s Disney
Missing the s in scum queen

You're my favourite person :D

Louise Boyd said...

Well, duh.

Gotta be honest, we were all so exhausted by the end of New Years that we just sorta slothed out and watched Pretty Woman because it was on and no one could be arsed finding something else.
Can't got wrong with a little 1980s Julia Roberts, though.
She's classic.

I think between us we've consumed an obscene amount of chocolate this holiday season.
I'm proud of us?

Louise Boyd said...

Ps. My cat is a weird, adorable idiot.
Not that I witnessed this, but according to Sarah, Charles went outside in the snow, sat his ass down, dragged his paw through the snow, looked at it intently, and then licked his paw.
I don't know why but that is fucking adorable.

Dex said...

I think so much of my time would just be spent watching Charles :)

It's nice that your family enjoy watching films together. At the moment, my parents are watching the Vienna New Year's Concert in the living room, and I'm in my bedroom, but I'll bring them a cup of tea at about half 8 and steal one of my mum's Ferrero Rocher's because I deserve them all - such a fascinating insight into my home life :)

This was my train of thought just now: I like desserts, I wish I had more, I want to make a joke about just desserts, is it 'just deserts' or 'just desserts', better look that up, it's deserts, never mind...

Louise Boyd said...

This was my train of thought just now: I like desserts, I wish I had more, I want to make a joke about just desserts, is it 'just deserts' or 'just desserts', better look that up, it's deserts, never mind...

Wait... it's deserts?!
I've always thought it was the double s type, because, y'know, food 0_0
Well not I feel stupider than usual!
But in good company because you didn't know either ^-^

You have Ferrero Rocher?
Not a single one entered this household during Christmas and I am fucking livid about it!
Damn you, Dexterous.

What is it with parents always needing tea.
Mine are the same. Morning to night.
I mean, I drink tea all the live long day but I don't expect people to make it for me.
Honestly. It's as if they only had children to do their bidding!

Fun fact: My dad calls me Beverage Slave, or Tea Jenny.
My mum made it slightly nicer by changing it to Tea Geneviève, said the French way.
It's still fucking insulting but y'know, families.

Dex said...

I have to fact check so many things when I write to you :)

Tea Genevieve definitely sounds better! I bet you make really good tea too :)

One of the things I do miss from the beginning of lockdown when my parents were in Sandness is being able to eat what I wanted, when I wanted. I know I shouldn't complain about being given food, and I was pretty much living off pancakes and pasta... but it still gets me down being 34 and being called for dinner like I'm a child :S Also, I really like pancakes and pasta :)

Like you say, families.

I actually bought a box of Ferrero Rocher right before Christmas with the intention of sharing them. But I think someone did something to put me in a bad mood or feel sorry for myself, so I kept them a secret. I'm so mature!

Dex said...

First day back at work. I mean, I was working from home all day, but it was still difficult to drag myself out of bed in the morning :)

Dex said...

I kinda love how Emily gave a shout out on her blog to John McClane's jumper from Die Hard 2 :D

Louise Boyd said...

I'm totally taking credit for her including the Die Hard 2 entry.
Except, I wanted her to dupe the infamous sweatshirt, but I guess that would've been pretty bloody hard =/

I have to fact check so many things when I write to you :)

Y'know, the siblings and I have this sort of shorthand for speaking. We're constantly conversing in cult references and random quotes, comedy songs etc. and I fucking love it, but I've always been kinda concerned that should I reenter "society" and make some friends - no one will compare to you, best one, never fear - they will have no fucking idea what the hell I'm talking about 80% of the time 0_0
Thank fuck for Google.
What did we do before Google? I'm constantly asking it ridiculous questions. Who did I ask before?!

I actually bought a box of Ferrero Rocher right before Christmas with the intention of sharing them. But I think someone did something to put me in a bad mood or feel sorry for myself, so I kept them a secret. I'm so mature!

You're delightful.
And a little vindictive.
I love it.

Ps. I do shit like that all the time :D
For example, as per tradition, there was a box of Quality Street bought for the Christmas season. For sharing.
I stole practically all the toffee sticks and coconut bites after a couple of days because I love them and fuck the world, I needed the sugar high 0_0
See, we're both totally mature ^-^

Dex said...

I want to say that I had a sweatshirt like that in the 90s, but it's probably just wishful thinking. Although I do think I only wore winter clothes going by old photos :)

My brain doesn't work fast enough to speak in cult references - I'm the kind of person who gets references about 2 hours later :) I'd probably be completely lost in a conversation with you and your sisters! I'd just be laughing and making mental notes of things to google later :)

Losing you to the outside world is a genuine fear of mine because I just know you'd find the best people who would realise how bloody great you are :) Still, I'd always be around to talk about desserts and the weather - it finally snowed here today :)

We deserve all the chocolate :D Also, we are definitely Quality Street compatible! The toffee sticks and coconut bites are usually 2 of the last ones I would go for - I usually start on the strawberry and fudge :)

Louise Boyd said...

Um, if desserts and weather aren't on the list of topics suitable for "society" then i shall gif them all adieu.
With a flourish and bow.
And possibly a two-fingered salute.
I dunno, we'll see how I feel in the moment =/

I will fight you for the fudge. Full on fight you. There will be hair pulling. You won't like it. And I will win.
Can we agree that the orange creams are unequivocally not good, yeah?
What do they think an orange tastes like?!

Dex said...

My idea of a nice conversation would just be listening to you tell me about all the things you have been enjoying :)

I quite like the orange creams - it's the oranges crunches I don't get :)

I bet after beating me up, you would throw the discarded fudge wrappers at me too :)

Louise Boyd said...

I would.
I so would.
Whilst cackling.
And then have the audacity to complain about a sore belly afterwards.

Louise Boyd said...

I just noticed I wrote, gif them all adieu.
I meant bid.
Of course.
Maybe I've typed the word gif so many times at this point that it just creeps into my sentences without warning now =/

Dex said...

'To gif someone adieu'. Meaning: to send someone a gif that illustrates you've had enough and don't wish to talk anymore.

I thought you meant it. Can we just pretend it was on purpose? :D

Dex said...

I had such a weird dream last night. I was visiting you at your house and you sent me to the attic to find a book. But there were so many books in the attic that I couldn't find it. There were also shelves filled with jars of jam and one shelf fell over on its own. I remember panicking because I thought you would blame me for knocking it over, and I was trying to clean up the mess before you discovered what had happened... then I woke up.

Louise Boyd said...

To me that says you are stressed, hungry, and incredibly frightened of me.

Dex said...

And that I associate you with books and jam :)

Dex said...

It's so cold here at the moment but it give me an excuse to wear my DOTD sweatshirt :)

Louise Boyd said...

We've got snow.
Fluffy, blinding white snow.
It's so pretty.
Charlie fucking hatesssss it.
Cats, such sensitive little fur babies ^-^

If I could spread jam on a book and eat it without feeling guilty for destroying precious literature and not dying from, well, eating a book! I'd do it. In a heartbeat.
Is that weird?

Dex said...

Maybe if I hadn't woken up from my dream, that's what you would have been doing to the jam and books I knocked over, while I cowered in the corner :)

Does Charlie stay inside all day when it snows and demand that you bring him food while he turns whatever the house into his personal kingdom? :)

I always feel like I have nothing to tell you at the moment :S Work is really busy. This is the most stressful time of the month, when we have to get all the paperwork through to payroll so that people get paid. And we've got such a massive backlog. And it's kinda weird because I've been doing someone else's job for the last couple of months, and I was doing someone else's job before that... I've actually forgotten what I'm supposed to be :)

This is why I never tell you about work :)

Dex said...

I got my annual leave carry forward approved so my total leave balance for this year is 13 weeks :S

Dex said...

The snow has completely disappeared here now.

Dex said...

Did I tell you we got a new car? I can't remember :S It's pretty much the same as our old car except it's an automatic. And red.

You can probably tell I don't really get excited about cars :)

Dex said...

For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to spend my Sunday watching Community and drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee...

