
December 19, 2018

My Twitter feed is in full on mourning because of the 8th (and final season) of Voltron.
I haven't watched it yet so I'm not entirely sure what's happening but I know it's about Sheith.
And how Sheith was fucked over.
And thus fucking over the whole LGBTQ community.
And all the fans.
And just good storytelling in general.
Annnnnd i'm getting a contact downer just watching this parade of heartache unfold.
It's horrible to watch.
Why do shows do this to their fans?
If you're going to disappoint millions of people, at the very least do it with believable storytelling?
I don't even know if I want to watch the show now if it's going to end in crushing disappointment.

Now for some of this because I just found it and it's oh so soft and I'm experiencing feelings about a couple I haven't even met yet and I... I just need it, okay?

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