off to war

January 17, 2013

On the 17th of January 2013, i woke up to discover two unexpected gifts.
I didn't see this coming.
I didn't even think Armin Mersmann would have any knowledge of my blog - it's so little - let alone take the time to write me such a thoughtful, honest and above all, supportive message.
I think i forget sometimes that i'm not the only artist in the world.
That sounds incredibly narcissistic but it's the simple fact that i live with myself every day, i'm only capable of knowing how i feel at all times and i'm not one to share.
I'll put it all over the internet, however. 
More making of the sense that is not, my speciality.

I regret not talking to my university friends about the feelings of inadequacy that were debilitating me while i was still in education.
They were probably feeling just the same and would not have been able to fix my problems but perhaps then i wouldn't have felt so small and so alone in my situation.
To be a Fine artist in a contemporary art school is not easy, thus why i fled so spectacularly.
This year i'll be receiving my Ordinary Degree, after 4 years of the university kindly holding my space open so i could complete with my Honours.
Which i can do whenever i wish. 
Hopefully they'd reaccept me but i'm not entirely sure DOJ is the place for me.
I'm not even sure if art is the right choice for me and until i know that i won't be returning to any institution of art.
It's really rather hard for someone like myself, who's ultimate goal within university was to receive a 1st and couldn't even bring themselves to start their final year.
It's all i wanted but i was a mess and it shouldn't have been what being an artist at art school was about.
I should have just wanted to create, instead i wanted to win.
Unhealthy but understandable.
I still want that 1st, i think i always will but if i go back to complete my degree, i just want to produce something that touches people.
Something i'm proud of.
But not too proud! 

So, thank you Mr Mersmann
I can't tell you how much receiving your message meant to me and how much it's given me to think about.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow and please keep producing your sublime works of art.
They may leave me timid but they are truly wonderful things to behold.

Also, to anyone who is currently at art school or even doing it solo and finds themselves in the same situation as i, message me if you'd like.
I can't fix it but i can empathise.
With bells on.

My other gift of the day was from my Mum.
It's always nice to wake up to a present, especially when you are utterly undeserving because of the ungodly hour you've finally dragged yourself out of bed to attempt functioning like a normal human being.
I won't tell you the hour but it was pretty bad.
The sun was going back down.
Shame, shame on me.
Thanks Mum.
You may be the only one i have but i still kinda think you're the best one.

Feel free to make barfing noises behind your computer screens at my unabashed soppiness!
I care not!

Listening to: Seamonster 'Bed of Roses'

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Louise Boyd said...

Hmm, well, I don't even like killing bugs (I rescue them from the bathtub all the time and fly them to safety... I talk to them while I do it =/ ) so I think we're okay on the crazy murder front.

Living with people is hard. Loving people is hard. People are just so fucking hard.

Ughhhhhhh. This feels like wallowing and I can't be fucked with it. Instead, I'm going to tell you about Charlie because his fluffiness makes everything better.
Today, he decided to make a nest. Well, the nest was already there but it wasn't actually a nest but a canvas shopping bag placed atop a cardboard box. It became a nest as soon as his furry butt hit the canvas. He then proceeded to do that cat thing where he paws the fuck out of it to, I dunno, make it better? Preened and purred and then settled his butt down to observe Em from a great height (the box was on the desk, Em was on the floor) while she sorted out the den.
My cat thinks he's some majestic bird of prey =/ And sometimes a dog. I think he may have been dropped as kitten 0_0

Dex said...

Emily was sorting out Charlie's den? Do cats have dens? Is that where he sleeps? Sorry for all the questions :S

Louise Boyd said...

The entire house is Charlie's den! I swear to the fluffy gods that there isn't a surface of this house he hasn't sat on.
The den, however, is that room at the back of our house that no one really knows what its purpose is other than dumping stuff we have no other place for. It's also where Em's workspace is meant to be but y'know, the clutter is sort of impeding her use of it. Hence the tidying. Charlie just likes to watch his minions work.

Dex said...

You've probably told me this before but where does Charlie normally sleep?

Louise Boyd said...

Wherever he chooses to be honest. Yesterday it was my dad's chair. The day before that it was in the bath. And the day before that it was Sarah's desk... in a box lid. He's not a great bed sharer so he's not often in with any of us at night but he'll sleep during the day on somebody's bed. He's a weird creature. Very nervous. I don't think his previous owners showed him very much love. But that's okay, he's ours now and I basically fawn over him every minute of the day. It's gross :)

New show for you to watch, m'dear. It's called Killing Eve and it's spectacular. You can get the whole series for free on the iPlayer so you've got no excuse not to watch it!

Dex said...

Thanks, Lilliputty! I've been looking for something new to watch. Well, I mean, I haven't watched anything new in a long time. My natural laziness prevents me from actually looking. But it doesn't really matter because I have you :)

I would love a Charlie but I fear he would kill me.

Okay, I've just watched about 30 seconds of Villanelle being awesome and I am totally on board :)

Louise Boyd said...

Isn't she magnificent? And she only gets better.
Isn't your human tv guide good to you? :)

Charlie would eat you alive but he's cute, so you wouldn't mind all that much. I can think of worse ways to die =/ Most of those idea involve giant squid though...

Dex said...

And it's only 8 episodes. Even I should be able to manage that :)

I'm sorry I've been so rubbish lately at watching series (okay, I've almost always been rubbish). I don't know what's happened to me but I'll get better (probably). Never stop demanding I watch stuff!

And if Charlie did kill me, he's so fluffy that everyone would forgive him immediately. I at least hope someone would try and take revenge on the giant squid :)

Louise Boyd said...

It's not like tv's all that important. Just watch what you wanna watch, when you wanna watch it. It's what I do. I just had months and months of being fairly lackadaisical when it came to tv. Couldn't find anything that was holding my attention. It was only when I watched the third season of Mr. Robot that I started to give a shit again. So, I get it. No pressure. But I will set Charlie on you if you don't do what you're told :)

Consumed any Halloween-based food yet? I fucking live for themed food 0_0

Dex said...

I'm not sure if they count as Halloween, but I bought some Mr Kipling raspberry & vanilla candy cane slices yesterday :)

Okay, I'm just about to start watching Killing Eve.

Ps. This has nothing to do with Charlie.

Louise Boyd said...

Candy canes are Christmas, you seasonal traitor!
They do sound really fucking good though.

There's currently a pumpkin-shaped Reese's Piece waiting for me in the kitchen. I can't eat them whole. I have to eat them in stages, day by day, otherwise I feel like I'm gonna puke.
Very necessary information for you there.

Enjoy Villanelle. She's a marvel :)

Ps. Don't lie.

Dex said...

Okay, so yesterday I ended up watching 4 episodes. Why do you get me into these things?! :)

But I pretended the raspberry was blood :) My mouth is so sore from the dentist today though. And talk of pumpkin-shaped Reese's Pieces isn't helping. Now tell me more!

Louise Boyd said...

4 episodes in? You beast. The shit's really about to hit the fan, though. Enjoy :)

Did the dentist maim you, Dexterous? Was it like Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors?

Isn't have a sore mouth just a great excuse to eat awesome soft foods like ice cream? Candy floss? Jelly? Biscoff spread?! (because Nutella's actually quite rubbish in comparison)

Louise Boyd said...


Dex said...

'Nice life. Cool Flat. Fun Job. Someone to watch movies with.'

Can you erase my memory so I can experience it for the first time again?

Not quite like Little Shop of Horrors. Actually, she's quite nice when she's not torturing my mouth :) And it's much better than my first root canal when I could hardly open my mouth for about 3 weeks. Yeah, I'm getting a second root canal :S

If I knew where to buy candy floss in Shetland, everything would be an excuse to eat candy floss. Also, Biscoff spread?! What the fuck?! Excuse my while I immediately jump into the car and drive to Tesco!

Ps. I sometimes think I could happily live in your bandcamp page.

Louise Boyd said...

Are you finished already? You've got absolutely no restraint. None. I forced myself to watch an episode a day. No more. No less. But you know what? It makes not fucking difference 0_0 Mutual brain erase? Or is that just asking for trouble?

I'm genuinely terrified to go to the dentist. I have teeth-based nightmares all the time. My favourite it when all my teeth crumble like crushed polos 0_0... 0_0... 0_0... 0_0...
I long for the day nanobots are created and you can just send them into your body Inner Space style and they'll sort everything out. That'll be awesome.

When you were a kid, what did you get when you went to the dentist? We got stickers.

Okay, so, I gotta kind of insist that you go to Tesco and buy at the least 1 jar of Biscoff spread. Power walk if you fucking have to. It's the food of the gods 0_0

Ps. It's your fault my bandcamp page got inundated with FLOOR CRY.

Dex said...

I know. I was going to watch an episode a day but I just couldn't help myself. If I wasn't working the next day, I probably would have watched the whole thing in a night :S I'll just blame Charlie. At least now you know how to get me to watch stuff :)

Actually, it's just as nice watching things you like over and over again. Also, I would totally abuse brain erasing if that were an actual thing :)

That nightmare sounds horrible! I'm sorry, Maggot. I'll try and keep the details of my dental adventures to a bare minimum. Let's just pretend I'm being fixed by a team of tiny scientists :)

You got stickers?! I don't remember my dentist ever giving me anything. The only thing nice I remember a professional person giving me was a stick of rock after a tour of the power station :)

I sometimes wonder what I'd be doing with my time if I'd never met you. I definitely wouldn't be listening to dream pop. I'll always love you for that :)

Also, what's the best thing to put Biscoff on? :) I was going to put in on crackers.

Louise Boyd said...

"Also, what's the best thing to put Biscoff on?"
A spoon? =/ The only time I've put it on anything was a digestive and it was just... wrong.
We're making Biscoff cake for Sarah's birthday next month. I'll tell you how that goes. And totally rub it in your face if it's awesome :)
You sure you're happy you know me now? Even with the dream pop?

