off to war

January 17, 2013

On the 17th of January 2013, i woke up to discover two unexpected gifts.
I didn't see this coming.
I didn't even think Armin Mersmann would have any knowledge of my blog - it's so little - let alone take the time to write me such a thoughtful, honest and above all, supportive message.
I think i forget sometimes that i'm not the only artist in the world.
That sounds incredibly narcissistic but it's the simple fact that i live with myself every day, i'm only capable of knowing how i feel at all times and i'm not one to share.
I'll put it all over the internet, however. 
More making of the sense that is not, my speciality.

I regret not talking to my university friends about the feelings of inadequacy that were debilitating me while i was still in education.
They were probably feeling just the same and would not have been able to fix my problems but perhaps then i wouldn't have felt so small and so alone in my situation.
To be a Fine artist in a contemporary art school is not easy, thus why i fled so spectacularly.
This year i'll be receiving my Ordinary Degree, after 4 years of the university kindly holding my space open so i could complete with my Honours.
Which i can do whenever i wish. 
Hopefully they'd reaccept me but i'm not entirely sure DOJ is the place for me.
I'm not even sure if art is the right choice for me and until i know that i won't be returning to any institution of art.
It's really rather hard for someone like myself, who's ultimate goal within university was to receive a 1st and couldn't even bring themselves to start their final year.
It's all i wanted but i was a mess and it shouldn't have been what being an artist at art school was about.
I should have just wanted to create, instead i wanted to win.
Unhealthy but understandable.
I still want that 1st, i think i always will but if i go back to complete my degree, i just want to produce something that touches people.
Something i'm proud of.
But not too proud! 

So, thank you Mr Mersmann
I can't tell you how much receiving your message meant to me and how much it's given me to think about.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow and please keep producing your sublime works of art.
They may leave me timid but they are truly wonderful things to behold.

Also, to anyone who is currently at art school or even doing it solo and finds themselves in the same situation as i, message me if you'd like.
I can't fix it but i can empathise.
With bells on.

My other gift of the day was from my Mum.
It's always nice to wake up to a present, especially when you are utterly undeserving because of the ungodly hour you've finally dragged yourself out of bed to attempt functioning like a normal human being.
I won't tell you the hour but it was pretty bad.
The sun was going back down.
Shame, shame on me.
Thanks Mum.
You may be the only one i have but i still kinda think you're the best one.

Feel free to make barfing noises behind your computer screens at my unabashed soppiness!
I care not!

Listening to: Seamonster 'Bed of Roses'

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Dex said...

It's too bad Hazel quit on her. Or that she didn't quit with him. That partnership needs more adventures.

I really liked The Handler too (I hope that wasn't the end of her, getting shot in the head by Hazel).

I'm also hoping that they introduce some of the other 36 children with superpowers. Actually, plot suggestion - The Commission try to find some of the other children and recruit them as assassins.

Louise Boyd said...

I feel like the writers should come and scoop you up and let you be in charge. I'd watch everything you're suggesting. Get out of my brain.

Dex said...

They're probably mostly your ideas since I'm really just trying to think of things you'd like to watch :)

Louise Boyd said...

Well, then they should scoop us both up! You'll do the talking, I'll read in the corner with a beer hat filled with tea. Sound good?

Dex said...

My mind goes blank when I have to talk to people :S Can't I just sit next to you and wear the beer hat instead? We'll get a slightly longer tube so you can still drink the tea from it while you read but without having to worry about the weight on your head :)

Louise Boyd said...

You take such good care of me ^_^

Dex said...

I just needed to give you a reason to keep me around. Although even carrying tea around in a beer hat for you probably wouldn't cut it when it comes your reading time :)

Exegesis of an Exquisite Corpse by Kolezanka

Louise Boyd said...

As long as you're quiet while I'm reading, I'll keep you around.
I sometimes think my family take it as a challenge when they see me reading to get me to talk.
Drives me batty 0_0
If a book's in my hand, do not talk to me. Period.
Which probably makes a MAJOR asshole but... sorry, not sorry? :D

Dex said...

You're totally not sorry :D

You probably can't tell from my incessant yammering on here but it's actually one of my few skills, knowing when it's a good idea to keep quiet :) Knowing when it's a good idea to say something, maybe not so much :)

All I can think of at the moment is this:

Louise Boyd said...

I'd love to say I wouldn't give you the stink eye if you were being noisy during my reading time but... well, you know me pretty well by now, don't ya? :D

Dex said...

I know :) I think if I ever saw you reading, I'd just walk away. Maybe make you something to eat for when you're finished, quietly do some tidying, try and fail miserably to trick Charlie into showing me some affection...

It would be a strange, weirdly happy existence. For me anyway :)

Louise Boyd said...

So... when you're happily partnered/married someday, will I just be like a weird pet you keep in the corner with my books?
Because I'm actually okay with that 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

Ps. Charlie is currently sleeping in a box on my desk.
The box is two sized too small for him.
He can't stop wriggling.
It's so cute 0_0

Dex said...

Yeah, as if a corner would be enough for all your books :)

I bet Charlie will be sprawling all over your bed in a few minutes :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'd just create a book igloo and hibernate in there. You'd of course have to bring me sustenance as any responsible pet owner should. The question will be whether I throw the bad books at you for bringing me the wrong sustenance...

The bear remains in his box. It's starting to split and he nearly kicked me in the face while trying to get comfortable today but... he's happy, so fucking happy, I'll never take his box from him.

Dex said...

Sustained by books and rainbow sherbet :)

'The question will be whether I throw the bad books at you for bringing me the wrong sustenance...' I'm surprised you think that's even a question :)

I'd be in so much trouble. I actually don't remember any of the foodstuffs you don't like! But I'm sure there are a million things. Maybe... cream? I have a feeling you don't like things with cream :S

I think I need to build a Grace robot to look after you :)

Okay, I know he would hate and want rid of me if we were in the same house, but I can't help feeling that I'd still fucking love Charlie and could probably watch him for hours.

Louise Boyd said...

There's a trick to Charlie and earning his "love"... give him absolutely everything he wants.
Works like a charm.

I don't like cream! Unless it's sweetened but even then, I'd rather vanilla custard (no weird yellow stuff; custard should not be yellow) but only if it's cold - I have been known to eat spoonfuls of it out of the fridge when I'm a particularly hormonal beast.

A list of foodstuffs Maggot does not enjoy:

- Cheese
- Mushrooms
- Fish (unless it's so deep-fried it doesn't taste of anything but batter... probably the most Scottish thing I've said in a while)
- Wispas
- Milkyway
- Aspargus
- Cardamom
- Soy sauce
- Apricots (I so want to but their texture is repulsive)
- Soup (I'll only eat it if there's bread... I am 4 years old)
- Eggs
- Victoria sponge (I know, weird, right? Even I think that but it always seemed like such a waste of cake to me)
- Plain yoghurt
- Liquorice

I'm sure there's way more stuff but that should steer you right for the time being. Either that or I'll just hurl things at you :)

To my shame, the only thing I can remember that you don't like is raisins?

Ps. I need a Grace robot. Please build me one 0_0

Dex said...

I'm definitely going to have to save your list :)

Talking of Scottish things, have you ever had a deep fried Mars Bar? Because I've never tried one. Or even been offered one. I've almost come to think they're a myth :)

I was always a cream rather than custard person (although custard has definitely gone up in my estimation over the years). Sweetened cream though, I just find it too sickly. Which always surprises me considering all the sugary shit I shovel into my mouth :)

Raisins - I'm glad this is the one you remembered. Because they are just the worst :)
Salad Cream
Egg Sandwiches (although I'm okay with eggs in most situations)
Crab - My Kryptonite. Even the smell has been known to make me violently ill.
Onions - A childhood hangover. I absolutely refused to eat anything with onions all through my school years. Thankfully, I can cope with them a bit better these days.
Mince and Tatties - Another childhood hangover. A Shetland staple and I absolutely blame it for me never quite managing to fit in :)
Liquorice (high five?)
Parma Violets

I love that you have such a strong opinion on Victoria sponge. And needing bread with soup. Also 'I have been known to eat spoonfuls of it out of the fridge when I'm a particularly hormonal beast.' You're my absolute favourite :)

I think that Charlie, living with you, is exactly right where he needs to be :)

Louise Boyd said...

