off to war

January 17, 2013

On the 17th of January 2013, i woke up to discover two unexpected gifts.
I didn't see this coming.
I didn't even think Armin Mersmann would have any knowledge of my blog - it's so little - let alone take the time to write me such a thoughtful, honest and above all, supportive message.
I think i forget sometimes that i'm not the only artist in the world.
That sounds incredibly narcissistic but it's the simple fact that i live with myself every day, i'm only capable of knowing how i feel at all times and i'm not one to share.
I'll put it all over the internet, however. 
More making of the sense that is not, my speciality.

I regret not talking to my university friends about the feelings of inadequacy that were debilitating me while i was still in education.
They were probably feeling just the same and would not have been able to fix my problems but perhaps then i wouldn't have felt so small and so alone in my situation.
To be a Fine artist in a contemporary art school is not easy, thus why i fled so spectacularly.
This year i'll be receiving my Ordinary Degree, after 4 years of the university kindly holding my space open so i could complete with my Honours.
Which i can do whenever i wish. 
Hopefully they'd reaccept me but i'm not entirely sure DOJ is the place for me.
I'm not even sure if art is the right choice for me and until i know that i won't be returning to any institution of art.
It's really rather hard for someone like myself, who's ultimate goal within university was to receive a 1st and couldn't even bring themselves to start their final year.
It's all i wanted but i was a mess and it shouldn't have been what being an artist at art school was about.
I should have just wanted to create, instead i wanted to win.
Unhealthy but understandable.
I still want that 1st, i think i always will but if i go back to complete my degree, i just want to produce something that touches people.
Something i'm proud of.
But not too proud! 

So, thank you Mr Mersmann
I can't tell you how much receiving your message meant to me and how much it's given me to think about.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow and please keep producing your sublime works of art.
They may leave me timid but they are truly wonderful things to behold.

Also, to anyone who is currently at art school or even doing it solo and finds themselves in the same situation as i, message me if you'd like.
I can't fix it but i can empathise.
With bells on.

My other gift of the day was from my Mum.
It's always nice to wake up to a present, especially when you are utterly undeserving because of the ungodly hour you've finally dragged yourself out of bed to attempt functioning like a normal human being.
I won't tell you the hour but it was pretty bad.
The sun was going back down.
Shame, shame on me.
Thanks Mum.
You may be the only one i have but i still kinda think you're the best one.

Feel free to make barfing noises behind your computer screens at my unabashed soppiness!
I care not!

Listening to: Seamonster 'Bed of Roses'

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Louise Boyd said...

I've never actually seen Ronin. It never appealed. Maybe it's the Robert De Niro of it all. I have a history of not liking his movies =/

Sorry to hear about your mum, Dexterous. Always sucks when plans go awry, especially when they're kind of a tradition. No chance of there being a solution?
Is there much of a difference in age between your folks?
Do you ever go with them?

Ps. Creme Eggs can go fuck themselves :) Weird fondanty excuses for food 0_0

Dex said...

Yeah, mum's quite a bit younger.

I haven't been on holiday with my parents since 2004. Went to Norway and Sweden just before going to university.

Are your wisdom teeth any better? Also, how's Charlie? I didn't see him being his usual glorious self in the 'January' post :)

So, an intense hatred of Creme Eggs. I'll remember that. These are the kinds of facts that I hold onto :)

Dex said...

I see Emily went all out on the 12th day. Totally worth the wait.

Dex said...

You know what I hadn't thought about for years until someone mentioned it the other day? Mars Delight.

Louise Boyd said...

What the fuck? I'VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF MARS DELIGHT! 0_0 And now I'll never have one. What a fucking crime.
It's like Milkybar Choo all over again. Except I've tasted those so I know what I'm missing :(
Do you remember Cadbury Marble Bars? Oh man, they were food coma-worthy.

I just depressed myself with this list:

Dex said...

I'm so sad at how many chocolate bars on that I list I don't even remember. Did all these things just pass me by? :(

Then again, I'd completely forgotten about Mars Delight and I'm pretty sure they sustained my existence in 2004. Actually, I'm surprised that they only came out that year. My brain is telling me that they got me through high school but it must have just been part of my final year (2003/04). Or maybe it was first year uni. Although I'm pretty sure that was the Chocolate Hobnobs & Kinder Buenos era :)

Taz was the other one on the list that I genuinely missed. Maybe I would have been okay if I'd known about caramel Freddos but I swear it must have been years after Taz disappeared that they made it up here :)

I remember seeing Cadbury Marble Bars but I couldn't swear on my life that I'd actually tried one :S

Ps. Even thought it made me a bit sad, that's an awesome list. Thanks for sharing :)

Dex said...

Finally got my passport application sent away. Does that count as news? I'm counting it as news.

Dex said...

Something else they don't have nowadays that I used to love are Cola Gummy Worms. I remember when making up a pic'n'mix, they were 2p. And then they just seemed to disappear one day and I never saw them again.

Dex said...

Idea for a film quiz round. Music videos made up from different film clips and you have to identify the films.

Fuck, I'm so dull.

Dex said...

Anytime. Dinner. Literally anytime.

Wet Hot American Summer is a film I've been meaning to see for so long.

Louise Boyd said...

They puppy-piled him!

Dex said...

I also kinda love how excited they all are :)

Dex said...

I had to attend another careers event at the school today. I feel so old. I did get a Chupa Chup though.

Dex said...

A couple of people in the office were talking about Killing Eve so there was actually a conversation I could join in. Obviously, I didn't. But I could have.

Louise Boyd said...

Next time, buddy. Next time. Maybe when season 2 appears and Villanelle gets up to even more mischief.

Dex said...

Maybe :) Although someone did say to me the other day that I never seem to tell anyone what kinda stuff I like and I was okay with that.

Besides, I tell you about all the random shit I like :)

Dex said...

Passport arrived today. Now I can pretend that I'm intending to go somewhere :)

Dex said...

Another terrible film quiz idea. Use Candice Tripp's 'Houses of Horror' series and ask people to guess the film.

Dex said...

I'm so glad the days are getting longer.

Louise Boyd said...

I like the Candice Tripp idea... but maybe that's just because I know I could answer those questions! Well, most of them, my horror house knowledge isn't exactly vast =/
They just put Hereditary on Amazon Prime and Get Out on Netflix and I can't decide whether to watch them or not. I love Toni Collette and Daniel Kaluuya, so that's already a point in the "Watch them, you idiot" column but I don't know, horror's not really my thing at the moment and I don't want to ruin them!
Help? 0_0

I really fucking hope we get another Summer like last year. I actually felt alive in those weeks of sunshine. And my freckles came back for the first time in years. And I fucking love freckles! I've never understood why they were a source for bullying =/ People are so fucking weird.
You got any freckles?

8 more days. 8 more days until pancake day :D

Dex said...

We were talking about pancake day in the office this afternoon. I can use the Calcifer frying pan you got me :) I forgot, what do you like on your pancakes again? I want to say jam but I may be thinking of toast.

I think I would wait until I was in the mood to watch those films. But that's just me. Except it's not - I spend half my life forcing myself to do things when I don't feel like it. But I'm trying to work on that, doing things that I actually want to do instead.

Giving really vague advice is one of my superpowers :)

Then I hope you get freckles this summers too :) Slightly jealous - my skin is incredibly boring :)

Dex said...

If you're in the mood for an 80s set, coming of age mystery film, someone recommended 'Summer of 84' to me the other day.

Dex said...