Ackkkk. I'm so salty right now. I hate salt. And dinner was super salty for some reason and it doesn't seem to matter how many sweet things I stuff down my throat I just can't balance my fucking taste receptors 0_0 I do not like this and I don't have any Biscoff spread >_<
*throws envy-based rage in your general direction*

I can't believe you never got anything at the dentist. It was pretty much the only way my mum could drag my ass to that sadist in a smock! That and the promise of a giant cookie afterwards.
Sounds like shitty parenting but good god, do I love my mum :D

Ps. Tell me your dentist woes. I don't mind. No heavy details though... gross.

Dex said...

Does your mum still give you giant cookies? :)

I don't know what I'll do when you get around to making that cake. Probably just keep on eating spoonfuls of Biscoff and listening to dream pop in the hopes that the pain will go away (although there's a 90% chance I'll be doing that anyway). Also, you were right. It does taste best on a spoon :)

I sometimes wonder what I would make you if you came around for your tea. Or would we just eat desserts? :S

Louise Boyd said...

Silly rabbit. Pancakes, of course. With jam. Raspberry. With seeds! That's my only stipulation.

"I don't know what I'll do when you get around to making that cake. Probably just keep on eating spoonfuls of Biscoff and listening to dream pop in the hopes that the pain will go away."

Good god, man! Was it a mistake to introduce you to Biscoff?

My mum would probably give me a giant cookie if I asked but she's more likely to make me a cup of tea and a pile of toast. Mum toast is the best toast. Don't know why but it is.
I really want a goddamned giant cookie now <_<

Dex said...

Is that because you know they're the only thing I can make? :) And of course I'll make them in the Howl's Moving Castle frying pan :)

Raspberry jam with seeds. Noted. Is that also what you put on your mum toast? :)

'Was it a mistake to introduce you to Biscoff?'. Yeah, you've ruined me :)

I hope someone buys you that giant cookie. Or bakes it for you :) I remember the first thing I ever baked were some traffic light biscuits. Basically plain biscuits with 3 skittles. It must have been when I was in primary 1 and all I remember is that they were amazing :)

Louise Boyd said...

Skittles on a biscuit? That's just wrong. Shouldn't it at least be Smarties?

Traditional mum toast comes with butter and marmite. Sometimes just butter. If she's feel decadent? Peanut Butter. Never jam, though. Or marmalade. I fucking love marmalade. Just call me Paddington. It can't have a lot of peel in it though. Bleurgh.
All this talk of food really is making me hungry... but currently I'm cocooned in my bed with a hot water bottle because my fucking Raynaud's hit me really hard today and now I can't be arsed getting up to get food. It's times like these I wouldn't mind having a butler :(

I dare you to make a Biscoff pancake.
Oh, and we'd be having pancakes because I bloody well need to know if you're actual any good at it after all these years of pancake talk. You could be feeding yourself poison for all I know 0_0

Dex said...

'Skittles on a biscuit? That's just wrong.' Not when you're 6 I guess :) Although smarties would make more sense. You do get red, green & yellow smarties don't you?

I hardly ever have toast. We don't even have a toaster at home these days. Which is strange because I fucking love toast. I'm not even all that fussy about what I have on it - all those things you mention I would happily use :) But we've never been a toast for breakfast kind of family. I don't think we've ever even owned a toast rack. It was one of the few reasons I liked spending Christmas at relatives - because they were toast for breakfast kind of family and I would have it every day.

Fuck, why am I talking so much about toast? :S

Just so we're clear, when I say pancakes, what are you picturing in your head? Because my pancakes are more like crepes that you can wrap around things. And that's all I can make. I'm worried you may have visions of dropped scones or something similar that I would be completely unable to offer :)

Ps. I would bring you pancakes in bed. Although you might throw them back in my face if they're not the kind you're expecting :)

Louise Boyd said...

Wow. Do I seem like that much of a monster? 0_0 I'd at least keep the pancakes but throw the plate at you and demand better ones...

I do, however, prefer drop scones (although I've never called them that! They're pancakes, goddamnit). I like something you can chew on. My gran makes these awesome treacle pancakes. They're disturbingly brown but damn, they're really fucking good.

Tell you what, if it ever comes to pass that we're in a position to feed each other (sounds weird... I've visions of me literally stuffing food down your throat) then I'll teach you how to make "drop scones" and you can teach me how to make your imposter pancakes. Deal?

It's actual crime that you do not own a toaster. I genuinely feel bad for you 0_0 Get that sorted! You could be dining on carby goodness every night!

Hmm. I'm not telling you the colours of Smarties, you're just going to have to buy a pack and find out.
They don't sell Smarties Cookies in Tesco anymore. That's sacrilege! I might have to learn how to make them because now I've got a hankering =/

Dex said...

I only started calling them drop scones recently. And I can't for the life of me remember what I called them before that! Hmm, maybe there was a Shetland word? I can tell you for a fact that it wasn't pancakes :)

Feeding you - all I can think of is the scene with the Velociraptors in the first Jurassic Park film :) You make pancakes (drop scones)? Why did I not know this about you before? Or maybe I did. I'm pretty forgetful :)

I'm so jealous of how many people in your family can make foodstuffs I would literally kill for! We're not really a family of cooks. My mum does a nice fruit salad and is a pretty decent cook in general and my dad's good at roasts. And that's it. Maybe I should marry a baker. Who owns a toaster :)

I actually went into Mareel today to buy Smarties but they didn't have any. I know I could just look up the colours online. But I really, really want some Smarties :) I thought I would buy some sweets tonight in case we get any small monsters along the house for Halloween (and then just eat them all myself anyway).

If you ever make Smarties Cookies and I'm there, this is what will happen:

Louise Boyd said...

Ah, but how will you know whether or not I've thrown some surprise arsenic in the cookies?
You won't.

Pancakes are easy. It's the flipping that's the art and I'm a fucking master. Also apparently really quite good at piping mini meringues. Not a skill I thought I'd ever possess but there you go. Lillyputty: expert pancake flipper and a dab hand at mallow ghosts.
I'll take it.

Isn't the point of Halloween to eat all the sweets yourself? Have I been doing it wrong all this time?! 0_0

Ps. You're not the first to compare me to a hungry velociraptor.

Pps. Emily's making apple crumble tomorrow.
Go on. Hurl abuse at me :D

Dex said...

I can't believe you'd poison me over some cookies. Or can I? Actually, no, I can totally believe that :)

Mallow ghosts?! Are you having those for Halloween?! Along with the Emily's apple crumble?!

I actually went out to Tesco last night and bought bags of fun size Smarties & Twixes as well as a Halloween Swizzels bucket. I'd invite you to come along trick or treating if I could be sure you wouldn't beat me up and steal all my sweets :)

Ps. I can't flip :S

Dex said...

Girl in Red. Thanks, Lilliputty :D

Louise Boyd said...

You are welcome! I couldn't stop listening to them today.

No mallow ghosts were seen this Halloween. Only an abundance of Maoam. I might feel a little sick =/
No trick or treaters to steal my candy supply though!
Did you gorge?

Do you know what I find fucking ridiculous? There are Christmas lights up on my street.
I am appalled.
I'm going to wear my Skeleton sweatshirt for the rest of the week in protest <_<

I can believe you can't flip pancakes. I'm a little ashamed of you.

Ps. I would absolutely poison on :)

Dex said...

We only had one friend of my mum's along the house with her children and that was it. Thank fuck :) Although I think that the amount of sweets I've been left with will literally kill me :S

Did you watch any horror films? I can't remember if you usually do that on Halloween :S

I have never ever had Maoam :S Add that to my shopping list for Tesco. Right under more Biscoff :)

Poisoned cookies and shameful pancakes. Maybe we shouldn't feed each other :)

Ps. Christmas Lights at this time! That's horrifying!

Pps. I bet you look awesome in your Skeleton sweatshirt :)

Dex said...

Well, your October monthly answered my questions about horror films and Skeleton sweatshirts :)

Louise Boyd said...

Don't be stupid. Sugar consumption grander than the human norm is your superpower. It can't kill you. If anything, vegetables are your kryptonite.

I'm a terrible human. I've been routinely wandering into the kitchen and stealing the top of the crumble. Not the filling. Just the crumbly top.
Garbage human.
I do the same thing when Em makes cheesecake and steal the bottom. She always does a biscuit base so it's soaked up all the flavour of the cheesecake and just, fuck, it's so good but she does have to chase me from the kitchen usually to stop the thievery =/
It's the same with frosting as well. Never trust me with a bowl of frosting. It doesn't even matter if I don't have a spoon 0_0
I'm a savage.

Dex said...

It's true :) But I do love roasted vegetables at Christmas. Carrots & parsnips. Nom.

Good grief, Maggot! Can't you just, y'know, wait until it's ready to be served?

Sorry, silly question :)

So, what kinds of foodstuffs are safe from your clutches? :)

Louise Boyd said...

No food is safe from me. I'm a savage :)

The crumble top stealing has continued today. It's mostly just apple now.
See. Savage.

Dex said...

Maggot! :)

So what happens now? Will Emily make more crumble?

I may be going to Aberdeen in a couple of weeks to see my baby cousin. I'm looking forward to seeing her but it's just the travelling and being away from my bed that sucks :S

Louise Boyd said...

You have a baby cousin? What's her/his name? Babies are only awesome when you can hand them back and they're not crying. Otherwise they're confusing little aliens =/

Did you know that I was born about 20 minutes outside Aberdeen? I'm so glad we moved 0_0 Aberdeen's the greyest place I've ever been.

I think... there might be a toffee apple cake on the horizon. At least there's been talk of it and I'm really fucking hoping it happens because it's one of my favourite flavour combinations. Yay for autumnal flavours!
Now I need a goddamned Crunchie >_<

Dex said...

Her name's Freya :) I'm thinking I should probably get her a present. Maybe a Totoro?

I did remember that you were from outside Aberdeen :) But I forget how old you were when you moved? Only that you were very young. I think :)

Yeah, it's so grey :S And I really don't like the main street (Union Street), although there are some okay places just off it. Hmm, I have a feeling there was a really good second hand bookshop somewhere around there.

What can you steal off a toffee apple cake? :)

Crunchies and Flakes were a huge staple when I was growing up. As far as home was concerned, they were the 2 main chocolate bars :)

Louise Boyd said...