Deep fried Mars Bars are not a myth. They make them at our local chippy (which is called... The Chippy. My fucking town is so ridiculous) and I haven't consumed one but I have watched someone else do it and I still, to this day, cannot figure out if they enjoyed it or not. SO many facial expressions were experienced!

I was just talking to the fam, although specifically the Mater, about Parma Violets! We both decided that we don't know whether we actually like them but we will probably persist in eating them until the day we kick it to figure it out. Which is both stupid and a waste of calories but... yeah, we're too dumb and hungry to stop 0_0

How do you feel about Violet/Rose Creams? Ever had one?

Dex said...

I bet your family have the best conversations :) I am glad you like Parma Violets. They always get left whenever I buy a bag (or ridiculously large tub) of Swizzels sweets. It'd be nice to have someone around to finish them off :)

Nope, never had a Violet or Rose Cream :S I had to look them up. Are they any good? I'm guessing they're kind of like Fry's Chocolate Creams since they're the same make? I didn't mind the Chocolate Cream bars even though they were a bit sickly (I haven't had one in ages).

I honestly don't think I would enjoy a deep fried Mars Bar. Maybe because I'm not the biggest fan of Mars Bars in general. I mean, I can eat them but they're pretty far down on my list of chocolate bars.

Well, our chip shops in Lerwick are called The Fort & The Happy Haddock. I'm not sure they're any better than The Chippy :)

Dex said...

Cherrydream by Wynona Bleach

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, I beg to differ, my friend. The Happy Haddock is the cutest fucking name for a chip shop! Also a little sardonic because they murder the happy haddocks for your Lerwickian enjoyment?

The idea of your finding things "sickly" is just blowing. my. mind.
You're Captain Candyclaws! You live for sugar! 0_0

Dex said...

I should probably have my sugar rank demoted :)

Talking of sickly things, whenever there is a discussion in our office about food, you can usually rely on a least one person saying either of the following Shetland words:

Gadge - an exclamation of disgust at something unpleasant
Byock - to retch, as in sickness

And it never fails to cheer me up :)

To be honest, I don't really go to The Happy Haddock much (we're more a Fort family). Maybe they serve cod instead and that's why the haddocks are so happy! All I can picture now are giant haddock chefs with sinister smiles on their fish faces as they mercilessly deep fry helpless cods!

I hope Emily's feeling okay after her birthday and that the icing and cake issues didn't get her down too much.

Dex said...

I've made it to my 2 weeks annual leave. I think my work friends are hoping I use it to calm down and come back more relaxed since I've been in a right grump recently for no very good reason. Maybe I'll just quietly enjoy the summer twilight. If these clouds would go away. Grumble, grumble, grumble... :)

I'm actually kind of glad you don't get to see me up close in one of my frequent moods :)

Dex said...

Here's another boring piece of Shetland information. This place is obsessed with Sunday Teas. If anyone wants tea and homebakes on a Sunday, they pretty much just need to check the local newspaper and they're bound to find some public hall or church holding Sunday Teas.

Can you tell it's late at night and my brain's not functioning? :)

Dex said...

22 seconds of Moira Rose saying 'baby' :)

Dex said...

The sun was out today but it's supposed to rain tomorrow. As you can tell, I'm doing a lot with my leave :)

Louise Boyd said...

You have no idea how much joy 22 seconds of Moira saying "bebé" brings me.
Thank you, you're the best, cheered my day right up!

Dex said...


Y'know, one of the best things about being off during the week is being able to go to the supermarket at the right time of day to buy fresh pastries from the bakery :)

Louise Boyd said...

How dare you say such things when I'm hormonal?!
Now all I want in the world is a chocolate croissant 0_0
I hate you...

Dex said...

I swear it was only a cinnamon bun!

Also, Barry the Cactus. You really do give the best presents :)

Louise Boyd said...

ONLY a cinnamon bun?!
It's like you want me to hex you or something <_<

Barry the Cactus is pretty awesome. The question is, can she keep the little man alive?

Dex said...

Well, you did have me craving chocolate croissants all day :)

Barry claims to be low maintenance and not require much nourishment. He's like the opposite of me :)

Louise Boyd said...

No. You're more like Audrey II. Insatiably hungry and a grouchy motherfucker :D

Dex said...

That's totally me :D

I do love how you name your plants :)

Louise Boyd said...

To be fair, Barry came pre-named. I guess his creator christened him and sent him out into the world to be raised by us fools 0_0
Big mistake.

Dex said...

I don't know. You guys seem to do a pretty good job of looking after things :)

Do you do much gardening, Lilliputty?

Louise Boyd said...

I do not garden. I'll help out if it's needed but generally I just like to sit in the greenery with a book and a Charles who'll randomly attack me. S'good.
I also only manage to keep things alive by accident.
I'm actually more likely to kill something if I pay attention to it.
It's totally backwards but at least I keep myself alive? That's an achievement, right?

I have this intense craving for the bread around Summer Pudding.
I don't even need the insides.
Just the fruit juice/jam soaked bread.

Dex said...

Reading your monthly blogs, it's pretty obvious that you achieve way more than just keeping yourself alive.

I don't think I've ever tried Summer Pudding! Do your sisters make it? I can just imagine them finding a pile of the inside fruit and you sitting next to it with a juice stained face :)

You can still keep paying attention to me, okay? I'm happy to take the risk :)

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, I'm afraid you're for keeps.
You'll have to put up with my exhausted ass for eternity.
No backsies.

"I can just imagine them finding a pile of the inside fruit and you sitting next to it with a juice stained face :)"

This is frighteningly accurate.
Jam face and all.
I don't know why I'm such a barbarian with food... =/

Also, how could you have never tried Summer Pudding? It's a British classic!
I have so many things to teach you 0_0

Dex said...

I think that's the first time the thought of being around for eternity has felt okay to me. You could tell me about all the books I need to read, the series to watch, the puddings to eat... :)

Actually, I'm pretty sure you're fairly discreet when it comes to misappropriating food. You probably know all the techniques so people don't notice :)

Louise Boyd said...

Nah, I've got no stealth.
And when I'm hangry, everybody knows about it.
I think they only feed me to stop the whining 0_0
But... I'm cool with that? Because my Dad keeps bringing me Caramacs and it's awesome?

Dex said...

Well, I suppose if you're being given Caramacs... :D

Exciting news! I've finally watched the first season of Stranger Things and also started on the second. Only about 3 years too late. That's pretty good going for me though :)

Louise Boyd said...

Yayyyyy! What do you think so far?
Favourite character?
Tell me, tell me, tell me!

Dex said...

It took me a few episodes to get into it but I started to really enjoy it by the end of season 1 and I'm totally invested in season 2. The development of Steve Harrington pretty much sums it up for me. He's probably my favourite main character, especially when teamed with Dustin :)

Favourite side characters - Mr Clarke, Dr Owens, Bob, Lucas' family :)

Louise Boyd said...

I love that everybody hated Sean Astin (because Samwise) and now because of Bob, we're all like "YAAAYY BOB but NOOOOO, NOT BOB! :("
Quite the turn around.

I think next season we get more of Lucas' little sister and I. cannot. freaking. wait.
She's such a little sassmouth and I love her.

Ps. Steve Harrington is my boy, I'm so glad you love him too. Sharesies?

Dex said...

When Bob & Joyce save Hopper from the vines and the little exchange afterwards.

"Hey Bob"
"Hey Jim"

I just love small moments like that :)

Steve the Babysitter is one of the main reasons I love season 2 :) I actually preferred season 2 over season 1 quite a bit just because of the characters. I mean, Dustin had all those moments with Steve, Lucas was great (rather than just being mean to Eleven) and I really liked Max too. Plus we got Bob and lots of Hopper/El :)

Can't believe I haven't even mentioned the synth music. Anytime it kicks in I just get this warm feeling inside :)

Sorry, you're probably going to end up wishing you'd never convinced me to watch the show :S

Louise Boyd said...

Not a chance! I've been waiting for you to feel the Stranger Things love for SO long!

Very important question, though?
Do you ship Steve and Billy?

Dex said...

Yes! There were a couple moments, like during the basketball game and in the shower, where he was kind of being an asshole to Steve but also kind of not, if that makes sense. At least, not in the same way as other people.

Louise Boyd said...