I'm sorry the Folio Society didn't pick the artist you wanted for Howl. That sucks.

Louise Boyd said...

It really does suck. I was so hoping she'd win. But even if she hadn't and the illustrator they picked was still good then I wouldn't have minded as much. But the illustrations are so boring :( And Howl's anything but bloody boring.

Dex said...

I know. You'd be amazing at matching up books with illustrators.

Louise Boyd said...

You flatter me but... fuck yeah, I would!

Dex said...

You know it's true. How nice :)

Dex said...

Finally got around to watching Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

Louise Boyd said...

I've been meaning to watch that for ages but y'know, I suck at watching movies just now.
How was it?
Please say it was good. I love that fucking kid. He was in the second Deadpool and I just... I just wanted to squish him.

Dex said...

Funny and quite sweet,
Sam Neill and the kid are great,
I think you'd like it.

That was my haiku about the film. If you watch it, you'll understand :)

Louise Boyd said...

You have no idea, no idea!, how happy it makes me that you took the time to write an actual Haiku.
You are the best and I fucking adore you. Never change or I'll brave crossing the sea to beat you silly, and you know how much the sea scares me 0_0

Dex said...

I really do fucking love you, you know.

Also, started re-watching The X-Files season 1.

Louise Boyd said...

Well, duh :D

Hmm, I've never really been into The X-Files. Em was and I think is. Aliens just don't do it for me!

Dex said...

Happy Pancake Day! :D

Louise Boyd said...

And to you too!

Have you made a Calcifer pancake yet?

Dex said...

I absolutely love it! :D

I'd like to pretend it looks so messy because it's supposed to be a flame but I'm just really shit at flipping pancakes :)

Louise Boyd said...

Hah! That's an ugly bugly.
I love him 0_0

We totally failed at Pancake Day yet again. We always forget! Useless -_-
My gran went one better and thought it was last week and brought round a plate full.
As a family, we're pretty ridiculous.

Dex said...

As far as I'm concerned, your family are the best.

Pancakes are about the only thing I could make for you. You'd get sick of them.

You sent me Swamplandia! ages ago and I haven't even started it. I really suck at reading these days.

Louise Boyd said...

Like I tell everyone who feels inadequate about their reading habits after witnessing mine (truly accidental), reading doesn't have to be your thing. It's mine. It keeps me breathing. It doesn't have to do the same for you. Read when you want it. If you want to. That's all that matters in the end.

"As far as I'm concerned, your family are the best."

Ack, thanks dearest. Nice to hear especially when we're having a shitter of a year so far. The hits just keep on fucking coming -_- I'm so tiiiiiired. And I want a motherfucking pancake! >_<

Dex said...

I like that it's your thing. You're a natural reader. That's pretty special.

I sometimes complain about being stuck in an endless cycle of the same day over and over again. But then I sometimes wish it was like that, with nothing ever changing, everyone safe, everything predictable and comfortable, nothing bad ever happening.... so what if it's totally fucking boring a lot of the time.

I wish you didn't have anything to worry about. Your family deserve to live happily ever after.

Ps. I'm sorry I'm so shit at asking how you are.

Dex said...

Also, not sure if you'll like them, but I've been listening to all their stuff this week.

Louise Boyd said...

So, wait, are you volunteering yourself as tribute to live an eternal rerun of the same day like Phil Connors?
That's... brave?

I think I might scream if I don't get out of this house, the newest drama's making me crazy and it's only been two days.
Sometimes I think I'd actually like to go off and become a full fledged hermit, just escape the human fucking race. Even the ones I love 0_0

Dex said...

I'd invite you to disappear with me if I had some place to disappear to.

Actually, I just wish life would stop. Give me a chance to catch up.

Have you heard of 'hikikomori'?

In Japan, hikikomori (lit. "pulling inward, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal"; colloquially/adaptive translation: shutter) are reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement.[1] Hikikomori refers to both the phenomenon in general and the recluses themselves. Hikikomori have been described as loners or "modern-day hermits".[2] Estimates suggest that nearly half a million Japanese youth have become social recluses.[3] (from wikipedia).

I watched a documentary about it on youtube and it really affected me.

Dex said...

I'm really glad Emily is thinking of doing more monthly posts :)

Dex said...

8-bit goodness.

Louise Boyd said...

You know sometimes when someone tells you something and it's like having your heart hugged?
That's what hikikomori did for me.
Thank you, Dexterous :)

Emily just removed the Firey's head and balanced on my tv.
She's a monster.

Dex said...


Hearing of Emily's monstrousness genuinely cheers me up :)

Louise Boyd said...

She's the devil. I swear it.
Don't get near her if she's kneeling on the floor, she'll tackle you.

Dex said...

You've changed your blog design!

I like it :D

Louise Boyd said...

I did.
I spent days footering with it.
It's still fucking with me.
The comment section will not fucking behave.
I might cry.

Dex said...

Well, if it helps at all, it looks like it was worth the time and effort. You're so fucking talented sometimes.

I also like your profile picture.

'Is code even a verb?' That's all my dumb brain says when faced with these issues.

Dex said...

Not that it matters but I'm on leave all next week :)

Louise Boyd said...

Of course it matters! If only because you get to stay in bed longer? That's a legitimate reason for enjoying a week off, right? It's not just my lazy inner sloth entity talking, is it?

I wish I could take credit for the new design but I bought the template and then fucked around with it until I was satisfied.
I'm still not satisfied.
Currently because I don't want load more comments.
I want pagination and I can't figure out how to do it :(
I really need to take a crash course on the fucking nonsense!

Dex said...

I wish you could teach me how to enjoy sleeping more. My brain seems to not want me to rest much these days.

Page design sounds impossible!

Louise Boyd said...

Whenever someone offers me advice on how to sleep better, I almost aways sleep worse. It's like my brain gets too caught up in the act of trying to sleep the better way than just actually doing it!
I will offer this bit of advice that almost always works for me.
Relax your muscles and breathe properly.
Start from either your toes or the top of your head and just slowly relax all the way down.
It should feel like you're sinking into the mattress but in a kind of pressured way?
It's hard to explain but it does work.
You won't be able to sleep now :)

Dex said...

Hey, thanks. I'll definitely give it a try :)

I'm not sure if I should try going to bed earlier or waking up a bit later. I'm usually actively trying to fall asleep at 11.30pm and my alarm is set for 6.30am. Then my days pretty much go like:

6.30am-8am - wake up, shower, clothes, breakfast etc.
Leave for work just after 8 and come home about half 5.
Then I usually have to pick my mum up at 6.
Then have tea with the family and wash up.
So really my free time is from 7-11.30. And it still never feels like I have enough time to myself!

Are your days pretty set?

Louise Boyd said...

That's 4 and a half hours, Dex!
Out of a full day you get a 6th of it to yourself (awake, at least)
A person needs more than that to fully function 0_0
At least, I think they do?
Introverts certainly do.
You need hug or a proper holiday or something, my friend.

My days are so routine it hurts and they're kind of embarrassingly empty?:

11am - wake up and read (if you can call it reading when your eyes can't fully open yet)
12pm - shower, get dressed
2-3pm - lunch
3pm - tidy up everyone's mess (fuck, they're messy)
4:30pm - check emails and then descend into the Goodreads hole for at least a couple of hours
7pm-8pm - drinks, dinner, tidy up
8pm onwards - escape to bedroom, Goodreads some more, tv, play with Charlie intermittently
12pm - stretch my achey bones (they're very achey), wash my face, bed, read for a few hours

Unless something comes up, that is my day.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I am so spoiled, lazy and boring!
My parents really need to kick me out or something =/

Dex said...