Very important question: Flake or Twirl?

Freya :) I think that's the first time someone's told me the name of a brand new human and it's actually made me smile. Actual teeth were showing.
Kudos to your cousin (and significant other) for giving their kid a nice name.
Oh, and you must get her a Totoro. Gotta start her education early, y'know?

When presented with a toffee apple cake and it's not adorned with decoration, one very carefully uses a butter knife to gently scrape frost from around the sides of the cake. If you're skilled enough, no one will ever know you even touched it. I'm a frosting maverick 0_0

Dex said...

To be honest, a Twirl. But I don't know if it's because I like them better or because Flakes are just so difficult to eat without making a mess. Is that the wrong answer? :)

Yeah, I'm actually a little bit excited about meeting her for the first time. Although I will be probably be asking you for frequent recommendations from now on about what to get her. Sorry :)

'When presented with a toffee apple cake and it's not adorned with decoration, one very carefully uses a butter knife to gently scrape frost from around the sides of the cake. If you're skilled enough, no one will ever know you even touched it.'

I really, really hope I have a chance to quote this in real life to someone :D

Louise Boyd said...

There is no wrong answer but Twirl's win because of the easy to devour factor. No one wants to be finding melted chocolate flakes all over their bedding (and themselves) for weeks on end.
Although, I'd NEVER put a Twirl in a 99er. That's just weird =/

You do realise I'll just force you to buy her all the Studio Ghibli paraphernalia. Piles upon piles of Totoros, Calcifiers and Ponyos. She'll be the luckiest girl in the world 0_0

Dex said...

I suppose the danger is that I'll probably want to keep all the Studio Ghibli paraphernalia for myself :)

Also, I never said how fucking epic your October post is. Your October post is fucking epic :) Do you compose these posts throughout the month or do you put them together in a hazy, sleep deprived, caffeine fuelled weekend? Also, do you still have your pumpkin lights up? :)

I haven't had a 99er in so long!

Louise Boyd said...

Pumpkin lights will never be taken down. I refuse to part with them. Fuck seasonal appropriateness!

October's monthly was a pretty epic one. I blame the Inktober section. I was a little disappointed it wasn't more Halloweeny though. I guess my creepiness was low this year.

Creationwise? I tend to add to it through the month and edit in the last few days. Editing is the worst -_- So. Many. Hyperlinks! I fixed that though with a tiny piece of coding that'll save me hours 0_0 If computers didn't fuck me off so much, I think I'd quite enjoy coding for real.

Favourite section? Go on, give my ego a boost.

Dex said...

Charlie sitting on the pile of books while looking out into the garden, and you with 'Six of Crows' :)

Your clothes and shoes.

Also anytime you write in detail about something you love.

Louise Boyd said...

You mean when I word vomit all over the place? I guess someone's gotta enjoy that mess... :)

I actively stopped myself from getting too ranty for this month's post. I don't like it when I get the rage =/ Monthlies are meant to be happy things! The grump is pretty strong in me though 0_0 Sneaks out without me noticing.

I just ate numerous teaspoons of Biscoff frosting. So. Freaking. Good!

Wish me luck for familial celebrations tomorrow 0_0

Dex said...

Good luck, Lilliputty! Is this Sarah's birthday? What are birthdays usually like in your house? I mean, do you normally have relatives over or something like that? At least you get Biscoff cake. So fucking jealous! :)

Well, I just like reading your opinions, good or bad :)

I've booked the boat tickets for my trip to Aberdeen - leaving Thursday next week and back the following Tuesday. Pretty much just a long weekend. Ugh, I hope it's not horrible weather for travelling :S

Louise Boyd said...

Hmm. I'll send good weather vibes so you don't barf from seasickness, yeah? Did you get a Totoro? You better have got a Totoro!

T'was Sarah's birthday indeed. Usually we have the grandparents round for a drink (coffee or booze depending on the time of day) but we went round to my mum's parents this time because my grandpa's a bit crook at the moment. Side effects to some drugs the doctor put him on so we went to him instead. Save him trekking over to ours and being uncomfortable. I like my grandparents house. It's comforting in that way only a grandparent's house can be. Plus they have mountains of books 0_0

Ps. Biscoff cake is the bomb. Em also made vanilla madeleines.
My sugar cup runneth over.
That sounded filthy 0_0

Dex said...

Ugh, no. Because I'm so uselss. I'm hoping they'll have something on Amazon with speedy delivery since I gave in and got a prime membership (after pretending I was better than all that).

Mountains of books! You mean, even more than you?! Well, I suppose by the time you're that age the number of books you'll have... frightening thought :)

Was it really necessary to tell me about the vanilla madeleines?

I would totally eat your excess sugar if your cup was running over.


Louise Boyd said...

Dex said...

Too much sugar. Maybe we should talk about vegetables for a while instead. Can't misinterpret those...

Also, I've been using... way too much lately. I'm don't even think I'm using it correctly...

Louise Boyd said...

You caught my ellipsis disease. I use them way too much but fuck it. Who doesn't like sentences that end mysteriously?

Dex said...

Can I ask you a really stupid question? Do you ever think about the future, like where you're going to be this time next year or something? Because I think I've reached a point in my life where I can't see anything except the same day over and over again. Which I'm not totally against - as boring as it sounds I like predictability, familiarity, all that stuff. But if I had to live the same day over and over again, this is not the day I would choose. I suppose I could make some changes like a new job. But I actually don't mind my job. I mean, it's not great but it's steady, it pays me and I can disconnect from it when I go home. I know people say you should have a job that you love but I guess if you're not one of the lucky ones, a boring job that you don't have to carry around with you 24/7 is the next best thing. Maybe? Also, the only people up here that I know and get on with work in the same office (what a loser, I know). I guess I'm not all that happy still living at home - it always feels like I'm having to schedule my day around what other people are doing, that my time is not my own (me being a selfish asshole doesn't help either). I mean, whenever I have a day off, I keep thinking about how I would much rather be at work! I sometimes think about moving out but for one reason or another I don't think I would get much support (maybe because I crashed and burned so spectacularly when I was on my own at uni). Also, I would also probably end up just isolating myself from everyone because I'm like that. I suppose I could go out more but I don't really have anyone to go out with and making new friends is super difficult for me - I don't even know if I want to make friends. Maybe I should just do more stuff on my own, like go for walks. Or get a coffee, put my headphones on and, I don't know, make a list of things I like or something ridiculous like that. Would that make me happy or would I just spend the whole time thinking about how pathetic I look/am?

Sorry, Maggot. I thought you might like one of my self-pitying, sympathy seeking rambles that I will likely get over by tomorrow. I like to think I'm pretty good at them :)

Louise Boyd said...

Sooooo... apparently we're both having an existential crisis today!
I word vomited basically everything you said at my mum earlier. Messed up minds think alike?

Wish I knew how to encourage or reassure you, Dexterous. Really, truly wish I could but I can't even do that for myself.
The only thing I can sincerely offer is a fuck tonne of empathy because goddamnit, do I know how you're feeling.

I'd pay good money for someone to sort out my fucking life. I'd pay for you too!

Dex said...

Thanks, Lillputty. A fuck tonne of empathy was what I needed most :)

If I could, I'd buy you a house you could make your own. Not too far though, so you could still steal frosting off your sisters' cakes :)

Louise Boyd said...

And what do you think my dream house would look like?

How you feeling today, dearest? Totally okay if despair's still kicking your ass, just give a swift kick back.

Howl's Moving Castle was on yesterday. That movie will forever remind me of you now :)
Sorry, I was being too nice to you. Had to rebalance 0_0

Dex said...

I'm so glad you called me that :D

You mean from the outside? Hmm, I'm not sure. I guess it would need to be big enough to hold all your books. But not too big because, y'know, who wants to be responsible for the upkeep of a big house :) Maybe something quite old but done up so that it's not fucking freezing in winter. And with a garden. Maybe quite a big garden. Although it might get overgrown. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Probably the kind of garden that hides the house so you feel a bit cut off from the outside world. The kind of house children are scared to go to on Halloween...

That's probably sounds nothing like what you want :)

I'm okay thanks, Maggot :) I'm usually pretty good at distracting myself when I get the blues. Pretty sure you'd be good at distracting me too :)

If we ever do end up in the same room, we'll definitely watch Howl and Spirited Away and any or all of the others :)

Louise Boyd said...


That was pretty spot on to be honest. Now do the inside. I wanna see how much you can freak me out...

Dex said...

Charlie, fuckloads of books...

This is so difficult :)

A proper attic, the kind you can spend time in. I don't know but I kind of imagine you not really wanting something ultra modern but maybe the bathroom would be the most modern room in the house, with a really nice shower :) Maybe a sun lounge that looks out into the garden, where you can sit and read when it's too cold to go outside, maybe with an open plan type kitchen close by - I don't know but I like the idea of the kitchen being on the brighter side of the house :) Then the living room (which will probably be half library) would be on the darker, shadier side of the house where you can spend your evenings. And your bedroom just transported completely intact from where it is now :)

Also, outside, you must have a tree that creates a nice shade where you can sit in summer :)

Yeah, you'll probably want someone else designing this for you :)

Louise Boyd said...


Dex said...

Okay, no more guessing :)

The weather for the boat tomorrow doesn't look great :S Not completely terrible but I wanted millpond conditions :) I thought I'd bring my laptop so I could watch something in my cabin and at least I'm not sharing with anyone. You can either book cabin to yourself or just book a berth in a shared cabin so I obviously went for the first option :) Except I could only get a 4 berth cabin on the way down so there will be 3 empty beds :)

Also, it's en-suite. Although it's not advisable to take a shower in rough conditions as the water goes everywhere :)

Louise Boyd said...

You sound like a flight attendant. Or whatever the boat equivalent is. A boating attendant?

I dare you to shower. And sleep in all the beds.

Happy travels! :D Don't drown. I'd kinda miss you, y''know, a little bit.

Dex said...