I completely do not ship them.
Billy's a prick.
But Sarah ships them pretty hard as well, so maybe I'm the one who's wrong?
I mean, I know they're flirting pretty hard the whole season but ugh, Billy's the worst 0_0

More important question: do you ship Hopper and Joan?

Louise Boyd said...

I said pretty hard twice in quick succession.
Maybe I do ship them...

Dex said...

Yes, I know he acts like he has roid rage most of the time and he's quite possibly a massive racist, but there were a couple of moments that make me think he's not a complete lost cause.

Hopper & Joan, it seems like everything is being built up to them getting together which makes me lose a little bit of interest. I can't help feeling it would have been way more interesting if Bob had survived.

I know he's one of the most popular characters but I'm still undecided on Hopper. He's wrong/dumb/aggressive 90% of the time and then I'm expected to forgive him when he makes some awesome emotional speech. Okay, so I almost always end up forgiving him :) I'd like to see him doing more normal dad stuff with El in season 3. A dad-centric episode would be kind of fun - Hopper interacting with some of the other dads (most of whom seem pretty awful). This is why I'm not a writer :)

Actually, the relationship I'm invested in the most is Max & Lucas. It's the one thing I really hope they don't fuck up in season 3.

Dex said...

I really felt for Dustin near the end. We had a Christmas dance at our high school every year (it was called the Beanfeast for some reason). I only went to the first and last one but I didn't even have the guts to ask anyone to dance. Just a horrible, awkward experience.

Louise Boyd said...

Ugh, school dances are the worst. Even thinking about them makes me cringe. I was so hammered (and a little high) during the end of school ball that I actually don't remember anything... but the drunk was necessary because, as I said, SCHOOL DANCES ARE THE WORST!
Never again, my friend. Never again.

Well, this is weird.
I hear what you're saying about Hopper. I agree with you. But now I have to fight you because he's my man and I must protect his honour.
I think this is the first time we've disagreed about things 0_0
Because I actually don't give a crap about Max... I didn't know why she was there other than to have another girl and give Lucas a girlfriend... oh, and her piece of crap stepbrother... =/

Let's just agree on one thing: Steve and Dustin is all that really matters?

Have you watched the season 3 trailer yet?
I'm super excited.
And super worried.
If it's bad, I'm going to be inconsolable -_-

Dex said...

No, I haven't watched it. I think it would just make me too anxious :S

I don't know what's weirder - disagreeing with you or the fact that I don't mind disagreeing with you? :) It usually makes me super uncomfortable. I guess I must just really like talking to you :)

Besides, I'm sure our tastes are pretty different in a lot of ways - they just happen to crossover into quite a few awesome things :) I mean, I'm probably never going to get into YA Fantasy books but fuck, I could listen to you talking about your love for them for ages and it would make me ridiculously happy :)

Embarrassing fact. I've never been high :S And I only got drunk a couple of times in high school. Y'know, I used to have a circle of friends when I was 13-14 and the normal thing to do on a weekend was to go over to each others houses to watch films, drink fizzy juice and eat Haribo. But after that, when everyone started going to house parties and having fun, I was a bit of a loner.

Louise Boyd said...

Ugh, if it helps, that sounds way more appealing than getting shitfaced to get through the absurdity of people dancing at each other in the same room.
So fucking weird.
I've never understood it.
Hence the drunkage.
Bring me all the gummies and Netflix instead, please and thank you!

I have been told my opinions are quite entertaining to observe. Especially when I get riled up.
But wait a sec.
What else don't you agree with me on?!
Have you been holding out on me, Fungus?

Dex said...

Yeah, that helps a little :)

I'm sorry but you're the only person who has to deal with the unfiltered me :) I'm sure our list of favourite films or music would be quite different though, probably because your tastes are much more eclectic than mine and you're way more open minded.

But I do place a huge amount of stock in your opinions (they always seem so well informed and are usually drenched in sarcasm) so if you love something, I can't help but see its merits even if it's not quite my cup of tea :)

Dex said...

'difficult and intransigent creature' - okay, so I now really feel the need to own an item of clothing with those words emblazoned across the front :)

Also, the Dustin to your Steve. You shouldn't say things like that. Because you will fucking break me. Although I had just watched two minutes of Charlie, and heard his little squeak, and seen him in his box, so I think I was already broken :)

I really want to call you an adorable sea-hag but I don't think I deserve that honour. I'll leave it to someone more worthy :)

Ps. Can I just live in your garden?

Louise Boyd said...

Uh, you can live in my garden and call me an adorable sea-hag anytime you like, my friend.
You've totally earned that right by now!

Dex said...

Thanks, Maggot. Maybe I'll call you it out of the blue one day, when you're least expecting it :)

Your garden does look and sound like something from a Ghibli film though. Maybe one day I'll live there as a forest spirit. That is until Charlie catches me :)

Are you going to watch Stranger Things as soon as its out? I probably won't end up watching it for a few weeks but don't worry about spoilers. I get so anxious that I'd much prefer hearing your thoughts on it first :)

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, I'm so telling my mum that. She'll be so proud.
It once got compared to Rivendell, which was essentially the highest of compliments in my Mum's nerdy opinion.
I love having a nerd for a mum :)

Hmm. I don't know if I'll watch Stranger Things straight away. I'm still contemplating it. I don't normally watch things immediately because then they're gone again and I have to wait another fucking year!
I've still got the last season of Santa Clarita Diet to finish, anyway.
You must watch that by the way. Drew Barrymore eating people is delightful.
I'm so mad they cancelled it :(

Dex said...

Your mum sounds awesome :) Does she read as much as you? Okay, I know that's not possible but I have always just assumed you got your love of books from your mum.

It always takes me a long time to get around to doing anything (please try and contain your surprise at that admission) so I'm sure you'll get around to watching Stranger Things well before me. Besides, I probably won't feel like watching season 3 if I can't immediately disagree with you about everything in it :)

I wish that people could create their own tv schedules that others could watch (you're probably going to tell me that this is actually a thing) because I would totally watch a channel scheduled by you :) I suppose that is one good thing about being so far behind - at least I still have lots of things to look forward to watching for the first time :)

Dex said...

Caramel lattes are my new thing at lunchtime. I don't know why I really wanted you to know that.

Louise Boyd said...

I'm guessing by this that you're exactly like me when it comes to coffee... if it isn't 40% milk, 45% sugar/sweetener/syrup and 5% coffee, then you aren't fucking drinking it?

My mum told me to send you one of these:

Because I told her about your Ghibli comment and she got so damn happy. I think you've got a free pass for life now.

My mum is an infinite nerd and she reads as much as me.
She's where I get it from, and my love of Fantasy, even though she's more into Sci-Fi.
I don't think she'll ever understand just how much I appreciate her raising me with these genres and normalising them.
I've never felt "uncool" for liking what I like (okay, maybe a little when I was a teenager but I got over it really quickly. Like, in a year quickly) and I allot most of that to her liking exactly what she likes in front of me and not apologising for it.
She's a cool lady. I like her. And I love her. It's a cool thing to have and I don't remember many of my past friends having this. I mean, my best friend from high school's parents only listened to The Carpenters.
The horror.

Dex said...

Yes, my coffee should almost be a dessert. You know me so well :)

Your mum did not tell you to send me that Sen & Haku gif! Because if it were true, my insides would melt!

You and your mum have such a rare and precious thing. I get on really well with my family but we hardly share any interests or even talk about them that much. We kind of just stick to our own thing :S And I never thought any of my friends were much better off either. Also, my parents only really listen to classical music so I'm not sure that's much better than only The Carpenters. Okay, maybe a little :)

'I've never felt "uncool" for liking what I like... and I allot most of that to her liking exactly what she likes in front of me and not apologising for it.' I guess I should be really thankful to your mum too since she passed that onto you.

Does you mum have a favourite sci-fi book or series?

Dex said...

I finally watched the trailer for Stranger Things Season 3. I'm super excited too! I love the fact that it's set in summer and that there's a mall :)

Dex said...

Someone uploaded videos of Hal's best bits from each season of Malcolm In The Middle onto Youtube and it has totally made my day :)

Dex said...

January by Wildfront

Dex said...

Wish You Knew by Pretty Sad

Louise Boyd said...

