floor cry - swimming team

July 21, 2019

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Dex said...

Constantly repeating McGoooohan in your head... You really do make me happy :D I forgot the most embarrassing one. The new series of Gladiators :) I have been enjoying The Twilight Zone. It's like a little snapshot of creepy 1950s small town America :)

I would definitely watch any amount of TV with you, even Married at First Sight :)

I'm not sure if Freya is back yet as I haven't heard from my cousin but I will definitely try to get as much news as possible when I speak to them so I can pass on the details to you :)

Dex said...

I bought a Boost and a Star Bar for lunch today :) I haven't had either in ages!

Louise Boyd said...

If you could somehow combine a Star Bar and a Boost, I have this feeling it could be a Top Five chocolate bar.
Like a Snickers had a praline-y baby.
Someone should work on that...

I caught some of the new Gladiators a few weeks ago, and I was so happy they still beat each other with supersized cotton buds :D
Jet was always my favourite Gladiator, I even had a t shirt with her on it. Cool kid, sitting right here ^-^
Did you have a favourite?

No Cake Fridge this week :(
And a travesty! I don't think I like Reese's Pieces as much as I used to *cries* and I'm down to ONE Caramac.
Why is the universe being mean to us?!

Dex said...

You do come up with the best ideas! I wish you were in charge of all sugar! Have you ever had the Snickers Peanut Butter chocolate bar? I haven't but it's definitely on my watch list :)

I really do think you were a cook kid! And still are :) Jet was one of my favourites too :) I also quite liked Saracen (they showed him in the audience for the final of the new series).

I'm sure you will order me to make up for no cake fridge this week by making me get double another week :) I really do hope you find a new chocolate bar very shortly to replace the Caramacs and Reese's Pieces! You deserve to always have chocolate that you love :)

Dex said...

Lilliputty! I absolutely loved reading your March monthly! Especially your glorious outpouring in defence of romance literature!

Also, I will also love you for sending me Wyrd Sisters & Expecting Someone Taller on one of our birthdays :)

Louise Boyd said...

It is my duty to pass along brain-altering literature that makes you snicker like a fool :)
And that also includes romance!
I love that you're not a total bloke about stuff like that, or even just a snob who thinks it's crap because they're not into it.
Truly, my dear, you're a few dozen steps above the rest :)

What is this Snickers Peanut Butter Chocolate Bar you speak of?! I can't find it anywhere!
And unless it's the Creamy one (which I love), I've never heard of it, and I love all things Snickers, so I must be informed immediately!
If it's not a bar like Dairy Milk that's just flat and filled with Snickery goodness, I'm gonna be so upset 0_0

Y'know that cold/throat thing you got? - which by the way, how you feeling?
My mum got it on Wednesday *-*
Not a happy bunny.
But fingers crossed she'll remain patient zero and the rest of us stay lurgy free! :)

Dex said...

Oh, I think it is just the Creamy Snickers. Sorry, I didn't mean to get your hopes up for a brand new Snickers bar! But I am very glad to know that you like it. It's always very important to me to get your opinion on these things :)

I can recommend Dairy Milk Little Bars. They remind me of the Wildlife bars :)

I really hope that I am not a total bloke about most things. I'd much rather be someone who likes sharing your interests instead :)

I'm sorry that your mum has caught this stupid illness. I always want your family to be okay. I don't have the cough anymore but my ribs are still sore! I wonder if I did get Covid as this is the same thing that happened last time.

Louise Boyd said...

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda devastated there isn't a flat bar Snickers in existence, but it's okay, I can deal, or just melt six Snickers together and go feral *-*
Get the Creamy ones, though! Unless you're not fond of a chewier nougat, then I'd say skip it =/

I love Little Bars, and yes! They're totally just Wildlife Bars without the fun animals.
They should bring the creatures back, I miss them.
Question: do you eat a particular end of the bar first? Paint pot or paint splash? o_O
Or are you normal and just eat it however it comes out the wrapper? =/

No the 'Rona! What did I say, Dexterous Captain Candyclaws Fungus Epistolean? What did tell you?
No getting infected again!
Honestly, you're like a wayward child, just licking everything in sight,*sigh*.
Sorry about the ribs, though, bud.

Ps. You're not a blokey bloke at all, totally not toxically male, an absolute champion.
And I promise I'd advocate for you if the woman revolution ever comes and we start building pyres for the men :)

Dex said...

I'm sorry, I promise I will stop getting infected. Even though it's important to check that things aren't made of sugar :) My ribs are feeling much better today though. I'm just worried that I have given it to my parents. My dad has been coughing this last week...

I will definitely have to try the Creamy Snickers just in case I am missing out :) I'm sorry that there isn't a magical Snickers bar out there for you. Stupid question but have you ever melted down a chocolate bar? I am slightly curious to see what it would be like. I'm sure we would be trying these experiments all the time if we lived next door to each other :)

Lilliputty, I didn't even realise the Little Bars had different ends! Kerry was absolutely horrified when I demolished one of them in two bites! I am a monster :)

If there is a revolution, maybe you could just keep me in a little house with all of our favourite things and visit whenever you like :)

Dex said...