I don't think I'm selling it very well :) But 12 hours on my own, watching dvds and eating junk food would be great if it wasn't for the motion sickness :S

I'll make a rota for the beds. Probably wait until we've docked before I use the shower though :) Ugh, wet floors. That's one of the things I hated about going to the swimming pool - the state of the cubicle floors!

I think the biggest danger of drowning will be from the shower :)

Also, you remember that 'Brick Game' you got me as a present? I'm totally taking that with me for the trip :)

Louise Boyd said...

Brick Game?

Is it really bad that I have no idea what you're talking about... ? 0_0

Dex said...

Well, it was about 4 years ago :) A portable game, looks a bit like Tetris :)

Dex said...

Well, I made it to Aberdeen. I'm now on my laptop, listening to music, in a bedroom.

It's good to have change in routine...

Nice bedroom though. Also went to Waterstones & HMV :)

Louise Boyd said...

Hey, you left the island and you get to squish a tiny baby's hands and feets. That's pretty cool in my book and you know I know my books.

I'm crazy jealous you've been inside Waterstones.

Dex said...

Aw Lilliputty, Freya's feet are super tiny :) Also, you should see her eat an orange segment. It's one of the most adorable things ever. Although it's probably way more adorable knowing that I'm not responsible for cleaning up the mess :)

I ended up not getting her a Totoro for now as my cousin says she's not really gotten into soft toys yet - she's just way too fascinated at the moment with things she can break :)

I know, I'm so glad that Waterstones & HMV are still around. The ones in Aberdeen are actually still pretty good too :) I'm not sure if I'll manage but I'm hoping to have one more trip to them before I head back home on Monday night. Although these places are slightly wasted on me since I'm no good at just randomly browsing for things I might like, something you're just the best at :)

If you ever do make it up to Aberdeen, Belmont Street seems pretty interesting. It's a pretty nice street and it's got a second hand bookshop / cafe (Books & Beans), an independent cinema (Belmont Filmhouse) and an independent record shop (Cavern Records).

Louise Boyd said...

I can't even imagine what a baby looks like eating an orange segment.
Is it anything like this?

I'm so jealous. I wanna see. I don't even get smooshy over babies! What is happening?! 0_0

How are you making me crave a visit to the greyest city that ever did exist? I think you're some sort of evil wizard and you're doing stuff to my brainpan.

You're in a city. There must be a Starbucks or Costa around. Drink a motherfucking Gingerbread Latte. I demand it.

Dex said...

Me neither, but this one's kinda awesome.

She does look like that when eating most foods :) But the orange segment eating was more like some insatiable, relentless monster. Honestly, she could have taken someone's finger off :)

And that is a Gingerbread Latte at Starbucks I'm drinking in the photo - I love when you order me to do stuff :)

Louise Boyd said...

I think my favourite thing about that photo is the arm fully chomped off of Freya's gingerbread man.
Like... no time was wasted, he didn't need that arm, it belonged in her belly.
So fucking cute 0_0

Did she boop you? I need to know. Booping is very important to me.

Also, are you only wearing a fucking denim coat in November? Do you not feel the cold? ARE YOU A YETI?!

Ps. I'm so jealous of your gingerbread latte that I abandoned this message halfway through to go and sniff the bottle of gingerbread syrup we have lurking the kitchen 0_0

Dex said...

Yeah, it was a boop :D Although the photo looks a bit like she's taunting me over the gingerbread man :) She does this thing where she pretends to offer you her food and then, just as you are about to take it from her, she puts it in her mouth and looks so pleased with herself :)

I think you and Freya have the same attitude towards food :)

I had a big fucking winter coat draped over the chair :)

What else will you be using the gingerbread syrup for?

Louise Boyd said...

Mostly? Stealing sips from my Sarah's coffee because I don't actually enjoy drinking a whole cup myself but I'm addicted to the taste?
It's fine though.
She only minds a little bit.
I'm horrendous.
I do it to Em as well. Whenever I make her a cup of coffee, I always steal a sip. It's not even surreptitious. I just brazenly do it right in front of her. She doesn't even get mad anymore =/

I think... Freya might be my kinda girl. She's gonna run rings round you :)

Louise Boyd said...

"my Sarah's"


I guess she is but ugh, when will I learn to edit before I commit to comment?!

Dex said...

I reckon she's definitely your Sarah :)

I'm not even a little bit surprised about the coffee. That just sounds like something you would do :)

So what else do you habitually do when it comes to sneaking some your sisters' food?

Louise Boyd said...

Nothing special, just outright thievery. Other people's food just tastes better.
I don't share food though.
Because I'm a brat but it's been too long, I cannot change my ways 0_0
Protect your food at all times, Dexterous. Protect it like it's your offspring!

Dex said...

Yeah, sounds just like Freya :)

Ugh, I've been roped into helping out at a careers event tonight. I'll be at the boring table that no one visits. Maybe that's a good thing :)

Louise Boyd said...

I think you get roped into these things because you've got a nice face. Friendly. If you scowled more they'd totally leave you alone. I'll teach you!

How'd it go? Were you bored rigid? Did they at least feed you?!

I've been covered in green paint all night doing stuff for the practice's window. Yesterday I was Kermit coloured. Today I'm Oscar the Grouch.

Dex said...

Okay, big question. Do you have a favourite Sesame Street or Muppets character? Also, am I allowed to know what's going to be in the window?

The only people I made any kind of connection with were the students who came around with the food and drink. I got some brownies and tea so it wasn't all bad. Also, we brought some sweets and chocolate to try and trick some of the children into talking to us - it did not work. So we just ended up eating them ourselves to ease the pain of unpopularity.

You really do need to teach me how to scowl at people. Rather than smile awkwardly which is what I seem to always do when I'm in public :S

Louise Boyd said...

Ack. Brownies. Now I'm the jealous one.
Everyone has a brownie preference. What's your ideal? Mine must be fudge with that weird, hard surface that kind of cracks? when you bite into it.
Why am I torturing myself like this? 0_0

I can't choose a favourite Muppet! That's inhuman! The Cookie Monster is pretty fucking special though... and Rizzo the Rat. But that so wasn't choosing favourites <_<

Louise Boyd said...


Dex said...

I used to like Cookie Monster when he dressed up as Alistair Cookie :)

I never really know if something is a brownie or not. If it's in a tray and been cut into cubes and is kind of squishy, I just call them brownies :) I'm not even sure if I've ever had fudge brownies with or without the weird, hard surface! My life seems so incomplete now :(

Do Emily or Sarah make brownies?

Sorry I ask so many stupid questions :S

Louise Boyd said...

By "fudgey" I meant the texture. No actual fudge involved. I hate cakey brownies. If I wanted cake I'd buy a goddamned cake!

Sarah's made brownies a couple of times? But they're her danger food so she avoids making them. If you think the Cookie Monster's bad, you should see Sar with a pan of brownies 0_0 She's almost as bad as me.

Y'know what I really love? Fridge cake or Tiffin as we call it here. I don't know if that's a Scottish thing or not but I don't actually care... just bring me all the Tiffin!

Ps. I forgot to say, the Christmas window display this year is made up of geometric Christmas trees. Em and I just spent two hours stringing baubles and we're not even done yet. Grrr arggghh!
It'll be worth it though, they look pretty cool.

Pps. You didn't tell me your favourite Muppet!

Dex said...

That does sound pretty cool :)

I had exactly that same thought about brownies at work the other day. Someone was complaining that the brownies in the kitchen were too moist and that they preferred them more cakey. I had a perfect Patrick Bateman reaction for this but I can't find a gif for it :( This will just have to do:

I think Tiffin is what they mostly sell in the cake fridge! I'll take you there if you ever visit :)

Favourite Muppet? I'll just say Mr. Johnson, the customer who is always being annoyed by Grover :)

Dex said...

You know what's still one of my favourite things ever that I've found through your blog - The Boat of the Fragile Mind EP by Belle Mare.

Dex said...

I had a Swizzels Double Dip the other day. But the Swizzel stick had broken into 3 pieces so my method of consuming it was to put a piece of the stick in my mouth and then to pour in the sherbet.

Dex said...

Make It Better by Hazel English

Sometimes, when I find an artist that I really love, I search for them on your blog because I know you've probably found them before me. You posted a song by Hazel English in 2015!

Louise Boyd said...

I don't even remember posting it...
I post so much that it's all sort of blurred into one giant lump of "Arts" 0_0
It's one of the reasons I haven't bothered my arse to move over to Wordpress because Jesus, all the re-formatting I'd have to do =/ Fuck that noise.

"I had a Swizzels Double Dip the other day. But the Swizzel stick had broken into 3 pieces so my method of consuming it was to put a piece of the stick in my mouth and then to pour in the sherbet."

You're a genius.
Not even kidding.

Dex said...

Thanks, it was a great moment for me :)

It's so wet and windy here today. And it's getting dark so early. And it'll be that way until Up Helly Aa. The days start to get noticeably longer after that. So 2 more months to go :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'll never not be jealous of Up Helly Aa.
My town's so boring -_-
We don't even have a bonfire night anymore for fuck's sake.

There's mint Aero sitting on my desk. Jealous?

Dex said...

To be honest, I only look forward to Up Helly Aa because of the public holiday and longer days :)

A live action Cowboy Bebop. Didn't they do something like that before? I think it was called Firefly. Except that was different because it had something. What was it called? Oh yeah - origifuckinality!

I fucking love Aeros! :) If we're comparing bubbly chocolate, I'd take an Aero over a Wispa any day.

Louise Boyd said...

"A live action Cowboy Bebop. Didn't they do something like that before? I think it was called Firefly. Except that was different because it had something. What was it called? Oh yeah - origifuckinality!"

This is why you're my favourite.

Ps. Wispas are abominations.

Dex said...

I've arranged a lunch out today with a few friends from work. I invited them all and booked the table.

Trying to be more social.

I hate it.

Louise Boyd said...

I'm so proud of you.

Dex said...

