
September 29, 2009

I sometimes read over my blog to refresh my memory of the things that have interested me in the past wee while.
I did that today and realised that there is this very noticeable change in the way i was posting.
I became miserable, really.
Artistically, i'm in a bit of a mess and due to that fact, i have deferred from university for a year. Those who know me well, will think this entirely out of character and i guess it is. I've been solely dedicated to getting my honours degree in art for so long that it has basically crushed me. So, i'm going away to be an artist. That sounds silly. I'm going away to be an artist that isn't a slave to the system. And when i return next year to Duncan of Jordanstone to get that roll of paper i'm so desperate for, i'll hopefully have the kind of work i'll be proud to say is mine and no one else's. And most of all, i'll enjoy doing it.

Wish me luck?

soundgarden - the day i tried to live

papaya and satchmo

September 16, 2009

I've had this song in my head all day.
I've got to make a life-changing decision and i don't know what to do.
Someone take PJ Harvey away from me before i decide to live in a cupboard with my books and music and never come out again.


September 09, 2009

Hmm, so, yesterday was matriculation and that took all of two minutes.
Friday is our first meeting as 4th years and in-between the two is finding my studio - which a huge part of me hopes is in the huts so i can retain my hermit-like status - and claiming a space.
I did not feel like a 4th year whilst looking a the 4th year board. Not one little bit.

Also, if anyone has the chance, you should watch A Portrait of Scotland on BBC FOUR, presented and written than no other than Mister Peter Capaldi. It's a brilliant run through of the development of Scottish Art and Capaldi doesn't fail to hold your interest. Being a former Glasgow School of Art student himself and studying alongside no other than Peter Howson, he's able to speak in a perceptive and understandable way. Artists can more than often pick up on things that untrained eyes cannot and that's always nice to witness after the countless, mind-numbingly formulaic, suicidally boring art programmes out there. I wish they'd have shown me stuff like this in lectures. I might have stayed awake more often.

watching: gilmore girls

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