Mr Kipling Angel Slices was my sugar fix tonight!

Louise Boyd said...

Most excellent choice!
Why is there no other cake that tastes like Angel Cake? It's just sponge, but somehow so much more!
Sorcery, I tell thee.
How do you feel about Battenberg?

If there is a revolution, maybe you could just keep me in a little house with all of our favourite things and visit whenever you like :)

You've got a deal, my friend!
Knowing me, though, I'd probably visit and not leave because revolutions are tiring *-*

Two bites.
Isn't that the right way?!
The next time you have one, though, you gotta pick an end to eat first. I need to know if you're a canner or a splasher :)

The only time I've melted down a chocolate bar was to make Mars Bar Slice, and I'm gonna be honest, it looked truly disgusting.
Especially when you add the melted butter 0_0
It's worth it, though, for Slice-y goodness!
I wonder what it'd look like if you melted down a Boost =/

Keeping my fingers crossed for parental good health! And Dexertous good health!
Obviously sending you to the Cake Fridge on Friday will solve all ailments :)

Dex said...

I haven't had Battenberg cake in so long but I'm pretty sure I like it. I mean, it's sponge cake and icing so I can't imagine me not enjoying it :) I will definitely buy some next time I'm in Tesco.

I thought 2 bites was the correct way :) I promise I will let you know if I am a canner or a splasher. Hopefully I will not disappoint you :) It's also the kind of chocolate I would always keep in the fridge. I like thin chocolate to be chilled :)

When did you make Mars Bar Slice?! I bet it was amazing :) And yes, you should make a Boost slice :)

Thank you, Lilliputty. I'm always keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family. And really do wish I could share Cake Fridge with you. I would always brave the revolution to go to the Cake Fridge and bring us both back Millionaire's Shortbread, Kinder Slices, Biscoff Slices and everything else we like to share in our safe, quiet house :)

Dex said...

I can't remember if I said in my last message that I managed to find a Creamy Snickers to try. They actually sell them at one of the places I regularly go to pick up lunch. I would definitely buy again :)

Louise Boyd said...

They're good, right?
Not as heavy as a Snickers but still full of nutty goodness?
There is a part of me that wishes there was some crunch in them, though. Just a little.

I would totally put chocolate in the fridge, but I'm so insanely lazy that by the time I wanted to eat it, I wouldn't be bothered to get up and retrieve it *-*
Yet another reason to put a mini fridge in my bedroom and never leave!

Okay, I said I made Mars Bar Slice, but... I just watch Sarah when she does it :)
I think I'd like baking if I had total peace to do it, but our kitchen is basically the heart of the house, everyone's in there all the time, making a mess, hanging out, cooking, folding laundry, etc.
I can't bake in all that chaos. I'd murder them all 0_0

In celebration of your ribs hurting less and my mum's voice coming back, Dexterous E. is being sent to the Cake Fridge!
And you're getting:

- NYC Bueno Stuffed Cookies
- Oreo Nutella Caramel Slice
- Biscoff Rocky Road

I am physically incapable of leaving Biscoff off this list when it's available x_x

Dex said...

I would have bought you the all Biscoff Rocky Road as you are the best human! As much as I would have loved it too, I had to go for the NYC cookies today :D

You definitely like your crunch :) Although I accidentally bought the crunchy peanut butter the other week and I really liked it! You really are a good influence on me :)

Or maybe a fridge drawer for the cold chocolate! Someone was saying last week that those were a thing. Or I heard it on tv. Or I dreamed it. Either way, I am choosing to believe they exist :)

I am trying to imagine your kitchen... I always think everything in your house and garden is like something out of Ghibli :) I genuinely think you would make amazing baked goods if you had the time and space!

I'm really glad your mum is feeling better. She would totally deserve cake fridge too :)

Dex said...

Parents are in Sandness and I still have some NYC cookie so I think I will enjoy my Saturday night in front of the tv in the sitting room :)

Louise Boyd said...

I'm so glad you got the cookies. I was rooting for the cookies!
Was it just filled with Bueno-y goodness?
Ugh, I'm jealous.
Especially because I ate the very last Caramac in the world last night! *cries*

I had no idea fridge drawers were a thing.
I want one!
Imagine all the awesome stuff you could store in there:

Chocolate Milk
Little Bars, obv.
Kinder Milk Slices (which I never have but desperately want >_<)
Milk for late night cereal cravings

SO many good things *-*

Would you eat toast with peanut butter and bananas sliced on top?
I'm undecided. I think the texture might put me off, but the sweet and saltiness kind of intrigues me...

Unfortunately my kitchen doesn't resemble Ghibli. I so wish it did, and if I had free rein to decorate it, it would absolutely look like something Miyazaki dreamed up, but it's just kinda... messy, in a lived in way?
Green, with plants in the window and a colourful, illustrative, tiled backsplash where the hob is.
A big table in the middle, and so many appliances. A toaster, an espresso machine, a one cup machine, a Tassimo, a crockpot, a soda stream!
It's too many and we don't have the room! 0_0
Our family doesn't really believe in uncovered surfaces :)

Dex said...