Thanks! Your vomit stained approval means a lot :)

I used to think I liked going for meals with people but I'm not so sure now. For a start, I'm never sure which conversation I'm supposed to be part of. Y'know, 2 people are speaking about one thing, another 2 people are speaking about something else, and I'm awkwardly trying to seem like I'm included in a least one of them even though I'm not really interested. Then there's that weird dip in noise when the food comes and everyone starts eating, followed by people trying to sustain a conversation in between shovelling food into their faces. Overthinking things is definitely one of my many flaws :)

I know you watch so many tv shows Lilliputty, but what are some of your favourites ever? This is probably an impossible question, so I don't really expect you to answer seriously or at all. Or you could just say Buffy :)

Louise Boyd said...

I fucking hate being the missing link in a conversation. It's so painful. When I'm in those (and it's been a while) I always try and include the left out person by asking them what they think. It's just fucking polite. Ugh. They didn't do that to you the whole time did they? I might have to hate your friends from afar <_<

Favourite shows? Hmm. Let's see:

Penny Dreadful
Friday Night Lights
Being Human
30 Rock
Parks & Rec
Dead Like Me
Stranger Things
Green Wing
Dawson's Creek (don't you judge me)
The Returned
Bob's Burgers

There's more. I just can't think of them right now. But there's definitely more!

Dex said...

I guess it's always weird with work friends outside of the normal environment. I mean, really, all we have in common is work. So if we're not talking about that... meh, I'll do better next time :)

Sorry that I sometimes I ask you to make lists. Although I do love them. I'll be saving this one too :)

Also, I keep meaning to say that you don't need to get me anything for Christmas. I mean, I know you'll tell me to shut up, but you have to buy so many things for so many people. Except in my family where we pretty much buy things for ourselves, then wrap and put them under the tree just to go through the motions :)

I did decide to take part in Secret Santa at work this year just to try and fit in. The theme was gadgets under £10 - so obviously I bought something that wasn't a gadget and cost just under £20. Ugh, I just know the person I got is going to think my present sucks. I mean, then only thing I definitely know about them is that they drink a lot of tea (and this is one of the people I actually like). So I bought from Etsy an Alice in Wonderland themed tea infuser, some Alice in Wonderland themed tea leaves in these little cork topped glass tubes and an Alice in Wonderland themed tea mug that says 'drink me'. Guess what theme I went with?

Ps. I love the pen pot your sister made :)

Pps. Charles! That is all.

Dex said...

Real People Having Fun by flunkie.

Louise Boyd said...

You're stupid. Do you know that? That's an awesome sounding present. I'd be fucking thrilled to receive that! If they show even one iota of displeasure than I will find a way to kick them in the crotch. Fair warning 0_0

You guessed right. I'm buying you something. Shut up.

Ps. Emily didn't make the pot! (it's actually a mug but it's impossible to drink from). She'd be super flattered to heart that though. She just left me the slightly offensive but entirely accurate post-it note. Which is proceeded to stick to the mug with sellotape because post-its are useless and yet I own oh so many of them...

Dex said...

I was totally thinking of you when I bought them. I normally buy presents on a 'would Maggot approve' basis :)

Oh fuck, I totally embarrassed myself at our quarterly meeting today. I wish the ground had just swallowed me up. Each of our sections was supposed to give a short presentation on what we actually do so we were describing the recruitment process and how it was like a journey that we help people along. And for some reason I said 'so I suppose we're like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings' :S And if that wasn't bad enough, I then went 'actually, no. We're more like Professor Snape from Harry Potter. Because even though we're helping you, a lot of the time it seems like we're being horrible to you for no reason'. And that was the last thing I said...

I love that she just left you a post-it note with that on it :) Did I imagine this or do you have post-it notes on your bedroom door of book series you're going to read?

Louise Boyd said...

I'm so sorry but I laughed really hard when I read that... Really, really hard.
You are awesome, please never stop being you.

I often think of your job the way people thought of Chandler's job because it doesn't matter how many times you tell me, I always forget 0_0

Were you in a very wizardy mood?

Dex said...

I was actually thinking about that the other day, when they win the nice flat because they can't remember what his job is :)

But I always think of my job in that way. I go to work, Monday to Friday, 9-5, and that really is all there is to say about it :) I sometimes wish you were there to share it with me. You could sit across from me and send me random emails throughout the day :)

I wonder if the wizarding world needs Recuitment Assistants (that's my job title by the way). I like to think that even wizards need someone to do the boring admin work :)

I don't know if I've ever asked you this, but how far do your family go when it comes to putting up Christmas decorations?

Louise Boyd said...

I'd send you filth to get you in trouble =/

Decorations-wise, we go all out but not in a gross trashy way. We're big believers in warm golden fairy lights, not the multicoloured barbarity, so the house gets covered but tastefully? It's nice and we all kind of wish we could have them up all year... which is probably why I have so many lights in my room 0_0 I'm still reading at night with the pumpkin lights on. Think I'll change to my more seasonally appropriate starry ones though.
What does the Eva house look like during the festive season?

Dex said...

That sounds fucking magical. I always imagine your house as being like something from a Miyazaki film :)

Well, usually my mum will put some lights around the windows in the sun lounge. And we'll re-use the same, old crappy Christmas tree. And that's about it :S I don't know, we're just like the most boring family ever :)

I'm really struggling for ideas for Christmas presents this year. I hope you don't mind getting sent a bunch of random shit :S

Dex said...

Spit by Martha Rose

Dex said...

Sometimes I just totally crush on an artist after about 30 seconds :S

Guts by Elnuh

Dex said...

I can honestly say this year that I did not go over the top with the present buying :S

Dex said...

I decided to take next week off work to use up the rest of my holidays. So I get 19 days off work because HR then close over Christmas & New Year :)

Louise Boyd said...

"I can honestly say this year that I did not go over the top with the present buying :S"

I can't tell if you're being serious or not! But I think two came today.
I haven't even started shopping yet.
For anyone.
God help me 0_0

Most of the Christmas lights are up though... so that's something =/

I should probably give you a heads up that I might be fairly in and out with the talking. Christmas is gonna be a bit weird this year because my grandpa's sick. Not on death's door sick but he's basically immobile right now because of a heart condition he's been diagnosed with. Non-treatable at this point so I don't know how much longer we'll have with him. I'm hoping for longer. Much longer. But yeah, everyone's running around like crazy people because my gran can't drive and she doesn't want to leave him alone so she needs the shopping done and prescriptions picked up. It's mental and everyone's stressed. And Christmas isn't helping. We're probably going to have to do dinner round their house which we've never done before so it'll be... a learning curve? And I'm worried about leaving Charlie alone on the day because he doesn't know how to use the cat flap =/ So he'd be either trapped inside or outside and ack, I know that's not all that important but he needs looked after too!
See what I mean about the stress?
So, don't be alarmed if I fall off the face of planet for days at a time. I'm just doing an impressive energiser bunny impression 0_0

Dex said...

You take all the time you need, Lilliputty.

This is going to sound really stupid but I've just ordered you something from Amazon that you can maybe give to your grandpa as a Christmas present. It's maybe totally ridiculous but I have a really vague recollection of you telling me that he liked this particular thing. But if I'm completely wrong (which is very likely), hopefully you can just keep it for yourself :) So, if you do get something from Amazon in the next day or so, feel free to tear it open (none of the other stuff I bought was from Amazon for once).

Unfortunately, I'm being totally serious about the rest of the presents :( I only bought 4 things, none of them very expensive (and I'm worried you might already have 1 or 2 of them).

I'm sure Charlie will be fine. Maybe he'll enjoy having the house to himself. And it's only for a day. And you can spoil him rotten when you get back. If he'll let you :)

Louise Boyd said...

A very large, very light box arrived at the house today. I'm desperate to open it. This is torture 0_0

Wait a sec. I've been trying for actual years to get you to calm down with presents. Have I finally won? Did I reprogram your hardwire?!

Thank you for the gift for my grandpa. He'll love it. Ugh. You have to stop being so nice, you know I can't handle this shit! You're a terror this year.

I really have to start shopping =/

Ps. I'm mostly worried Charlie's going to pee everywhere if we leave him alone in the house. No one wants to spend Christmas Day with the pungent scent of cat wee in the house 0_0 And before you say it, a littler tray wouldn't work. He doesn't understand them... my cat's ridiculous -_-

Dex said...

If the box contains what I think it does, I really hope you like it (although it is pretty ridiculous).

I'll just pretend I'm becoming more selective with my present buying :)

I have so many questions on Charlie's habits but maybe I'll save them for another day :)

Dex said...

Breathe by Femmepop (which seems to be a partial cover New Order's Temptation & Glass Candy's Warm in the Winter, 2 songs I love)

Dex said...

Well, maybe cover is a bit too far, but I definitely get total Glass Candy vibes from the intro :)

Ugh, I sound like a hipster :S

Dex said...

Office Christmas party tonight :S

Louise Boyd said...

Does the office Christmas party involve Christmas music, tinsel, an abundance of cheap booze and some form of baked good? Like brownies? If there were brownies, I'd be there. And by "be there" I mean I'd arrive, stuff my pockets with said brownies and run for my fucking life 0_0
Apparently office parties are like the zombie apocalypse to me...

Dex said...

Unfortunately, no brownies. Would you have thrown a tantrum? :)

There was Christmas music, tinsel and booze though. People just brought their own alcohol to the office and started drinking at 5pm (to the second, I'm not even exaggerating). But I didn't. I've pretty much decided that I don't like the taste of alcohol or how it makes me feel (both at the time and the day after) so why should I bother putting myself through that just to fit in. I hope it as the right decision - I mean, I was sober, miserable and feeling awkward for most of the night but I'm enjoying my weekend now :)

I only stayed at the office party for an hour or so and then went to get some tea. Then I went to this variety show at Mareel with some film quiz friends (we'd won tickets). By variety, I mean there was a drag queen calling bingo, a burlesque dancer, some improvised comedy, stand up, a DJ - I know, it sounds like a weird mess but I was surprised that it was actually okay. But I had to leave early to go and see a band play at another venue (something organised by work that everyone went to after the office party and I'd stupidly volunteered a couple of months ago to help out on the door).

After I'd finished my shift, I just sat for a while with some people from work (some of whom were completely wasted so it was actually pretty uncomfortable) and as soon as they all got up to dance, I went back to the office to pick up my stuff and then went home.