Okay, I'm 3 episodes into Stranger Things and it's still so good.
But your dislike of Hopper might become uncontrollable this season... =/ Which in turn might mean we need to buddy break-up 0_0

Ps. My mum absolutely sent you that Sen/Haku hug. She's so fucking glowy over the Ghibli comparison. It's very cute.

Dex said...

'Okay, I'm 3 episodes into Stranger Things and it's still so good.

Thank fuck! :D That's all I needed to hear. Really, the only thing I was genuinely worried about was that it wouldn't be any good. Now I can start watching. Tonight :)

I'm probably just jealous of Hopper, seeing as he's action man :)

Your mum is just so.... your mum :D

Dex said...

Louise Boyd said...

Isn't Sailor Steve glorious? Not to mention Robin.
I am love with Robin.
Who happens to be Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke's kid!
Once you know, her entire being makes sense.

Dex said...

I did not know that! Then again, I don't know most things. I do know that Robin is awesome though :)

I was so hungry coming home from work that I've all but demolished a whole pack of Choco Leibniz :S

Louise Boyd said...

Captain Candyclaws strikes again!
You're such a savage.

I've got two more episodes to go and I'm freaking out!
The episodes so far have been so tame in comparison to the first two seasons that I just know the penultimate and finale are going to be IN-SANE.
I can't wait... e_e

Dex said...

I'm going to finish it this weekend too! I really wish you lived just down the street so we could share a mini freak out when it's all over :)

Dex said...

Over by Alice Boman

Dex said...

The temperature in Lerwick this afternoon hit 16C. Our average summer high is 15C so obviously I was a little bit excited :)

Louise Boyd said...

15℃? That's all you get?
That's criminal!
It was 21℃ here today.
I read comics and baked like a marshmallow.

I finished Stranger Things and I have feelings.

Dex said...

I have a feeling that reading comics in your garden on a warm summer's day could be my happy place :)

I think we're cursed. Because even when the weather does get up to 15C, it brings the mist.

I finished Stranger Things as well :) Most important question, was it as good as you'd hoped it would be?

Dex said...

Flipz Salted Caramel Chocolate Pretzels. That is all.

Louise Boyd said...

Goddamnit, Eva, why must you say such cursed things to me?!

I can't say the third season is my favourite season (that will always be the 1st) but it was a hell of a ride and I might never forgive it for the devastation it caused me during the finale.
I knew it was going to happen.
I could feel it 0_0
I had to buy his Hawaiian shirted funko just to console myself...
No body, no death.
If he isn't in that Russian cell, then my man is in the Upside Down.
I dare you to try and convince me otherwise.

I can happily tell you that I very much love Max now. She was a total baller this season. I mean, someone had to take Mike into hand. Such a little shit this season.
Also, Lucas. I don't think I saw him without some form of food in his hand or being shoved down his throat at any point in each episode.
Are teenage boys really like that? 0_0

Dex said...

They're so good :)

He's got to be alive. I'm guessing he escaped into the Upside Down, found an exit to some other part of the base and was probably captured by some fleeing Russians. I'm not certain but wasn't the base completely deserted when the US troops arrived, meaning the Russians must have had some kind of escape route?

Season 3 may have actually been my favourite on the whole :S Mainly because it looked amazing (I would have been happy if the entire season had taken place in the mall) and I appreciated the lighter tone for the most part (although I can totally understand why people would rate it lower for that exact reason).

I think when I was a teenager, I generally rated my day on how much I could buy at the tuck shop :)

Dex said...

Hey Lilliputty. I did something really stupid. I ordered a present for our birthday from US and sent it direct to your address. So if there is a charge (I've looked up the rules and I'm hoping there isn't based on the price/type of item, if I'm understanding them correctly) please let me know so I can reimburse you. I'm so fucking dumb sometimes :S

I actually thought it would be ages before it was dispatched based on the estimates but apparently it shipped today!

Louise Boyd said...

I've got so many theories swirling around my brain and the internet isn't helping.
And neither are my sisters.
Em just put the idea in my head that "the American" in the cell at the end of the season could actually be Matthew Modine because we never saw a body, did we? And he's kind of the originator of everything, so it'd make sense for him still be kicking around.
Now this has totally fucked with my head because I need it to be either Billy or Hopper in that cell, not Eleven's, Papa.
Neither of them can be dead. I won't allow it 0_0

I was looking at the demogorgon (so glad we're back to them, the Mind Flayer's actually a bit boring =/ ) at the end and wondering if they always looked that human. I don't remember them being pink. Weren't they sort of grey/blue?
Which got me to wondering if maybe that's Billy.
Could the Russians/Mind Flayer be trying to create hybrids?
SEE! This is what my brain is currently doing on a perpetual loop.
And 90% of that is finding ways for Billy and Hopper to be alive.
I'm exhausted 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

Jesus, you're present buying already?!

Dex said...

You're so right! There was definitely something different about it. Also, do you think time travel might start to play a part next season? I suppose that's a way for both Billy & Hopper to survive. People seem to be reading a lot into the heavy 'Back to the Future' referencing. Or maybe the writers just like the film and it was 1985. Still...

And when did you start caring about Billy? :)

In my defence, the delivery estimate went all the way up to 26 August so I was hoping I wouldn't have to talk about presents for ages :S Please don't worry about it. I'm hardly buying anything this year (not even joking) and the thing from US is actually pretty boring.

Dex said...

One of the things that did disappoint me about season 3 was the Mind Flayer's ultimate plan. I liked the idea that it was taking over the townsfolk but all it ended up doing was merging them all into a big monster to fight El.

Dex said...

Floor Cry. She's just the fucking best.

Louise Boyd said...

Hmm, I don't know about the time travel stuff. It doesn't really play into the story arc they've been building these past 3 seasons.
Parallell universes are their thing and I'm not sure what time travel would contribute to that other than providing an easy out for any storylines they want to alter?
Definitely, hmm.

I started caring about Billy as soon as the Mind Flayer dragged his ass down to that basement.
I knew those fuckers would make me like him.
He was so severely underused this season, though. He's got such fantastic vulnerability and I really wish we could have spent more time watching a slow takeover of his mind/body and his struggle with it, instead of the almost instant bodysnatch.
That's part of the reason I hope he's not dead. More Billy please. Plus, it near killed me watching Max cry over his dead body.
The Duffer brothers were fucking mean this season!

I do agree with you about the Mind Flayer's disappointing ultimate plan but I sort of get this feeling that season 3 was a warm up for some seriously fucked up shit next time around.
Hopefully with Will and Elle doing something supernatural together. Why hasn't that happened yet?!

Dex said...

Yeah, I'm not that keen on introducing a time travel element either. Still, nothing more 80s than a bit of comic book style retconning :) DC Comics did the 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' storyline ending in 1986 that cleaned up their mess of a universe, then did a reboot of Superman's origin the same year. And Marvel brought back Jean Grey after her death in The Dark Phoenix Saga through some very convoluted storytelling, also in 1986 I think. I don't know if I should be worried that Stranger Things season 4 will probably be set in 1986 too... Then again, I was born in 1986, so I'm taking that as a sign that only good things will happen next season :)

Please ignore how embarrassingly nerdy that last paragraph sounded :)

I suppose Will & Elle will get more scenes together since they're now pretty much brother and sister - I hope that gets built on next season :)

I was totally wrong about the Steve/Billy friendship this season though. Did they even have any scenes together? I think the closest they came was when Steve rammed his car into Billy's :)

Dex said...

Did it really get up to 26C in Blairgowrie today? They're also predicting thunderstorms tonight!

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, wow.
You really let your nerdy flag fly high there.
I'm so proud 0_0

Not to be crass... but totally to be crass, they completely cockblocked the potentially awesome romance between Steve and Billy.
I don't even ship them and even I was disappointed that the only ramming that happened was Steve's car into Billy's passenger door.
I so wanted to say rear... life isn't fair sometimes >_<

I truly can't figure out which direction they're going to go in next season. I know they've talked about 5 seasons and then they're done but I don't know, is that enough? Because at this point I'm kind of confused as to where this is all going.
I know it's going to be about Eleven vs. The Mindflayer but I think I need a bit more than that. Something with a bit more weight.
Or is that wrong? Because the 80s were about the ultimate showdown and the farce of getting there.
I'm so confused.
And I'm going to rewatch it all pretty quickly because I miss them all already and my Hopper pain is real!