Louise Boyd said...

So... you're either singing "Troy and Abed in the Morrrrrrning!" with the caffeine shakes, or you've imbibed so much that you're ready to pass out.
While sing-mumbling "Troy and Abed in the Morrrrrrning!".

Guess what.
I gots me an infected finger. It's the middle right one. The one I flip people off with :(
I'm so full of antibiotics. They're making me super nauseous.
It's awesome =/
2021 is not starting well!

Dex said...

It sounds awesome :S I'd feed you the antibiotics in some pudding. Is it the right or left hand? Do you have a preference for which one you flip people off with?

It was making lattes :) I really should buy a bunch of different syrups to add to them. That's what passes for a good time around here! And when I can't sleep, call into 'Troy and Abed in the Morrrrrning, Nightsssssssss' :)

Louise Boyd said...

Buy gingerbread syrup. And hazelnut. And peppermint!
I like syrup 0_0

It's my right hand. I'm a righty. I can still flip people off but it looks gnarly =/
It's so swollen, like a monster finger!
Oh well.
What kind of pudding?

The last time I drank a latte, I thought it tasted like blood. It was an... odd experience and the last time I drank a latte.
If I'm going drink coffee now it's espresso with a ridiculous amount of milk and syrup/sugar.
Essentially coffee milk.
I'd rather hot chocolate, though.
Everything I drink makes me seem like a 5 year old =/
Ribena, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, Shloer, pink lemonade...
The fanciest I get is elderflower cordial and tonic water, and the green tea I drink.
I don't even drink White Russians with the vodka in it!

Dex said...

All these things are part of why you're my best friend :) Is a White Russian without vodka just coffee liqueur and milk? I had to look it up - all I knew about White Russians is alcohol and milk :)

Big question about Shloer - red or white grape?

Hmm, I'd maybe drug you with antibiotics in a tiramisu. Would that be okay? You'd maybe just snatch it from me and give me the monster flip off while you consumed it :)

We deserve all the syrup and coffee milk!

Louise Boyd said...

You'd maybe just snatch it from me and give me the monster flip off while you consumed it :)

I'm starting to think you see me as some sort of barbarian 0_0
I mean, you're correct, especially when it comes to dessert but still!
I would totally monster flip you, though :)

Flavour of Shloer is very mood dependent, but I think... red? Yeah, read.
Do you remember Orangetiser?
I lovvved that stuff and they don't make it anymore. Sad. Same with Aqua Libra.
But at least Grapetiser still exists.

And yes, a White Russian sans vodka is Khalúa and milk.
I am a child.
I've even ordered this in a bar before and felt only minimum shame.

Fuck! I'm thirsty now.

Dex said...

You've made me thirsty too :)

I don't remember Orangetiser or Aqua Libra - I feel like I've missed out. I need to find some Grapetiser as I've never had that either! What have I been drinking all these years?!

I would probably go red Shloer as well. Except I haven't had it in ages. I always associate Shloer with fancy occasions which probably gives you some idea of how boring my life has been :)

They used to have cocktail nights at Mareel. I only went a few times but I did enjoy them (well, as much as I can enjoy being out in public). I tried a White Russian there which I think I liked. Also a raspberry mojito. I sometimes think I would quite like to try making cocktails at home. I would definitely spend a night drinking vodkaless White Russians with you :)

'I would totally monster flip you, though' - to be honest, I'd be kind of disappointed if you didn't :) And you're no barbarian, but a magical dessert thief :)

Louise Boyd said...

I always associate Shloer with fancy occasions which probably gives you some idea of how boring my life has been :)

Not boring!
If there isn't Shloer at Christmas etc. I get very confused.
Plus, it's just plain old cruel to deprive the non-alcohol people of fizzy, liquid goodness.

Have you ever had Purdey's?
It's kind of medicinal but addictive?
I can't really explain how it tastes, you just have to drink it and see what kind of face you're gonna make =/

Dex said...

No, I've never tried Purdey's. Am I the kind of person who never tries different things? Stupid question. Of course I am! But I'm going to have to buy a bottle - it genuinely sounds like something I'd like :)

What drink did you have with your Christmas dinner?

Louise Boyd said...

I think I just had water =/
I only drink water with dinner. Everything else feels wrong.
I've heard tell of people who drink builder's tea with their dinner and that... that's beyond disturbing to me 0_0

I did cheers New Years with a vodka-less White Russian, though.
That's somewhat fancy, right?
Fuck it, I'm not fussed about being fancy. Kid cocktails all the way!

Dex said...

I'm sure it's fancier than anything I have :) At the moment I've been having a lime cordial diluted by water. Super exciting :S

We should come up with a name for the vodka-less White Russian :)

Louise Boyd said...

Lime cordial's a classic. Although, is it fizzy or flat water?

Dex said...

Flat water. I have a feeling you're going to tell me it should be fizzy :)

A box of Japanese candy I ordered arrive today. To be honest, I think our sweets are much better :)

Louise Boyd said...

It should definitely be fizzy, you monster! 0_0

When I used to drink beer, I had habit of putting lime cordial in it.
It was weirdly nice.

The only Japanese candy I truly like is Pocky. And the chocolate filled panda cracker things.
And mochi's the weirdest stuff. Like eating a ghost =/

Dex said...

I probably do a million things you would find wrong :)

I didn't know you used to like beer. Still so many things I don't know about you :) I've never heard of anyone putting lime cordial in it before.

Yeah, everything just tasted too strange. Maybe I'm at the age now where I don't like to try new things :S

Dex said...

Hardly big news but my sibling got the vaccine the other day. He works in a hospital kitchen. Have I told you that before. Not that it's important :)

Dex said...

Day off tomorrow. Up Helly Aa public holiday. Even though there's no Up Helly Aa. I only ever enjoyed the day off anyway :)

Louise Boyd said...

But you set stuff on fire? What's bad about that?
Oh, wait, I know. ... People.
People ruin everything.
Just get a box of chocolate Matchsticks, maybe light a sparker and call it day, I say.

You did tell me about your brother and his employment, and I did think about asking you whether he was okay.
But I'm a terrible friend. Apparently.
Glad he's been inoculated, though! Well, the first part. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to two injections. Needles suck -_-
The rentals go their first jab today, no side-effects so far but we'll see.
I'm guaranteed to get sick.
Every innoculation I've ever had ended with me being off school ill.
Me and my piss poor immune system =/

Dex said...

Well, I feel like I hardly ever tell you about my family anyway. I much prefer talking about myself :)

That's good your parents got their first injections. I think I'll feel much better when mine have had theirs.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of needles either. Don't think I've had an injection since high school but I used to get them a lot when I was a child - every time I had to go to the Philippines. Maybe we'll get them around the same time and be able to suffer together :)

Louise Boyd said...

Suffering is exactly the right word.
Why can't it be a tablet or something? Why do needles have to be the best delivery system?
I put plasters on paper cuts for pity's sake 0_0

Dex said...

Even the thought of getting a paper cut makes me shudder!

The TB injection was the worst one. It left a pretty bad scar on my left arm.

Dex said...

I've gotten to that stage where every evening or weekend that I decide not to work, I have no idea what to do with myself :S

Dex said...

My skin is rebelling again. It's clears up in one place and then breaks out in another. Almost immediately. I don't get it :S

Dex said...

All I seem to do at the weekends is drink copious amounts of tea and eat kit kats :S

Dex said...

I do always look forward to the music post from Emily's 12 days.

Dex said...

Always the quick initial scan of your monthly post to see if there are any pictures of Charlie...

Dex said...

I think I'm getting a reputation at work. Someone asked my manager to pass on a query to me because they didn't want to deal with my bad mood directly. I'm strangely proud of myself :S

Dex said...

Freya: 'I'm like Belle because I love books'

Louise Boyd said...


I am not emotionally developed enough to handle this cute as fuck queen shit your niece pulls.
Not one tiny bit!

Dex said...

I had to share it with you :)

Right now, I'd give almost anything to have Freya come up and visit.