I will give a tentative approval for toast with peanut butter and bananas... It could turn out to be an amazing combination :) You'll have to let me know!

I do often think that despite wanting things to be tidy, messy in a lived in way really is the way that a home should be :) I love that you have a soda stream! Do you use it quite often? Also, I'm sorry I am such an idiot but what is a crockpot? My mother is absolutely obsessed with her Tassimo :) Have your family joined the air fryer craze? My mother uses one all the time now!

I'm really sorry you have eaten your last Caramac :( I still can't believe they got rid of them! I wish we had a fridge drawer full of midnight snacks to make up for it :) I had a kinder milk slice not that long ago because I was so excited to find them in Tesco! I did think they were slightly underwhelming but would love to find out your opinion :) And yes, there would definitely be BREAD in our fridge drawer :)

The cookie seemed to be filled with white hazelnut chocolate :)

Dex said...

I hope it won't be long before it's warm enough for you to go back into the garden to read. While Charlie rolls around in the sun next to you :)

Louise Boyd said...

Rolling around... threatening bodily harm with his tiny fangs... much of a muchness :)
It was actually quite sunny today, and reasonably warm, but Charlie decided to spend it tucked away on the parental's bed instead of getting some vitamin D.
Which I was free to get some book photos without being hunted :)
It's the best when he bombs the photo to sit directly on the book. I love that. It's the best. Not infuriating at all :) :) :)

Dex, you are the first to know, I've decided if that's all the Caramacs I was meant to eat in this life, then so be it! I can totally live with that. It was a couple decades of blonde caramel-y sugary goodness.
And I just discovered that Marabou Caramello, Munchies Gold, and Milkybar Speculoos exist, so I obviously need to check those suckers out.
HOWEVER! A new favourite must be chosen, a new candy bar to go full feral goblin over.
Which obviously means I've gotta get my hands on some new chocolate (etc.) bars! :D
Got any suggestions for the grand tasting?

We have an air fryer... but hardly use it x_x
I think it's probably a really useful tool for two people max, but not for creating a family meal. Or maybe that's just us, but yeah... it kinda just sits on top of a cupboard =/
We do use the soda stream all the time, though! Not me, 'cause fizzy drinks give me a stomach ache, but the rest of the fam loves their carbonated water.
We don't have any of the flavoured syrups to make crappy Coke or Fanta, though, because they are genuinely terrible and only appeal to an eight year old's palette ^-^
I'll take my Fanta the regular way, thanks.
It's the best orange drink!

A crockpot's basically a slow cooker. A cast iron pot that's cradled in a heated container which veeerrrrry slowly cooks stew, pot roast, chilli, et al.
We're talking hours and hours.
I'm not a huge fan but the matriarch likes to bust it out every so often to make pulled pork or Coq Au Vin or something of the ilk.

Dex said...

I'm sure Charlie knows exactly what he is doing when he photo bombs your book pictures :) Does Charlie has a rota for which bed he decides to commandeer each day? Or does he just take whichever one he feels like? :) I am glad you managed to take some book photos in the garden.

I wish I could find some of the Milkybar Speculoos. They have been on my radar for a little while but I don't know if they sell them in Shetland... It is at times like these that I realise how far we live from civilisation :) I wish we could do the grand tasting together. We would make excellent judges :) Really my go to chocolate bar is a chilled Kinder Bueno :)

Yes, I can imagine that an air fryer really wouldn't do for 5 people at all! I love that the soda stream gets good use though :) We had one when I was growing up but I think my dreams of making my own sugary fizzy drinks were a disappointment :) In the Philippines, they have a version of orange soda called Royal. I'm not sure how it would compare to Fanta but I quite liked it. Although it was in a glass bottle and the weather was very hot so those two things automatically made fizzy drinks seem even better :) Vendors would sell cold Sprite, Coke and Royal everywhere!

My dad does love a good slow cooked stew so I have a feeling he would be very happy with whatever came out of your family's crockpot :)

Dex said...

Has it been as cold in Blair as it has been in Shetland these last couple of days?!

Dex said...

I decided to have a Fanta with my lunch today as a tribute to you :D

Louise Boyd said...

Orange drink! Orange drink!
I'm honoured :D
And very intrigued by this Royal you speak of. What kind of fizz does it have? The same as Fanta or something softer like Orangina?
I'm a hard fizz kinda girl :)
But Orangina did used to come in glass bottles, so...

We got hailed on today. I can't remember the last time that's happened, but it was better than rain. It's been genuinely pretty nice here the last couple of days: lots of sun, warm enough to sit outside for a while, my dad even cut the grass - not that I approve! People should cut their grass way less so the bugs have a place to hang out and we, y'know, don't eff up the planet more than we already have *-*
I'm fully expecting some torrential rain soon, though, I can feel it in my teeth >_<
Has it been horrible on the tiny isle?
Wanna trek to the cake fridge and get Raspberry and White Chocolate Millionaires/Kinder Fudgy Slice/Stroopwafel Brownies to make yourself feel better?
I reckon you should. Sugar for the soul :)

Dex said...