Ps. I think it was only 25℃ but yeah... it was pretty hot here.
I am not looking forward to the rain and heat tomorrow.
It is the only time my hair retains any volume, however...

Dex said...

I guess with showdowns, they usually work best when there's a strong personal connection between the two characters. Given their connection to the Mindflayer, maybe Elle vs Will? Build on their relationship during the 4th season, then turn them against each other in the 5th?

I didn't even give it a thought until you mentioned it the other day but I really do think that the relationship between Elle and Will is going to be a major thing next season.

Sometimes we're the complete opposite - I was actively trying to avoid making my sentence about Steve and Billy open to interpretation :)

Dex said...

I think I really want to try and make an iced latte this weekend. Also, I found out they sell all the different kinds of syrups in Tesco so I can experiment :)

Dex said...

I bumped into my best friend from primary school today. It was on the way to work. He was walking with his dad and their dog along the path around the loch. They were a little bit in front of me and I kind of recognised who it was, so I slowed down because I didn't want to catch up. But their dog got into a small disagreement with another dog so I couldn't really avoid them.

It was fine though. He asked about work and how I was getting on. He doesn't live in Shetland anymore but was here visiting his parents (they still live just up the road from us). He's a lawyer now, with a wife and baby. Not that I was particularly surprised - he always seemed like someone who had his life together. But we didn't really have much else to say to each other. I never have much to say to old friends.

Dex said...

Can't stop re-watching Schitt's Creek at the moment. Moira's talk with Stevie at the end of season 5... I was so happy when Emily singled it out in one of her monthly blog posts because it really hit me too :)

Dex said...

21C today. People were even swimming in the sea and, up here, that's usually a pastime reserved for crazies only :)

Dex said...

Someone made Biscoff squares to take into work today. It was pretty much the same as eating a spoonful of Biscoff. I was not complaining.

Dex said...

I feel like this Rimmer gif is me, all day, every day :)

Louise Boyd said...

First of all, Biscoff squares?
I hate you.

Second of all, If you're Rimmer, I'm Rimmer.
Why must the human race be so annoying?!

Thirdly, your former best friend encounter is genuinely my worst nightmare. If I never saw any of my childhood friends again, I'd be totally cool with it. And those are some good people but ugh, I do not need to feel shit about myself in the face of former friend's "achievements".
If I could erase it from your brain, Men In Black style, would.

Fourthy, sorry for ghosting you the past week! Sunshine had me distracted 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

If forgot to say! Something large, square and squishy was delivered. I'm guessing it's my mystery present that's going to sit in my room and taunt me for a month 0_0

Louise Boyd said...

I not if -_-

Dex said...

I'm genuinely so sorry, Maggot! I will never ever complain about super quick delivery but that was a good 3-4 weeks earlier than the timeframe they gave me! Although I am also very glad that it didn't get lost somewhere over the Atlantic :)

It's not even like I wanted to swap places with him, or coveted his life. Because I absolutely did not. It sounds weirdly arrogant but I'm actually okay with being me, it's just that I sometimes wish things worked out in life the way they do in my head :)

Don't worry about late replies. Enjoy the sun! :)

Dex said...

Lilliputty... I don't even know what to say. You put so much work into your monthly blog posts and they're always worth the wait. There seems to be some people suggesting that you can maybe recover deleted posts through your browsing history since the URL should still be there but I'm not sure if it's the same for drafts.

Dex said...

This is probably a really stupid question but does Charlie have a designated birthday?

Louise Boyd said...

You should have heard the noise of utter disbelief that came from my speak-hole. I haven't made that noise since high school and made the classic fuck up move of not saving my work. I did not miss this feeling!

It's okay though, I think I've managed to recreate it and it might be up tonight? Or tomorrow. Depending on how pernickety I get about tinkering with it =/

I've learned my lesson now, though. From now on I'm saving the coding to Notes. Lest there be another clusterfuck such as this!

Ps. Charlie doesn't have a designated birthday. Seeing as he just sorta made wandered in and made himself a Boyd, we'll never know when Squish-head was brought into the world.
Em and I have had the discussion on what his birthday should be though.
Hers is logical: National Black Cat Day; October 27th
Mine is because he's a demon: Walpurgishnacht; 30th April

It should probably be October 27th but goddamnit! He's a fluffy demon and should be celebrated on an unholy night!

Dex said...

You recreated all that in only a couple of days! I think you're the demon :)

Walpurgishnacht - the number of times I've learned from you about the existence of something that I now desperately need to know more about...

Also, we are definitely doing something for that night next year :)

Dex said...

Whenever I see your book series list, it makes me question whether I have the right to say that I love making lists :)

And the little pink paws are just too fucking... I was going to say cute but I have the most insane fear that if I do, they'll suddenly leap of the screen and claw my face.

I also I have a small obsession with the shade of red highlighter you're using.

Dex said...

My parents are away visiting Freya for a few days so I'm channeling my inner Kiki at the moment.

Dex said...

Hmm, based on the last few days and a quick look at the weather forecast for this week, I think that Shetland summer may be over. Still, it has been a nice couple of weeks :)

Louise Boyd said...

Yeah, I think we're pretty much done here, too.
This fucking country hates me -_-
I'm so cold! And it won't stop raining!

I was about to accuse you of not showing me Calcifer pancakes but then remembered that I'm a forgetful idiot and you did in fact show me Calcifer pancakes!
Might just be the best present I ever got you.
No fucking clue what to get you this year! I blame you. Mysterious fucker 0_0

Ps. The red highlighter is in fact, red Sharpie. I have the entire rainbow and I huff each and every one. Better than Crack.

Dex said...

It's between Calcifer and the Cowboy Bebop t-shirt. Or the Camp Chippewa t-shirt. Also the FMA jumper. And a couple of the books. And you did introduce me to both Firefly & Archer. And I still use the Reptar lunchbox most days (fuck, those Yetis were so good). And the music...

Huffing Sharpies, book sniffing, doing lines of Rainbow Sherbet... :)

Oh yeah, that box of Rainbow Sherbet you sent me one year!

Sorry I'm so difficult to buy for though. But please don't worry about getting me anything. Honestly, the things I've bought you are so small and ridiculous that I'm not even sure you'll like them.

Dex said...

After yesterday, I've been thinking of some of the presents I got as a kid. I think the most exciting one was Mighty Max's Skull Mountain. Best Christmas ever :) Also, the Sega Mega Drive 2 (although that may have been a shared present with my sibling).

Dex said...

It's Friday night and I'm alone in my bedroom watching Pinky & The Brain :S

Dex said...

I would recommend Vimto Bon Bons. And I don't even like Vimto the drink.

You must be glad that I only tell you about really important things :)

Dex said...

Is it my imagination or does Charlie have little protruding fangs at the sides of his mouth?! I'd call him cat vampire if he didn't enjoy the sun so much :)

Louise Boyd said...

He does. They're so cute. Until they're embedded in your calf, hand, shoulder etc.
We got him stoned one catnip today.
He has this little beaver that we stuff with it and he goes nuts.
And it provides us with an endless supply of dirty jokes as he licks the damn thing hairless :)
It was a very soggy beaver after he was finished.

I keep falling asleep for about 10 minutes each night at around 10pm.
Am I being bodysnatched?

Ps. Vimto Bon Bons? You tell me the filthiest things.

Dex said...

'He has this little beaver that we stuff with it and he goes nuts.
And it provides us with an endless supply of dirty jokes as he licks the damn thing hairless :)
It was a very soggy beaver after he was finished.'

Seriously though, I really didn't think I could like your family any more than I already do. Then you tell me stuff like that :)

Is Charlie in the room when you fall asleep? Because he is a demon :)

Also, the last of the birthday presents I ordered has finally shipped. Hopefully you'll get it on time :S I also have couple of small things to post that I'll hopefully get around to at the weekend.

Dex said...

Sorry I haven't shared any music lately. I don't know, I just seem to have taken a bit of a break from finding new stuff over the summer holidays :S At least I can still steal your discoveries :)

Dex said...

Emily's blog reminding me of teeny terrapins from Kinder Surprise kind of made my day :)

Dex said...

The Teeny Terrapins got me thinking about 'Monster in my Pocket' that we used to get in cereal :)

Dex said...

I'm going to a house party tonight :S Whenever I'm at these things, all I do is wonder what you're up to and how I'd probably enjoy doing that a whole lot more :)

Louise Boyd said...