Heard this on Lauren Laverne's morning show on the drive to work and it totally suited my mood.

La Perla by Sofia Kourtesis


Dex said...

I keep wondering why I have no desire to watch anything new at the moment. Maybe I'm just too tired.

Dex said...

I hope you're coping okay with this cold weather.

Louise Boyd said...

*is currently writing this message burrowed under a duvet*

Yeah, I'm coping okay... 0_0

Dex said...

It has actually not been too bad up here. I mean, there is snow and it is cold, but almost no wind for the last few weeks and the days are quite clear - I've probably jinxed us and we'll get a snow storm tomorrow :)

How does Charlie cope with the cold?

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, you're getting a full blown blizzard now.
Foolish child!
Or not.
Snow's awesome.
When you're inside =/
It snowed plenty here today and I didn't step outside once. Because cold and wet and bleurgh.
Charlie has much the same attitude. He'll race out to pee and race back in and demand attention for being so brave.
SUCH a little drama queen.
But if I had to pee outside, I'd probably demand some praise as well =/

Dex said...

Hearing about Charlie always cheers me up :) Does your living room have a fireplace that he curls up in front of?

Did you have a good place to go sledging when you were a kid?

Look Away by Deap Vally


Louise Boyd said...

We have an electric fireplace that doesn't work anymore, unfortunately.
Pepper, my old cat, used to lay in front of it with his legs spread.
We had to move him once because his fur was starting to actually burn.
He was a gorgeous, floofy monster but lacked severely in the brains department 0_0 I miss him a stupid amount.
I bet Charlie would do the same, though. He's also lacking in grey matter. He might actually be stupider =/ I didn't think that was possible!

My sisters and I used to sled in three places: the enclosed hilly green which is smack bang next to my house, the hilled field across the path from my house (which is now houses unfortunately; noisy neighbours suck), and a rugby field about ten minutes from my house that had a slope leading down to it (it's now the new primary school; children make a ridiculous amount a noise -_-).
They were all awesome places to sled and now I get to see our neighbours kids fall on their faces in the snow instead of mine :)
I saw a parent with just a t-shirt on today. In the snow. When it's -1℃ out.
What the actual fuck?

Where did you sled? Is Lerwick hilly? I know nothing about your island other than it's lucky enough to house you and fire festivals sound awesome =/

Dex... I think my fingernail's going to fall off. Because of the now-gone infection. And I'm freaking. the fuck. out 0_0

Dex said...

I know, I see people going around in shorts at the moment and I just think what the actual fuck. Still, I haven't been wearing a hat or gloves on the days I've walked to work. I don't like wearing hats and I just stick my hands in my sleeves like a loser :)

Blair does sound like a nice place to grow up. Also, I didn't know (or remember you telling me) that you had a cat named Pepper. I like that name :)

I live at the foot of Staney Hill so that's where I used to go sledging. Actually, most of the hill is too rocky but there is a small road that goes up it and was really good. My old sled was a tattered red bit of plastic crap with a cheap piece of green string tied to it. And I loved it dearly. Even though it kept on trying to get me killed. I think it was cursed.

Shetland is very hilly, although nothing too high - we have small hills, small lochs, and large cliffs. The highest place in Shetland is Ronas Hill. I like to remember I've climbed it but I probably haven't. I remember my family went there one day but the weather was too bad, so we sat in the car and ate all the food we'd brought :)

I didn't even know an infection could cause a fingernail to fall off! I really hope it's okay. I can't even stand the feeling when my nails are too short! Can you put anything on your finger to protect it?

Louise Boyd said...

So... your sled was essentially a Christine? Sentient and out for blood?
Sounds like a campy late night b-movie you'd find on the horror channel :D

I don't even remember what our sled looked like. It was red, maybe? Although, knowing me, it could've been a tea tray I was sliding down snowy peaks on =/

I've had 5 cats. Misty and Pepper (brother and sister), Dizzy and Gillespie (also brother and sister), and of course, Charles.
We got Min and Pep first, from a farm near Blair, they were chinchilla/tabby crosses... basically giant grey/white floofballs. All eyes and not much else.
And then a couple of years later my dad spotted a ginger kitten at a garden centre and fell completely in love. That was Dizzy, the nicest cat in existence who also happened to be a fantastic murderer =/ My soft serial killer. We were only meant to get him but there was this other kitten, tiny thing, probably the runt of the litter, literally climbing the cage bars. She was frantic. And thus, our little Gillespie came home with her brother. She had a fur like a true tabby, like a little porcupine.
I love those idiots and I miss them stupid amounts, but of course, there's my Charliebear to fill the void. Even if he's the meanest cat I've ever met, a straight up psycho, and quite the murderer himself; he's still kinda lovely when he wants to be.

I think you should get a cat someday. I think you'd like it.

Fingernail update: I don't think it'd gonna fall off. But I'm not sure! It still could. I'm very afraid. I got water trapped underneath it last night 0_0 Weirdest fucking feeling. Like what I image the inside of lava lamp feels like. Genuinely made me shudder.
If it falls off, I'm gonna bury it in the back garden and see if I can grow a golem.
70% kidding ^-^

Dex said...

I would totally watch that film :)

That day I visited the house of a thousand kittens, I could think of anything else for the next few days. But I don't think my heart could cope with having one for myself. Even reading about your cats and how much you miss them makes me feel emotionally drained... In Shetland, people post all the time about their cats going missing and I just imagine if it were me, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Although part of me still really wants a soft serial killer like Dizzy :)

Water trapped under your nail! Even the thought of that feeling... I really hope it heals itself. I don't think I've ever had a fingernail fall off. I did think the nail on one of my pinky toes was going to come off a couple of years ago after I stubbed it but it ended up being okay. It still doesn't look quite right though but that could be my imagination!

Dex said...

You got me in the mood for B-movie horror yesterday so I'm re-watching Return of the Living Dead. It's such a ridiculous movie :)

Dex said...

Apparently I'm completely unbearable until I've finished my morning routine :S

Dex said...

All of our snow disappeared today.

Dex said...

I would really love an apple pie right now...

Also, you would never know the snow had even been here!

Dex said...

A good evening for me these days is doing some vacuuming and then watching an episode of something I've seen a million times with a cup of tea and some chocolate. I think I've completely stagnated.

Dex said...

I think I must have monster feet - I'm continually destroying my shoes and socks!

Dex said...

I forgot to say happy pancake day last Tuesday!

Louise Boyd said...

I totally forgot it was pancake day.
I always do!
It's ridiculous, I love pancakes and on the day you've got free reign to eat enough to physically become a pancake and I forget. Like a complete twat.

Did you make Calcifer pancakes?
I'm thinking about getting a waffle maker.
But I think it might be a dangerous endeavour.
What do you think?

What shoe size do you have and what kind of shoes are you destroying, you monster?
Have we got a Sasquatch situation on our hands?
Or do you just go around kicking potholes or something?

That day I visited the house of a thousand kittens...

Excuse, what?!
Did you tell me this?
I want to visit the house of a thousand kittens *-*

Dex said...

I must have told you about the house of a thousand kittens! It's the kind of thing I would have arrived home from and instantly had to write you a message :) I think it was in 2019, I went for a day trip to Sumburgh in the south of Shetland and on the way back we made a surprise visit to a house where there were about a dozen tiny kittens. They were so small and sleepy :)

I'm only about a size 8, so not quite Sasquatch feet :) But every Christmas, I get given a pair of slippers which I end up destroying by summer :S And even the heel on trainers I wear get almost completely worn down in no time at all! So I must have secret monster feet. Or I drag my feet so much that I'm probably the one making the potholes :)

I might make Calcifer pancakes this weekend as I have the house to myself :) Parents are in Sandness and my brother is working. It feels like so long since I've made them probably because my mum has taken over pancake duties - honestly, she makes them almost every day! It's insane! When is the last time you had pancakes? I do only make crepes - I am curious to see Calcifer's face in maybe a dropped scone :)

I've never owned a waffle maker but I remember being fed from one of them at someone's house a few years ago and they were really good. So probably very dangerous but I think you should still get it and tell me what it's like :)

Dex said...

