bear drive

February 11, 2013

A tip for fellow headache, or even more painful, migraine sufferers:

Chewing gum helps a lot.

The chewing action massages your temples and this helps to decrease the tension that is at work annihilating your brainpan. 
It doesn't work for everyone and i would highly suggest taking Ibuprofen Lysine as prior treatment.
It kills all the pain!
Be sure to drink lots though, flush all those chemicals out of your system once they've done their job.
But if all else has failed and you aren't in a position to sleep the pain away, try gum.
Just not this one:
But it's all i've got.

Now you've been informed with such priceless knowledge, i have to go and lie down in a dark room before i start trying to claw out whatever bastard neuron is causing me so much pain.

Ps. Sorry for my monster hands in this photo. They're actually freakishly small in actuality.

Listening to: Bear Drive 'Enemy'
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