I guess four and a half hours must seem like a lot to some people :) But yeah, it doesn't seem much when you're a bit introverted (and perpetually tired) like me. So I'll take the hug :)

I don't know, it seems to me like you do a pretty good job of filling your days :) You're managing to do the things you like. And learning, finding, experiencing new things. Maintaining an active online presence. That's more than I can say for myself. I don't think you're any of those things you say you are. Actually, you sound like someone that it would be good to have around :)

Dex said...

Every Word by LOVEBYRD

Dex said...

Sounds That Mark Our Words by Casey Mecija

Louise Boyd said...

You say I'm good, so I'll believe you but if I'm good, then I won't have shit friends, thus, you're good too.
Did you enjoy my compliment maths?

Dex said...

This is the part where I'd be awkwardly staring down at my shoes and mumbling thank you. And then making some sarcastic insult because it's the only way I know how to react to people I like.

I never noticed your Spotify profile picture before. Is that new? I seriously love your hat!

Dex said...

Love is Overrated by Lunch Ladies

Louise Boyd said...

You can insult me :) You know I like it.
That sounded creepy.
I'm sorry? 0_0

The Spotify picture is new! I didn't know until a few days ago that I could upload one. They used to have this stupid system where you could only upload from Facebook.
And I hate facebook.
I've never used facebook.
Because it's shit.
So I figured I'd remain a faceless icon on Spotify forever.
Until a few days ago where I still remain faceless but with a kickass hat?

You should recognise it though, I posted it here.

Dex said...

Hmm, I may have blocked it out of my mind due to envy.

But if I didn't know you and I saw that profile picture, I'd immediately want to find out what kind of music you were into.

Can I tell you something really stupid and pointless that has been bugging me the last couple of days? Sometimes, when I write something on here, I get the feeling that I've said it to you before, almost word for word. And I worry that you'll pick up on it.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a crazy person.

Louise Boyd said...

Sorry to tell you but that's just friendship and generally knowing people for more than a few months =/
If you never repeated anything then damn, you'd be way too interesting to be my friend 0_0 I'm boring as fuck.

Dex said...

Boring as fuck? Yeah, right. I've read your monthly posts :)

Dex said...

I always feel slightly betrayed when the met office says it's going to be sunny and dry, and then a dark raincloud starts stalking me while I'm walking.

Louise Boyd said...

Maybe you're a weather mage? Or the Demi-god offspring of Thor. OR you're a living cartoon character who's mood is being mimicked by the weather. I think that's called the Romantic Fallacy in literature buttttt don't trust me on that.

Louise Boyd said...

I checked! I was wrong. Sort of.
It's the Pathetic Fallacy :D

Dex said...

Louise Boyd said...

I genuinely can't tell if that was sarcasm or not 0_0

Dex said...

Of course it was genuine! I also loved that it was literary knowledge. I don't know, it just seemed like the kind of interesting thing you'd tell me about. Made me happy :)

I usually reserve my sarcasm for dumb things. 90% is used on myself :)

Louise Boyd said...

Sarcasm is my favourite thing.
They call it the poor man's wit but fuck that.
Being a bitch without directly being a bitch is majestic as fuck and I will not be told otherwise! 0_0

It's like being told you lack intellect because you swear.
To me, that just sounds like a challenge...

Dex said...

I love sarcasm and swearing. I'm just not as creative at using them as you are. Definitely one of your superpowers.

Louise Boyd said...

It's a sincere wish of mine to render people speechless with eloquent swearing.
I'm struggling with the eloquent part =/

Dex said...

I definitely think I swear more since I started talking to you :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'm a bad influence.
My family blame me entirely for our collective foul language and I can't even refute it. I swear like a beer-fucked sailor and I'm pretty proud of it =/

I'm going to start whining.
I'm sorry.
I have to.
Because motherfucking owww.
I'm in so much fucking pain right now.
My jaw, my head, my neck, my entire fucking back.
It all aches so badly and I think I've figured out why.
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome.
It explains my constant jaw pain, the headaches, sore neck, sore back, the ringing in my ears with added deafness occasionally, why I wake up with my teeth pushed together some days, difficulty swallowing and talking sometimes, why I'm so fuzzy all the time.
Mother of fuck.
I knew my teeth would get me at some point.
I've been way too lucky.
I don't want to go the dentist :( But Jesus Christ, this hurts.
And not even in a crying on the floor way. No, this more like a constant ache I can't escape from and it's making me weirdly breathless and I want to scream. Or cry. Or just fucking disappear?
Pain makes me super dramatic. I have no tolerance for it. Hence the pitiful whining being hurtled at you right now.
I don't even need sympathy. I don't know what I need.
That's a lie.
Remove my jaw for me, Dex? Please? 0_0

Dex said...

You have unlimited whining privileges. Fuck, I'd choose to listen to you whine over interacting with other people any day of the week. Besides, if it were me, I'd be fucking unbearable :)

Yeah, I'd probably feel less awkward removing someone's jaw than trying to think of sympathetic things to say :) But I'd rather choose to just spend time with you so you had someone to punch and kick whenever the constant pain was too frustrating.

Reading up on it, I wish it was something that some professional knew exactly what to do to make it go away.

Louise Boyd said...

Silly human, I'll kick you to pieces :)

I keep reaching this point in the day where it feels as though I have a throat infection and swallowing is actually painful.
I hate this :(
And you're right, there's basically no help for it.
The human body is a fucking travesty 0_0

Dex said...

That sounds horrible! I am glad though that you tell me when you're feeling shitty. I know you don't do it very often even though you've probably been going through this and other things for so long. I mean, I hope you don't feel like someone who complains a lot because you're so not that person. And even if you were, I'd be too fucking happy talking to you to even notice :)

Ugh, why is everything so vague? They seem to say that there are some things that may help, but there doesn't seem to be any consensus.

Louise Boyd said...

It's so nice that you're researching for me ^-^

It's a real clusterfuck of no help at all with this shit.
Some say use a mouthguard. Others say don't, you'll just fuck up your alignment more.
Some say drugs. Others say they do fuck all.
Some say doctor. Some say dentist.
Mother of fucking useless bullshit, what am I supposed to garner from all that conflicting information?!
I know this isn't the worst thing in the world, I really do know that, but it hurts and I'm tired and it's affecting my reading at night.
I am not letting my defective jaw take reading the way I want away from me. It's my favourite thing :(
And you think I don't whine! Foolish boy.

Dex said...

I wish I was better at it. I was never very good at studying. I would like to learn more about it though.

I've heard of people getting chiropractic adjustments for this type of thing before. But I don't know, I've never been to a chiropractor :S

That was genuinely the first thing I worried about, that it was affecting your reading.

Louise Boyd said...

Because you know I'll go full She-Hulk if my reading's interfered with and you need to warn the villagers?

I have noticed improvement the last couple of days, though.
Swallowing's easier but doesn't feel natural. Like constantly having a sore throat. But it's more uncomfortable than sore now.
My spine's better and my neck's slightly less sore but my shoulders are trying to kill me. You know that indent where the neck meets the shoulder? It feels like the muscles are constantly tense, or like that feeling when a cramp's finished but you're still tight everywhere?
I think the 20 minute yoga stretch I do every night is helping though and that's something! The longer I can avoid Satan in a smock, the better.