You put me in the mood. I made some Calcifer pancakes this afternoon :D

Louise Boyd said...

I have this awesome image of you stomping around Godzilla-style, stomping holes and scaring the civilians.
And you're only a size and a half bigger than me 0_0
Shall we stomp together?
I'll try to learn how to breathe fire to really get into character.

I DO remember the house of a thousand kittens!
And the jealousy I feel is still strong and true.
I hate you.

Yayyy, Calcifer pancakes!
Did they taste extra sassy?

Dex said...

The pancakes tasted very sassy, especially with all the syrup :D

I bet you would do your stomping in better trainers than me :) Do you have lots of shoes? Or a favourite pair?

I do wonder how you would have reacted in that kitten house :)

Louise Boyd said...

I would've reacted terribly.
Lain myself down in the middle of the kittens and let them use me as a giant Snorlax pillow.
And loved every minute.
Whilst sobbing from joy.

I have a ridiculous number of trainers and not much else. If I ever have to go anywhere fancy, I'm fucked 0_0
My favourite pair are probably... either my pale orange Adidas Gazelles, my pale purple Gazelles, or my pink/yellow Nike Daybreaks.
But that's just lately.
It goes in rotation.
There was a point where I refused to take off a pair of New Balance 300s for love nor money.
Thank for there's ebay, otherwise I'd be stone cold broke 0_0 And I'm really good at lurking, so...

What do you stomp around in with your monster feet?
I can see you as a vintage Reebok kinda guy.
Fuck. Now I have to start a new eBay search alert.

Dex said...

I had to go and have a look at my shoes to tell you what kind I wear :S Dark blue Skechers trainers. I'm not even sure they are mine. I possibly stole them from another family member. And will now wear them until they are destroyed. And then find another pair of shoes to steal. Because I only have one pair of shoes at a time. Fuck, I need to sort out my life...

Even your shoes are interesting :) Why can't I get into things the way you seem to get into things? I think I needed you in my life way earlier :)

Louise Boyd said...

I don't know why but that whole shoe story just does not surprise me at all.
And I mean that in a good way.
I like that you're not obsessive about dumb stuff like trainers.
I much prefer that you've seen Addam's Family Values ten thousand times and don't plan on stopping.
Don't change, idiot.
But if we're ever in the same place, touch my shoes and expect a king hit :)

Ps. I used to steal my Dad's trainers when I was a kid. These awesome 80s green converse. I think I stole so many times he gave up on me ever giving them back =/

Pps. MY FINGERNAIL FELL OFF. IT'S GONE. I NEARLY VOMITED 0_0 Not being hyperbolic, I channeled the spirit or Troy Barnes at his most stressed the fuck out:


Dex said...

You make me feel okay about being a weirdo. Sometimes even better than okay :) Would you ever borrow your sisters' shoes? Or do they have the same violent tendencies? :)

That's scary - I would never have thought an infection could have led to a nail falling off! I hope it wasn't too much of a horrible shock when it happened :S I decree that you should be given all your favourite foodstuffs until it grows back just to make up for it.

I miss Community. I know that sounds stupid about something I can always re-watch but I really wish I could go back and watch it all over again for the first time...

Also, big news! I was in Co-op the other day and I bought a bottle of Purdey's - I really liked it :)

Louise Boyd said...

I told you Purdey's was good! This is why you listen to me, for I am omniscient.
And really bossy.

I decree that you should be given all your favourite foodstuffs until it grows back just to make up for it.

I like this idea. Especially as it takes, on average, 6 months to grow back.
6 months of every cereal known to man, served with a variety of milks. Regular, chocolate, pink, milkshake...
Yeah, I could handle that :D

It feels so fucking weird though. And I can't stop pressing it through the plaster. It's like when you've got an ulcer or a bruise. It must be prodded, even it hurts =/
Or is that just me?

Fact: I've yet to watch the final season of Community. I can't seem to bring myself to do it 0_0

Ps. How's the fam? How's the face? I don't ask you enough. I forget that personal questions are part of being a good friend, instead of just talking about food all the time =/

Dex said...

I would probably be the same - prod, prod, prod :) Does the skin feel really sensitive? That's what I imagine it feels like.

Wait, you have chocolate milk on your cereal?! Is that a done thing?! And, if so, can I start doing it please?!

You don't need to ask those kinds of questions for me to know that you care :) I hope it's the same the other way around because I'm really bad at asking too! But the face and fam are okay, thank you :) Parents were in Sandness for a long weekend, which was why I was in the Co-op buying pizza and Purdey's to survive on - I love that you're so bossy :) My face is definitely better (I'm still using the manuka and aloe vera daily), but I do still keep getting random outbreaks (always in a different place!) and my skin does still have the tell-tale signs that I've just been through a acne war... I don't think I'll ever again be able to brag about having nice skin :S

What about you? Is your mum doing okay?

I only got up to season 3 of Community :S And there's no Troy in season 6 - not sure how I would feel about that...

Louise Boyd said...

Full honesty, it was never the same without Troy. It was going downhill anyway after Dan Harmon was asked to leave for a season but it just never felt as good after that, and then Donald Glover going made it even worse =/
There's still some good stuff in it, though. You should totally watch more. If only for the Dean. I fucking love that man 0_0
Hands down, mu favourite moment with him is this:


He's so cute ^-^

The skin on my finger feels like hard tissue/grease paper. And it's kind of wrinkly. It's so weird but it doesn't hurt anymore, since the nail fell off. I dunno. This has never happened to me before! But ballet dancers lose their nails all the time, so... I'll live?

I would take your skin clearing up a bit and random breakouts as a good sign. It means you're doing something right, it might just take a while longer to find its balance again.
Oh, and the marks won't last. Just moisturise and use aloe. They won't disappear overnight, but they should lighten over a few weeks/months depending on the severity.
I'm currently going through the delightful process of premenstrual breakouts. I love being a woman -_-

There. It's official. Go dairy crazy, my friend :)

Ps. Mumm-ra's exhausted but good. Running around after two grandmothers is insane. Old people are insane =/

Dex said...

Thanks, Lilliputty. Now it's official, I'm definitely buying chocolate milk on my next supermarket excursion :)

I love that you call her Mumm-ra :) I hope she is getting some chances to rest. My mum got completely burnt out last year just before lockdown so isolation in Sandness came at a really good time for her :)

How come ballet dancers are always losing their nails? I'm really glad it's not painful anymore though. I was worried it would be like that until the nail grew back. I thought it would be that horrible super sensitive feeling like the times when I accidentally cut my nails way too short, or maybe that's just me who get that :)

Haha, that was great :D Even thinking about the Dean makes me smile. I think I saw a clip from season 6 where he goes all Bruce Willis in a lift during a paintball game :)

At least I don't have to worry about premenstrual breakouts :) I do think all those harsh chemicals I used initially on my skin made things much worse. I wish I'd listened to you sooner. I'm being really careful about what I put on my skin now and it has definitely worked but has just been slow going, especially with the marks not disappearing completely. I mean, if you closed your eyes and ran your hand over my skin, you might not think anything was wrong but you can just tell by looking that my body has been through something :S

Are you still using oat milk?

Dex said...

I'm trying to decide if chocolate milk would be better on chocolate or non-chocolate cereal. My natural instinct is to put chocolate on chocolate, but then the milk would turn into chocolate milk anyway.

Dex said...

Did I tell you we are getting a new bathroom fitted next week? I'm not looking forward to the disruption at all!

Dex said...

I've started using a new cup for my tea. It's massive and has a picture of a Tunnock's teacake on it. I think it was a gift from a few years ago. My life really is this boring :)

Do you have a favourite drinking receptacle?

Dex said...

How is it March already?

Dex said...

You seem so happy, bouncing around with your new book :D

Dex said...

We had a new person starting at work on Monday and I'm responsible for training her... I'm under strict instructions to keep my personality in check for the next two weeks :)

Louise Boyd said...