I've looked up Royal and it is the Philippines equivalent of Fanta so hopefully you would like it since it is hard fizz :) Those glass bottles of Coke, Royal & Sprite was one of my favourite things about going on holiday :) I really did miss the UK chocolate though!

It was very sunny here today! I hope this is the genuine start of summer :) Although I have been looking up weather histories for Shetland and Blair, and you always get better summers :) Basically, we will almost certainly go a whole year without the temperature ever getting to 20c, or even anything over 18c!

As it was quite nice today though, I went for the Raspberry & White Chocolate Millionaires as it seemed to suit the weather :) It really does mean a lot to me that you take the time to give me my orders :)

And I would never begrudge you nice weather, no matter how miserable it is up here. You deserve all the sunny days :) I'm very glad you found some time to sit outside. I'm not sure how often we get our grass cut (a neighbour does it for us) but I really hope it isn't too often!

I didn't even realise Orangina was fizzy!

Dex said...

I'm being sent for a professional massage this afternoon! Kerry had a voucher so thought she would do something nice for me :) Hopefully I manage to not feel totally uncomfortable! It probably will be good for me. You've probably realised that I am not the most relaxed person in the world...

Dex said...

I actually didn't mind the massage at all despite the initial awkwardness!

Louise Boyd said...

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!
You'd have to pay me a significant amount to get a massage, even if it was free 0_0
Do you feel more, uh... loose, though? Tension free? Twenty years old again?
Remember only hurting when you fell down and not just from waking up? :)
Halcyon fucking days!

How... did you not realise Orangina is fizzy... ?!
Have you had it before? I'm sure you've had it before. Who's been selling you flat Orangina?! That's a criminal offence! *-*
There's nothing quite like the fizz of Orangina, the kind that sorta sits on your tongue for a while and buzzes, and of course best when drunk from a glass bottle. IMO it improves the fizz, but that could be nostalgia talking =/

My brain's an idiot: I know Royal is the same as Fanta, probably exactly the same recipe, but I want some just to make sure *-*
What if it's better?!

It's so miserable heeeeeerrrrreeeee. When will the rain stop?! I know April showers bring May flowers and all, but I want to go outside and sit in the sun and bother the bees and see if the tadpoles turn into tiny frogs :(
Lilliputty's are not made for the rain, we dissolve like sherbet.
Is it still nice in Lerwick? I won't begrudge you it, seeing as your summer's are ridiculous! 18C should never be the hottest temperature! That's just cruel x_x

Dex said...

I was pretty sure I already knew your opinion on massages :) I wouldn't say it has changed me into a more relaxed person but it definitely felt nice at the time :) It probably would take several more to get rid of 35 years of nervous tension in my back :)

I think I always just assumed that Orangina was basically orange juice in a glass bottle :) I am going to keep a look out for it so I can see what I have been missing all these years! I think Royal tastes better than Fanta only because it was in a glass bottle and I was drinking it very cold in a very hot climate. That would make any drink seem better :)

I had cake today, Lilliputty! I bought a slice of of some kind of German mandarin cake from this cafe called Pete's (I think the couple who run it are actually German). It was very soft :)

I hope your summer starts very soon! It is definitely one of my happiest thoughts, knowing that you've been outside with your books, enjoying the sunshine and warmth in your garden. I'm jealous of your pond and tiny frogs :) Do you ever hold them in your hand and watch them jump?

The forecast here seems quite nice for this week. Relatively speaking. I mean 11-12c and some sun but that's the most we can ever hope for in April :)

Dex said...

I hope your April monthly is going okay!

April showers bring May flowers... why have I not heard that before? :)

Dex said...

Cruise ship season again! I forget that it starts so early!

Louise Boyd said...

Ah, the nightmare floating contraptions come to parade for you once again. How frighteningly delightful :)
You're pretty good at dodging tourists, though, yeah? I can see you being pretty squirrelly about your personal bubble.
Yet another thing we have in common ^-^
The first rule of being outside: don't make eye contact with the civilians!

I'm not entirely sure what German Mandarin Cake is, but I asked google and it suggested this:


Is that it?
'Cause I'm kinda feeling it, even though I hate cream unless it's been whipped with an abundance of vanilla, and even then the texture/weird metallic tastes grosses me out!
But I do love mandarins, so...
Yeah, I need more information, describe this citrus cake to me, Dexterous!
Speaking of which... I know you've had cake already, but I don't believe in cake being a limited by days/hours/minutes thing, so... cake fridge?
If so, here are your Lilliputty approved choices!:

- Guylian Truffle Billionaires Brownies
- Biscoff Rocky Road

And it's not listed, but the picture's there, so... I'm adding Cheesecake Brownies to the list :)

Dex, Dexterous, Dexxxxxx it was warm and sunny but horribly windy today but I didn't care because I'm loaded with vitamin D and shedding my winter goblin shell :D
The summer goblin shell isn't much different, just you actually see it instead of every inch of me being covered in cotton :)
I'm willing the good weather towards you, it might take a few days, but I've had stern words with the sun so it shouldn't take too long!

Dex said...

