
September 22, 2013

I didn't forget, buddy.
I merely forgot to say anything.
So Burt's helping me apologise.
Isn't he doing a great job?

Happy Birthday, you majestic beast, you.

dom said...

I think Burt is the only one worthy of being called majestic here. Look at all that hair, where does the man end and the bear rug start?

How did you know about my fetish too? I thought I'd managed to keep it secret.

Thank you missus

(I meant to comment last week, plz forgive my usual tardiness)

Louise Boyd said...

I read 'tardiness' as 'Tardishness' and got a little happy.
I love Doctor Who and i'm immeasurably sad to see Matt Smith depart. I did just read on Pajiba that he will be playing Patrick Bateman in the stage play of American Psycho.

Oh, and you're welcome budddy! I thought you might appreciate Burt and his manlier than manly physique.
Not to mention that 'come hither' stare.

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