Fuck. I'm so whiny. Tell me something about you before my narcissism gets completely out of control.

Dex said...

To be honest, the only time I can imagine you not being able to read is the day you're crushed by a falling pile of books :)

I think I know what you mean. I cramp so easily it's embarrassing. I can be slightly stretching to reach something and my arm will just go.

I'm seriously impressed you do 20 minute yoga each night! And I'm really glad it seems to help. I sometimes do small exercises for my back. I don't get back pain but my posture used to be really bad. I sometimes even need to wear a back support.

I was thinking about a film today that I haven't thought about in so long - Blue, a Japanese film made in the early 2000s. I think I may have even mentioned it on here before but it's one of those films that really made a big impression on me when I first saw it. I was very happy when I remembered it :)

Sorry I'm so random.

Ps. I love You'll Never Get To Heaven!

Louise Boyd said...

I knowwwww! The twinkliness is killing me.

I... have never heard of Blue, I can't even find it in the IMDB 0_0 That's never happened before...

Tell me more about this back pain. Was it because of an injury? Or were you born sore? Are you really Forrest Gump? o_O

Back support sounds frighteningly good right now. I'd sell my books for a fucking back brace at this point
Okay, that's just a dirty fucking lie. I'd rather sell a kidney than my books!
Hopefully no black market organ harvesters will ever read this 0_0

Dex said...

I've always thought the Tom Hanks character I resemble the most is Ray Peterson from The 'Burbs :)

Luckily, it's just my posture I have to worry about most of the time. Despite my back feeling like it would collapse under the slightest pressure, I've never had much back pain (apparently, I was in hospital for my back when I was really young but I don't remember that). My posture has been terrible for ages though. I think I first started to become very conscious of it when I was about 17 and it's still not great. I've tried various exercises and worn back supports but I don't know, I find it so difficult to maintain - I still end up looking like Gollum half the time :)

Let's face it, you'd rather sell my kidneys than your books :)

Also, it is there, I promise :) -

Okay, I've actually been looking forward to 1st April just because of your monthly posts!

Louise Boyd said...

This month was a real fucker. Very wordy. I couldn't stop going back to edit certain things and it was driving me nuts.
Next month I think I'll try to be more monosyllabic. And most of the monosyllables will be cursing :)

You are such a Ray Peterson. Maybe with a little Walter Fielding thrown in?
The question is, if you were stranded on a desert island, would you anthropomorphise a volley ball?

Posture's a real motherfucker. I bet you sometimes find yourself hunched completely over and get the "what the fuck is up, body?" feeling when you notice.
I get that a lot.
I always wanted to be one of those tall, graceful, composed looking girls 0_0 Not really possible when you're basically the size of a troll doll with all of the grace of a drunken Moon >_<

Louise Boyd said...

I meant to type "drunken moomin" but autocorrect and my lack of attention span had other ideas...

Dex said...

I meant to type "drunken moomin". I love you so much sometimes :D

If I ended up losing the volley ball, that would totally fucking destroy me. I get very, very attached to things which is my I don't attach myself to them in the first place. Sorry, I have no idea why I answered that question so seriously :)

Yeah, I always think that I'll just remember to stand or sit up straight. But that never works out. Why are bodies so untrustworthy? :S

Thank you so much for sharing that red balloon flipnote. That and Charlie with the 'do not disturb' note :D Also, I'm going to be trying out the fantasy character names with everyone at work, Eilosu :)

Louise Boyd said...

Yours would be... Addiv or Edx or Deeorstux.
Those aren't fantasy names. Those are alien names!

Dex said...

I think you're right! I love Deeorstux. I'm definitely going to have to use that for something one of these days :)

Are you liking the lighter evenings now the clocks have changed?

Louise Boyd said...

I am but the sun is taunting me.
If the sun's out I should be warm right?

Dex said...

You've been getting sun?! So fucking jealous! :) Okay, we've had a little, but mostly wind, rain and grey skies. Actually, March was ridiculously windy. That was my detailed weather observation, mainly based on the number of times I had to go and find the plastic box that we use for the post. It was always fun seeing which part of the garden it had ended up in each morning :)

We have this big white board at work that no one ever uses, right by our desk, so I've started drawing weather pictures each day - y'know, if it's cloudy, I'll draw a cloud. Like they do in nurseries. Oh, and I've also been using it to chart people's heights.

I'm a waste of time and space, I know.

Louise Boyd said...

You're drawing them pictures?
You should see my face right now.
It's kind of like this:

Dex said...

For some reason, when I clicked on that link, I was half expecting (hoping?) to see a photo of Charlie's totally unimpressed face :)

Also, I'm so happy Emily is continuing her monthly posts :)

Louise Boyd said...

She's an interesting chick.
She stole my title though and when I scolded her about it, she laughed in my face. The damn wench!

Dex said...

Sometimes, when I read about all the interesting things you've found and enjoyed the last month, I wonder what I'm doing with my life :)

Glow Bugs by Yazzie

Louise Boyd said...

To be fair, the internet does most of the work for me.
Since joining Twitter and Instagram I've found way more stuff do obsess over.
I still can't tell if that's a good thing or not =/

The books are all me though. I swear 80% of my time online is spent on Goodreads and Amazon, trying my best not to buy all the things 0_0

Did you see that John Cho's been cast as Spike Spiegel.
I just don't see that working =/

Dex said...

Well, it's a good thing for me :) Are you a pretty impulsive buyer?

Okay, I've been thinking about it. Josh Hartnett as Spike. Could have worked. Maybe?

Yeah, I'm shit at casting.

Louise Boyd said...


Dex said...



All The Same EP by Fanclub

I'm going to have a Kinder Bueno. I keep them in the fridge. Like you really needed to know that.

Louise Boyd said...

I've really got to try this whole chocolate in the fridge thing.
Do you think if I put a Penguin in there it'll be any good? Or just a really cold biscuit?

Dex said...

Penguin. Cold. Must resist the urge to make bad pun...

Okay, I'm fine now.

I think the chocolate needs to be fairly thin, the kind you can snap. Like Kit Kats :) Also, avoid putting caramel in the fridge.

A Penguin should be okay. Not sure if it would improve it though. Let me know if you try. Probably best to keep them on top of the eggs...

I hate myself so much right now.

Dex said...

Ps. I love how when I clicked into the pj Harvey - descending (all about eve) entry, below at the 'similar entries' there's the gif a Villanelle going 'Uh... yes' :D

Louise Boyd said...

I'm intrigued.
Why on top of the eggs?

Dex said...

Because penguins sit on top of eggs. To keep them warm. At the south pole...

This is me. This is who I am :(

Louise Boyd said...

Aww, man. You're killing me. I can't handle how fucking cute that was.

Dex said...

You make me feel so warm inside about my general awfulness? :)

I really need to start getting into webcomics!

Louise Boyd said...

I do my best. It's a tough job but I think I nail it.

I've got about six webcomics I have pinned to my browser and I keep not starting them. It's stressful 0_0

Dex said...

You totally nail it :)

I just know that if I got into webcomics, I'd start becoming obsessed. Because it's in my nature (not sure if I like that part of myself).

I've been cleaning out the fridge tonight (as in actual cleaning, not just eating everything), throwing away out of date stuff, scrubbing the shelves etc. And I feel so much better for doing it. Such a sad life :)

Dex said...

Dreams of You by Nicky Flowers

Louise Boyd said...