Okay, wtf?
You're honestly the nicest little shit I know. Are you only nice to me and a beast to everyone else or something?

Dex said...

It must be the sarcasm. And the swearing. Both of which you've helped me develop, which is why you're my favourite person :) Also, my friend Kerry, who sits opposite me, found this at the weekend and we've been using it all week.


It's probably good we have people to keep us in check :)

Dex said...

Did I tell you I'd gone back to working in the office? Not that it's a particularly interesting thing to tell... Working from home has just been a bit too difficult since I've no longer got the house to myself and at least there's only ever one or two other people in the office, plus they tend to be the people I get on with.

I do miss getting my lunch made for me though :)

Dex said...

I've had the house to myself today. But I feel sick from eating too many Kit Kats...

Dex said...

I've come to the conclusion that I could never deal with the responsibility of buying a house. Also, I'd probably just end up moving about 2 minutes from where I am now... I guess I can always just move to Sandness for a while if I want some peace and quiet. These are the things I think about :)

Louise Boyd said...

I want a house. I do. I just don't think I'll ever be able to afford one.
I've been thinking more about the conventionality of house buying, though.
I think society's ingrained it into my head that a couple buys a house together. Two people in love, ready to start a family. All that conventional bullshit.
But after seeing something on Twitter about two female best friends having a kid together without any sort of romance etc. Just platonic love, it got me thinking about who I'd want to share a home with, and it's not the same as when I was in my early twenties.
I think, now, I'd be happy to have a home with a boyfriend, or my sisters (but maybe just one because we're going to murder each other soon =/ So much hostility in this house right now) or a friend, or a few friends, or all of the above.
I don't necessarily need what society expects of me. I just want a home that's safe, calm, content and full of books and animals.
Is that crazy?
Because it's really starting to make sense to me.
Oh, shit. I think I might be a hippy 0_0

What's in Sandness?

Dex said...

I don't think that's crazy. Also, you probably have lots of great ideas about what you would do with a house, how it would look, what you would buy. I'd probably buy a mattress and a fridge and maybe add a new bit of furniture once a year.

I think I would only ever want to live alone now. And I can't imagine ever being so comfortable with someone that I would want to share a room with them. Unless the human race completely surprises me. Even watching a film with someone seems like an effort...

Sandness is where we have our weekend house. If I really wanted to, I could move there and be on my own 90% of the time. It's small, comfortable and paid for. Nice view of the loch too :)

Louise Boyd said...

I think... not to sound like a hallmark movie, but...it's supposed to not feel like effort when it's the right person.
You'll want to hang out with them.
Be it friend or more.
I've had a little experience of this but never having lived with anyone, I can't attest to it in that situation.
I'm holding out hope, though.
But, you never know, living alone might be exactly right.
I think it really depends on who you are, what you need, and where you are at that point in your life.
Ugh, I do sound like a hallmark movie.
Kill me, now.
I've finally succumbed to squishy heart feelings 0_0
Fuck it, I don't care, as long as there's books and cats, I'll be satisfied.

If I were you, I'd probably spend a significant time in Sandness. If only weekend escapes to embrace my true inner sloth.
Seems like an idiot's question, but... are there beaches in Sandness... ?

Ps. Charlie just rolled over, put his paws - proprietarily - on my arm, as if it stop me typing, side eyed me, sighed, and then went back to sleep.
I guess I'm too noisy for his lordship.
He has now moved away from me in a huff because I continued typing despite his objections.
Such a drama queen.
Cute little paws, though.

Dex said...

It must be all those YA novels :) At least you've had that experience. That's something. And I'm sure you'll have it again. I will, of course, be extremely jealous of whoever you get to share it with :)

There are beaches in Sandness. There's one only a few minutes walk from the house. It's also on the westside so you get nice sunsets too :)

I think Charlie may be my spirit animal :)

Dex said...

I'm actually going to Sandness this weekend... we've had our downstairs bathroom stripped and it has put me in a mood. Everyone seems happy to be getting rid of me :)

Dex said...

Already stressing about the weekend. I'll probably drive out there tomorrow evening. I'll need to buy some food though.

Dex said...

I don't mean to overreact but I've been here 5 minutes and I've decided I'm now living here forever :)

Louise Boyd said...

Colour me shocked :)

Did you bring pancake making supplies?
What would be in Dex's emergency Go bag?

Dex said...

No pancake ingredients this time. I'll be more prepared for my next visit :) I do have Kinder Buenos. And I'm currently drinking a hot chocolate :)

Dex said...

Decided to stay an extra night.

Dex said...

The house is still a tip! I wish I was back in Sandness :(

Dex said...

I wonder if I can justify going to bed at half 8. I was so tired today for some reason. I could barely keep my eyes open and stop yawning at work. I must have seemed like a zombie.

Dex said...

Bathroom is nearly done. Maybe one day more.

Louise Boyd said...

What exactly was happening to your bathroom?
A total rehaul?
All of the above?
And is it awful?

We're re-doing the entire shower room in a bit and I'm dreading it.
Mostly because we'll be down to one bathroom and it's going to be hell.
Five people showering, bathing, ablution-ing?
Someone's gonna have to pee in the garden and it's not going to be me! 0_0

Ps. I'm sending you a hug. Feels like you need one, mr grumpzilla.

Dex said...

You always know when I need a hug! Do I really sound like a grumpzilla? :)

New units, new flooring, new window... I'm escaping to Sandness again this weekend. I wish you could come with me. I did some shopping tonight and bought Buenos, hot chocolate and pizzas. I shop like a 12 year old.

However, the bathroom is pretty much finished. They just have few minor things to do tomorrow before it is fully operational. But apparently we are having work done on the upstairs windows next week. Ugh.

I hope the upheaval in your house isn't too stressful and that it doesn't mess up your routine too much. I keep thinking of Mrs Blandings - "I refuse to endanger the lives of my children in a house with less than four bathrooms."

Dex said...

First day of spring tomorrow. Don't even know why I'm so happy about it :)

Louise Boyd said...

Because Spring's cool.
Everything gets green again, it isn't freezing anymore, a whole holiday dedicated to chocolate?
What's not the like?!

Why is egg-shaped chocolate so delicious?
It's just the same as a bar but for some reason infinitely better.
What's that about?

Dex said...

I'm going with my theory that thin chocolate is superior to thick chocolate :) Have you bought any mini eggs yet?

I woke up really early today for some reason. I didn't even know what time it was until after I'd washed. It actually takes me about an hour to get ready every morning, and that doesn't even include making myself a cup of tea!

Louise Boyd said...

I think it's more like I'm a barbarian for theme foods.
Halloween sweets? Fuck yeah!
Christmas Malteser reindeers? At least 5 please.
And all the Easter eggs I can devour? Yes, yup, yessum.

I do prefer small, solid/filled Easter eggs to big ones, though. Unless! The big one is filled with something awesome.
If someone handed me a Ferrero Rocher filled Easter egg, I might build them an altar to worship them from.
Or Caramac.
Or Bueno.
Or... fuck it, if it involves chocolate, I'm in.

I was obsessed with the easter eggs that came with mugs when I was little.
I don't know why.
It just seemed... better? More?
Who knows.

Did you have easter hunts when you were younger?
We did, which always started with both my sisters tackling me to the ground so they could get a head start.
Bastards <_<

Only an hour?
Christ, it's easy being a guy.
My minimum is two and a half hours, and I still resemble a corpse 0_0
My hours are so fucked up at the moment.
Sleeping at 6am, getting up at 1:30pm.
Except, it feels perfectly natural to do this.
I've always slept weird hours, except for in school because I had to go to school.
Come summer, I barely got out of bed =/

Dex said...

I thought one hour seemed like I was putting in a lot of effort - clearly not! Although I did forget who I was talking to :)

I don't think I've ever been on an easter egg hunt! I guess I've always just expected these things to be given to me :) But I did get a Mini Eggs Easter Egg for myself a couple of years ago that came with a free mug. What happens on an easter egg hunt if someone gets way more than the others - do you share?