The words house party give me wicked acid flashbacks to being an idiot 18 year old drunk (sometimes stoned) off her face 0_0

Is it a grown up house party? They won't make you drink wine, will they?

You'll totally want to be doing what I'm doing tonight instead.
Yeah, no, I can't even convince myself that's true.
Tonight, Fungus, I shall mostly be burrowing under my duvet (because holy fuck it's feels like Autumn here already), surfing the net, and half-watching the second season of the The Punisher until it's time to watch more of The Magicians. There'll probably be a few Charlie interludes where Em entertains him on my floor, and forays to the kitchen to plunder the ginormous box of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes like a cereal-craving beast.
I'm an exciting human 0_0

Tell me horror stories when you return!

Dex said...

Are you kidding?! If that were an option, I would have been feigning sickness so I could come over to your house. Would you share the Crunchy Nut Cornflakes though? Or is that a dumb question? :)

It was more of a cocktail night with people from work. It was okay but I probably had more to drink than I should have. I mean, not so much that I did or said anything alcohol induced that made me want to bury my face in a pillow the next morning - I just became really tired :)

And they played the 'Never have I ever...' game. Which I absolutely hate. And I made it absolutely clear to everyone there that I hated it and would not be participating. Because I really don't need to know which people in our office have had threesomes. Why would I ever want to know that?! Ugh, I probably sound like such a prude :S

Actually, I probably hate it so much because I've never done anything in my life. But, y'know, I don't like people being made to feel they have to share things that they would rather have kept private if they weren't drunk. I think it's dumb and it makes me sad.

So yeah, I'm so much fun at parties... :)

Dex said...

One of the best things about the cocktail night though was that someone made me a strawberry daiquiri which was really, really good :)

Louise Boyd said...

Wait hot damn minute. People in your office have had threesomes?!
You kinky fuckers.

Ugh, I hate Never Have I Ever. I played it once in high school and couldn't drink for any question. Not a damn fucking thing. And the people just patted me on the head and called me cute.
I'm not fucking cute, you fucking fuckheads.
I'm the nefarious queen of fucking your faces up, so fucking bite me you degenerate fuckwads!
I may have some residual emotions over this 0_0

Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and Netflix is definitely a much better way to go.
It's an 840g box as well.
I have almost finished it though...

What does a Strawberry Daiquiri taste like?
I always imagined it'd be like alcoholic pink Nesquik.
Am I close?

Ps. Presents have been bought! They should be with you soon. Or not. The postal service has some weird vendetta against me. I swear I'm innocent!

Dex said...


I've still got to post a couple of mine but I'll hopefully get around to it tomorrow. So you should end up with 4 parcels in total. Unless the postal service's vendetta against you stretch to not delivering your presents as well :S

The Strawberry Daiquiri I had doesn't really match the pictures online so I may have been fooled! Whatever I had was quite clear (lots of ice) and not that sweet (but just sweet enough). Still nice though :)

Hmm, maybe we could play 'Never have I ever...' with films or books. Never have I ever watched 'The Goonies'. See, I think it works. Although I fear you would get very, very drunk. Or very, very dead if it were books :)

Dex said...

Finally got the last of your stuff posted :)

Dex said...

Fuck, I think there may be a charge on one of the presents I ordered :S Could you let me know how much it is so I can pay you back? Really sorry, Lilliputty. Ugh, next time I'll have it sent to me first.

Dex said...

Okay, I think I've managed to pay the charge online and the parcel should be delivered Thursday.

Sorry for so many messages. I make things way too complicated :)

Louise Boyd said...

Okay, so the Postal Service's (if only it was the band, at least then it'd be musical) vendetta against me continues on.
Received two parcels today but one demands I pay them money.
The bastards!

Easy fix though.

Go here:

Put this reference number in: LB 315 469 650 US

Although last time I did this, they refused my ref no. multiple times but there's a link to follow if that happens.

Just remember to put my name and address in.
Why am I telling you this?
You're not stupid!
My bossiness got the better of me.
And it was £13.60.
I always forget the most important information 0_0


Pps. I think for years I've been mixing up a Strawberry Daiquiri with a Pink Rabbit.
Because I'm a stupid.
They both sound pretty fucking good though.
I'll drink just about anything that involves ice slush.

Dex said...

Thanks Lilliputty :) Actually, I managed to figure out how to pay the custom charge online last night and asked them to deliver the parcel tomorrow (Thursday). But now I'm super worried that it'll get delivered here instead because when they asked for my billing address (they didn't ask for a delivery address), I put in my address instead (I just assumed that the billing address related to the card I was using, rather than the actual address for the parcel).

Ugh, life is so complicated :)

Dex said...

I received a box in the post today :D

Dex said...

Also, I really want to try a Pink Rabbit!

Louise Boyd said...

Ooh, a day earlier than expected! Maybe the postal service doesn't hate me after all?

The package I received today is squishy.
I'm so intrigued 0_0

I'm genuinely a little nervous about the number of books I'm going to get for my birthday.
Not because I don't desperately want them but because I'm keep looking around my room and wishing pocket universes into existence so I can store my growing collection there =/
I'm going to drown, Dex. DROWN!

Ps. You could cheat and just get some pink nesquik and vodka? Although, that sounds horrible...

Dex said...

Don't think I'm quite ready to completely lose you to your books :) I'd let you store some here if we could open some kind of portal. Only I'm imagining being asleep in the middle of the night and a portal opening to rain your books down onto me :)

Do you still drink nesquik? :)

Louise Boyd said...

That's exactly what would happen.
I'm sorry? =/

I mean, you could sleep under some bubble wrap so you don't get bludgeoned to death?

Of course I still drink Nesquik, you barbarian! I'm a brown Nesquik kinda girl, though.
I love the cereal too.
But not as much as Wheetos.
I love all the cereal for children.
Especially ones that provide chocolate milk at the end.
There's only a handful of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes left.
I am... bereft.

Dex said...

I think I'll buy some Wheetos and Nesquik tonight. I always feel like I need a valid reason to buy something different and this seems as good a reason as any :) Also, it's good to know what to have in the house just in case you ever do manage to open that portal :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'd say I was a bad influence on your eating habits but... yeah, I've got nothing on you, Captain Candyclaws.
Ugh, now I want cereal.
When I will turn into a witch already? I want to magic this stuff into existence whenever the mood takes me!

I have a horror story for you.
Are you ready?

Okay, so, for the last couple of weeks I've been hearing some weird noises in my room.
Specifically in the shelves that surround my bed.
I figured it was a moth or something trapped behind the books.
No big deal.
It'd come out eventually.
Cue earlier this week, I hear a strange noise on my pillow just above my head.
I flash my torch, nothing there.
More strange noises; I start to think Charlie's left me a mouse or something and it's going to start eating my face while I'm sleeping.
This obviously doesn't stop me from sleeping like the dead but I'm suspicious and a little freaked all the same.
Cue last night.
I was happily reading, demolishing a Twix, trying to ignore the weird noises yet again emanating from my shelves, when that noise on my pillow happens again.
I flashed my torch.
There's a spider the size of my palm staring at me.
To give myself credit, I yelped, I did not scream.
Spiders don't bug me, just as long as they stay on their side of the universe.
But this fucker was huge.
And in my bed.
And it disappeared as soon as I sat up to get away from it.
At this point my back is a sweaty mess because, y'know, fight or flight instincts, and generally everything's a bit fucking tense.
It was 3:30am by the way, so I'm fully alone in my freaked outness.
I went to get a jar.
Ten minutes later I nabbed me a spider and unceremoniously hurled it out of the window.
As expected I was still a little tense. Every imaginary spider on the planet was touching me, I shit you not.
Twenty minutes later I was dead to the world.
And do you want to know what Emily said to me when I relayed this story to her?
She said, and I quote: It's good that you caught it. But what if it had babies?
My sister is a monster and I do not feel safe in my safe space!

The end.

Dex said...

And what was your reply to Emily?!

Judging by the size, let's just assume the spider was still pregnant when you hurled it out the window :)

Y'know, I don't think I've ever come across a spider so big that I could hear it make noises!

Giant spiders notwithstanding, part of me really wants to live in your night world, eating Twixes by torchlight :)

Dex said...

Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Maggot. Normally I would stay up until midnight to rip open my presents but I'm working tomorrow so I'll maybe save them up for when I get home :)

Louise Boyd said...