Fun fact: I clean the fridge every day.
Every. single. day.
I go a little crazy otherwise.
So, no judgement, my friend. Clean the fuck out of that fridge and revel in the glorious feeling of cleanly (and mildly smug) satisfaction 0_0

Dex said...

Every day?! I don't think I'll be feeling too smug about my efforts :)

You're just the best. You really are.

Louise Boyd said...

It's not like a full clean. I just get rid of leftovers and expired stuff so I don't have to properly empty it at some point and find things growing or creating new life!
No one wants an Alien situation.
Okay, now I have visions of a lettuce-shaped facehugger situation.
Goddamnit, my brain is evil!

Dex said...

This is what I immediately thought of :)

Louise Boyd said...

Hah! I'd totally forgotten about that.
To be honest, it always surprised me that Jet let it get that far!

Dex said...

They totally could have done with a Lilliputty in their crew.

The Move by Lucy Camp

Louise Boyd said...

They'd be damn lucky to have me.
Except for all the surliness. There's enough of that from Spike.
And there's a fair chance I would murder Edward. Or put her in a cupboard far away from me so I didn't kill her =/

Dex said...

I don't think I'd be cut out for space adventures. I'd probably get space sickness or something. Although the idea of floating endlessly alone through space does sometimes seem like an okay idea to me :)

Do you think you'll have chocolate eggs at Easter?

Dex said...

I hope you don't mind that I've ordered you something for Easter. Although it probably won't arrive by then :S

Don't worry, it's not a giant creme egg :)

Louise Boyd said...

Totally unnecessary but... I'm a monster for receiving gifts. An absolute monster.
So with a complete lack of shame, I'm going to say...


Dex said...

It's just a box of chocolates so don't get too excited :)

The weather has been really nice here this week. I saw 3 kids in their garden yesterday evening, lying on a trampoline, staring up at the sky, and it seemed like summer :)

Dex said...

Saltwater by Geowulf

Louise Boyd said...

There is fancy chocolate in my hands and I am a very happy girl.
Thank you, Dexterous. You spoil me :)

Ps. I fucking hate children with trampolines. They make me so jealous 0_0

Dex said...

I know. I never had a trampoline when I was growing up either. If I ever have my own place, I'm getting one for the garden :)

We did have a set of swings. And a small slide and climbing frame. They're gone now though. But the play park is still right across from the house with pretty much the same stuff it has always had. The proper entrance to it is on the far side but you could always just jump over the wall on this side. Because our road goes up a hill, the wall gets gradually higher so children used to feel like they were proper grown ups once the could just down the highest part :)

I'm glad the chocolates arrived before Sunday. I hope someone gives you a proper sized chocolate egg too :)

Louise Boyd said...

Y'know, I miss that feeling you have when you're a kid of being invincible. Untouchable. The absolute shit.
I don't even remember how to feel like that anymore 0_0
The arrogance of children. Kind of wonderful in its obnoxiousness.

Also I want a fucking trampoline. Even if it's just to lounge like a lizard on. It's decided. I will have one.

Having an alright Easter, dearest?

Dex said...

Well, if I ever have a trampoline, you can come over on warm summer days and use it any way you like. I guess I'm just assuming that one of these days we'll end up living like Pooh and Piglet in the Hundred Acre Wood or something like that :)

Thanks, Lilliputty. I had an okay Easter :) I mean, it was pretty much like any other Sunday, except I get tomorrow off work too :) You been up to much today?

'The arrogance of children. Kind of wonderful in its obnoxiousness.' Haha, you're so right :) But I do hope you find that feeling of invincibility again, one of these days. Even if it's just for a moment.

I sometimes also miss the impressionability of being young. Even just small things, like how a scene in an episode of tv show that you saw 20 years ago still stays with you :)

Louise Boyd said...

Who would be Pooh and who would be Piglet, though?

Dex said...

Now that I think about it, I'd probably be Eeyore :)

I was so glad you posted a song by Kitten the other day. I hadn't thought about her in so long that it made me kinda sad too. I was hooked on her Cut It Out EP for a while (totally your fault, by the way).

Louise Boyd said...

I think I'd end up being some twisted hybrid of Eeyore, Piglet, Roo, Rabbit, Pooh and quite possibly a Heffalump 0_0
I'm not sure such a creature should be allowed in the Hundred Acre wood!

Kitten's one of those bands I love but forget about.
Which is most bands but I regret forgetting about Kitten. I remember finding that EP and listening to it to death. If it had been a cassette, it would be a tangled, broken mess by this point =/

Dex said...

Of course you'd be allowed. Otherwise I wouldn't want to live there. I wonder what our respective dwellings would look like? Hmm, this requires some serious thought...

I actually remember you being so into that EP. I was probably just trying to fit in :)

I wish I'd been more into music when I was in my teens. I listen to so many 90s bands these days and I sometimes wish I'd listened to them at the time. I like to think if we'd know each other back then, you'd have sent me mixed tapes of songs from the radio.

Louise Boyd said...

I would have made you mixtapes and back then I wouldn't have known what digital music was, so I couldn't curse you out while I made them because holy fuck, cassettes are fucking ridiculous!

Dex said...

I still don't know how the fuck you make selective playlists. I've tried and it's just so stressful. I end up cursing me too :)

It rained a bit this weekend and has been raining tonight as well. Which I'm kind of happy about. I get really angsty when we don't have rain for a while. I'm such a weirdo :)

Louise Boyd said...

You are a weirdo but you'd be terribly boring otherwise :)

I feel teased by the weather at the moment. Two days ago I was in a baseball shirt. Now I'm in fleece-lined sweatshirts again.

Dex said...

A baseball shirt? Seriously, you wear the best stuff!

What kind of weather does Charlie prefer? I would assume he'd prefer warm days since I sometimes see cats rolling around in the sun. But I don't like to assume with Charlie :)

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, I didn't mean like a proper baseball shirt. I actually meant the Stranger Things baseball shirt you got me for Christmas!
So comfy.
So nerdy.
I wore it three days straight.
Like an unwashed heathen.

In regards to Charles, the squish-head does like the sun. He spent most those sunny days wriggling around on top of Em's bunker in the garden. He was a very happy boy.
He does get too hot though. what with being black and so damn fluffy.
It's so cute, he's getting bleached in certain places by the sun and his fur is turning ginger.
Apparently really common in black cats but I don't care, my cat is turning ginger!
Magnificent 0_0

Dex said...

I'm pretty sure that's how it's meant to be worn :)

Hearing about Charles always makes me smile :) Although I think he's slowly turning into a tiger :O

Em's bunker? Okay, I know what I'm imagining at the moment is probably so far removed from reality...

Sorry, I just assume everything about your house is a bit magical like something out of a Ghibli film. I mean, you sleep in a room made of books :)

Louise Boyd said...

I WISH my house was like a Ghibli house. I'd give just about anything to live in Arrietty's bedroom 0_0

Unfortunately Em's bunker isn't anything magical, though. It's just a wooden garden bunker that stores garden crap.
It has a slightly slanted roof and Charlie likes to bask in the sun on top of it.
Very cute.
Very distracting.
I'm mildly worried he'll roll off at some point =/

Have you seen the cat that invaded your house recently?
I still think you should steal him/her.

Dex said...

I reckon if Charlie ever fell off anything, he'd land on either you or Emily. Those are the rules :)

I don't think I have seen her lately :( There has been another larger cat prowling around, so maybe that's the reason. That was one of the best days, when she got into the house :)

I love the fact that Charlie just turned up at your house one day and decided to stay. It sounds like he pretty much owns it now :D

I went to the supermarket today and they were still trying to get rid of their Easter Eggs so I bought a Mini-Eggs one :)

Louise Boyd said...