I probably didn't describe the mandarin cake in detail because it was full of whipped cream and I know you don't like that :) But it was basically just a very soft sponge filled with whipped cream and little bits of mandarin in the cream. Not quite as exciting as an almond meringue :)

Thank you for my orders, Lilliputty. I was hoping you took the view of unlimited cakes :) If they have Cheesecake Brownies, I will definitely grab them! And the only time tourists really bother me is when they get between me and cake :) I can cope with them being around Lerwick so long as I can stay inside and completely avoid them :)

You're no goblin at any time of year :) But I'm so happy that you got some vitamin D today! You totally deserve it! And I hope Charlie enjoyed it too :) Hopefully next time, it will be less windy. You really must have willed that good weather up here because the weather was very sunny today and completely clear blue skies! Maybe summer has started for both of us. I do sometimes wonder what a summer with you would be like :)

Dex said...

She did have cheesecake brownies! :D

Dex said...

Parents are on the boat to Aberdeen tonight to spend a couple of weeks with Freya :)

Louise Boyd said...

Yay, more Freya tales! :D
Hopefully you'll get to hear all about Egypt in great detail ^-^

The question is, however... were the Cheesecake Brownies good?

Even though I hate whipped cream, I would still give the Mandarin Cake a go, especially if it's Dex-approved.
I wonder if it was tinned mandarins or fresh ones. I love fresh ones but I'm kinda feral for tinned ones =/
Any tinned fruit, really. If the apocalypse comes, I'll be hoarding all the canned fruit and staving off scurvy while the rest of the planet turns into gnarly baked apple people :D
Obvs, I'll share with you. Obviously.

Ugh, the nice weather has retreated and we're back to rainy gloom, but with the addition of gross humidity.
Would you rather be stuck in a dry heat or wet heat? Rainforest or desert?
I'm going dry. Being sticky is so unpleasant *barf*

Ps. A summer with me would be idyllic.
If you like lounging around in the sunshine reading books, drinking iced beverages (coffee, cold brew tea, Nesquick, juice if you have a working oesophagus unlike me!) / devouring any and all ice lolly/ice cream that's available and then debating which is the best one by category, trying not to get bitten by Charles (which I failed at yesterday; little fucker sliced my finger and thumb open when all I did was gently poke his paw with a tiny stick! So dramatic!), complaining when even a slight gust of wind alters your temperature, and being eaten alive by midges and mosquitoes :)
I know other people like to, y'know, do stuff in the summer, but I'm very much a move as little as possible and embrace hedonism kinda girl for those three months.
Sound good?

Dex said...

I'll hopefully get a video call tonight :)

I do seem to like most cakes so I'm not sure how good a judge I really am :) I think they were fresh mandarins in the cake filling but I'm not 100% sure. I didn't know you had feral feelings over tinned fruit - I'm always learning new things about you! :) I don't have them very often although my mum makes a really nice fruit salad. I could eat ridiculous amounts of that :)

The Cheesecake Brownies were really good, thank you! Very filling though. I almost didn't mind share them as they were so rich! :)

If I had to choose, I think I would choose to live in the rainforest rather than desert... Even though our summers are often ridiculously lacking in sun and warmth, I'm glad we live in a more mild climate. Maybe south of France on the Mediterranean would be better though :)

Apart from the mosquitoes, I think your description of our summer sounds perfect :) Obviously, I would always do my best not to provoke Charles! He really is a monster sometimes! I really hope he didn't draw too much blood.

Dex said...

I only got to speak to Freya very briefly yesterday as she was on another call with her dad. She just came through to try and lick the screen :)

Louise Boyd said...

Like this?:


She's undoubtedly the cutest thing alive ^-^

Fruit salad is one of those things that I love but I can only eat on the first day, because as soon as the fruit goes anywhere near mushy... nope, nope, nope.
How do you feel about bananas in the mix? Yea or nay?

What about Greece for our mild climate destination? Or New Zealand! Excellent accents in New Zealand, and no language barrier, but there are all those deadly critters to contend with. Hmm.
I would also need to live somewhere that has equally as good drinking water as Scotland. If it's anything like England's or bottled water then nah, no thanks.
What's Lerwick's water like? Super fresh?

I made a terrible mistake.
I tried a new product on my face.
Instant rash >_<
It's like there's a rabble of tiny angry bees crawling all over my skin 0_0
Being a sensitive gremlin is tough *-*
I've got yoghurt covered bananas, though, so it's not all terrible!

Dex said...

Exactly like that :D

My mother never puts bananas in her fruit salad. I imagine they go mushy quite easily so I am going to guess you're a nay :) I like to think I would be too but we both know that I am an eating machine :)

I think Greece and New Zealand would be excellent destinations for us :) Kerry had a nice holiday on one of the Greek islands so it must have been a comfortable temperature - she doesn't take the heat too well! We were talking about New Zealand in the office the other day with a new person who stayed there for several months. Apparently they don't have deadly critters so we might be okay :)

The water at home is definitely super fresh. I definitely one of the best things about living in Scotland :) But I don't like drinking the tap water at work. I don't know if it's psychological but it doesn't taste very good to me.

