running is impossible

December 02, 2013

And this is why i love Andy Dwyer so much it hurts.


Great find i stuck it on my new site

Louise Boyd said...

Thanks bud. Sweet site. Didn't know you were into running. Dead impressed, you gym bunny you :)
Running's something i often think of starting. I've even bought running shoes. But it hurts so much...

Andy is an exact replica of what i look like after any exercise. Honest. It's not pretty.


Thanks very much, I'm not really into running i find it tremendously boring and feel like that guy in the video most of the time. I've only been a gym twice too. I have a free membership to David Lloyd gym because i work for a specialist running shop.

Yup i'm as shocked as everyone else about all that. Finishing a race is a great feeling but when it comes to a casual run. I'd rather be buried in my pillow.

What running shoes did you get? oh and did you mean to buy the 1975's album or did Amazon send it out by mistake when you ordered a good album ;)

Louise Boyd said...

Hah. Shut it you. You're the one who's in love with Tom Odell. His music makes me angry and i wish to scalp him. I really do.

I bought these trainers:

They're beautiful and i have run in them once. Hated it so much that i haven't put them back on since. I suck.
I was into skipping for a while but ugh, i have no commitment when it comes to exercise. It's so painful and boring, is it really worth it for the toned limbs and whatnot? Probably but i'm with you, i'd rather be in bed watching Parks and Rec. Rob Lowe makes me sleepy just watching him bounce around all over the place. He is adorable though.

Watch Parks and Rec!


Lyrical he is awful but his simple piano tunes just work well with the words and at least he can sing. I'm going to see him live in February. I'm sure it will be grand, he seems like a showman that doesn't hide behind his piano.

They are indeed beautiful. I like yours a lot, good choice!

I bought a pair of Asics a few years back and used them as slippers until i ran a half marathon this year.

You can see what else I've done this year at my site too , all for charity of course cause fitness isn't fun. I should TM that :) yeah the only skipping i enjoy is the childish girlie kind. I used to watch Parks and Rec but Ron never got enough airtime for my liking so i stopped.

Did you see Rob Lowe in Behind the Candelabra?

Louise Boyd said...

A half marathon? And you don't enjoy running. Well played good sir, well played.
I've always kinda thought that a marathon would be good motivation to get me finally running and not giving up instantly but ugh, i'm not okay with sweating in front people that much. Yum. Plus i don't want to crawl across the finish line. The shammmmeeee!

Give Parks and Rec another chance will you? It's first season isn't all that wonderful but it just gets so much better and Ron's grumpy awesomeness only gets more wonderful with each season. I promise. If you haven't witnessed 'Meat Tornado' then you just haven't lived my friend.

Behind The Candelabra is on my watch list. Which happens to be huge and not completable before i kick the bucket. Sigh.


do you ever watch How I Met Your Mother? after seeing the character Barney do the NY Marathon it put me off probably the funniest ever episode though.

When i'm sweating in front of people i just think "I'm fitter than you" and wait until i get around a corner and start breathing outa my ass.

I tried to watch Parks and Rec again... it's difficult, there is just not enough Ron. The main character is awful. So is that miserable looking girl. Although she is in one of my favourite films from last year. Safety Not Guaranteed.

Louise Boyd said...

I loved HIMYM but it's so bad now. Whenever i watch the early episodes, which is a lot, it makes me sad because it's so horrendous these days. They let it go on way too long. But i am still highly invested in the fact that Robin and Barney must get married. Ted can keep his mitts off our lady Sparkles.
Barney and Marshall, equal favourite characters and yes, the marathon episode was one of Barney's finest moments but my very favourite is when he gets a cold and sneezes so hard he falls down. It kills me. I can't control the happy and end up a giggling mess. NPH has that effect on me.

Did you just insult Leslie Knope? I will end you! Although...i might forgive you if you at least make it to the second season, maybe even the third because it improves exponentially. Also, April is a goddess, do not mess with her curmudgeonly majesty or again, i will end you.

Safety Not Guaranteed, Drinking Buddies and The Lego Movie. They're my three Jake Johnson must sees.
Also kind of in love with Mark Duplass. He's such a magnificent douche in The Mindy Project.

Louise Boyd said...

Ps. I refuse to post your mugshot. Not because of your face but because of loyalties to my Optometrist father. Tssk.


Yeah this latest season is really boring, if i was Ted's kid i would have ran away from home by now so i wouldn't have to listen to his shite stories. Yeah that episode your on about too is amazing, even his bed that moves into the wall if a girl doesn't leave.

I'll try again with parks and rec tonight. It does shock me there is more than one season though.

With all this Ending me talk, i can't help but imagine you giving me a combo beat down with your tiny limbs.

Drinking Buddies has been highly recommended to me I'll be watching it soon. The girl from the Mindy Project is essentially the same character as the blonde in Parks and Rec. Very Un-likable!

Louise Boyd said...

Ugh, you're breaking my heart, Clark. I do understand taking a disliking to Mindy Kaling. Her character is so smug in the first few episodes of the first season but she starts to grow on you. The more she makes an ass of herself, the more i thought, 'hey, she's actually pretty awesome.' Gotta have more girls on tv who don't conform to the impossible standards of what women are 'supposed to look like'. As much as i love Zooey Deschanel, she's still a tall, thin, leggy and prettier than average woman. Not exactly a cheerleader for us average girls.

Are you in love with Jake Johnson? If not, why not?
Also, what do you think of mother in HIMYM? I think she might just be perfect and i was dreading her long-awaited appearance. So much build up, i couldn't help but think it would end in disaster. Luckily i'm wrong about 90% about all things :)

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