Charlie is the boss. I love him very much. Even if he's a little twunt 70% of the time.
He's currently lounging on the kitchen table; legs everywhere, belly exposed. Such a slut.

Ughhhh. I hate being a hermit sometimes. It means I can't stock up on stuff like discounted Easter eggs.
It's lucky I have you to feed me!

Someone should construct a Mini-Eggs Easter egg that's entirely composed of the eggs instead of chocolate.
I don't know why I want that, but I do.

Dex said...

He's lucky he found you :)

Hmm, do you think we should fill the Easter Egg made of Mini-Eggs with more loose Mini-Eggs or would that be overkill?

The one I bought consisted of an average sized Easter Egg (which I clobbered with a rolling pin), a big of Mini-Eggs, and a Mini-Eggs mug. All for £1!

I actually hate supermarkets most of the time. I tend to go either really early in the morning or late at night. I also have a bizarre fascination with those 24 hours mini stores. I've always wondered what it would be like to work in one of those. Probably not as bizarre as I think. I just have images of flickering neon signs :)

Dex said...

Weird Around You by Eerie Summer

Louise Boyd said...

Damn right, he's lucky he found us!
I sometimes worry about that.
If we hadn't welcomed in, would he have become a proper stray or gotten himself hurt.
I know it doesn't matter because we have him, he's safe and happy and very well fed but I dunno, it just tugs at me sometimes.
I definitely think when I get a cat in the future it'll be a rescue cat.
Only problem there is letting me loose in an animal shelter 0_0 How could I possibly leave without them all?

"Hmm, do you think we should fill the Easter Egg made of Mini-Eggs with more loose Mini-Eggs or would that be overkill?"
You're a genius.

Do you think working in a 24 hours mini-store would end in some crazy shit like American Ultra where you're actually a sleeper spy with crazy murder skills and a hot Kristen Stewart-shaped girlfriend?
Because if so... your brain is awesome and can I come along for the murdery ride?

Dex said...

My brain sucks. I was thinking it would be more like this.

I think you'd be the one to drag me along for the ride rather than the other way around. You'd probably make an awesome soundtrack for it too :)

If you go to the animal shelter, I'll come with you. We'll be able to carry more that way :)

It's funny how things work out. But I can't help thinking that in all the alternate realities, Charlie was always going to end up sprawled over your kitchen table looking like he owned the place :)

Louise Boyd said...

"If you go to the animal shelter, I'll come with you. We'll be able to carry more that way :)"

And this is why you're my favourite.
What do you say? Partners in fluffy crime?
I can make a soundtrack for that too; dig out all the animal based songs I know, which there are probably an abundance of!

Dex said...

Okay :) Could I keep one for myself though? All this talk of Charlie has made me slightly broody :)

You could make a soundtrack for anything :)

I know I always say this but I fucking love your Firey strewn bedroom, with it's abundance of stuff. It makes me so fucking jealous! :)

I now have a routine when it comes to your monthly posts. I do a quick scan through on the first day, and then spend the next week going through it carefully in sections. I sound like such a sad case but I really do enjoy reading them :)

Dex said...

Someone brought a puppy into work today :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'm so jealous.
What kind of puppy?
Did you get cuddles or at least a lick?
Ugh. Damn you!

Ps. Read my Monthlies any way you wish, m'dear. I just like that you read them. That anyone read's them!

Dex said...

It was a sheepdog puppy :) I never got near it though, there was such a crowd around it. Seriously, whenever someone comes in with a baby, or a pet, or some homebakes, they are immediately swarmed :) Like today, someone came in with some Hummingbird cake and by the time I got there, it was little more than crumbs. I had to console myself with a Cadbury's mini roll.

Louise Boyd said...

There are so many levels of "Fuck NO!" that occurred in that message.
How dare they keep you from puppy and cake?!

Dex said...

Is it weird that your outrage makes me so happy?! Obviously, we would need to be partners in crime for puppy and cake stealing too :)

Still slowly making my way through The X-Files (nearly finished season 4 now). I'm probably not going to watch the whole thing but I thought I would try and make it through the first 6 seasons. I'm not that keen alien abduction but totally into creepy small town America :) The quality has been a bit variable but I absolutely loved most of season 3 and one of the episodes I watched the other day from season 4 (Small Potatoes) may be my favourite one so far.

Sorry, I know you don't watch it but who else am I going to tell this stuff to :)

Louise Boyd said...

Let's face it, you're my ride or die bitch.

Does the episode Small Potatoes actually involve... small potatoes?

Dex said...

How have I not come across that term before?! It's completely true of course :)

Unfortunately, no. Although given how ridiculous some of the monsters have been, an episode involving small deadly potatoes wouldn't have surprised me :) But it has a Fake Mulder and that makes up for it :)

Skinner: Which one of you wrote this?
Fake Mulder: I did, sir.
Skinner: You spelled Federal Bureau of Investigation wrong.
Fake Mulder: It was a typo.
Skinner: Twice.

Hmm, I think I need to start stocking up on snacks to keep in my desk at work.

Louise Boyd said...

I like snacks?Sweet or savoury?
Or both?
My brain feels broken today.
I keep capitalising things in my head 0_0
I'm also watching the live action Beauty & the Beast and it's upsetting me.

Dex said...

Sweet :) Have you tried Candy Kittens? They sell them at Mareel. Kinda expensive though. For sweets.

I bet you'd have an amazing snack drawer if you worked here!

I'm probably always capitalising the word 'SNACKS!' in my head :) I hope your brain's feeling better today though. Is having words capitalised in your head a bit like voices shouting at you? Because that doesn't sound fun at all :S

Is the new 'Beauty & the Beast' really that bad?

Louise Boyd said...

It is. It really is. It's so fucking pointless and they made it embarrassing.
Beauty & the Beast is NOT embarrassing.
SUCH a disappointment.
I'm just going to pretend it never happened 0_0

Candy Kittens is the McVities boy's company, right?
This'll sound weird but I'm really put off by the packaging? Shouldn't matter but I look at it and think: "No, I don't want to eat you, your colour scheme offends me."
Now I want Skittles and fizzy cola bottles and a giant REFRESHER BAR!
I might be hungry.

Look at all that capitalisation.
I'm genuinely saying those words loudly in my head.
I don't know why.
My brain is broken.
Good day to you, sir.

Dex said...

I think so. Is that the guy from Made In Chelsea? Because it's the same person.

Hah, I genuinely love how critical you are :) But I don't think it's weird at all. I'm always buying food based on the packaging. It's usually the only way I end up trying new things :)

I haven't had a proper sized Refresher bar in so long! Just the mini ones. But I did have some Skittles today though :) Normal ones. I kept the Sour Skittles for tomorrow :)

What kind of Haribo do you like? Say we were kids and you invited me for a sleepover, would you be disappointed if I turned up with Starmix. I always used to bring Starmix to sleepovers and film nights :)

Sometimes when I'm disappointed in a film, I'll just go back and watch a film I love to try and overwrite the memory. Have I ever asked you what's your favourite Disney film? I have a feeling it's Lilo & Stitch but I'm probably completely wrong :)

I actually quite like the capitalisation. Although it did really make me want a giant Refresher bar :)

Louise Boyd said...