I'm really sorry about your skin! I hope the angry bees go away quickly! You were such a big help and so nice to me when I had my skincare problems in 2020. I always remember that.

Enjoy the yoghurt covers bananas. You deserve them :)

Dex said...

I think I have told you before that whenever we get warm and sunny weather, it is usually followed by mist. Well, it happened again! These last few days, I haven't been able to see much! It has lifted now but unfortunately it has only changed to rain.

I really hope that tiny angry bees have disappeared from your skin.

Louise Boyd said...

At least mist is kinda dramatic? You could look broodily across the garden whilst munching on a Bueno :)
It's real warm here, and hopefully sunny for the next couple of days, so I'll try and work some magic and send you the sun.
And a rogue cat to pet :)

The angry bees are now only slightly miffed bees, but the redness is still kinda brutal >_<
I wonder what it's like being able to just put whatever you want on your face without consequences *-*
How is your skin doing these days? And besties don't gatekeep skincare secrets. Especially when it took years to figure it out themselves. I shudder at the stupid shit I did to my face during those years. SHUDDER.

Your mother's a wise woman, bananas in fruit salad are fuzzy, mushy lumps of yuck, and should never be allowed in the vicinity of a fruit salad.
Now, a banana split? Banoffee Pie? Strawberry + banana smoothie? That's when they shine *-*
Oh, and banana fritters! Ever had one? They're obscene.

Maybe we can live in New Zealand - 'cause I feel like they'll have the same sorta humour and I like all their rolling hills, but have a holiday home in Greece?
Maybe another in the south of France?
That could work.
I mean, I'll be burnt to shit the entire time because ghosts shouldn't go out in the sun, but I think it'd be worth it.

I bet the reason you don't like the work tap water is because it's filtered differently.
Like... bathroom tap water tastes not great, but kitchen tap water tastes immense, and it's because of the plumbing. Bathroom tap water's been hanging around in the pipes all day and is all mineral-y and copper-y. Yuck.
So, I bet that it's the same at your work. Which I'm not saying is a bathroom! =/ :)

Ps. Did you get your video chat with Freya, the wondrous screen-licker?

Dex said...

I have never had a banana fritter! I've always wanted to try one though. I feel like they would go well with ice cream and syrup :) Do you ever make them at home? Maybe I should try to make them sometime. Or at least a banana split :)

I'm still on the Manuka honey for my skin. Another reason to move to New Zealand :) I really try to avoid everything else. I don't know why my skin suddenly became super sensitive a few years ago! You'll always be my skincare expert though. I'm sorry you had a bad experience this time but you really do know so much about it.

I'm not even going to be jealous of your warm, sunny days because you deserve them all :) I know it's not Greece or the south of France but Scotland on a very nice day is close to perfect for me. And I do enjoy eating a chilled Bueno in the sun lounge while looking out at the garden :)

I haven't seen Freya the last two times my parents have called :( The first time, she was out in the garden, and last night she was talking to her dad on her mobile (it still seems crazy that she has her own phone). They really should just bring her with them when they come home :)

Louise Boyd said...

They should totally bring her back with them, then you can take her to the Cake Fridge :)
I'm not sure I would've even know what to do with a phone at that age 0_0 Play Snake 24/7?

I will be so impressed if you make banana fritters, because I've never even contemplated trying!
We used to get them as dessert at this Chinese Restaurant in Broughty Ferry when we went there for dinner sometimes; they were hot and crunchy and gooey and perfect. And would totally go with ice cream and syrup! That's an amazing idea!
If I'd had any agency when I was kid, I totally would've got fritters at the restaurant, and walked two shops down to the ice cream parlour and make the best sundae ever *-*

Y'know the only problem with a perfect sunny day in Scotland?
The bugs.
I swear they get more vicious with every year >_<
I feel like that won't be a massive problem in Shetland, though?

Dex said...

I remember playing snake on my first phone in the 2000s :) It really was very funny watching her text her friends at Christmas. Just a bunch of random emojis with no context at all :) She also has a tablet for playing games and her dad got her a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. But she seems to enjoy drawing and reading books a lot more :)

Is Broughty Ferry a place you used to go on holiday? I hope you went to the ice cream parlour a lot :)

Sadly, we do get quite a few midges in Shetland. The worst ones are the tiny black flies (almost invisible) that bite! Even hanging the washing outside can be dangerous! I hope it is still too early for them to appear as it's supposed to be a very nice day tomorrow :)

I hope you are still enjoying the sun and the garden and your books :) Those vicious bugs better stay away from you!

Louise Boyd said...

Enjoying it so much I got a little burnt on my nose ^-^
Not ideal, but that's what I get for a) not putting sunscreen on - yet another product that gives me grief!, and b) literally angling my face directly into the sun's path like a no good heat-worshipper for a good hour.
Your best friend's not smart, Dex, but she is full of vitamin D :)
Plus, we're getting a rain and lightning show tomorrow afternoon, which'll continue for the next week or so, if the BBC's to be believed.
Gotta bask in the those UVs before the gloom descends!
And we don't even get dramatic mist!
Frogs, though, we got plenty of baby frogs, and they love the rain :)

Why do I feel like Freya would school both of us in regards to gadgets?
It took me like... ten minutes to figure out how to make Mario move in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, and I could feel my brain creaking during every second of it!
In fairness, I never game, and Em left me alone abruptly to help my dad cut down a massive branch in the garden, so I think I can be forgiven for not being a gaming savant.
But damn... I bet that'd never happen the Queen Freya *-*
What does she play?!