Happy Birthday, Fungus!

Wanna know how I started my birthday?
With an ophthalmic migraine and a healthy dose of upchucking the night before.
It was awesome 0_0

Haven't had a chance to open any presents yet but I'll rip them open later.
I'm still so intrigued by the squishiness...

Ps. My response to Em was to look at her with a dead expression and inform her that I hated her.
She just laughed evilly.

Louise Boyd said...

Okay, I lasted like 20 minutes and the presents have indeed been ripped open.
I'm in present heaven. Every time I opened one, I made this ridiculous fangirly noise.
You totally out presented me!
Which I'd be angrier about but...


You're the best kid in the universe.
I will not accept any other truth.

Dex said...

It has taken until almost 8pm but I finally have a moment to myself...

Fuck, can I just have you here in my life right now?! Because I need you to fill it with more awesome things :D Seriously, if I ever get a place of my own, you get to decide what goes in it.

I'm sorry I'm not the easiest person in the world to buy for but somehow you always manage to find presents I absolutely love.

And it did take all my willpower not to demolish the candy floss then and there!

Enjoy your birthday night, Maggot. And carry it over into tomorrow to make up for the start. I'm off to set up my block light :)

Ps. Did you get as many books as your bedroom feared? :)

Pps. I always worry about the presents I get you, that you won't like them, but I love buying them anyway. Honestly, I think you'd be a great person to go shopping with :)

Dex said...

Opening the box of presents you sent me was definitely the highlight of my birthday :) I was at work for most of the day but I didn't mind because that's where most of my friends are anyway. They even got me a cake :) Then I picked up some takeaway on the way home to have with the family and finally fell asleep watching Netflix on my laptop. So a pretty okay day :)

Dex said...

The candy floss is so good :)

Louise Boyd said...

Thank fuck!
I was really worried it would be terrible.
Like that weird chocolate you get sometimes that tastes like plastic and makes you regret being cheap and not buying the fucking Dairy Milk bar.

Does the light make the noise?
It better make the noise or I'm going to be furious!

I got so many books, Fungus. So many. They're piled under my desk right now because I don't know where to put them >_<
I have the best problems.

Dex said...

I've only eaten the top colour (pink) so far but I don't think white & blue will last much longer :)

It does make a noise! Whenever you push down on it to switch it on or off, it makes the same noise as in the game! It's amazing! :D

Hmm, maybe you can have an attic library above your bedroom with a trapdoor in the ceiling :)

Louise Boyd said...

Are they different flavours?
I didn't actually read anything about it, I just saw a BUCKET of candy floss and threw it into my basket.

I could never sleep with a loft hatch in my room.
I'd completely freak myself out and end up gluing it shut or something =/
You have no idea how long it took me to be okay with the underneath of my bed.
No idea.

Dex said...

It actually makes me really happy that you know me so well that the bucket of candy floss went straight into your basket without hesitation :)

They are different flavours - strawberry, vanilla and bubblegum :)

I would never tell anyone else this but I still occasionally creep myself out by checking under my bed for monsters :S

Louise Boyd said...

Believing the underneath of your bed is filled with various monsters is a perfectly valid way to live your life.
I mean, there could be a goddamn portal to the underworld down there for all we know!
People who just assume there aren't creatures in the depths beneath their bed are just silly fuckwits in my opinion 0_0

Bubblegum candy floss sounds so gross... I bet it's great.

Dex said...

'Bubblegum candy floss sounds so gross... I bet it's great.'

It was :)

Also, I saw a hodgeheg in the garden tonight. It was on the path around the back of the house but had disappeared when I went out for a second look. Then I heard this scratching noise coming from the trees and there it was :)

Dex said...

Charlie's catnip flecked nose :)

Dex said...

Did I ever tell you I went to a Eurovision party when it was on earlier this year? I was probably too embarrassed :) Actually, some of the music was okay, even though I really don't like the event as a whole. And I thought Greece had the best song by far but no one else seemed to agree with me :)

Better Love by Katerine Duska

Dex said...

I don't know, I just really love this :)

Dex said...

I love having these autumn evenings lit up by my question block light :) Because it is now very much autumn here.

Louise Boyd said...

So I did good with the light then, huh?

I am so craving Halloween themed food and it's only September.
Why must I wait so long for the spooky season?

Dex said...

I'd be more surprised if you weren't craving it :) I'm gonna get me some vampire fangs this year. As in the sweets :)

Louise Boyd said...

Blechhhh! I hate the foamy gummies.
I'd always grumpily eat the half and half gummies in Haribo because I hate them but I don't hate all of them.
The things I do for sugar.

This year, I'm just hoping someone gets my hermitic ass some pumpkin-shaped Reese's Pieces.
And by someone I mean whoever I demand buy me some the next time they're in Tesco =/
Is a brat.

Dex said...

I meant these vampire fangs.

Although, I guess I should really be glad when you hate the sweets I like, in case we ever need to split a pic'n'mix :)

Louise Boyd said...

I didn't even now they existed!
I feel cheated!
Cheated by Halloween!

I don't even know what's available for pic'n'mix anymore =/ It's been so long.
Do they still have giant fizzy cola bottles?
And those weird coconut mushrooms?
What about the ice creams! I loved the ice creams!

Dex said...

I hardly ever see the vampire fangs in shops these days. Although I did find a place up here that sells rainbow sherbet :)

I just remember when I was a kid, we used to get 10p or 20p pic'n'mix bags made up of 1p & 2p sweets :) I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I don't actually remember much about specific sweets though :S Except the cola worms which were 2p sweets :)

I don't remember the giant fizzy cola bottles, coconut mushrooms or ice creams! What the fuck is wrong with me?!

And then there were times where I just didn't care about pennies, filled up the bag with as much random shit as I could and paid whatever :)

Dex said...

I had to help out at a careers event tonight in the high school. But one of the tables was giving out free Refresher bars so it was almost worthwhile :)

Louise Boyd said...

Very important question: Were they full-size or mini Refresher bars?

Dex said...

They were the middle sized strawberry flavoured ones. So not giant :(

Louise Boyd said...


I was addicted to Refresher bars for a while.
Bought this massive bag of them and ate one a day as some sort of weird medicine.
I also did this with peanut butter.

Dex said...

I feel like I totally get that :)

I keep putting off asking this but did the Hocus Pocus shirt fit okay? :S

Dex said...

Did I tell you I've got 2 weeks annual leave coming up? Just one more day of work and that's it. I usually get into trouble for not taking enough annual leave but I've been pretty good this year. After this block I'll only have a little over a week left to book along with the Christmas holidays. Y'know, including public holidays, I get 8 weeks off a year. Don't know why I'm telling you that :)

Louise Boyd said...

You tell me these things so I have some example of what it's like to live the life of a regular person instead of the feckless hermit that I am...
Or you just like filling my brain with nonsense.
It's a toss up.

The Hocus Pocus shirt does fit! A little on the large size but I just knot it and commence doing witchy things.
By that witchy things I mean I continue to slowly transform into a cereal-devouring paperback with a penchant for cursing her face off.
Normal stuff!

Louise Boyd said...

Why is there a 'that' between 'by' and 'witchy'?
The fuck?
This is why you shouldn't touch type and forget to edit.

Dex said...

Well, I'm glad it's wearable at least :)

I few of us at work went through a period where we engaged in touch type duels to see who could type the most words per minute. We must have looked like we were working so hard :)

You still on the Wheetos? :)

Louise Boyd said...

Oh, it's more than wearable, my friend. It's like a Halloween badge of goddamned honour!

Who won the touch type duels the most? Tell me you were at least a contender?!

No Wheetos yet. Still finishing the box of Honey Cheerios. I got distracted by snowballs =/
Not the mallow kind, though. The cake kind with jam in the middle. Like a Scottish lamington.

If you're in Tesco and you see them, I demand you get some.
They're so good 0_0
Coconut's the fucking best!

Dex said...

I remember the site we used for the contests divided the number of words into sections. I think the highest section was 75+ words per minutes. I only broke it once or twice. There was one person who placed there consistently though. So yeah, I like to think I was an outside contender on a good day :)

I'm adding 'buy Scottish Snowballs' to my list of things to do over the next two weeks :)

Honey Cheerios is actually my usual choice whenever I'm buying cereal for myself these days. And when I was in Edinburgh I went through a Crunchy Nut Clusters phase. And I think there was also a Special K Fruit & Yoghurt phase as well. Such an interesting life :)

Louise Boyd said...