Am I imagining it or do you hate creme eggs? I'm sure we've had this conversation...

I guess the nice thing about staying up all night is that everyone else is asleep - no phone calls, people knocking on the door, moving around the house, you can just have all the time to yourself.

Dex said...

I get sticky toffee pudding tonight :)

Dex said...

I had a ridiculous film night in Sandness last Friday - Commando followed by Licence To Kill followed by Jurassic Park.

Dex said...

Someone was reminding me about a really terrible drink today - Twist and Squeeze. I think I'd blocked it out of my mind but the memories came flooding back :)

Dex said...

Spring weather here really hasn't started off the best :S

Louise Boyd said...

Few things:

1. Yes, I hate Creme Eggs. I thing they're a waste of chocolate =/
Dairy Milk Caramel Eggs all the way!

2. Twist and Squeeze! Disgusting! I never understood why everyone was obsessed with something that tasted of nothing but out of date E numbers 0_0 And that's coming from someone who loved Sunny Delight. The drink that turns people orange. My mum banned me from drinking it pretty quickly =/ Even as a grown ass person I can't even contemplate drinking it without the mater scolding me in my head -_-

3. What's your favourite ice cream flavour/lolly/cone? The siblings and I were discussing it after dinner.
The overall answer seemed to be that Feasts are amazeballs and none of us agree on the best flavour of Haagen-Dazs.

4. Are you getting rained on? Or experiencing the delightful weirdness of early spring snowfall?

Dex said...

It's just been grey and damp, but I hear the snow is coming...

I thought you felt that way about Creme Eggs but thought I would get it confirmed :) This is going to sound unbelievable but I don't think I've ever had a Dairy Milk Caramel Egg! I mean, I know they exist, but just never chosen to eat one!

I'm going to buy a Feast next time I'm at the supermarket :) It's a tough call but I think mint Cornettos win for me! Or the old style Cruchie ice creams (the ones that were more of a bar and not on a stick - not sure if you still get them). Maybe double caramel Magnums for special occasions :) Kid me would maybe have said Fabs or Calypsos :)

I've had a very weird afternoon. My friend Kerry brought some chocolate liqueurs into work so we stopped a bit early and have spent the last hour sampling them...

Louise Boyd said...

Dexterous... did you get a little drunk on sugar and booze?
If yes, well done. If not, your insides thank you.
Did you know that sugary booze will get your drunk the fastest?
I can attest to that. Alcoholic pink lemonade is the devil's drink 0_0 That was a horrendous hangover.

Okay, if you're buying a Feast, then I insist you get a DM Caramel egg.
But only if you like caramel =/
I was obsessed with the Cadbury Caramel Bunny when I was little.
She was like Jessica Rabbit if JR as actually a rabbit.
Fuck it, now I'm jonesing for a caramel bar/bunny etc.
Damn our conversations about food!

Classic Cornetto. It's the best. Something about the nuts and chocolate combo.
Crunchie Ice Creams?
Excuse me?
Why have I never had one if these?
What crime did I commit to deserve such suffering?!

Ps. I am not looking forward to the clock change on Sunday. Not on iota. Make it not happen, Dex! My circadian rhythms can't take the upheaval!

Dex said...

I don't think I've thought about the Cadbury Caramel Bunny in about 20 years. I'd almost forgotten what she looked like :S

When did you last have alcoholic pink lemonade? I felt really sleepy when I got home last night... I think that was the first alcohol I'd had in about 2 years! I kinda want to buy some more of those chocolates and put them in the fridge since you know how much I like fridge chocolate :)

Talking of sugar and booze, do you know what dessert I would really like to try if someone made it for me? Crepe Suzette. Do you ever have boozy desserts?

Circadian rhythms and jonesing. I always have to look things up when we talk. I'm so dumb :) At least when you've adjusted, you'll be able to enjoy more daylight - that's a good thing, right? I never like losing an hour though :)

Dex said...

I hope you survived the clock change :S

Louise Boyd said...


Dex said...

Oh, Maggot...

I did enjoy leaving work in daylight though :)

Louise Boyd said...

I may be a zombie but I'm zombie who enjoys the sunshine, so I'll take the hit.
I feel better today, anyway.
Less corpse, more sleepy hamster.

I bet you weren't affected at all. You normal sleeper you <_<

Dex said...

Not really. But I don't mind lying awake in bed at night, thinking of really dumb things until I fall asleep :) Drinking all the hot chocolate helps too :)

Will you still stick to your 6am to 1.30pm sleep pattern? Our sleep/wake crossover time would be so limited.

Dex said...

I just found out that someone in Shetland bakes and sells fresh doughnuts to order. Must investigate further.

Dex said...

I really feel like going to the shops tonight and buying myself some Easter eggs for the weekend.

Dex said...

I've been thinking about watching Ted Lasso. It's good to know that you consider it worth watching :)

Dex said...

They are actually forecasting snow for next week...

It's April.

Louise Boyd said...

Gotta love Scotland. The dumping ground for everybody else's weather.
It bet it won't actually snow, though. Or, if it does, it'll be minimal.
Did I just jinx us? =/

Happy Easter, Fungus! - It's 1am, I'm allowed to say that.
Did you forage for eggs in the supermarket?
That's a dumb question, isn't it?
And have you investigated these local doughnuts yet? I'm going to be equally happy for you and a vicious bitch about it if they're worth the hype ... Just so you're prepared :)

Ps. Ted Lasso is 100% Lilliputty approved. Two enthusiastic thumbs up! And it's getting another two seasons. Fuck yes!

Pps. I burned my finger (different hand from the great nail escape) and now it's crackly and peeling. I'm not having much luck at the moment with phalanges 0_0

Dex said...

Happy Easter, Maggot! It did snow here today. And is snowing. Not much but enough to leave a light dusting over everything.

You'll be so disappointed with me. I didn't go to the supermarket for Easter Eggs :( I've been in the foulest of moods all weekend, and the fact that it's a long weekend hasn't helped. This is why I haven't minded having to work extra hours... it keeps me distracted so I don't lose my mind. I actually can't stand my family at the moment. I'd rather be in the office than dealing with them and came within 10 minutes of going there on a Saturday (I ended up just going for a walk instead). Apparently it's my fault for being so moody. They are probably right but I don't care anymore.

Sorry, rant over :) And I will buy myself some Easter Eggs. When they are all reduced to clear next week :)

And these are the kind of doughnuts - https://www.facebook.com/NorthernDelightsShetlandLtd/photos/a.105424624595397/251542233316968/?type=3&theater

Tell me which one will make you the most jealous so I can order it :)

What is happening with you and your phalanges - I had to look up that word, then count the number I had to make sure google was telling me the correct information :) How did you burn your finger? I just hope it was doing something worthwhile, like dipping it into hot melted chocolate meant for a dessert! Is it the middle finger again?

Dex said...

I actually felt much better after letting out my frustrations on here yesterday. I'm not even sure how much of it I meant, I was just so angry... Thanks, Lilliputty. I never know who else to tell these things :) That, and a day of watching American Dad, have cheered me up :)

Dex said...

I think you did jinx me with the snow :)

Louise Boyd said...

Dexteroussssss, you sent me an Easter egg!
You're the greatest human alive :D
Unless you didn't and I have some sort of peanut butter stalker 0_0
It says something about me that I'd be okay with a peanut butter stalker =/

If I jinxed you with snow then I jinxed myself too.
It was blizzarding yesterday. It was awesome but I miss the warmth and sunshine :(
Why does Scotland have to have such schizophrenic weather? I swear it wasn't like this when we were kids.
Hot summers. Cold winters. None of this frenetic bullshit.

You feeling any better today? I'm sorry you're feeling so angry just now. It's probably a by-product of how fucking fucked everything is right now.
I know it's affecting my state of mind a lot.

Hmm. It's gotta be the Lotus Biscoff, Chocolate Hazelnut or the D'oh-nut doughnut.
The mood I'm in the right now, though? I'm going Homer. Can't tell you why but it just really appeals.
If you get any of those, please rub it in my face how good it is so I can get a sugar high vicariously through you.