Broughty Ferry's the town over from Dundee (where yours truly went to uni, as you know), and my dad had an optometrists there, so we used to go over so he could have meetings with his business partner and feed his feral children :)
It's not a bad town, nice pebbly beach, decent fish and chips, but I wouldn't holiday there. No way 0_0
Actually, I'm not sure where I'd holiday in Scotland, I'm kinda inured to its charms =/
Also it's fucking miserable weather! >_<

Ps. I got my first phone at 17, and only because my friends were sick of not being able to get ahold of me.
I've always hated phones, and I'm so bad at Snake, I die so easily x_x

Dex said...

I think a better holiday would just be somewhere very quiet, away from everything, where we could watch tv and eat junk food. And the perfect amount of sun so we could sit in the garden whenever we wanted to.

We got sun today although I'm sure I am not as full of vitamin D as you were :) I really don't spend time in our garden even when the weather is nice. It wouldn't be as nice a place to sit as your garden (which, in my head, is some kind of magical place). I'm sorry about your burnt nose but I'm guessing it was worth it :) Did you get your lightning show?

Do your sisters game much? I'm going to guess that there's one gamer in your family :) My brother is very much into computer games! I do occasionally hear in swearing through the walls when they are not going well :) I'm terrible at games. They just seem too stressful. I wouldn't mind a game where there are no stakes at all. Something like that power wash games I think I told you about :) Freya did ask me to help her with a new game at Christmas and I did a bit better than I thought I would :)

Your dad always seem to be doing something practical :) I meant to tell you, my mother has ordered a small chainsaw for branch cutting... The thought of her using it is slightly terrifying!

Dex said...

Apparently Freya's favourite thing is to sit in between my parents on the couch while my mother reads books to her. She calls my mother her reading machine :)

Louise Boyd said...

Fairy Queen Freya, living the life of Riley :)
A true book dragon in the making!

Dex, I'm so bummed, it feels like everyone else got to see the Aurora Borealis except for me :(
There were too many stupid clouds in the way and I saw no pretty ghostly lights. Not a single one!

Full admittance, I swear beautifully and creatively when I game.
Especially Mario Kart because there are too many fucking walls, and I get trapped by them all >_<
I do kinda love it, though. Platform games are okay, but I get frustrated by constantly dying and being swept back to where I was ten minutes ago.
And I die a lot, as you can imagine ^-^
I'll never play first-person games, though. Too nauseating *-*
The best games, imo, are still Mario Paint and Theme Hospital. And I'll stand by that forever :)
Maybe you should play Animal Crossing, or The Sims! They're waaaay low stakes.
Oh, and Sarah's the gamer (Em kicks ass at Crash Bandicoot, though), but only really Mario. She's got no patience for RPGs; she tried to play Zelda once and got super frustrated :)

I'm going to warn you now... your parent wielding a chainsaw is one of the most stressful things you're ever going to witness.
No contest.
It's fucking terrifying.
Like a nature-shredding Leatherface twirling around the garden.
My advice? Be somewhere else so you don't have to watch x_x

Dex said...

I'm really sorry you didn't get to see the lights. If it makes you feel any better, I never saw it either. I did go outside to have a look but our house isn't in the best place. The trees at the back of our garden seem to block most of the view north and we live at the bottom of a hill with plenty of houses above us.

I find it easy to believe that your swearing is both beautiful and creative :) I would definitely want to play Mario Kart with you! I missed out by not having a Nintendo when I was growing up (we were a Sega family). I did get to play Mario Kart on the N64 at friends' houses quite often though :) I have heard people at work talking about playing Theme Hospital and Animal Crossing when they were younger and I have no idea what these games are. I do sometimes think I must have been in a coma at some point :) I've never even played Zelda or any RPGs!

I think my favourite game for the Mega Drive was Streets of Rage 2. Not too difficult and about the only game my sibling and I didn't fall out over :)

Thank you for the advice about the chainsaw :) I am definitely not looking forward to my mother operating it!

Dex said...

I forgot to say that I am on holiday for the rest of the week and the weather forecast is excellent :)

Louise Boyd said...

I think that deserves a wholehearted: FUCK YEAH! :D
I demand you go outside at some point and get some vitamin d, though. Just ten minutes. Do it like a cat and just bask.
Then treat yourself to a biscuit afterwards :)
I hope it'll be as sunny here, as well. Or just warm!
If only so I can torment Charles while he sits in the Adirondack chair my dad bought for my mum like its his own personal throne.