I don't think they even make giant Refresher Bars anymore.
How criminal is that?
I have this very vivid memory of being picked up from school by a family friend, him driving me and his son to their house, being given a giant Refresher Bar and that little motherfucker (the son) snapping it in half.
I've never forgiven him.
I cried.

My favourite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid. Always will be. I know Ariel's an idiot but I love her. I love her truly.
I'm dreading the day they live-action it. I think they're already casting for it. Fuckers.
They're raping my childhood!

Ps. Is the Starmix, fizzy... ?

Dex said...

The Little Mermaid is actually the Disney film I've watched the most. By far. Probably because it was the first one I had on video. Probably followed by Mulan. Which seems strange because I must have been 12 or 13 when it came out. But my mum was a childminder and the children she looked after loved watching it :)

You mean so he could keep half for himself? I'm assuming that it was unwrapped and he was using his grubby little bare hands? You hold onto that grudge.

Starmix is actually non-fizzy. They're just kinda... gummy :) I like fizzy sweets but I have a really weird thing about the sugar getting everywhere :S

Louise Boyd said...

No. The malevolent little fuck-stain snapped it in half for the sheer fun of it 0_0
He grew up to be a smug shit, too. We ended up in the same friend group at the tail end of high school and he dated by childhood bestie for a while. Didn't treat her well. If I'd known at the time I would have snapped his Refresher Bar in half <_<

I only just saw Mulan recently. I liked it. I now understand why she's such an icon for strong women.
And I'm actually looking forward to that live action adap being made.
They'll probably fuck it up by being horribly racist though =/
Why does Hollywood have to be so crap? -_-

I thought you DID get fizzy Starmix. Isn't that the Tangfastic stuff? To be honest, if it's sugary and I can put it in my mouth, I'm not all that fussy =/ I wouldn't kick you out of the sleepover, I promise.
Unless you brought liquorice.
That's a deal breaker.

Dex said...

Hey, Lilliputty. Did you manage to figure out the issue with your missing posts?

The only thing I can think of is that the publishing date for some posts is maybe being backdated for some reason:

Someone else did suggest removing any recently added widgets:

'If you've added any widgets to your blog try removing them which may help resolve the issue. To remove widgets, go to, Blogger Dashboard >> click on Template >> Edit HTML >> Revert widget templates to default >> choose the widgets added recently from the list like Adsense widget, Image widget and click on Revert selected widgets.'

Sorry, I'm so useless at these things.

Louise Boyd said...

It's weird, it kind of sorted itself out =/
Must have been some glitch in Blogger or something.
Saves me having to figure it out! But thanks for looking. I'm always surprised when you do that for me. It's so nice 0_0

Dex said...

Haha, I don't know how nice I am really. I just know how frustrating it is when things don't work the way they're supposed to :)

After talking about our cat visitor and how I hadn't seen her for ages, I've seen her like 3 or 4 times these last few days :)

Did you ever buy Sherbet Fountains when you were a kid, remove the liquorice, and just poor the sherbet into your mouth?

Dex said...

Reading Emily's blog, I'm so glad (and jealous) that she made chocolate mousse.

Louise Boyd said...

She was super proud about. The first in the family to make mousse and not ganache. It was fairly miraculous and delicious.
And I know the secret ingredient :D

I still think you should try and steal the cat. But I'm not sure you should trust my judgement when it comes to fluffy things =/

Sherbet Fountains. Yes! But not me. Em and Sar would but I always hated the sherbet as much as the liquorice. It was not good sherbet. That comes in giant pixie sticks!
You've got no clue how hard it was for me to send you that box. I had to give myself a little lecture while I was packaging things up about not keeping other people's gifts 0_0

Dex said...

I'll settle for now with just stealing cat cuddles in the garden from time to time :)

If you ever doubt your friendship skills, just remember that time you didn't send me a box of empty pixie sticks with an IOU enclosed :) I bet you like to down pixie sticks in a oner!

I have images of an ancient family recipe book, with a lock and key, being added to :)

Louise Boyd said...

You're not that far off. But not us. We just have this pink folder full of printed out recipes. Very not cool and witch like I wish it was.
The grandmothers, though?
Oh, those churlish women!
They both have handwritten recipe books and they won't. let. us. see!
For years we've been trying to get the recipe for this miraculous chocolate meringue cake my maternal grandma makes but she won't give up the goods.
Y'know what makes it worse?
She won't even make it anymore 0_0


I love my grandmothers... I just think they might be witches...

Ps. have you performed the customary nose boop on your feline buddy?

Dex said...

Okay, that just sounds completely magical! Those books must be really very special for them not to even let you take a peek. I know it's evil, but it's respectable evil :)

Do cats like being booped?! I'm just imagining myself doing it to Charlie and, in my head, it doesn't end well :)

Did I tell you my sibling is going back to Japan for 3 weeks? He's travelling there today and comes back at the end of the month.

Louise Boyd said...

Charlie's surprisingly tolerant of the nose boop. It's his belly you never touch.
And yes, cats like the boop.
At least I think they like the boop.
Either that or Charlie will rip my finger off one day and chew it in front of me 0_0

What do you do in Japan for 3 weeks?
I know that sounds like a dumb question, what with it being a bustling metropolis and all but really, what do you do?

Dex said...

He probably doesn't mind just because it's you :) Besides, I bet you could get away with booping any cat. I sometimes think they can sense that I'm really a terrible person.

Beats me :) I know he's going to Kyoto (to see the bamboo forest) and Osaka (to see the castle) for a day. And I think he's going to be spending a lot of time in Akihabara (which is kind of the computer game, anime, manga district in Tokyo).

I might go with him one day. Y'know, when I get over my fear of planes and people :)

Film quiz tonight though. My one night of trying to be sociable. I suck at it. Anytime I try and ask someone about their personal life, I end up sounding about as friendly as Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men.

Dex said...

Tank Town (album) by Many Voices Speak

Dex said...

It's been so warm and sunny here the last couple of days (although it's clouded over a bit now). Someone even phoned the ice cream van to come along the office :)

Louise Boyd said...

What's your ice cream/lolly of choice from the ice cream van?

I've just spent the last four afternoons basking in the unseasonable sunshine and reading my face off.
It's going to be 12 degrees tomorrow <_<
Fuck, this country.
I think I've got sunburn on my cheeks as well. Damn my fair skin and allergic/just bad in general reaction to sunscreen!

Any more sign of the furry one? It's weird that I'm jealous of you getting sporadic feline attention when I have a perfectly fluffy one roaming the garden as we speak, isn't it?

Dex said...

I was hoping you were managing to enjoy the sunshine and warmth. I always like the thought of you reading books in your garden :) Are there shady spots in your garden where you can read and avoid sunburn?

Actually, the other day was the first time I'd been to the ice cream van in years. Not since the days when he would come to my road and I would frantically search for money or my parents so I could buy an ice cream (usually by jumping out in front of his van just as he was about to leave). I'm actually not sure what the one I got the other day was called but it was bit like an ice cream sandwich, with ice cream in between 2 nougat wafers (maybe it was just called an ice cream sandwich. It was pretty good :)

I've actually seen her quite a lot over these last couple of weeks. Which I'm pretty happy about :) But it's only a few moments, you get Charlie all the time :)

Louise Boyd said...

The garden's pretty much surrounded by trees so the sun gets filtered at different times of the day; many shady places to plant my behind and settle in for hours of reading.
Charlie only hassles me every now and then. He repeatedly bullied me off the bench on the deck the day before yesterday. Little brat. And it's not like I can even say no; he bites!