So another successful social experience :S At least the person I got in Secret Santa seemed to like her present :)

Dex said...

Public Displays of Affection (album) by Emma Shepard

Dex said...

Teenage Wasteland by Wussy

Louise Boyd said...

I'm watching the The Office US at the moment, so everything you just described got visualised in my head with the cast instead of real people.
I kind of enjoyed it!
But they had Brownies in my head <_<

I think... you should spend more time with your pub quiz buddies. You sound happier when you talk about them. It's genuinely noticeable. Plus... you can make me jealous because pub quizzes sound awesome and my podunk town is too small and shitty to such things 0_0 Plus, socialising. Yuck.

Your gift. Is on its way. Or it should be. I had a fight with the website. They might let me down 0_0 But it's coming!
I won't have time to do the mix though :( I'll get it to you in the new year. Hopefully...

Dex said...

Hey, I've been watching The Office US too :D Favourite supporting character? Mine would be Creed, awful human being that he is :)

I don't know, we've got a new member in our group (I mean, I've known her for quite a while, but she's now a regular in our team), and I seem to get on more easily with her than with most people so I feel a bit better about the whole thing at the moment (I was kinda down on the whole quiz team thing for a little while).

I think you would be pretty awesome at a film quiz. You can pretend to be modest if you like, but we both know it's true :)

Aw thanks, Lilliputty :D You know you didn't have to. I'll let you know when I get something in the post :)

Louise Boyd said...

This is why no one should ever take my advice. I know nothing 0_0

Favourite supporting character? Hmm. It's got to be Kevin. He's just this giant puppy with weird unexpected skills. I love him. Creed, though. He's beautifully despicable.
What season are you on?
I've just finished 4 and Jim and Pam are killing me.

Dex said...

No, you're completely right! :) Actually, I was going to ask this person if they wanted to go for coffee or to a film sometime just so we could hang out a bit more.

I've just finished season 5. Pam and Jim are so perfect together that I kind of hate them a little :) Also, is it weird that I'm almost always rooting for Dwight? :S

Louise Boyd said...

Wait a minute. Are you having a Jim and Pam experience?
I'll have to murder you if you're Jim and Paming it. It wouldn't be fair on the rest of us otherwise 0_0
Look at that stellar friending up there. Aren't you glad I'm here to threaten your happiness with gruesome murder? :D

Dex said...

If I were Jim and Paming it with someone, you'd be the first person I'd tell :) I'm just looking to do more things that I want to do, with people I want to spend time with. Besides, all my friends have to live with the fact that given the choice, I'd rather spend my time hanging out with you :)

Yeah, I realise that the above makes it look like I totally gave into your threats :)

Louise Boyd said...

It's all part of my dastardly plan. I've got to break you down in stages, y'know? When you're willing to dispose of my archenemies without question then my plan is complete.
But when will that be... ? :D

I'm so fucking jealous you have a cinema at hand 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

Ps. My wisdom teeth are trying to kill me 0_0

Dex said...

You're evil :)

They're showing the original Jurassic Park at Mareel in January. Would I pay good money to see a film I've probably watched a hundred times, is always on tv and that I have on dvd? Just to clarify, the answer is yes.

They're having a Spielberg season (well, they're showing 4 films - Jurassic Park, Jaws, ET and Close Encounters) but I think I'd only go and see Jurassic Park. Really wish they'd brought the first 3 Indiana Jones films though. Sorry, I'll never tire of telling you how much I love those films :)

I was thinking about your list of favourite tv series and I've actually never watched an episode of Dawson's Creek :S So I feel totally unqualified to judge you :) I know the cast and I'm pretty sure it was on Channel 4 on Sundays but that's about it.

Wisdom teeth pain sounds horrible, Lilliputty. Is it something that happens periodically then disappears or will you have to see someone about it?

Louise Boyd said...

Spielberg pisses me off. He's either heartbreakingly brilliant (Indiana Jones, Empire of the Sun, Schindler's List, Catch Me If You Can) or a one-way train to vomit town (E.T., A.I., Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).
How can such opposing movies come from the same man? I just don't get it =/

I like how you spent most of that message rubbing it in my face that you have a cinema and I do not <_<

Wisdom tooth pain has lessened today. Yay! Now I've said that, I'll be punished tomorrow 0_0 It's like they know...
I'll never let anyone take them from me though. Sarah had hers out this year (or was it last year... I don't even know anymore!) and they had to remove some of her jaw in the process =/ She was a mess. Swollen and bloody and in so much pain. I don't think we even get laughing gas in this country!
So, no. The hellspawn that are dentists can stay the fuck away from me. I'll just thole it and deal with the pain even it I have to sob my way through 0_0
Tooth pain makes me very dramatic...

I keep forgetting to ask. What was your secret Santa gift?

Dex said...

I tend to give him a pass just because he has directed some of my favourite films. Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls though - that's got to be the nadir. Ugh, it's bad enough when other people do it with reboots/remakes/whatever, but when a director (or any kind of artist) does something to piss on their previous work, that's just the worst. Why can't people just leave things alone sometimes?

Sorry, if it makes you feel any better, I hardly ever go to the cinema :) Cinemas are like most things to me in that I always like the idea of going but once I'm there I'm always thinking how much happier I would be if I were at home. Yeah, I'm such a miserable asshole :)

I'm always here if you need to be dramatic. About tooth pain or anything else :) I hope Sarah fully recovered from the ordeal - it sounds awful :S Also, I had to look up the word 'thole'. I don't think anyone has ever used that in conversation with me :)

Oh, I just got some kind of spy watch thing - I think it's meant for kids :S I couldn't really tell what supposed to be so 'spy' about it though. I mean, it listed these functions on the back of the packaging like they were something special but they just sounded like normal watch functions :S I would have at least expected it to have been able to record people's conversations or something :)

Dex said...

We Can Dance by The Fur.

Dex said...

Hi Lilliputty. Just to let you know, I think the present you ordered came today :D

Dex said...

Re-watching the Scream films tonight. No particular reason except to perhaps celebrate not having to go out :)

Louise Boyd said...

Nothing wrong with seasonal horror movie watching and the Scream movies are classics.
I remember watching the first one with my at-the-time best friend, Sally. We were in her living room, on the floor in front of the tv with our faces basically pressed to the screen, with the volume turned down so low we couldn't actually hear that much and Sally's finger poised on the stop button in case her parents rumbled us.
I fucking miss that feeling 0_0 I mean, I love that basically nothing is out of bounds now that I'm grown but damn, watching and doing things your parents would flay you alive for was a fucking rush when you're a kid.

Ps. Your secret Santa gift is the worst. You'll like my gift better. And you will because it's awesome and I damn well say so :)

Dex said...

I totally remember that feeling :)

Almost the complete opposite end of the scale but you know what I really miss? Watching BBC Learning Zone in the middle of the night, especially the travel programmes. I sometimes stayed up until the very end (I think it was like 5 or 6am). I mean, part of me wanted to go to sleep, but part of me wanted to know what is was like to live and work in Japan :)

You know I'm going to tear it open as soon as it strikes midnight :)

Dex said...

Admit it, you were just trying to get as close to Billy Loomis as possible :)

I'd almost forgotten how much of a crush I used to have on Neve Campbell in those films :S

Dex said...

Merry Christmas, Lilliputty. Thank you so much for the FA top. I love it! Actually, what I said when I opened it was 'fuck yeah'.

Louise Boyd said...

I'll take a "Fuck yeah" :D

Merry Christmas, you bonkers human. I squealed in that horrifying girly way when I ALL my presents but especially the Rattle the Stars pin. Which is ridiculous because... unicorn lamp! But yeah, my Maas love is out of control.

Thanks, buddy :)

How was Christmas? I did mine on an hour of sleep. I am knackered! But well fed and i have many, many new books 0_0

Dex said...

Slightly concerned by your lack of sleep but I just know you'll be fine so long as you're being supplied with food and books :)

I was a bit worried that you'd already have the pin since you probably have everything else Maas related :) Also, let me know if the top doesn't fit :)

Christmas was okay, thanks :) We don't really make of big deal out of it. Had a good Christmas lunch and opened some fairly unexciting presents (since we pretty much all knew what we'd got for each other), then pretty much did our own thing.

I hope your days wasn't too stressful and that you're getting to eat plenty of leftovers today :)

Ps. The War and Peas Christmas comic :D

Dex said...

Emily Bewley -

Dex said...

Finally finished my dental treatment. Don't have to go back except for a check up in 6 months :)

Dex said...

So happy Emily is doing her '12 days of Christmas' :)

Louise Boyd said...

Holy shit, you went to the dentist 3 days after Christmas? Are you a masochist? 0_0

Christmas was... stressful. Not awful but... stressful, definitely stressful. We ended up having dinner at my grandparents and it was okay. Weird but okay. I found it awkward as hell but I find everything about Christmas awkward as hell. Except the presents. I was mildly rabid when tearing my way through the wrapping paper that morning =/ It wasn't pretty. I actually lost part of my gift (now found) from Sar and Em due to my enthusiastic Wolverine impression. I really love receiving gifts, what can I say?
It was a really weird day though and it's really fucking tough seeing my grandpa like this. He's always been kind of slow because of his bad knees (one's bionic!) but nothing like this. He actually seems old to me now and he never did before. He's one of those people that everybody likes. A real charmer. Full of stories and bad (often crude) jokes and I've never seen him mad. Grumpy but not mad. He's lovely and this sucks. I hate it. I'm so mad at the world right now -_-
That got depressing. Sorry 0_0 It's my first time being old enough to understand losing someone anddddd I'm sort of freaking out so beware, there may be more of this weird emotional crap I'm not used to letting out =/


I set up the unicorn lamp last night. It's fucking ridiculous and I love it. The horn is pink!
The t-shirt fits perfectly. I'll be wearing it all New Year's day. The rest shall probably be my pyjamas because who can be fucked getting dressed on seasonal celebratory days? Not I, my friend! Not I.
Does the sweatshirt fit? I spent actual hours havering over the size to get and I feel like I went too big? Did I go too big?