Dex said...

I like being your peanut butter stalker :) You did introduce me to Reese's Pieces. And buying seasonal chocolate for my favourite person makes me happy.

It was so cold here last night. I had to use my dressing gown as an extra duvet :) At least it is light. Do you get a lot of sunlight in your bedroom? I think I always just assume the weather was nicer when I was a kid because most of my memories seem to be of playing outside :) Do you tend to get really nice summers in Blair? Maybe that's a dumb question for anywhere in Scotland :)

I am feeling a bit better, thank you. I'm just glad you don't have to see me in my states :)

I think I'd go Homer too :) One of my friends at work is going on maternity leave in a couple of months and we talked about getting some doughnuts for her last day.

Louise Boyd said...

I love it when there's a random reason for baked goods.
Birthdays and Easter etc. are awesome steady sugar high days but the unexpected doughnut is a thing of wonder.
You must get them for your alien-carrying work bud.
Baby alien needs fed, after all :)

I was going to ask if you'd judge me for already devouring a few of the Reese's eggs already but then I remembered who I'd be asking.

Em made a Simnel cake for Easter and I swear, I was like Mary Sanderson sniffing out children. But cake:

You'd hate it, what with all the dried fruit in it =/

Do you tend to get really nice summers in Blair? Maybe that's a dumb question for anywhere in Scotland :)

You foolish child. We get a week of heat and sunshine just like the rest of our cursed country!
Usually a fucking good week, though. I basically bake like a book-reading marshmallow the entire time. I had the sunburnt cheeks to prove it.
I gotta stop doing that, though. Especially as I can't find a sunscreen I can put on my face without developing a rash >_<

Ps. You should be glad I don't have to see your bad moods. I'd force feed you sugar and smother you with kawaii cushions if you got on my nerves too much :)

Dex said...

I'd maybe judge you for not devouring any of the Reese's eggs :) I don't like dried fruit and I've never had Simnel cake (I didn't even know there was a cake associated with Easter) but, if Emily made it, I'd still really want to try a piece! I'm jealous of all the desserts you eat :) Would it surprise you to learn that I actually quite like marzipan?

If I was getting fed sugar, I might just be moody all the time :)

Is there not a shady part of your garden where you can sit and read? I always picture you sitting under a tree :)

Louise Boyd said...

Y'know it's weird, the garden's basically surrounded by trees with a fair few silver birch/apple/blossom trees in the inner part but they're all surrounded by foliage so you can't actually sit under them.
I'd have to leave the garden to the green outside to find a place to read under, and I'd rather just get a little baked on the deck =/
I would like something to lean on, though. My old lady back needs support these days!

Okay, it makes zero sense you liking marzipan. It so doesn't fit your sugar brand.
But I like it too, so I'll just be quiet and accept it :)
Do you like frangipane? The stuff in a Bakewell tart?

Dex said...

You deserve comfortable places to read!

Your garden sounds really nice. I thought you were going to say that there is a shady space but Charlie has decided it belongs to him :) When you say 'the green outside', is there a park next to your house?

Yeah, I don't get why I don't mind marzipan :) I don't have frangipane very often, usually only when there's a bake sale at work, but I wouldn't think twice about eating it :) Does Emily make Bakewell tarts? To be honest, I like any dessert made by people who really know how to make them so I reckon I'd be fine with anything made by Emily.

Dex said...

Iced coffee and strawberry cheesecake pretzels. My Saturday night has been okay :)

Dex said...

I've been thinking about it and I don't think I've ever had a cherry bakewell!

Dex said...

My cousin posted a video of Freya eating the ears off a chocolate bunny :)

Dex said...

We have actually had some nice, calm weather these last few days. And I'm hoping that all the work that has been going on around the house is finally over!

Dex said...

Did I tell you that the 3 of us who are working in the office at the moment have started a contest to see who can identify the most songs on radio 6 (since it has the most bizarre nonsense). I'm losing badly. They are having a 90s day tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.

Louise Boyd said...

Surely the 90s is your era?
All that dreampop?

The siblings and I used to play a similar game in the car when we were going somewhere.
We called it the Intro Game.
I always lost.
Because even though I might recognise the song, I could never name it.
I'm the worst at remembering shit like that.
It's like having face blindness but with names 0_0

Ps. I love Freya. She's such a little savage. Living up to her goddess namesake quite nicely, I'd say.

Dex said...

Freya's such a deliberate creature. She never looks hurried doing anything :)

I got absolutely killed today, Lilliputty. It was the worst. You would have been so disappointed in me. I don't think they played one song that is on any of my playlists - not even any shoegaze. I was so sad by 5pm :)

Why was it called the Intro Game?

Louise Boyd said...

What age is Freya, again?
Whatever it is, I wanna be that age.
Just coasting through life, devouring bunny ears, dressing up as a unicorn and generally being awesome.
Yeah, that sounds fucking awesome.

It's called the Intro Game because you had to recognise the song before the singing kicked in; so, usually, within the first 10 seconds.
If you think you were a failure today, you've got nothing on my lack of prowess at the intro game =/
And hold up, if there wasn't any shoegaze, then technically, did you fail?

My hairdryer semi-exploded today.
Wasn't terrifying at all 0_0
I have such bad luck with electronics.
When you've actually exploded a computer tower, you start to develop a complex about being magnetic or cursed or something -_-
There's your fascinating Lilliputty fact for the day :)

Dex said...

She's 3 and a half :)

Your hairdryer exploded?! Are you okay?! Was there fire?! Also, you exploded a a computer tower?! Details! Sorry for all the exclamations!

The Intro Game sounds like our competition with the difficulty level set to hardest. Probably because you guys really know your music :) I was definitely banking on some Slowdive or My Bloody Valentine. Not even any Mazzy Star! Closest we got was a Lush song :)

Dex said...

Radio 6 are having a 2000s music day this Thursday as well. So we are going to have another contest...

Dex said...

We have actually had a decent week of weather. I wonder if winter is finally over? Wishful thinking?

Dex said...

Wore my Dawn of the Dead sweatshirt to work today :)

Dex said...

I've got some other people onto Purdey's :)

Dex said...

I'm such an idiot. I went to the supermarket on my way to work this morning to buy lunch. I walked out with a box of Thornton's double chocolate wafer rolls.

Dex said...

I did slightly better at the 2000s music quiz today. Still got thrashed though...

Louise Boyd said...

I think music quizzes are set up for the true musos of the world.
The real anal bastards who know who play the fucking triangle on the imported live ep.
Not for people who just, y'know, enjoy music without being a weirdo about it 0_0
Don't get me wrong. Love quizzes. Loooooove them. But if they could maybe dumb them down a little for my space cadet brain, that'd be nice :)

Did anyone clock the DotD sweatshirt, or are you surrounded zombie ignoramuses?
*says the ignoramus who probably wouldn't have clocked it*

I was exaggerating. My hairdryer didn't explode, but it did start making this fucking terrifying noise.
Like the fan inside had dislodged and was preparing to helicopter our and decapitate my face.
Decapitating faces makes no sense but you catch my drift!
I've got a new one now, it makes normal noises but it does, for some weird reason, blast cold air in my face from the side of the dryer.
I don't understand the purpose of this other than to cool the user off whilst handling a hot piece of machinery?
If so, I don't like it!
It's like having your face tickled my cold feather and I dunno, call me backwards or something, but that shit does not pass my feels good test.
I might have to send it back =/
Ughhhhhhhh. Why does this shit seem so hard now I'm grown up.
Teenage me would've rolled into boots, picked the shiniest option and got the fuck out of dodge.
Now it's a fucking event!
One bloody day, they're gonna make those Star Trek shower/full body dryer things real and I will have to put zero effort into being a goblin masquerading as a human.
One bloody day...

Dex said...