Wait a minute! The Fruit & Yoghurt Special K is actually good?!
For some reason I always thought it'd be gross!
Ack! More cereal to try!

Sliced my finger open with a bread knife today :(
I nearly puked on Emily.

Dex said...

Yeah, I seem to remember it was pretty good :) Haven't had it in a while though. Whenever I hear 'Fruit and something' I immediately assume the dried fruit is going to be something like raisins (which I hate) but the Special K cereal uses strawberries and raspberries. And I love the yoghurt pieces :)

Ick! Was it a bad cut? Also, who or what were you attacking with the bread knife?

Louise Boyd said...

I was trying to cut a cinnamon raisin bagel in half.
I'm infamous for cutting bread badly.
I outdid myself this time, though.
I bled and I cut it squint!
Tasted good though, even with a bit of blood.

Dex said...

Cinnamon, raisins, a squint bagel and some Maggot blood...

Yuck! I can't stand raisins.

Dex said...

I thought I might try some baking during my time off. If you have any ideas for some fairly easy things I could make, sweet or savoury, I'd love to hear them :)

Louise Boyd said...

I like that the blood is acceptable but raisins? RAISINS?! The horror 0_0
At least I know that if we cohabited there'd be at least one type of food I could keep from you.
I eat raisins every day, it's baffling that I haven't turned into one at this point =/

What could Fungus bake? Hmm.

Brownies are pretty easy as far as I know.
And fridge cake because y'know, that's just mixing and delicious.
Cookies? Big ones. Monster cookies!
I don't knowwww! I don't bake, I tend to just... eat.
I vote cookies or brownies.
Can't go wrong.
I think...

Dex said...

Well, I make an exception for your blood. Only because I imagine it to be sweet and syrupy :)

Do you ever get those little boxes of Sun Maid raisins? I think they were a staple of many a child's lunch box when I was in primary school. Not me though. Nutella sandwiches and those little tubs of mini jaffa cakes were usually to be found in mine :)

I hadn't even thought of biscuits. I love your idea of cookies. Probably chocolate chip. And fridge cake too. So glad I asked you :)

Louise Boyd said...

Always here to help when it comes to matters of the stomach, my dear.
And my blood may be syrupy but I doubt it'd be sweet. Poison most likely 0_0
Yummy, yummy poison.

Sun Maid is actually not my shrivelled grape of preference. That title goes to Tesco's own brand. You probably haven't noticed, being a raisin-hater and all, but for some reason companies weirdly like to oil raisins.
It's disgusting =/
Don't lather up my food unless I ask you to!

Have you ever tried a Nutella crumpet? I'm so intrigued by it but Nutella and I have a bipolar relationship.
Sometimes we're cool and being shovelled down my throat but then at other times we're mutually ignoring each other while I make faint blech noises behind Nutella's back... we're currently not speaking =/

Dex said...

No, I didn't know they oiled raisins... :S I actually did have some raisins in a cake the other week that someone brought to work - out of politeness, I felt it necessary to have a slice :) Also, they called it 'Hufsi' which is another Shetland word I didn't know. I looked it up later and it means 'homemade cake, recipe unspecified'. So if anyone offers me mysterious cake at least I now know what to call it :)

I don't think I've ever tried a Nutella crumpet! Actually, I haven't had Nutella for a very long time. It's the old friend with whom I haven't spoken in years. My mum used to always have toast and Nutella ready and waiting for me when I arrived home from school :)

What spreads are you on good terms with at the moment? :)

Y'know, I almost did call your blood poisonous in my previous message but changed my mind and went for sweet and syrupy instead. That probably gives you a small insight into the ridiculousness that goes on inside my head :) But I suppose your blood can be all three - sweet, syrupy and poisonous :)

Louise Boyd said...

If someone offered me 'Hufsi', I'd probably think they were propositioning me 0_0

Spreads? What spreads do I like just now? Jam. Raspberry jam. I don't spread it though. Nuh uh. Just me, a jar, and a spoon.
Although, jam on toast sounds truly epic right now.

Decided what you're going to bake?

Dex said...

But imagine you refused and didn't get cake! It doesn't bear thinking about! You'd just have to console yourself with jam. I love that you still eat it out of the jar :)

Well, I'm pretty sure cookies and fridge cake, although I haven't settled on specifics :S I was kinda hoping to make them for next Tuesday to take into work (even though I'm on annual leave). One of my friends is coming back from an extended holiday so we thought we'd surprise her with a small party. We basically use any excuse in HR to eat baked goods :) Also, she asked us to look after her plant so we've replaced it with something dead. I know, we're hilarious :S

Louise Boyd said...

"Also, she asked us to look after her plant so we've replaced it with something dead. I know, we're hilarious :S"

You evil, evil monsters!
At least you'll have baked goods to soften the duplicity.
Fridge cake makes everything better.
I put dried fruit in mine.

Dex said...

If you made me fridge cake, I'd still eat it even though it had dried fruit. Even raisins :)

Louise Boyd said...

Aww, silly rabbit, don't give me that much licence with your taste buds.
I might feed you arsenic, you don't know!

Dex said...

Death by cake.
At the hands of Maggot.
It was fate.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm always slightly jealous of your talent for writing about the things you like (or don't like). Or even for just knowing when something affects you in a particular way, like when you share a passage from a book. Actually, I don't know where I'm going with this, except that I've always wanted to tell you that I think it's pretty cool - even though you probably don't like anything you do to be described as cool :)

Dex said...

Okay, so I settled on a really simple chocolate fridge cake with honeycomb pieces - or smashed up Crunchies if you want to be technical about it :)

Louise Boyd said...

What? No! Really?!
That sounds so freaking gooooood.
If it's good, I demand recipe so I can take 5 million years to make it myself, okay?

Ps. You can't say nice to shit to me when I've threatened you with poisoning! How dare you?!

Dex said...

I just used the easiest recipe I could find. It even says 'perfect for making with children' :S Then I substituted the fruit and pecans with bashed up Crunchies. I'm practically a chef now :)

The next time you send me food, I'll probably forward it to the lab for tests first. Actually, who am I kidding? I think we both know that whatever food you send, it'll be forwarded to my mouth about 30 seconds after it arrives :)

Louise Boyd said...

Seriously, you're just asking to get poisoned, my friend.

I think I need to make fridge cake.
Damnit, I'm trying not to devour every sugary thing sight!
You're a tempter.
A dirty, rotten tempter.

Dex said...

Need I remind you that you're the one who told me about fridge cake! I wasn't even sure what it was, let alone how easy it was to make :D

Sugar by Young Prisms

Louise Boyd said...

Wellllll, I do have my uses.
Though currently I'd refuse fridge cake.
The lurgy got me.
Fucking immune system -_-

You have to eat twice as much fridge cake for me.

Dex said...

A ton of uses! Half the stuff I like these days is because of you.

Does Charlie keep you company when you're sick?

Louise Boyd said...

If by "keeps me company" you mean, "happens to be in the same room as me", then yeah, sure he does =/
I'm actually the bed of choice at the moment and he likes to sprawl and gives not one damn for my comfort.
Little bastard makes my legs achey.
He snores though, so that sorta makes up for it.
Have you ever heard a cat snore?

Dex said...

I don't think I have! I've definitely heard some Charlie noises before but that may have been a sneeze, possibly also a growl :)

Yeah, I actually did mean 'is he sprawling all over your legs while you're lying sick in bed?'. That was exactly the image that was going through my head when I asked if he was keeping you company :)

Louise Boyd said...

What you were is technically called a snuffle. He does snore, though. It's ridiculous. I'll try and record it some time. It's about time I fully embraced being a crazy cat lady and that just might clinch it!

Do you watch The Bake Off? I feel like this is something I should have asked before... and maybe I have but you know my memory =/

Dex said...

I still think you'll be quite far off from turning into Angela from The Office :)

Y'know, I actually don't think I've ever seen more than a few clips of The Bake Off! It's a big deal at work though - we even have a sweepstake for it. Do you watch it? Okay, I'm pretty sure you've told me you do (and you probably wouldn't have asked me if you didn't watch it) but you know my memory too :)

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