Ps. Don't worry about my sleep. The night of Christmas is my best sleep of the year. I got 11 hours and actually felt alive when I woke up. Usually I feel like I've gone ten rounds with a honey badger 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

Pps. My dad just came into my room and made me try part of a Rum Baba.
I am not making this face:

Louise Boyd said...



Dex said...

I always take whatever appointment option the dentist gives me first - mainly because I don't have anything else going on in my life so when they give me a date I just go 'yeah, that's fine' :)

Please don't be sorry for talking to me about things that make you sad. He sounds like such a nice person and is clearly worth talking about. I actually really wanted to ask you about your grandpa but I know how it is sometimes.

Also, I forgot to ask you, how did Charlie cope with being alone in the house?

You really are the best person to buy presents for :) Also, when I think of unicorns, for some reason I think of you. I know that sounds weird but it's also true :)

Okay, I'm not just saying this, but the FA sweatshirt fits me so well :) I was actually surprised when I tried it on because I'm just so used to clothes being a little too big for me but this wasn't in the slightest.

'I feel like I've gone ten rounds with a honey badger' - I'm not sure how, but I'm going to try and use this in conversation :)

I assumed a Rum Baba was a drink rather than a cake (maybe alcohol soaked cake is the way to go for me). Also, I can totally picture you making that face :)

Dex said...

Picard/Glasses by Cry Babe

Dex said...

Happy New Year, Lilliputty :)

Dex said...

The Weed Song by The Absinthe Father

Dex said...

First day back at work. Wasn't as bad as I'd thought it'd be :)

Dex said...

Kiki's Room
Toast Pillow
Charlie's T-Rex paws

Dex said...

Thought you might like an anime trailer.

Made In Abyss

Louise Boyd said...

Hello Dexterous, you lovely human, you.
Guess how I spent the 1st of January and the subsequent days after?
24 hours of puking (not even exaggerating) - I'm surprised I didn't lose some vital organs.
24 hours of continuous nausea and dry heaving (I'm sorry?), and extreme dehydration (my mum slept at the end of my bed, that's how bad this shit was).
And the days after feeling like some sort of weakling sloth/kitten hybrid who needs one apocalyptic nap.
And it's still going 0_0
All my bones ache and I'm basically surviving on toast and tea, which sounds awesome but I miss foooooooood! Sarah made a Chocolate Silk Pie for New Years and I missed out on it 0_0 I think 2019 hates me already.

So, it may be 6? days late but... Happy New Year, dearest. I hope you've had a better time than I've had =/
I might not respond straight away but tell me things? I'm so bored. I haven't read a book in 6 days. 6 DAYS! 0_0

Dex said...

You're my favourite person, Lilliputty. Always.

I'm just glad you're well enough to tell me about your dry heaving. Seriously, I'd miss things like that :)

It's the lack of book reading that worries me most. But I know you'll make up for it in no time :)

You get all the rest you need. When you're feeling better, I hope you get to eat all the food (and that Sarah makes more Chocolate Silk Pie).

My life has been so exciting :) I ended up doing nothing at New Year. We didn't even countdown to midnight - I think I was in my room watching Batman Returns at the time :S I've been watching lots of Community too :) I went back to work on Thursday and that was okay. I'm determined to do better with my annual leave this year. I frequently get into trouble (in the nicest possible way) for not using my leave effectively throughout the year and I end up taking most of it off in November and December just to use it up. So, I'll actually try a plan some stuff this year. See, exciting :)

Ps. Holy fuck, I just googled Chocolate Silk Pie. How do I get this in my life?!

Dex said...

Ugh, I actually forgot to tell you something awful that happened at work in December - I got made the fire warden for the office :S It basically means I have to do a check of the office when there's a fire drill and then make sure everyone is at the assembly point. Just because I couldn't think of a valid reason to get out of it when I was asked (well, other than the fact that I just know I'll be fucking terrible at it).

You know what I wish we had at work - Pretzel Day. Like Michael, I would totally have gone for the works :)

Louise Boyd said...

Wait a sec. When does Pretzel Day happen? Did I miss this somehow? I'm on season 7 and he's just about to leave. WTF?! I want a pretzel 0_0

So... you're basically like the teachers in school who stand at the head of the line of corralled students during a fire drill?
Will you huff dramatically like ours did because someone interrupted their beloved coffee break? You'd think they'd be grateful for some time outside the hellhole that was my high school! I'm surprised we weren't sitting on a hellmouth =/

Dex said...

I think it was season 3 -

Maybe you can get Emily to make you one :)

Yes, that's exactly what I'll be doing as fire warden :) But I huff dramatically whenever I have to do anything at work anyway so it won't make much difference :) At least I won't have my coffee break interrupted - because we don't get one :S Sure, you can go to the kitchen and make yourself a cup of tea anytime you like, but you just take it back to your desk and get on with work. It's a super fun life.

Yeah, I'm saying that like I would really want to sit around a coffee table listening to people speak about their personal lives for any length of time :)

At least tell me your school wasn't run by Principal Snyder :)

Dex said...

When The Limousines Pass By by Angelic Milk

Dex said...

It seems like ages since I've discovered a film that I love. Not that I've been looking very hard. I've become so lazy when it comes to finding new things :S

And yes, I know I really, really need to watch The Shape of Water :)

Dex said...

I really loved Emily's 8th day blog post!

Reading about Charlie is hilarious, lovely & terrifying all at the same time. Also, the word 'collolopsing' :)

And I'm so glad your mum documents the window displays - they always look amazing and I'm happy I now know where to go if I want to see them :)

I sometimes think about what makes me love a tv show and this is going to sound really stupid (but in my head it makes sense), it's a feeling of characters belonging somewhere. Y'know, it doesn't matter if it's The Office, or Community, or Cowboy Bebop - it's people finding somewhere they belong. I sound like such a moron sometimes :S

And my thoughts on a reboot of The Office. It's such a simple premise. It's just that it's done really well. Why not take that simple premise and do something fun and original with it? I mean, doing a reboot of The Office, it's like writing a story about two star-crossed lovers and then deciding to call it 'Romeo & Juliet' because people have heard of that!

Ugh, I don't get how the world works sometimes :S

Dex said...

Just some useless information for you. Here is a list of all our fire festivals. First one of the year was this weekend :)

Scalloway Fire Festival – 11th January 2019
Lerwick Up Helly Aa – 29th January 2019
Lerwick Junior Up Helly Aa – 29th January 2019
Nesting & Girlsta Up Helly Aa – 8th February 2019
Uyeasound Up Helly Aa – 8th February 2019
Northmavine Up Helly Aa – 15th February 2019
Bressay Up Helly Aa – 22nd February 2019
Cullivoe Up Helly Aa – 22nd February 2019
Norwick Up Helly Aa – 23rd February 2019
South Mainland Up Helly Aa – 8th March 2019
Walls Junior Up Helly Aa – 9th March 2019
Delting Up Helly Aa – 15th March 2019

Dex said...

I went and did something really pathetic today. I bought 2 tickets for Jurassic Park next Friday. One for me (an aisle seat) and another one so that nobody sits next to me :S

Louise Boyd said...

Is it weird that I don't that's pathetic at all but merely good fucking sense?
People at the cinema are the worst. No boundaries. Noisy as fuck. I'd book two seats as well =/

Quick question. Why exactly does Lerwick need to set things on fire 12 times before we're even a quarter of the way through the year?
Goddamned pyromaniacs 0_0 No wonder you're on an island. You'd be a menace to the rest of us!

Louise Boyd said...


Dex said...

Actually, when I booked my seats, there were only 2 others booked for the same screening. Out of 161. I'm kind of hoping it stays that way for Friday (it's at 2pm so hopefully people will still be working or at school).

The reason for holding 12 fire festivals in 3 months. I think it's probably because we don't have a shopping mall.

Dex said...

It snowed here the other day. Not much. But it did snow.

Dex said...

Where Do You Go? by Claire George

Louise Boyd said...

Y'know what really bums me out? There used to be an active streetlamp across the small field outside my room on the next street over and when it snowed it would make everything glow this awesome hazy orange. It was kind of magical but the streetlamp's bulb died a few years ago and the council's too cheap to replace it. There's no orange glow when it snows anymore :(

Important question: food of choice when at the cinema?

Dex said...

That does sound fucking magical! Did you ever manage to get a photo of it?

Actually, I'm not much of an eater in the cinema. Maybe a pic'n'mix :) What about you?

Louise Boyd said...

It's a terrible picture that I think I took using my ancient cameraphone from my bed because I was too lazy to get up but... it's still pretty and I miss it:

Stupid council.

If I'm at the cinema and I'm hungry then it's got to be sweet/salt popcorn and a gigantic coke that I won't finish because I know my bladder can't handle it but I refuse to be dehydrated but I also refuse to pee during a movie. I spent the entire 2 hours of The Martian needing to pee even though I peed before we went in but it didn't fucking matter 0_0 Never take me on a road trip, it'd be a disaster!
I tell you fun things.

Dex said...

It must say something for the length of time I've known you that not only do I expect you to share that kind of information, but I'm also secretly glad when you do :) Actually, one of the reasons I don't particularly like going to the cinema is that I just know that I'm going to feel the need to go to the bathroom and, like you, I simply refuse to go during a film. I sometimes think it must be psychological because no matter how well I've timed everything (this conversation is just so fucking delightful), it doesn't seem to make any difference. It's the same when I'm at meetings, in restaurants, basically anytime when I really don't want to feel that way.

Having said all that, I did okay at Jurassic Park today :) I went in with peanut M&Ms but I'm not sure if I made the right choice even though I do like them - about half way through the film I was filled with a vague feeling of disappointment and regret. I get really affected by little things :) Also, the extra ticket. Y'know, I really did want to ask someone to come along but I just couldn't get the words out :S

Ps. The orange glow in that photo!

Pps. Also, the soaps on Emily's blog :)

Louise Boyd said...

Who were you gonna ask? Your Pam at work?