I feel like we had a Sega but I'm not totally sure. We were for sure a SNES family, and N64, then Playstation, and the Wii, never XBOX or Atari, though.
Oh, and we loved our Game Boys! Even me, the gaming dunce of the family, was constantly on it playing Tetris :)
Which is, honestly way too stressful for me *-*
If you ever get a chance to play Theme Hospital, do it. You get to deflate people's giant heads and treat furry people. It's amazing 0_0

Did you ever play games on the computer?
The siblings and I were addicted to Abe's Odyssey and this one where you looked after a litter or kittens or little fuzzy monster things. I can't for the life of me remember what it was called and google is not responding well to my searches, but it existed! We might even still have it somewhere knowing us :) Bunch of packrats.

Dex said...

You are definitely supposed to get plenty of sun tomorrow afternoon according to both met office and bbc forecasts so I hope that you and Charles enjoy it :) Those chairs look perfect for garden sitting. No wonder Charles has taken it for his throne :) I followed your advice today and cat basked in the garden :)

I can imagine you and your sisters spending hours competing on Mario Kart on the N64 :) Sadly, I never had a Game Boy. I didn't even have a Game Gear (which was the Sega version). I did have something that looked like a Game Boy except that the only game I could play on it was Tetris. I was actually looking through some old family photo albums today and I found a photo of me playing Tetris on it while on holiday :) Theme Hospital does sound amazing, I can't believe I missed out on it!

I only played a couple of games on the PC. One of them was called Puss - basically a cat having to complete tasks without getting caught by the dogs... The graphics were very basic but it was surprisingly tense! :) Also Top Gun which I used to spend hours on just flying around and not doing very much at all! And a demo of Worms :) I hope you find out what your cat game was called :)

Dex said...

I bought some Mint Cornettos to get me through another sunny day :)

Louise Boyd said...

I was gonna say you chose the best flavour, but... is there actually a best flavour when it comes to the Cornetto Triumvirate?
I mean, they're all so good that Cornetto never bothered to expand their flavour range!
Ballsy? Or just self-assured?

Tiny Dex playing Tetris = adorable ^-^
I bet you were sick at it, too :)
I really miss game cartridges. Cds are fine, but there was something reassuringly sturdy about a cartridge. Like... I could chuck it across the room and it'd live! You can't beat that.
Did you have a Tamagotchi? Or the off-brand kind?
Mine was a dinosaur. He did not live long :)

Much sun has been absorbed into my ghostly bones and hopefully even more tomorrow. Charlie's coping the best he can by collapsing into dramatic heaps and mewing woefully until the serfs pay attention to his overheated melancholy.
It's all very cutely pitiful :)
Are you still cat-basking?
I hope so! And you can bask (if basking is available) on your way up Cake Fridge Hill!
Here are your choices, if you accept the challenge:

- Millionaire's Flapjacks
- Raspberry White Choc Millionaires
- Fudgy Malteser Slice

Choose wisely, Sir Knight the Dexterous :)

Dex said...

I always get the mint one so I haven't actually tried the other two flavours in years! I will need to rectify that shortly :) I actually went into work at lunchtime today as Miss Sprinkles (the ice cream van) was there. I got a Nutella Sundae :) Along with the Fudgy Malteser Slice from the cake fridge (thank you so much for taking the time to give me my orders). It was some day :)

I have a feeling I was a very average Tetris player :) I totally agree with your about cartridges! I could never get into Playstation because of the CDs. Even though I may have thrown cartridges across my room in anger. Such a monster :) I also remember blowing on the bottom of cartridges when they didn't seem to be working :S

I never had a Tamagotchi. Even that was too much responsibility for me :) Although if I'd known I could get a dinosaur...

I'm really glad you have been getting plenty of sun. And I'm sure Charlie always knows how to get your attention :) Hopefully he hasn't also stolen your favourite spot :)

Dex said...

It was finally clouded over today. I did get a call from Freya and my parents though. They were out walking at the time and Freya was telling them how lucky they were to have her as their guide. I understand that they have lost their way a few times already :)

Louise Boyd said...

Not lost, just taking the scenic route :)
Fairy queen's always know their way.

It's cloudy here, too. Started sunny and warm, then descended into mugginess :(
And it looks like it's going to continue that way but not even be that warm.
May always tricks me into thinking it's summer when it's not! Every year! >_<
I do think I need a few indoor days now, though, because I simply have to go outside and I'm instantly itchy 0_0 It's like all the pollen and insects flock to my skin and just go to town, and there is not antihistamine in the 'verse that can save me.
The scientists should really work on that <_<

It's the human response to any ailment: blow on it. Be it tech or human, apparently we think hot air will make everything better *shrug*
It's like all Brits think a cup of tea is the answer to life's problems when clearly it's actually hot chocolate!
Why was Dexterous the younger throwing game cartridges across the room, though?!
Were you the teenage stereotype, m'dear? Full of grump and sullen rage for no good reason other than hormones playing havoc with your insides?
I was much the same but mostly a curmudgeonly brat who listened to way too much emo music :)

Since when can you get Sundae's from ice cream vans?!
Please tell me you dipped at least part of the Malteser Slice into the sundae? Please, Dexterous, tell me you dipped the slice! *-*

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