Spent anymore time under than tree of yours? I hope you've at least got a little sun over the past few days. You don't want to rock the vampire junkie look I've got going on. It ain't pretty 0_0

Did you say ice cream sandwich?!
I love those things. I mean, I struggle to eat them because people who bite into ice cream are actual monsters who've obviously never experienced tooth sensitivity but at least they don't have to gum their ice cream sandwich like a weird, sugar-baked basking shark, like I do =/
I was looking to see if I could find an image of a basking shark gumming ice cream (because of course I think it's remotely possible that image exists, of course) and found this instead:
I think it's time to experiment with mint choc chip and a bag of Oreos...

Dex said...

"I think it's time to experiment with mint choc chip and a bag of Oreos..."

As soon as I saw the image, I tried (unsuccessfully) to find a gif from this episode of American Dad of Stan saying 'Do it, Steve. Do it for both of us' :)

Also had to look up images for vampire junkies :)

Bullied you off a reading place?! I have a feeling that Charlie is the only creature in existence who could do that :)

Ugh, I probably looked like a basking shark too (your last comment was just full of great imagery :). Probably one of the reasons I haven't been to the ice cream van in years. Not that I regretted my decision the other day though :)

Did it get to 12 degrees today in Blair? It's pretty much clouded over here now (it was very misty yesterday, which is pretty normal after a warm day) and there's even been some rain today.

You'd be so disappointed with me for staying inside on nice days but I promise I'll spend more time in the tree cave this summer.

Dex said...

Okay, I know you're tired of me going on about this, but I'm adding The Post-Modern Prometheus and Bad Blood from Season 5 to my favourite The X-Files episodes list.

Dex said...

Nurofen is definitely my painkiller of choice.

Louise Boyd said...

What ails you, buddy?

Dex said...

Just the usual - frequent, mild headaches. No big deal :)

Louise Boyd said...

Still sucks, though!
I get them too. Seems to be a genetic thing.
My drug of choice is Ibuprofen Lysine; basically a supersized version of Ibuprofen. Delicious.

New show for you to watch, m'dear: The Umbrella Academy

Dex said...

Okay, you've finally convinced me. I've just gone ahead and subscribed to Netflix. Now I can watch Stranger Things and The Umbrella Academy and Schitt's Creek and... Thanks, Lilliputty :)

Dex said...

Started watching The Umbrella Academy :) I'm going to try and not be a total monster, and limit myself to one episode per day.

Louise Boyd said...

Can't believe I finally wore you down!
Welcome to the Netflix club, my friend. Prepare to watch some fucking phenomenal shows and some unbelievable crap 0_0
You better watch Stranger Things as well, or we'll been having words.

I've got the last episode of TUB to watch tonight, I'll try not to scream any spoilers at you but I can't promise anything!

Dex said...

I definitely should have gotten it sooner.

That's okay, spoilers don't really bother me :) Is that weird? I don't know, maybe it means that I'm dead inside :S

I am pretty determined to watch Stranger Things before the new season starts.

And I am already slightly obsessed with Schitt's Creek. It's just so easy to watch. I love it.

Dex said...

I saw a hedgehog in the garden tonight :)

Louise Boyd said...

Did he have adorable little pink legs? Stupid question. OF COURSE HE DID!
The capitalisation is back 0_0

Okay, where are you in Schitt's Creek? I just started season 5 and I can't wait for you to experience all the stupidly lovely things to come.
Favourite character so far?

Dex said...

I'm still working my way through season 2 so quite a way to go :) Favourite character? Honestly, I can't decide. I actually love them all. I'll give a special shoutout to Johnny & Moira though, just because I love the fact that 2 actors from when I was growing up are currently starring in a show I now love :) Do you have a favourite?

I almost missed the hedgehog but I heard this weird noise and it was using one of its little legs to scratch itself :)

Ps. TUA update - just finished episode 4.

Louise Boyd said...

"TUA update - just finished episode 4."
That's all I get?! Thoughts, feelings, details, please!

My favourite character is actually your namesake. He wasn't initially but the more the series has gone on the more I fucking adore him.
You'll see.
Or you won't and I'll have to silently judge you =/

Dex said...

I was kind of waiting until I reached the end as I'm really poor at expressing my opinions in coherent sentences, even at the best of times :)

At the moment, I do like the premise and I am invested in the storyline, although it is taking me a bit of time to get used to the characters and tone. It's got that dark quirky style that always catches me a little off guard in that I know it's something I should enjoy but my brain is always too preoccupied with the impending threat of disturbing realistic violence on the horizon :S

I love David! I'm now on season 3 and he's just about to start his own business :) Honestly, Schitt's Creek has quickly become one of my favourite shows. I think I was pointlessly rambling on a while ago about how I love shows where characters find a sense of belonging somewhere. And it has just the right amount of sentimentality for a dead eyed cynic like me. It totally earned that warm glow I felt inside at the season 2 finale :)

Dex said...

6 episodes down. I reckon they could do a whole show about The Commission. It's like something from a Terry Gilliam film :)

Louise Boyd said...

Ohhh! So you've met Patrick? Looooooove Patrick. Many good things to come with that boy.

"I reckon they could do a whole show about The Commission. It's like something from a Terry Gilliam film :)"

Okay, why do you have say things like?
Now that's all I want in the world 0_0

Dex said...

I've just watched him sing to David at open mic night :)

I think you're the only person who listens to my terrible ideas and thinks they're okay :)

Also, I bought a box of mint Cornettos the other day. I've still got a couple in the freezer :)

Dex said...

The Fog by Charlotte Bridge

Louise Boyd said...

Okay, those three sentences are some of my favourite sentences ever because:

a) I ship David and Patrick so hard. It's putrid. Em and I completely lost it during the open mic night scene 0_0

b) You have the best ideas, anyone who doesn't think so is, quite frankly, an igno-fucking-ramus. End of. Period. *mic drop* (my mic drop would actually go exactly like this.

c) Fuck you and your mint Cornettos 0_0

Dex said...

The tip broke off one of the mint Cornettos and it was still in the wrapper which I threw away without realising.

Okay, just watched David's olive branch. Honestly, it feels like I haven't been this much into a series in so long. I actually don't know what I'd be doing with my life if I didn't have you around.

I can picture you doing that mic drop so clearly :)

Please say Happy Birthday to Emily for me.

Dex said...

I wish you could have been with me last Wednesday. We had a work 'away' day in Mousa (which is a small island in the south east of Shetland) so it was nice to walk around and visit the broch. According to the guide, it is full of nesting storm petrels (literally thousands) all hidden away while the parents who have been fishing out at sea, return to the broch in the late evening. At midnight in summer, you can visit the island and see hundreds of storm petrels returning to their nests.

Then we went to Sand Lodge, which is a really large old house in Sandwick (near where we had to get the boat to Mousa). Someone from work lives there and she let us explore all of the rooms and garden. It was genuinely creepy would be such a good place to play hide and seek :) Also, they had a million old books, including a book of Shakespeare plays from 1635 - I thought it was going to turn to dust in my hands :S

Dex said...

Finished The Umbrella Academy last night. I actually managed to stick to the rule of one episode per evening. While I was watching it, I definitely thought it seemed like your aesthetic :)

Louise Boyd said...

I know it's not wonderful but it's a lot of fun and I loved Five and Klaus, and Hazel and Cha-Cha.
Who knew Mary J. Blige could kick that much ass?
I do hope we get more time with The Commission, though. Soooo many potential storylines, there.

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