Peanut M&Ms are risky. All that crunch and salt can really dry your mouth out. Did you at least bring liquid sustenance?
Next time, choose something chewy. Way more satisfying.
Do you think other people have conversations like this? And with the same level of seriousness? =/

Speaking of embarrassing inconveniences... I used to get the hiccups at school a lot. But very specifically, for reasons unknown, in Religious Studies. My teacher (my favourite teacher) was greatly amused and would tease me about it mercilessly, which sounds really mean but it wasn't. DIdn't stop me blushing like a moron from mortification though 0_0 Oh, the joys of education!

Ps. I'm watching Harry Potter and I'm very happy right now.

Dex said...

Which Harry Potter are you watching?

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks about small embarrassing things that happened over 15 years ago :) Do you still get hiccups? I was thinking about this the other week, how I haven't gotten the hiccups since school.

Yeah, these are the things I think about :)

Ugh, I was so tired of all the crunching, Lilliputty. To be honest, the cinema food options at Mareel are not all that great. I was so sad the day they stopped selling fizzy strawberry pencils. They really just have chocolate and Haribo. Also, they don't do proper popcorn anymore, just the pre-packaged stuff :S And no, I didn't buy a drink - I was kinda weighing up the benefits and hazards of having too much liquid and I went for the safe option. I should have taken the risk.

I'm sorry that this is about as serious as I get :)

If only I wasn't the opposite of Jim - how does someone become more like Jim? :) I was maybe going to ask one of my film quiz friends but I managed to find a million reasons not to :S

Dex said...

I know that neither of us spends much time particularly looking like we are ever going anywhere else on this planet, but are there places that you sometimes think you would really like to visit?

Louise Boyd said...

I do have a list of places I'd like to visit. Some are rather exotic. Others are not. Like the first place I want to visit: Ireland.

Kind of predictable buttttt I have Irish blood and my grandpa always speaks so fondly of it. It'd be a crime not to visit one day. If I'm allowed in after Brexit =/ Might have to stick with the North...

What about you?

Ps. I still hiccup. Twice a day in fact. It's this weird thing with my diaphragm and leftover childhood asthma. Makes me breathe like a weirdo 0_0 It's why I was a mouth-breather when I was a kid. I had to train myself to stop for my lungs' sake and not just because it makes you look special =/

Dex said...

Ireland would be nice :)

I'd like to see more of Scotland. I've travelled down from Aberdeen to Edinburgh (or to visit family in England when I was growing up) plenty of times but have never felt like I've seen very much. When I was down last year visiting my cousin, we went to a few small towns in Aberdeenshire and that was nice - I'd like to do more stuff like that :)

Japan's always been a big one and still is. Some other weirdly specific places too. Like Salt Lake City. Do you ever feel that way about places, that you've read or seen something about them that you can't quite remember, but you still have that feeling that you really want to see them one day?

Hiccups twice a day. I really do enjoy learning these things about you :)

Dex said...

Sugar & Spice EP by Hatchie

Louise Boyd said...

Salt Lake City's a great one. Plus, it just sounds cool.

I would like to visit New Orleans. I've read so many fantasy books set there that it's almost ingrained in me that I must see where all this weird shit didn't happen. Although, some actual weird shit has happened there and... they have Beignets. Hello, spooky doughnut, get in my belly.
Most of my destinations will probably revolve around food =/

Dex said...

Yes, definitely New Orleans! Any fantasy books set there that you'd especially recommend?

Also, why do you torture me with knowledge of unattainable baked goods? I'd never heard of them before and now I've been sitting here for 5 minutes just looking at pictures of Beignets.

Dex said...

I was shown how to test the fire alarms at work the other day.

I sometimes wish I had more exciting news to share with you.

Dex said...

Our film quiz team has been asked if we'd like to organise one of the monthly film quizzes at Mareel - they do this occasionally, letting one of the regular teams host.

So, if you have any ideas for rounds... :) It won't take place for ages though so plenty of time.

Dex said...

Had some passport photos taken today. Not that I'm going anywhere but my family were kind of insistent I finally get a new one :S

Louise Boyd said...

Ugh, passport photos are the fucking worst. Bring on fingerprint ID, I say.
I've got to get some done myself and I'm not fucking looking forward to it. The amount of concealer I'm going to have to put underneath my eyes to make me look like a human rather than a sleep deprived junkie is actually frightening 0_0

Film quiz rounds? Oh man, that's way too much responsibility. I always fuck shit like this up. I either go too generic or way too avant fucking garde. You'll end up with rounds about classic 80s/90s animated kids movies or foreign cinema no self-respecting human has even contemplated watching 0_0 (not that watch that anymore, I'm too fucking tired -_-)
Is it just film questions? I know that sounds kind of dumb for "Film Quiz" but do you ever branch out to tv? I'm actually better at tv these day =/
See! Overthinking!
I'm going to eat Pop Tart to calm down. Because I'm ridiculous. But ridiculous with Pop Tarts.

Louise Boyd said...

I missed so many words in the last section of that comment 0_0

Dex said...

Well, you've always looked nice in any photo I've seen of you. I think you can just take passport photos yourself these days and apply online (although because I so old fashioned I got a form from the post office and then went to the camera shop to get some photos taken). I'll be honest, I made little to no effort to look half presentable. Actually, it could have looked worse but my hair was all over the place (walking there in a strong breeze did not do me any favours).

Sorry, I didn't mean to stress you out with the film quiz. Also, Pop Tarts are awesome and so are you.

A tv round? Probably. I mean, I guess it would need to have some connection to films - y'know, films based on tv or vice versa. Something like that :) Also, you can do quite a lot with the way you ask the questions. There's soundtrack rounds, video clips (they have a big screen in the auditorium where they hold the quiz), images, quotes. Basically thinking of fun ways to ask interesting questions :)

The only idea for a round I've got so far is one where you need to identify actors based on a sound clip - I was thinking maybe scenes with 2 actors (half a point for each one). I know, it seems like a terrible idea but it's the only one I've got so far that's not fucking awful :S Also, I am going to use it as an excuse to watch/listen to films that I love because that's really the only point of doing this :)

Dex said...

More snow :)

Dex said...

UHA tonight and the only thing I'm excited about is getting to sleep in tomorrow :)

Dex said...

Re-watching Community always throws up jokes that completely passed me by before. I never realised Professor Whitman's class (carpe diem) was supposed to be accounting. Despite Jeff complaining 'this is no way to teach accounting'. I was just always really confused by that line.

Yeah, this is the kind of thing that occupies my mind these days :)

Dex said...

I ended up going into work for a couple of hours on the public holiday. Like a total loser. But I went out for lunch with a couple of other losers who were working too, which was probably a million times more exciting than anything else I would have done with my day :)

Louise Boyd said...

At lease you were in good company?
It's probably for the best that we don't live near each other, I'd turn you into a hermit. You'd never go anywhere =/

Ughhhh, I'd pay you good money (or sugar, I know what you're like) to rip out my wisdom teeth. Truly.
They don't even hurt, they're just giving me a constant headache 0_0 It's been three days.

I'm almost finished The Office. Maybe 10 more episodes to go and Jim and Pam are stressing me out 0_0

Louise Boyd said...



Dex said...

I probably wouldn't mind :) I sometimes think I don't really want to go anywhere. It's just the idea of going somewhere.

Well, if you gave me money, I'd likely just use it to buy sugar anyways. But I'd share it with you. It's literally the only way I know how to show someone I care :S

You're going to beat me to the finish. By a country mile. I took a break after season 5 (to pretty much re-watch from season 2). I hope it ends right.

Dex said...

Song For An Unborn Sun by Midwife

Louise Boyd said...

Wait. Why did you go back to season 2?

If we're sharing sugar, then if you find a source for Riesens then I might love you forever (totally gonna do that anyway).

Dex said...

I don't know, it must be a psychological thing. I did the same with Community 1-3, and Archer 1-3. They're pretty much on repeat whenever I'm doing something that doesn't require much attention (half my life), unless I'm listening to dream pop (the other half).

You're right, it's probably best we don't live near each other. I'd just try and trap you in my world. I'd make sure there was plenty of Riesens though :)

Dex said...

I went out today wearing my FA:Brotherhood jumper for the first time. I think you've broken me. I love it :)

You're the one person I could not do without.

Louise Boyd said...

Hmm. Just as long as you don't not finish it ever. You can't be in a constant loop of season 2-5. There's so much fun to be had past season 5!

If being broken means wearing a kickass sweatshirt emblazoned with a kickass anime, then broken's fucking epic. Continue, good sir.

Did you know, that in Tesco they're selling entire bags of orange flavoured Smarties eggs? My sister brought me back a packet today and I almost hit her I was so happy.
Hitting means happy. It's not weird 0_0

Dex said...

I wish someone would hit me out of happiness :)

I promise I'll finish it. I don't know why I get caught in these constant loops :S I'm surprised I ever find anything new. But I don't worry about it so much. Because I have you :)

Entire bags? Fuck yeah! I know where I'm going on Friday night :)

Also, what are your feelings on Creme Eggs?

Ps. Yeah, my idea of an exciting Friday night is going to Tesco to look for chocolate :)

Dex said...

Lifeline by Holy Golden

Dex said...

I keep meaning to watch The Fall. You wrote about it before (I'd never even heard of it) and I immediately went and bought the dvd. But it's just been sitting on top of my piano for a couple of years :S

Dex said...

I'm glad it's the weekend. It's been a pretty stressful week, although nothing very bad has happened - I just don't deal too well with things, no matter how small :) Mum's feeling a bit sad because it looks like the council won't give her any time off work in March to go to the Philippines (usual staffing problems). She knows it's only a holiday but she's worried about disappointing my dad and really prefers to go there in spring (just because it's nicer and the weather is a bit better for him than at other times of the year). I don't think I ever mentioned this before but my dad's getting on a bit now, and I think that makes it a little harder on my mum to cancel the holiday.

I know it's not a big deal and my parents are always really supportive of each other. But my mum's usually so positive so it was a bit distressing to see her so down this week.

Sorry for being so cheerful :)

Dex said...

It's been so long since I've watched this film. I know the car chases probably aren't amazing compared to other films but I found this music video the other day and immediately ordered Ronin on blu-ray :)

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