
February 05, 2013

Tulip Fields in the Netherlands by Normann Szkop.

Thank you Colossal for showing me this.
It makes me happy inside.

I really didn't get EE when they first appeared.
Every single, damn time their music appeared on the tv/radio, i had to turn it off quick sharp.
Even damaging myself in the process, struggling to find the off button - i'm ridiculous on a daily basis, just deal with it - it offended me that much.
Man Alive made me squirm when i tried to listen to it.
And i mean really squirm.
I was physically vexed by them.
But then something happened.
They started advertising their new album.
And i kind of fell in love.
The only way i can explain the experience is to liken it to when confronted with a person who aggravates you so much that they deserve a high five in the face with a chair.
And then suddenly, for no apparent reason, you're crushing on them so hard it'd make Joey Potter blush.

I feel...violated, somehow. 
In a good way?
If that's at all possible.

Here's an example:
 Oh God, i'm in love with Mini Franco.
What the hell, world?
This isn't right.

Listening to: Everything Everything 'Choice Mountain'
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