We were just trying to recognise songs and bands. Novices. I refuse to believe you wouldn't have wiped the floor with all of us. Me especially. But you know my limited tastes :)

And I refuse to believe that you are a goblin! If you're a goblin, then I'm a goblin. Wait, am I a goblin? I'll have to get back to you on that... :)

I'm guessing that's the function of the cool air but I haven't used a hairdryer in so long :S I reckon I'd get hair envy if we were in the same room :) Do you wash your hair every day?

I'm kinda wondering if I should ask what does pass your feels good test...

No one got the DofD reference. I felt so secretly awesome. Thanks, Lilliputty :)

Louise Boyd said...

Secretly... I think everyone's a goblin but some people's human suits are just higher end than others 0_0

Oh god, I laughed so hard at the idea of anyone having hair envy of me.
No way.
Nooooo way.
I haven't had it cut by a professional in... uh... a decade? Maybe more?
It's so raggedy and bird's nesty most of the time and I condition the fuck out of it! Grrr.
Hairdressers freak me the fuck out.
Why do they want to know what I'm doing at weekend?!
Are they going to come and murder me with their special hairdressing scissors?! =/
Hairdresser phobia, it's real, my friend.
Which is why I just trim/cut large amounts off the ends when I feel like it =/
Which is usually at midnight, when I'm bored, and it's always a terrible mistake.
Hair envy.
I'm dying, here.

Feel good passers?

- Fuzzy socks in winter
- Back scritches
- Crushed velvet
- The fur behind Charlie's ears
- Side stretches

And various other things.
Touch is a very soothing thing for me but I'm fussy about what it is I'm touching.
Delicate fucking flower, that is I!

Dex said...

Well, I'm not going to say anything nice about my hair considering the last time I bragged about my skin, it all went to hell :)

I've had days when I've considered cutting my own hair but I've learned from long experience that I have very little skill at anything :) I do normally have someone come to the house to cut my hair so my mum does all the talking for me. If I am a goblin, then I'm doing a piss poor job of imitating a proper adult :)

It is getting to the stage though where I will have to consider cutting my own hair or asking a family member. Didn't you tell me a story once about cutting your sister's hair (or the other way around) with disastrous consequences?

The worst experience I've had at a hairdresser is when I was on holiday and I went to this one in a mall. The person kept nipping the back of my neck that I was on edge the whole time. It was awful.

I've never really thought about feel good passers. I try and touch (and get touched by ) as few things as possible :)

Louise Boyd said...

Ah, yes, the tale of Lillyputty's eldest sister cuts her hair and a lopsided mullet occurs.
Not good. Terrible. The mater took me straight to the hairdresser and I had a terrible short, not quite pixie crop, hairdo for many miserable months.
Luckily I was maybe 3 or younger when this happened? So I don't remember it but I have been told that while Sarah was hacking away at my precious locks, I was yelling MORE! MORE! MORE!.
I'm a disaster monkey.
I cut a hair bobble out of my hair when I was a pre-teen as well.
And there's been many a disaster fringe cutting.
I should really learn from my mistakes but I hate hairdressers.
They suck.
What we need to do is befriend a hairdresser, be buds for life, and pay for in home haircuts with a side of enjoyable banter.
Yeah, that sounds way more bearable -_-

They nipped your neck? Did you bleed?! What kind of butcher did you go to?!

Dex said...

All I remember is tensing up, preparing myself for the next inevitable nip...

I was looking up which mall it might have been. My mum is from an island called Bohol (so that is where we spent most of our time) but to get there, you have to get a ferry from Cebu which is I think the 2nd largest city in the country. So that's where I remember going to the mall. I think it was called Ayala - that is what google says and the name does sound familiar. Ugh, I'm such a terrible person to take on holiday - all I wanted to do was go to malls and resorts :S

'I have been told that while Sarah was hacking away at my precious locks, I was yelling MORE! MORE! MORE!' - I can picture this all too clearly :)

Louise Boyd said...

Okay, so Bohol looks FUCKING beautiful.
Jesus Christ, Lerwick must seem a barren wasteland in comparison! 0_0
Have you been to the Chocolate Hills? Seen a Tarsier? Swam in that disgustingly blue water?
Ughhhhhh I hate you so much right now.
If I had any teleportation powers I'd be whisking my ass off to Bohol right this bloody second.
I might pick you up along the way, if I've forgiven you <_<

I fully blame Sarah for my fear of hairdressers and having hair shorter than boob height.
Even if I'm sporting a legion of split ends, I still can't cut it any shorter =/
I've had genuine freak outs about it.
Ah, childhood trauma, it's the best, ain't it?
You got any that still haunt you to this day?

Dex said...

I have seen the chocolate hills and tarsiers - I couldn't remember what they were called but as soon as you said the name, I immediate thought of small creatures with massive eyes :) My mum is from the north part of the island (Talibon) but we always used to spend a few days at this resort called Bohol Beach Club in Panglao which is a small island connected by a bridge at the south west tip. So I remember we always had to drive through the chocolate hills on the way to the disgustingly blue water :)

I always did like the beach resort. And the island hopping. I have fond memories of a mountain resort in Cebu as well :)

So yeah, definitely worth teleporting there some day - always thought it was a bit too long by plane though :) And I did always look forward to coming back home - honestly, you really appreciate having cold, fresh air after you've experienced a city in a climate like that!

Childhood traumas? I don't know if I would call it a trauma but I do have a fear of flying (especially landing, taking off). And the food. And getting lost in airports. And flights being delayed. It's all too stressful...

Do you have any others?

Louise Boyd said...

I hate you.
That resort looks so warm and pretty and inviting.
Fuck cold air, I want to be suffocated by humidity in Bohol Beach Club! 0_0

Ughhhhhhh I'm trying not to be a jealous asshole and I'm failing miserably but fucking hell, Dexterous, I want to smother you with a pillow and steal your holiday memories.
I've never even left the country.
But I can totally understand the flying fear.
I think about it sometimes and I'm just confused and weirded out by the idea of a GIANT PIECE OF METAL in the sky.
What the fuck is that all about?
I understand the science of it but what the fuck? Seriously. What. The. Fuck?

Any other traumas?
Ummmmmm... jellyfish, maybe?
My sisters were swimming down at the beach by our rental house in Carradale and I was getting ready to dive in and then they come screaming like zombies are chasing them because the dumb dumbs realise there are jellyfish surrounding them.
I wasn't even in the water with them and it scarred me for life.
The ocean/sea is mental. So many unseen stingy/bitey/licky things. Yuch.

Ps. Just ate a vanilla muller corner with chocolate digestive balls, my first one in like a decade and hot damn, still awesome.
Important info for you :)

Dex said...

That is important info! That was always my favourite muller yoghurt and I haven't thought about them in so long :) Yoghurts were such a big part of growing up and I never have them anymore...

I think the air in Bohol Beach Club was okay :) It's when you step out of the plane at the airport when you arrive in the country. It's almost like you can cut the air it feels so thick :S

I did always want to see more of Scotland. Whereabouts is Carradale? Is that on the mainland or one of the isles? Ugh, I know so little about our country :S Also, jellyfish are terrifying! Actually, that was was one of the things I really didn't like - the thought of standing on something when I was walking in the shallow part of the sea. And I would never go any further out than that. The thought of being in the sea any deeper than waist height absolutely terrifies me!

Dex said...

2010s music quiz tomorrow. It's gotten to the stage where we are actually re-scheduling meetings so it doesn't interfere with our day :S

Dex said...

I was in co-op today and completely forgot to look for a crunch corner :(

Dex said...

Parents are in Sandness and sibling is working tomorrow so I actually get the house to myself this weekend. I think I'll blast some music :)

Dex said...

Okay, it's 8.30am, I've done my exercises, morning ablutions, had breakfast and have the house to myself until about 6pm...

Louise Boyd said...

So... what ya do?

Dex said...

Lay on my bed, listened to music, and did some serious thinking. I'm still trying to work out if it was a wasted day :)

Ugh, I do so little that if I ever wrote a monthly blog post, you wouldn't even have to scroll down.

I did get a phone call for my vaccine appointment though.

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